891 resultados para Television


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Annual Report, Agency Performance Plan


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Spectators play a fundamental role in sports events because they co-create value with the athletes, and they can provide substantial revenues for the organisers. This is even more the case for the Olympic Games, as was strikingly illustrated by London 2012. Although most people see the Games on television, the Olympics need large numbers of flesh-and-blood spectators and fans to encourage and applaud the Olympians and to create the festive atmosphere that is such an important part of Olympic competitions. Spectators can transform simple sporting competitions between athletes into spectacles that generate strong emotions. In the arena provided by the organisers, they create with the athletes an event that is worthy of being reported by the media. Coubertin was himself convinced that knowledgeable spectators are essential to obtaining high levels of performance, while regretting that stadiums had (already) become too big (Coubertin 2000: 184 and 199).


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This thesis has been conducted in the context of a lifestyle intervention in 40 Swiss kindergarten classes in the cantons St. Gallen and Vaud, in areas with a high migrant prevalence (Ballabeina study). The main objective of this work was to fill certain gaps of the literature and to bring a better understanding of the risk factors of overweight and obesity and their determinants in preschool children. Our data show that parental migrant status and educational level influence independently of each other adiposity and/or eating habits in these children. In addition, sports club participation at this young age seems to be a better indicator of healthy lifestyle characteristics in terms of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and eating habits than weight status. Finally, we found that in this population higher scores of hyperactivity/inattention are associated with lower adiposity and with both healthy (more physical activity and less sedentary activity) and unhealthy (more television viewing and more unhealthy eating habits) lifestyle characteristics. Thus, our findings can be used by different actors of health and education system to better target their preventive actions and can serve as a basis for future complementary researches. - Cette thse a t ralise dans le cadre d'un projet de promotion de la sant men dans 40 classes enfantines suisses issues de rgions forte prvalence migrante des cantons de St. Gall et de Vaud (tude Ballabeina). L'objectif principal de ce travail tait de combler certaines lacunes de la littrature et d'approfondir nos connaissances sur les facteurs de risque du surpoids et de l'obsit et de leurs dterminants chez les enfants d'ge prscolaire. Nos analyses montrent que le statut de migrant des parents et leur niveau d'ducation influencent indpendamment l'un de l'autres l'adiposit et les habitudes alimentaires chez ces enfants. De plus, ce jeune ge la participation dans un club de sport semble tre un meilleur indicateur de style de vie sain en termes d'activit physique, de comportements sdentaires et d'habitudes alimentaires que le statut pondral. Nous avons galement trouv que dans cette population, un score plus lev d'hyperactivit/inattention est associ aussi bien des caractristiques de style de vie saines (plus d'activit physique, moins d'activit sdentaire) que malsaines (plus de consommation de tlvision et moins bonnes habitudes alimentaire. Ainsi, nos rsultats peuvent aider les diffrents acteurs de la sant et de l'ducation mieux cibler leurs actions de prvention et servir de base de futures recherches complmentaires.


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En este artculo se aportan algunos de los resultados preliminares de mi tesis doctoral: Las polticas pblicas de la televisin digital terrestre en la Unin Europea. Estudio comparado de Suecia y Espaa. Mediante el anlisis de las estructuras institucionales implicadas en la transicin analgico-digital de la plataforma de difusin terrestre, sus lgicas legitimadoras y las estrategias desarrolladas, se pretende contribuir a la identificacin de buenas prcticas y de factores clave de xito que ayuden a disear polticas pblicas ms efectivas.


