916 resultados para Ensino de história e geografia
This paper describes a study on the possibilities of teaching Vedic Mathematics for teaching the four operations. For this various literature sources were consulted considering three main aspects. The first of a historical-cultural, in order to gather information about the Mathematics originated from Vedic civilization, which highlight (Plofker, 2009), (Joseph, 1996), (Bishop, 1999), (Katz, 1998), (Almeida , 2009). This sought to emphasize relationships of the development of this culture with the math involved in the book Vedic Mathematics written by Tirthaji and published in 1965. In this respect the work brings notes on the history of mathematics on the development of mathematics in ancient India. The second aspect was related to teaching mathematics through research activities in the classroom, in this sense, I sought a bibliography to assist in the construction of a proposed activity to teach the four operations, based on the sutras of Vedic Mathematics, but within an investigative approach, assisting in the development of mental calculation strongly stimulated by the Vedic Mathematics Sutras. The authors were adopted (Mendes, 2006, 2009a, 2009b), Bridge (2003). The third aspect considered to search for books on teaching Vedic Mathematics, written by other authors, based on the book by Tirthaji. This revealed Vedic Mathematics textbooks adopted in schools and free courses in the UK, USA and India, all based on the book Vedic Mathematics of Tirthaji. From the bibliographical studies were prepared didactic guidelines and suggested activities for the teacher, to assist in teaching the four operations. The educational product, consisting of Chapters 4 and 5, is the body of the dissertation and consists of didactic guidelines and suggestions for activities that aim to contribute to the teachers who teach initial years of elementary school
In last decades, the importance of including the contents of the Nature of Science (NOS) in Science Education has been emphasized. Several studies have focused on investigating the conceptions of NOS, supported by students and teachers, as well as design, implement and evaluate proposals that aim to provide a reflection on this theme in the educational context. Considering the complexity of such content, studies indicate the need for explicit and contextualized approaches and the History of Science (HS) is one of the possible paths to this inclusion. We started from the premise that, through a historical study, that aims to discuss the meaning and the basis of our "beliefs", we can know the process of building on what we "believe" and better understand its meaning. This thesis is part of this perspective, proposing to explore the History of the Vacuum, a themed high didactic potential still little used, in order to collaborate with the teaching content of NOS. We present actions on different fronts that originated three products in the context of this research. On the first front, we insert the research and production of instructional materials (three historical texts) to subsidize people interested in the implementation of HPS for educational context through this material. The relevance of this front is justified by the existence of gaps with regard to the production of such material for the context of teacher training. However, we consider that the preparation of instructional material of good quality and accessible does not guarantee that these resources will be used, if they will not be accompanied by discussions in teacher training, on how to use them, contexts and obstacles to be faced. The second part presented refers to the organization and implementation of a workshop for undergraduate students in physics and physics teachers, considering the instrumentalization of these individuals to the preparation and use of teaching strategies to approach aspects of NOS through episodes of History of the Vacuum, as well as the preparation of the text orientation for people interested in implementing the instructional material for secondary education. This guidance text contemplates the difficulties anticipated by the literature of the area and the main challenges faced by the participants about the didactic transposition of HPS for the educational context they were noted during the workshop. The relevance of this second front, in particular, is justified by the existence of gaps with regard to the inclusion of the theme of NOS and the HPS teacher training
