579 resultados para Testimony.
The nature of religion on the domestic front in Britain during the Second World War has, hitherto, been relatively unexplored. This study focuses on Birmingham and describes wartime popular religion, primarily as recounted in oral testimony. The difference the War made to people’s faith, and the consolation wrought by prayer and a religious outlook are explored, as are the religious language and concepts utilised by the wartime popular media of cinema and wireless. Clerical rhetoric about the War and concerns to spiritualise the war effort are dealt with by an analysis of locally published sources, especially parish magazines and other religious ephemera, which set the War on the spiritual as much as the military plane. A final section of the study is devoted to measuring the extent of the influence of the churches in the creation of a vision for post-war Britain and Birmingham.
Daniel Bromley argues against Oran Young’s FIT model as a basis for environmental governance, on the grounds that humans cannot manage nature and that attempts to do so are based on a scientistic, modernist conceit. At issue is the role of natural and social scientists in adjudicating questions about what we ought to do to close governance gaps and address unsustainable behaviors. If Bromley is right, then the lessons of the American pragmatist tradition recommend against attempts to “fit” social institutions to the natural world. The first objective of this paper is to argue that Bromley’s view is not in keeping with the pragmatism of C. S. Peirce and John Dewey, which actually places a high value on natural and social scientific modes of inquiry in the service of social ends. I argue that Young’s proposal is in fact a development of the pragmatist idea that social institutions must be fit in the sense of fitness, i.e., resilient and able to navigate uncertainty. Social institutions must also evolve to accommodate the emerging values of the agents who operate within them. The second objective of this paper is to examine the role of social science expertise in the design of social policies. Governance institutions typically rely on the testimony of natural scientists, at least in part, to understand the natural systems they operate within. However, natural systems are also social systems, so it seems pertinent to ask whether there is a role for social systems experts to play in helping to design environmental governance institutions. I argue that social scientists can make a unique contribution as experts on social institutions, and as such, are necessary to bring about a transformation of the unsustainable institutions that are preventing us from achieving stated sustainable development goals.
The search for a sustainable urban mobility, has recast the public policy of transport and movement for all, in order to contribute to the welfare economic, social and environmental. Within this context, has as its main objective review here in the city of Natal in the state of Rio Grande Norte, the deployment of the new road infrastructure of the transport corridor of Bernardo Vieira Avenue and checking at least with regard to urban areas and environmental chosen here, as will indicators to assess sustainable urban mobility, that the theory has been well constructed, but in practice little way to apply the proposed guidelines for sustainability. To achieve this result, is initially a literature review with the principal investigators of the matter, since the concepts of indicators of sustainable urban mobility. And a second time, participating in to the case study, using the methodology of environmental awareness, through analysis photographs, notes and testimony in the study area ace to reach conclusions
El privilegio contra la auto incriminación es una garantía constitucional que protege a todo procesado de ser compelido a declarar en contra de sí mismo en una causa penal; la mencionada garantía hace necesario realizar un análisis en torno a los límites y alcances de dicho privilegio de cara a la posibilidad de que judicialmente se dé la autorización, previa solicitud motivada de la policía judicial o de la Fiscalía General de la Nación, de obtener muestras para cotejo que involucren al imputado aun cuando éste se niegue a dar su consentimiento para ello. Las posiciones respecto a los límites y alcances que pueda tener éste privilegio no son pacíficas y van desde considerar que únicamente aplica para el caso del testimonio del acusado o coacusado hasta afirmar que, además del testimonio o declaración, comprende