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Movie distribution on the Internet has become more common in recent years along with fast broadband internet connections. The problem so far has been that the greatest part of movie distribution on the Internet has been illegal. This is about to change because the major film distributors are finally starting to rent and sell movies more and more on the Internet due to their growing confidence in new copy protection methods. The importance of movie online distribution to the movie industry is still tiny but it is increasing rapidly as is investing in new business models and distribution methods in the USA and Europe. This thesis examines the basic concepts of online movie distribution, such as distribution techniques and copy protection, the main companies that rent and sell movies on the internet and their business models, the effects of movie piracy and non-commercial distribution channels. The intention was to provide the reader with an overview of different aspects of movie distribution on the Internet and its future. The conclusion was that movie distribution on the Internet will play a bigger financial part in the future although it was still too early to say just how significant that will be. We will probably see many corresponding distribution techniques, like peer-to-peer networks and streaming servers distributing and broadcasting movies to different end-user platforms like television, PC and portable media players. Internet distribution of movies will not revolutionize movie distribution in the next couple of years but it will make possible new efficient and inexpensive ways to distribute movies globally which will in turn increase the possibilities for revenue, especially for small independent movie producers and distributors.


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This thesis contains two parts: documentary Refugee Child (Evakkolapsi) and written thesis. The written thesis screens how pre-productional decisions made by producer and director can influence the content of the documentary. The documentary film is first approached from the historical and theoretical point of view. The documentary Refugee Child is evaluated, especially from the producers point of view. The effect of the productional decisions to the content in the Refugee Child are evaluated. The word documentary film has multiple different meanings and it is beeing used in various contexts. There is numerous opinions about what is the difference between a documentary film and a television documentary. The people in the audiovisual field and the channel networks seem to use the word documentary about very different kinds of films. In order to understand the difficulty of this definition the history of the documentary film and the devicion of Bill Nichols' six modes is shortly viewed. Focusing on the pre-production of documentary is rewarding. There is various altering factors in the production of the documentary. The producer and director should be prepared both technically and substancially.


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Product placement has become more and more common in Finnish television programmes lately. Product placement, as with the whole of the television industry, is strictly regulated and monitored by law. Surreptitious advertising, sponsorship, cooperative partnerships and product placement are often confused with each other. Partially these activities are interpenetrative. Present legislation doesn't recognise product placement, therefore it doesn't have any specific position in law, thus causing problems. Product placement in domestic tv-programmes is still relatively modest. More extensive activity is perceivable at the movies where the restrictions are considerably more liberal. In the United States, product placement is a part of a production's budget. Pressure to increase financing has grouwn in both Finland and Europe. There has been considerable preparation in advance of a new television directive in the European Union which would allow more liberal advertising and product placement as a part of financing tv-programmes. The proposal for a new directive is currently only on its first round so product placement probably won't become better defined in law in the near future. Finnish television producers were interviewed as part of the research for this thesis, in order to clarify product placement position and usage in domestic televion programmes. Surreptitious advertising, sponsorship, different kinds of cooperative partnerships and the need for guidance were also discussed in the course of the themed interviews. Even though product placement does not currently play a significant part in the financing of a production, there are certainly pressures in that direktion. In the field of television, the legal boundaries of product placement are presently being explored in order to assess its position as a part of budgeting and covering expenses.


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The present thesis deals with the reception of the celebrity profiles of the MTV3 news current affairs program "45 minuuttia". The target group of the research consists of young adults between the ages from 25 to 34 living in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The research is qualitative and it studies the target group's opinions of the program profiles by the means of a survey and a group interview. In the group interview, the interviewees were also presented sample clips of the program. The results of the survey were analyzed mainly quantitatively. The purpose of the survey results was to map the viewing habits of the target group. In analyzing the results of the group, the interview methods of feedback research and cultural audience research were used. The current thesis was a commissioned research, the purpose of which was to study how interested the young adults are in the program. In addition, the aim was also to find out possible new trends and approaches for the producer of the program. In contrary to the expectations, the reason for the low interest in the profiles seemed to be due to the approach taken to the topics, e.g. the profiled person. By the approach I mean how the person is visually presented or how the person is verbally described. Many people presented in the profiles were regarded as interesting, but at the same time, the way the stories were told was hoped to be more versatile. In addition, a more contemporary visual approach was hoped for. The results also verified the claim that the young adults in general are not interested in the current affair programmes. In addition, these results suggested that in order to obtain more precise information of the viewing preferences of the audience, a more thorough study should be conducted.