This present research the aim to show to the reader the Geometry non-Euclidean while anomaly indicating the pedagogical implications and then propose a sequence of activities, divided into three blocks which show the relationship of Euclidean geometry with non-Euclidean, taking the Euclidean with respect to analysis of the anomaly in non-Euclidean. PPGECNM is tied to the line of research of History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in the Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Treat so on Euclid of Alexandria, his most famous work The Elements and moreover, emphasize the Fifth Postulate of Euclid, particularly the difficulties (which lasted several centuries) that mathematicians have to understand him. Until the eighteenth century, three mathematicians: Lobachevsky (1793 - 1856), Bolyai (1775 - 1856) and Gauss (1777-1855) was convinced that this axiom was correct and that there was another geometry (anomalous) as consistent as the Euclid, but that did not adapt into their parameters. It is attributed to the emergence of these three non-Euclidean geometry. For the course methodology we started with some bibliographical definitions about anomalies, after we ve featured so that our definition are better understood by the readers and then only deal geometries non-Euclidean (Hyperbolic Geometry, Spherical Geometry and Taxicab Geometry) confronting them with the Euclidean to analyze the anomalies existing in non-Euclidean geometries and observe its importance to the teaching. After this characterization follows the empirical part of the proposal which consisted the application of three blocks of activities in search of pedagogical implications of anomaly. The first on parallel lines, the second on study of triangles and the third on the shortest distance between two points. These blocks offer a work with basic elements of geometry from a historical and investigative study of geometries non-Euclidean while anomaly so the concept is understood along with it s properties without necessarily be linked to the image of the geometric elements and thus expanding or adapting to other references. For example, the block applied on the second day of activities that provides extend the result of the sum of the internal angles of any triangle, to realize that is not always 180° (only when Euclid is a reference that this conclusion can be drawn)
This work is the result of a study that aimed to start scoring difficulties that the math teacher is trying to get a historical formation. Considering that the textbook is the material with which the teacher has more contact, start with reading historical texts present in these books. Choose a theme and choose from that we observed limitations ranging from the search for sources of research in relation to the actual historical content. There are many studies that show the importance of the history of mathematics in teacher education and also in the teaching and learning of mathematics. These works , in particular the work of Feliciano (2008 ) entitled : " The use of history of mathematics in the classroom " , along with the information , experiences and opinions given by Professor Anderson Luís de Azevedo Paulo , in some meetings , point to need for materials for teaching , since they show that recognizes the importance of this knowledge and the ability to use it in the classroom , but several factors have pushed aside , even the texts present in textbooks. From the analysis of some of the work and contributions of Professor Anderson Paulo we pointed out some of the factors that make historical texts being ignored by teachers and among them are characteristics in appearance and content in the text. To assist in the preparation of materials that meet the expectations of the teacher, we present a manual with suggestions and / or features to choose or produce a good text. These suggestions can make the history books more enjoyable and thus approach the teacher of historical knowledge and later encouraged to seek, in fact, a historical formation
De nombreuses études sur l`utilisation pédagogique de l`histoire des mathématiques viennent a identifier les arguments qui sous-tiennent ces actions éducatives comme une façon d`aborder les mathématiques scolaires afin de mener les élèves à un apprentissage réflexif et significatif des mathématiques. Cherchant a vérifier, de manière pratique, comment ces relations entre histoire des mathématiques et l`enseignement des mathématiques peuvent se matérialiser sous la forme d`activités didactiques, nous avons effectué un sondage sur les oeuvres du mathématicien Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736-1813) et identifié le potentiel d`exploration éducatif, de l`oeuvre Leçons élémentaires sur les mathématiques données a l`École Normale en 1795, de cet mathématicien. L`objectif principal de notre étude était de faire des recherches sur le potentiel d`une oeuvre antique dédié à l`enseignement des mathématiques et de la considérer comme support conceptuel et didactique pour la création d`un modèle d`activités didactiques pour l`enseignement des mathématiques, dans la formation des enseignants de mathématiques et aussi en ce qui concerne l`apprentissage des mathématiques des élèves de l`école primaire. Nous avons fait une lecture, la traduction et l`ajout de notes et commentaires sur le travail et une