la prohibición absoluta de usar el cuerpo humano como medio de obtención de evidencia probatoria que pueda llegar a desvirtuar la presunción de inocencia y causar que sea el mismo procesado quien se incrimine. Es por lo anterior que nuestra Corte Constitucional fincó su posición en considerar que el privilegio comprende únicamente la prohibición de obligar al procesado a declarar en su contra; dejando por fuera de su órbita de protección la posibilidad de suplir la voluntad del indiciado, imputado o acusado con una orden judicial dada por el Juez de Control de Garantías para la toma de muestras con fines de cotejo aun cuando dicha evidencia tienda a incriminarlo. El privilegio contra la auto incriminación es una garantía constitucional que protege a todo procesado de ser compelido a declarar en contra de sí mismo en una causa penal; la mencionada garantía hace necesario realizar un análisis en torno a los límites y alcances de dicho privilegio de cara a la posibilidad de que judicialmente se dé la autorización, previa solicitud motivada de la policía judicial o de la Fiscalía General de la Nación, de obtener muestras para cotejo que involucren al imputado aun cuando éste se niegue a dar su consentimiento para ello. Las posiciones respecto a los límites y alcances que pueda tener éste privilegio no son pacíficas y van desde considerar que únicamente aplica para el caso del testimonio del acusado o coacusado hasta afirmar que, además del testimonio o declaración, comprende la prohibición absoluta de usar el cuerpo humano como medio de obtención de evidencia probatoria que pueda llegar a desvirtuar la presunción de inocencia y causar que sea el mismo procesado quien se incrimine. Es por lo anterior que nuestra Corte Constitucional fincó su posición en considerar que el privilegio comprende únicamente la prohibición de obligar al procesado a declarar en su contra; dejando por fuera de su órbita de protección la posibilidad de suplir la voluntad del indiciado, imputado o acusado con una orden judicial dada por el Juez de Control de Garantías para la toma de muestras con fines de cotejo aun cuando dicha evidencia tienda a incriminarlo.
O presente projeto de investigação, propõe compreender a cultura visual contemporânea do design do selo postal português, de 2001 a 2013, considerando os avanços e os novos meios tecnológicos digitais. Para isso, partiu-se da história do selo postal como objeto de testemunho histórico, cultural e visual repleto de valores duradouros e possuidores de uma linguagem gráfica distinta. A esse conjunto de caraterísticas que determinam o selo postal, as mesmas, representam um grau de importância associados à história e à cultura de um país, evidenciando uma linguagem característica da vida social e da época que se encontra, que ao longo dos anos possuem valores de importância e sentimento para a humanidade. Primeiramente, procedeu-se a uma pesquisa exaustiva sobre os principais designers e ateliers portugueses, quer realizada em livros de coleções dos CTT, quer na internet em motores de busca. Seguidamente, realizou-se uma análise geral sobre a sintaxe da linguagem visual, baseada no trabalho de Donis A. Dondis (2003), declinada sobre a comunicação visual no design, para este caso, nos selos postais. Partindo dessa análise, posteriormente, efetuou-se a criação de uma emissão de selos postais juntamente com a tecnologia da realidade aumentada, tendo como base a temática centrada na cidade do Porto e que pode ser repercutida em diferentes cidades do país “Uma visita portuguesa com certeza”. Com este projeto conseguiu-se demonstrar e implementar uma tecnologia digital a um artefacto de cariz físico, usualmente, apresentado em suporte papel. O estudo pretende assim, contribuir para a inovação ao nível do design filatélico e histórico do selo postal português, tendo como base o uso dessa tecnologia.
Para celebrar el 40º aniversario de la publicación del emblemático dosier «Une autre Belgique», donde se lanzó el neologismo belgitude, analizamos su impacto en el contexto de búsqueda de legitimación por parte de los escritores francófonos de Bélgica. Queriendo destacar el interés de textos menos citados, articulamos los numerosos discursos teóricos a partir del sintomático testimonio autobiográfico de Anne-Marie La Fère, titulado «Confession d’une Belge honteuse» (1980). Examinar las mutaciones entre 1950 y los 80 en la paradigmática evolución literaria de Jean Muno –que se proclama habitante de «Malaise»– permite ilustrar el proceso de afirmación identitaria en la periferia del Hexágono.