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The thesis studies the launch campaign of Big Brother Finland, especially from the viewpoint of on-air promotion. Interest to the subject arose when participating in the campaign as an on-air promotion planner together with Subtv's marketing director, on-air promotion editor and the channel's advertising agency. The launch of the campaign was a challenge due to the format, since not a lot of information can be revealed before the start of the program. When the planning started, all the material consisted of two logos. The first season of the Finnish version of Big Brother begun on Subtv August 2005. The goal of the program was to become a topic of discussion on TV on the fall 2005 and to raise the profile of the channel. The goal of the launch was to get good ratings for the first episode. The launch campaign was also supposed to open up the format to the viewers and to arouse interest in the show. Secrecy and the size of the program were set to be the marketing tones of the launch. Although partly different messages were told via on-air promotion and external media, the campaign was congruent in visual design. In the study, interviews of Subtv's staff, campaign plans and notes were used as research material. From the aspect of affecting images and emotions, the finished campaign promos and other on-air elements were analyzed. In on-air promotion, all choices in audio and visual design affect the outcome and therefore the images that the viewer constructs. The two promo series were made to affect emotions and to awaken curiosity. Other on-air elements were merely used to present program information. The campaign and the series were accepted with enthusiasm. The launch of the second season was even more massive than the first. Participation in the launch campaign of Big Brother Finland was an essential experience in the development of professional identity. When one has taken part in the creation of a massive campaign from scarce materials, tools are given to future assignments in the field of on-air promotion.


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The objective of my thesis was to find out how mobile TV service will influence TV consumption behaviour of the Finns. In particular the study focuses on the consumption behaviour of a well educated urban people. For my thesis, I provided a detailed analysis of the study results of a large scale questionnaire research FinPilot from the year 2005 based on an assignment of Nokia Ltd. In order to deepen the study results, I focused on the above mentioned group of young people with good education. The goal of the FinPilot research was to give answers to the following questions: what kind of programs, in what kind of circumstances, and for which reasons are they watched when using the mobile television service. The results of the research consisted mainly of data like figures, graphics etc. The data was explaned from the helicopter perspective, for it gave additional value to the research and consequently to my own thesis. My study offered complementary, unique information about their needs as it was based on questionnaires supplemented by individual interviews of the group members, their free comments as well as group discussions. The study results proved that mobile TV service did not increase the total TV consumption time. The time used for watching the mobile TV was significantly shorter than the time for watching the traditional TV. According to my study, the young urban people with good education are more interested to adapt the mobile TV service than the average Finns. Being eager to utilize the added value offered by the mobile TVs they are a potential target group in launching and marketing processes. On the basis of the outcome of the thesis, the future of mobile TV service seems very promising. The content and the pricing, however, have to match the user's needs and expectations. All the study results prove that there exists a social order for mobile TV service.


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This study examines how MPEG-2 Transport Stream, used in DVB-T video transmission, can be reliably and efficiently transferred to remote locations over an MPLS network. All the relevant technologies used in this scenario are also discussed in the study. This study was done for Digita Oy, which is a major radio and television content distributor in Finland. The theoretical part of the study begins with the introduction to MPLS technology and continues with explanation of IP Multicast and its components. The fourth section discusses MPEG-2 and the formation and content of MPEG-2 Transport Stream. These technologies were studied in relevant literature and RFC documentation. After the theoretical part of the study, the test setup and the test cases are presented. The results of the test cases, and the conclusions that can be drawn based on them, are discussed in the last section of the study. The tests showed that it is possible to transfer digital video quite reliably over an MPLS network using IP Multicast. By configuring the equipment correctly, the recovery time of the network in case of a failure can be shortened remarkably. Also, the unwanted effect of other traffic on the critical video traffic can be eliminated by defining the Quality of Service parameters correctly. There are, however, some issues that need to be tested further before this setup can be used in broadcast networks. Reliable operation of IP Multicast and proper error correction are the main subjects for future testing.