recherche bibliographique sur la relation entre l`histoire des mathématiques et l`enseignement des mathématiques, de façon a comprendre les aspects conceptuels et didactiques pour l`élaboration d`um module activités didactiques pour l`enseignement des mathématiques basée sur certains chapitres du livre de Lagrange. À cette fin, l`oeuvre a été utilisé comme source primaire et a été étudié sous un fondement théorique appuyer sur les travaux des Institut de recherche sur l`enseignement des mathématiques IREM. Dans le module élaboré, les activités apportent les contenus dans une suite integrée à une logique de classe, à partir de la lecture directe des découpages du texte original, disposés entre les questions et les situations-problémes , historiquement mis en contexte avec la période et associés à des contenus spécifiques. Comme il s`agit d`une recherche basée sur l`exploitation de livres anciens, nous croyons que des modules d`activités basées sur des source primaires peuvent être utilisées comme un matériel pédagogique pour la formation des enseignants de mathématiques ainsi que pour les dernières années de l`école élémentaire, reformulées ou accrues d`autres questions telles l`intérêt de chaque enseignant qui l`utilise
Esta investigación está incluida en las discusiones sobre las relaciones entre literatura y enseñanza, recortando el lugar de las escritas poéticas en las clases de Lengua Portuguesa en la Enseñanza Media. En términos epistemológicos, nuestra reflexión problematiza, entre otras cuestiones, el desplazamiento que ocurre cuando las manifestaciones literarias se apartan de sus soportes originales y se adentran a las escenas de la clase de lengua materna, transformándose en objeto de enseñanza y contenido didáctico. En el ámbito de las prácticas escolarizadas de la lectura literaria en la Enseñanza Media, nuestra reflexión tiene como objeto la didactización del género textual poema. En esa etapa de la enseñanza, el poema como componente curricular aún no está definido. Eso es ocasionado, de modo general, por dos razones: por la naturaleza específica del género y por los procedimientos didácticopedagógicos utilizados cuando se hace la lectura del poema en clase. En relación al modelo consagrado de la enseñanza de literatura en la Enseñanza Media, apoyado en la descripción de la historia de la literatura brasileña a través de esquemas cronológicos de movimientos estético-culturales, pretendemos hacer un desplazamiento en lo que respecta a ese abordaje y situar el letramiento literario a partir de las formas líricas recurrentes en la producción literaria en Brasil, en la perspectiva de la enseñanza de la lengua mediada por el estudio del texto. Para tanto, utilizaremos como aporte teórico las siguientes áreas del conocimiento: la teoría literaria, la lingüística aplicada y la pedagogía de la enseñanza de lengua materna
O presente artigo focaliza episódios históricos relacionados à pesquisa médica acerca da febre amarela (1881-1903), buscando discutir (a) a influência que os fatores econômicos, sociais e políticos exercem sobre a pesquisa científica; (b) o caráter coletivo, controvertido e não-linear do processo de produção de conhecimentos na ciência; (c) a natureza arbitrária dos conhecimentos científicos, no sentido de que representam formas de ver, e não são perenes ou elaborados apenas sobre bases racionais; (d) o papel pouco cabal desempenhado pelas demonstrações experimentais, que não se mostram irrefutáveis; e (e) o papel desempenhado pelos paradigmas, que conduzem não apenas a caminhos frutíferos, mas também a becos sem saída. O intuito é proporcionar subsídios que sejam úteis tanto aos pesquisadores como aos professores que atuam na área do Ensino de Ciências.
A proposta deste trabalho é a construção artesanal de um telescópio refletor do tipo Newtoniano relacionando conteúdos abordados na disciplina de óptica, como a formação de imagens em lentes e espelhos, aberrações esféricas e cromáticas, interferência e difração, com cada fase do processo de construção. Com o aparelho construído é possível abordar a fotografia lunar e planetária com alta resolução e sua utilização por alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Física já demonstra ser um grande incentivo à contemplação do céu e à compreensão de muitos fenômenos físicos, com ocorrências de eclipses, formação das marés, estações do ano, etc, que geralmente são pouco abordados nas escolas de Ensino Fundamental e Médio. de acordo com diagnóstico realizado pelos alunos de graduação em algumas escolas do município de Bauru, verificou-se que a única abordagem de astronomia é apenas em relação ao sistema solar, especificamente órbitas planetárias, nas disciplinas de Física ou Geografia. Além do telescópio, a utilização de animações produzidas por alunos de graduação também pode ser considerada como uma ferramenta eficiente no ensino de astronomia, principalmente para alunos de Ensino Fundamental.