Projeto de investigação no âmbito da Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial – Domínio Cognitivo e Motor, da Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação – Especialização em Educação Especial
Los Tarantos, película española dirigida por Francisco Rovira Beleta, fue nominada al Oscar a mejor película de habla no inglesa en 1963. Su interés proviene no sólo por ser un magnífico testimonio documental de la ciudad de Barcelona y de la cultura gitana en España, o su valor como musical, sino que además destaca por ser una interesante adaptación de la obra teatral de Alfredo Mañas Historia de los Tarantos. Este trabajo pretende analizar y destacar los aspectos más relevantes que unen y separan la película y el texto teatral, así como relacionar ambas obras con su primer referente, el Romeo y Julieta de Shakespeare.
In cases of potential child abuse, parents may provide hearsay testimony on behalf of a child, retelling events from the child’s perspective. However, according to the limited research that exists, parents may have a negative impact on their child’s memory of an event (Principe, DiPuppo, & Gammel, 2013). In order to gain a better understanding of parental hearsay, parents’ descriptions of information children provided in recorded parent-child discussions were compared to the actual information the children provided in the initial discussion and in a 1-week follow-up interview. Children interviewed by parents were also compared to children interviewed by a trained interviewer. To date, 11 children between the ages of 6-9 years have been assessed. While the current sample size was too small to yield many significant results, graphs and effect sizes suggest there are differences in memory accuracy and completeness between parents and children and across children’s interview condition. Whether hearsay testimony or children’s testimony is preferable may depend on how suggestive the initial parent-child discussion is.
This thesis examines how married couples bought and created a modern home for their families in suburban Glasgow between 1945-1975. New homeowners were on the cusp of the middle-classes, buying in a climate of renters. As they progressed through the family lifecycle women’s return to work meant they became more comfortably ensconced within the middle-classes. Engaged with a process of homemaking through consumption and labour, couples transformed their houses into homes that reflected themselves and their social status. The interior of the home was focused on as a site of social relations. Marriage in the suburbs was one of collaboration as each partner performed distinct gender roles. The idea of a shared home was investigated and the story of ‘we’ rather than ‘I’ emerged from both testimony and contemporary literature. This thesis considers decision-making, labour and leisure to show the ways in which experiences of home were gendered. What emerged was that women’s work as everyday and mundane was overlooked and undervalued while husband’s extraordinary contributions in the form of DIY came to the fore. The impact of wider culture intruded upon the ‘private’ home as we see they ways in which the position of women in society influences their relationship to the home and their family. In the suburbs of post-war Glasgow women largely left the workforce to stay at home with their children. Mothers popped in and out of each other houses for tea and a blether, creating a homosocial network that was sociable and supportive unique to this time in their lives and to this historical context. Daily life was negotiated within the walls of the modern home. The inter-war suburbs of Glasgow needed modernising to post-war standards of modern living. ‘Modern’ was both an aesthetic and an engagement with new technologies within the house. Both middle and working-class practices for room use were found through the keeping of a ‘good’ or best room and the determination of couples to eat in their small kitchenettes. As couples updated their kitchen, the fitted kitchen revealed contemporary notions of modern décor, as kitchens became bright yellow with blue Formica worktops. The modern home was the evolution of existing ideas of modern combined with new standards of living. As Glasgow homeowners constructed their modern home what became evident was that this was a shared process and as a couple they placed their children central to all aspects of their lives to create not only a modern home, but that this was first and foremost a family home