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Televisiolla on medioista merkittvin rooli urheilun vlittjn. Sen myt urheilusta on tullut universaalia viihdett, josta kuluttaja voi nauttia kotisohvaltaan ympri vuorokauden. Samaan aikaan kun urheilussa tulokset paranevat, kehittyy mys television lhetystekniikka analogisesta digitaaliseen ja muuttaa televisiota kuluttajan kannalta yh palvelevampaan muotoon - osittain maksulliseen sellaiseen. Tss opinnytetyss perehdytn television ja urheilun suhteeseen ja selvitetn syit, miksi juuri urheilu on otollista viihdett maksukanaville. Opinnytetyss pyritn vastaamaan seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Keit osapuolista, katsojaa, televisiotoiminnan harjoittajaa vai itse urheilua, lismaksulliset kanavat parhaiten palvelevat? Kuka puolustaa jokamiehen ja -naisen oikeutta vapaaseen tiedonsaantiin ja milt nytt urheilun tulevaisuus maksullisilla ja vapaan katselun televisiokanavilla? Esimerkkitapauksena syvennytn Suomen jalkapallon A-maajoukkueen otteluiden kohtaloon televisiomarkkinoilla peilaten syit ja seurauksia teoriaan urheilun ja television suhteesta. Nytt silt, ett maksullisten kanavien tulo televisiomarkkinoille on lujittanut entisestn urheilun ja television suhdetta. Maksukanavayhtit ovat ottaneet urheilun pysyvsti yhdeksi myyntivaltikseen, mik on johtanut siihen, ett kansallisesti merkittvimpien urheilutapahtumien nkyminen vapaan katselun kanavilla on jouduttu takaamaan erillisill toimenpiteill. Penkkiurheilijan kannalta maksutelevisio tarkoittaa yleistyvi lismaksullisia palveluita, mutta mys monipuolisempaa ja tasokkaampaa urheilutarjontaa. Urheilun kannalta taas maksutelevision lpimurto kaupallistaa urheilua yh entisestn, nostaa televisiointioikeuksien hintoja ja kirist eri lajien kilpailua televisionkyvyydest. Tm opinnytety on koottu asiantuntijoiden haastatteluiden, kirjallisuuden, verkkomateriaalin sek lehtiartikkeleiden pohjalta.


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Annual Report, Agency Performance Plan


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Aquesta recerca t com a objecte d'estudi la utilitzaci dels mitjans de comunicaci per a finalitats poltiques i intenta analitzar la relaci que els poltics professionals mantenen amb els mitjans i com aquests poden ser importants dins d'un procs poltic-electoral i per a la formaci de l'opini pblica. El nostre objectiu general s, entre daltres, analitzar l'estructura daquests mitjans i grups poltics i descriure com estan situats, utilitzant com a exemple l'estat del Rio Grande do Norte (RN), al Nord-est de Brasil. Partint de les preguntes, a qui pertanyen els mitjans de comunicaci i qui t el poder d'informar en l'aquest Estat? anem construm el marc teric, analitzant el monopoli i oligopoli en la comunicaci a Brasil, especialment a la radiodifusi, en la qual hi ha una gran concentraci de concessions pbliques en propietat dels poltics professionals amb mandats electius i/o de grups partidaris, qu pot ser anomenat de coronelismo electrnic


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Major maintenance; health, safety, loss of use; and Americans with Disablities Act deficiencies at the Capitol Complex and statewide for twelve agencies and divisions participating in the Vertical Infrastructure Program in collaboration with the Governor's Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, including the Department of Administrative Services; the Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverages Division; the Department of Corrections; the Department of Cultural Affairs; the Department of Education, including Iowa Public Television and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services; the Department of Human Services; Iowa Law Enforcement Academy; the Department of Public Safety; Terrace Hill; Iowa Veterans Home and Iowa Workforce Development. The advisory committee meets on a monthly basis to review the progress of the work and to make recommendations on procedures and priorities. Additional information on major maintenance projects is available in the advisory committee's Eighth Annual Report to the Governor, dated December 15, 2006.