In this work we studied the method to solving linear equations system, presented in the book titled "The nine chapters on the mathematical art", which was written in the first century of this era. This work has the intent of showing how the mathematics history can be used to motivate the introduction of some topics in high school. Through observations of patterns which repeats itself in the presented method, we were able to introduce, in a very natural way, the concept of linear equations, linear equations system, solution of linear equations, determinants and matrices, besides the Laplacian development for determinants calculations of square matrices of order bigger than 3, then considering some of their general applications
To insert environmental education in the school is a very hard task, although the question has been largely discussed since some years ago. The main object of this research is limited to the way the contents of Environmental Education are inserted in school programs, as well as to assert that, as a law, it must be put in practice not only because it is obligatory, but because it is important to school programs, especially to Acaraú´s primary and secondary schools, having in view the importance of the natural resources in which schools are inserted and the development of ways to solve problems related to the quality of life of the dwellers of these places. It is important the study of the law 9795/99 on Environmental Education, passed on July 25th, 2005, by means of the decree no. 4.281, established in the Municipal Organic Law and other documents ruling the Environmental Education. Our purpose is to give orientation on Environmental Education to the above-mentioned schools aiming at the permanent formation about that subject, in order to constitute, in the future, a real net between school and community and to spread out concepts about sustainability. This way, poverty conditions should be faced as environmental problems, bringing about the relationship between natural resources and poverty. The making of shrimp beds, predatory fishing, swamp degradation and irregular occupation constitute elements to this research. The theoretic terms are based upon principles of Environmental Education, area sustainability and inter-disciplinarily and trans-disciplinarily in Environmental Sciences, which have been applied under the form of capacities and the presentation of documents, projects, maps, discussions and reflections about the mass social movements as a positive consequence of the implementation of this project
To present research had for study object to understand the social representations of the school geography for the students of the Municipal Schools Lions Prata and Dr. Francisco Brasileiro, located in the neighborhood of Catolé, and in Santa Terezinha District, respectively, in the municipal district of Campina Grande/PB. The objective of that study consisted of identifying, to understand and to analyze those apprehensions in the form as they are communicated and executed at the school and in the society. That search is due to the fact that the constant reproduction of the same ones in the current world context in that we are inserted doesn't to the understanding of the being's complexity and of the knowledge in the educational and social extent. Like this, we considered urgent their dialogues in practice didactic-pedagogic of the geography for ressignificar the geographical knowledge produced in the city. Authors as Moscovici; Jodelet; Bourdieu; Tuan; Foucault; Castoriadis; Morin among others contributed in the reflexive mediation of the imaginary symbolic emitted by the interior speeches of the 281 (two hundred and eighty and a) researched students. Those corresponded to 64,0% (sixty four) integral of the enrolled ones in the two schools of the municipal public system of teaching (INEP, 2005). A qualitative-quantitative survey was used and its answers were categorized by using the statistical description of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS Program. The freeassociation of words technique was also used in order to verify some information. The results revealed that the social representations of geography are still grounded in fragmented, content-based, positivistic and functional conceptions of man, society and the world. Manifestation of a traditional and organicistic teaching, this unveiling excludes the historical capacity of the students creative construction of knowledge, as well as a competent and demanding educational mediation
A revisão da história do desenvolvimento da educação brasileira ao longo do séc. XX permite-nos observar que grande parte das alternativas implantadas com o intuito de resolver os problemas de democratização, acesso e permanência do aluno em uma escola de qualidade foram suplantadas por políticas de caráter econômico e financeiro que acabavam preterindo os aspectos pedagógicos. Com base nesta constatação, entendemos que a atual proposição de ampliação do Ensino Fundamental de 8 para 9 anos representa uma nova oportunidade para a revisão deste procedimento histórico no âmbito da sociedade brasileira. Tendo em vista que o prazo proposto para adequação de todas as escolas à lei é 2010, realizou-se uma investigação junto a 2 (dois) Núcleos Regionais de Ensino, 8 (oito) Secretarias Municipais de Educação e 12 (doze) escolas vinculadas a estes órgãos, localizadas em diferentes cidades e regiões do estado do Paraná-Brasil, com o objetivo de investigar como a referida proposta chegou às escolas, bem como de que forma as mesmas estão se preparando para este processo. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas junto a representantes dos núcleos e secretarias e também, junto aos diretores e professores das escolas. Pode-se constatar que muito pouco se sabe acerca da proposta de Implantação do Ensino Fundamental de 9 anos e que pairam muitas dúvidas e preocupações sobre se a proposta não consiste somente em mais uma mudança política e estrutural, se não significa, apenas, uma antecipação da alfabetização que poderá prejudicar as crianças. Assim sendo, parece ficar evidente a precocidade da implantação de forma ampla e generalizada, antes que sejam garantidas as condições de preparação das respectivas escolas e professores.