“Faithful Genres” examines how African Americans adapted the genres of the black church during the civil rights movement. Civil rights mass meetings, as the movement’s so-called “energy machine” and “heartbeat,” serve as the project’s central site of inquiry for these meetings were themselves adaptations of the genre of the black church service. The mass meetings served as the space to draw people into the movement, encourage people toward further activism, and testify to anyone watching that the African American community was working toward desegregation, voting rights, and racial equality. In Martin Luther King, Jr.’s words, “Through these meetings we were able to generate the power and depth which finally galvanized the entire Negro community.” In these weekly or sometimes even nightly meetings, participants inhabited the familiar genres of the black church, song, prayer, and testimony. As they did, they remade these genres to respond directly to white supremacy and to enact the changes they sought to create. While scholars have studied the speeches men and women such as King, Ralph Abernathy, and Fannie Lou Hamer delivered at meetings (Wilson; Selby; Holmes; Brooks), scholars have yet to examine how civil rights mass meetings functioned through a range of genres and rhetors. My study addresses this absence and invigorates this discussion to demonstrate how the other meeting genres beyond the speech—song, prayer, and testimonyfunctioned to create energy, sustenance, and motivation for activists. Examining these collectively enacted genres, I show how rhetors adapted song, prayer, and testimony toward strategic interventions. I also examine how activists took these same genres up outside the meetings to circulate them in broader contexts for new audiences. By recovering and defining the mass meeting as a flexible repertoire of genres and then examining the redeployment of meeting genres outside the meeting, “Faithful Genres” contributes to histories of civil rights and African American rhetorics, genre studies, and histories of religious rhetorics.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Património, Museologia e Desenvolvimento, 8 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
O projeto "Minas e Memórias da Urgeiriça" focaliza-se nos contributos da arte enquanto vetor de sensibilização ambiental, entendida como um veículo privilegiado para promover comportamentos e atitudes mais sustentáveis, responsáveis e cívicas, apelando para a mudança ou para o reforço de boas práticas ambientais. O projeto foi implementado no Concelho de Nelas, distrito de Viseu, baseando-se na história socioambiental das Minas da Urgeiriça, localizadas na freguesia de Canas de Senhorim. Abarcou um conjunto de atividades de índoles pedagógico e artístico, que se interligaram coerentemente, iniciando-se com o seminário “Urgeiriça: Antes, Agora e Depois?”, seguindo-se a performance “Escuridão” complementada pelos cantares de hinos dos ex-trabalhadores das Minas da Urgeiriça, culminando na visita à instalação artística “Escavações”. Os resultados estão ancorados em duas premissas fundamentais: por um lado, os testemunhos reais dos ex-trabalhadores mineiros expressaram a influência da ação do homem sobre a natureza de forma descomedida e irresponsável, que continua a acarretar consequências nefastas para o ser humano, e por outro, demonstraram as intervenções a que o local se sujeitou (da exploração desenfreada de recursos até à progressiva requalificação). Para tal, conseguiu-se revitalizar e reforçar as memórias do espaço (físico e mental) e materializá-las através da arte como forma de sensibilizar a comunidade local acerca das ações resultantes da interação do homem versus ambiente, sendo encaradas como meio privilegiado de desenvolvimento comunitário, gerador de competências e de mudanças.
A growing body of literature in geography and other social sciences considers the role of place in the provision of healthcare. Authors have focused on various aspects of place and care, with particular interests emerging around the role of the psychological, social and cultural aspects of place in care provision. As healthcare stretches increasingly beyond the traditional four walls of the hospital, so questions of the role of place in practices of care become ever more pertinent. In this paper, we examine the relationship between place and practice in the care and rehabilitation of older people across a range of settings, using qualitative material obtained from interviews and focus groups with nursing, care and rehabilitation staff working in hospitals, clients’ homes and other sites. By analysing their testimony on the characteristics of different settings, the aspects of place which facilitate or inhibit rehabilitation and the ways in which place mediates and is mediated by social interaction, we consider how various dimensions of place relate to the power-inscribed relationships between service users, informal carers and professionals as they negotiate the goals of the rehabilitation process. We seek to demonstrate how the physical, psychological and social meanings of place and the social processes engendered by the rehabilitation encounter interact to produce landscapes that are more or less therapeutic, considering in particular the structuring role of state policy and formal healthcare provision in this dynamic.