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar como a evolução histórica dos modelos de atração entre corpos, tendo como pano de fundo a evolução dos modelos de mundo, pode auxiliar na formação inicial do docente de Física. Para tanto, sugerimos um planejamento de curso sobre o tema atração gravitacional, destinado principalmente a docentes de Física que atuam no ensino médio. O planejamento do curso foi baseado: em dados sobre a evolução dos modelos de mundo, buscando evidenciar como o conceito de atração gravitacional desenvolveu-se historicamente; nas concepções alternativas mais comuns encontradas na literatura, incluindo um breve esboço de noções diagnosticadas em uma amostra de docentes de Física de ensino médio; e em sugestões de leituras de resultados de pesquisas recentes sobre os processos de ensino e aprendizagem de ciências. Pretende-se fornecer aos docentes elementos de reflexão que lhes proporcionem mudanças de postura, através do questionamento da visão de ciência enquanto processo de construção e sobre sua própria prática de ensino. Partindo de resultados recentes da pesquisa em Ensino de Ciências, a metodologia sugerida privilegia o trabalho coletivo, com a realização de debates e sínteses. As atividades mencionadas são acompanhadas de justificativas sobre a escolha do tema e objetivos.
O texto analisa a ordenação do tempo nas escolas primárias paulistas no final do século XIX e início do século XX, período em que se institui e se consolida a arquitetura temporal escolar. Compreende, pois, as primeiras prescrições detalhadas sobre o tempo constantes na reforma republicana da instrução pública de 1892, as regulamentações instituídas no decorrer da Primeira República, até o momento de criação do Código de Educação de São Paulo em 1933, quando se inaugura uma nova fase da instrução pública no estado. O texto busca mostrar como o tempo constitui uma ordem que se experimenta e se aprende na escola. Para a realização deste estudo foram utilizadas fontes documentais, especialmente a legislação e textos oficiais da administração do ensino. As análises incidem sobre dois aspectos: a formulação política do tempo escolar e a organização pedagógica e disciplinar do tempo na escola. em relação ao primeiro aspecto, mostra como a ordenação do tempo pautou-se pela aspiração de uniformização e controle. Nesse sentido, as autoridades do ensino público procuraram regulamentar a obrigatoriedade do ensino, a freqüência, a duração do curso primário e a jornada escolar. em relação à organização pedagógica e disciplinar do tempo, põe em destaque a ordenação minuciosa do emprego do tempo compreendendo a racionalização curricular - a seleção e distribuição do conhecimento por séries, aulas, lições, e a definição dos horários.
Neste trabalho abordamos a questão concernente à origem do princípio de trabalho virtual e sua consolidação como um dos conceitos fundamentais no estudo da mecânica analítica e, em particular, dos sistemas em equilíbrio estático. Ênfase foi dada às contribuições seminais de Stevin, Galileu e, sobretudo, as de d'Alembert e Lagrange, no tocante ao conceito de trabalho virtual. Além disso, faz-se um comentário geral sobre vínculos holônomos e deslocamento virtual. Alguns exemplos de emprego da equação de d'Alembert-Lagrange são apresentados, para mostrar como o princípio de trabalho virtual pode ser adequadamente aplicado.