669 resultados para Programmable calculators.


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When two pure tones of slightly different frequency are presented separately to each ear, the listener perceives a third single tone with amplitude variations at a frequency that equals the difference between the two tones, this perceptual illusion is known as binaural auditory beat. There are anecdotal reports that suggest that the binaural beat can entrain EEG activity and may affect the arousal levels, although few studies have been published. There is a need for double-blind, well-designed studies in order to establish a solid foundation for these sounds, as most of the documented benefits come from self-reported cases that could be affected by placebo effect. As BB’s are a cheap technology (it even exists a free open source programmable bin aural-beat generator on the internet named Gnaural), any achievement in this area could be of public interest. The aim in our research was to explore the potential of BB’s in a particular field: tasks that require focus and concentration. In order to detect changes in the brain waves that could relate to any particular improvement, EEG recordings of a small sample of individuals were also obtained. In this study we compare the effect of different binaural stimulation in 7 EEG frequency ranges, 78 participants were exposed to 20 min binaural beat stimulation. The effects were obtained both qualitative with cognitive test and quantitative with EEG analysis. Results suggest no significant statistical improvement in 20 min stimulation.


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This study develops a proposal of method of calculation useful to estimate the energy produced by a PV grid-connected system making use of irradiance-domain integrals and denition of statistical moment. Validation against database of real PV plants performance data shows that acceptable energy estimation can be obtained with rst to fourth statistical moments and some basic system parameters. This way, only simple calculations at the reach of pocket calculators, are enough to estimate AC energy.


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This paper proposes an automatic framework for the seamless integration of hardware accelerators, starting from an OpenMP-based application and an XML file describing the HW/SW partitioning. It extends a fully software architecture by generating and integrating the cores, along with the proper interfaces, and the code for scheduling and synchronization. Experimental results show that it is possible to validate different solutions only by varying the input code.


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Adaptive hardware requires some reconfiguration capabilities. FPGAs with native dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) support pose a dilemma for system designers: whether to use native DPR or to build a virtual reconfigurable circuit (VRC) on top of the FPGA which allows selecting alternative functions by a multiplexing scheme. This solution allows much faster reconfiguration, but with higher resource overhead. This paper discusses the advantages of both implementations for a 2D image processing matrix. Results show how higher operating frequency is obtained for the matrix using DPR. However, this is compensated in the VRC during evolution due to the comparatively negligible reconfiguration time. Regarding area, the DPR implementation consumes slightly more resources due to the reconfiguration engine, but adds further more capabilities to the system.


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Este proyecto fin de carrera tiene como finalidad el diseño e implementación de un sistema multicanal de medida de temperaturas con termopares con procesado digital. Se ha realizado un prototipo de cuatro canales con conexión de termopar, que es el tipo de sensor utilizado para realizar dichas medidas. La tensión generada por el termopar es procesada mediante un conversor de termopar a digital con salida en interfaz modo serie o SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface). El control de dicha comunicación se realiza por medio de un Array de Puertas Lógicas Programables o FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), en concreto se ha utilizado una plataforma de desarrollo modelo Virtex-5 de la empresa Xilinx. Esta tarjeta se ha programado también para el procesado software y la posterior comunicación serie con el PC, el cual consta de una interfaz de usuario donde se muestran los resultados de las medidas en tiempo real. El proyecto ha sido desarrollado en colaboración con una empresa privada dedicada principalmente al diseño electrónico. La finalidad de este prototipo es el estudio de una actualización del bloque de medida para el control de las curvas de temperatura de un equipo de reparación aeronáutica. En esta memoria se describe el proceso realizado para el desarrollo del prototipo, incluye la presentación de los estudios realizados y la información necesaria para llevar a cabo el diseño, la fabricación y la programación de los diferentes bloques que componen el sistema. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is to implement a multichannel temperature measurement system with digital processing, using thermocouples. A four-channel prototype with thermocouple connection has been built. The thermocouple voltage is converted to digital line using a Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter with a Serial Perpheral Interface (SPI) output. The master which controls this communication is embedded in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), specifically the Xilinx Virtex-5 model. This FPGA also has the code for software temperature processing and the prototype to PC serial communication embedded. The PC user interface displays the measurement results in real time. This project has been developed at a private electronics design company. The company wants to study an update to change the analogue temperature controller equipment to a digital one. So this prototype studies a digital version of the temperature measurement block. The processes accomplished for the prototype development are detailed in the next pages of this document. It includes the studies and information needed to develop the design, manufacturing process and programming of the blocks which integrate with the global system.


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El presente proyecto final de carrera titulado “Modelado de alto nivel con SystemC” tiene como objetivo principal el modelado de algunos módulos de un codificador de vídeo MPEG-2 utilizando el lenguaje de descripción de sistemas igitales SystemC con un nivel de abstracción TLM o Transaction Level Modeling. SystemC es un lenguaje de descripción de sistemas digitales basado en C++. En él hay un conjunto de rutinas y librerías que implementan tipos de datos, estructuras y procesos especiales para el modelado de sistemas digitales. Su descripción se puede consultar en [GLMS02] El nivel de abstracción TLM se caracteriza por separar la comunicación entre los módulos de su funcionalidad. Este nivel de abstracción hace un mayor énfasis en la funcionalidad de la comunicación entre los módulos (de donde a donde van datos) que la implementación exacta de la misma. En los documentos [RSPF] y [HG] se describen el TLM y un ejemplo de implementación. La arquitectura del modelo se basa en el codificador MVIP-2 descrito en [Gar04], de dicho modelo, los módulos implementados son: · IVIDEOH: módulo que realiza un filtrado del vídeo de entrada en la dimensión horizontal y guarda en memoria el video filtrado. · IVIDEOV: módulo que lee de la memoria el vídeo filtrado por IVIDEOH, realiza el filtrado en la dimensión horizontal y escribe el video filtrado en memoria. · DCT: módulo que lee el video filtrado por IVIDEOV, hace la transformada discreta del coseno y guarda el vídeo transformado en la memoria. · QUANT: módulo que lee el video transformado por DCT, lo cuantifica y guarda el resultado en la memoria. · IQUANT: módulo que lee el video cuantificado por QUANT, realiza la cuantificación inversa y guarda el resultado en memoria. · IDCT: módulo que lee el video procesado por IQUANT, realiza la transformada inversa del coseno y guarda el resultado en memoria. · IMEM: módulo que hace de interfaz entre los módulos anteriores y la memoria. Gestiona las peticiones simultáneas de acceso a la memoria y asegura el acceso exclusivo a la memoria en cada instante de tiempo. Todos estos módulos aparecen en gris en la siguiente figura en la que se muestra la arquitectura del modelo: Figura 1. Arquitectura del modelo (VER PDF DEL PFC) En figura también aparecen unos módulos en blanco, dichos módulos son de pruebas y se han añadido para realizar simulaciones y probar los módulos del modelo: · CAMARA: módulo que simula una cámara en blanco y negro, lee la luminancia de un fichero de vídeo y lo envía al modelo a través de una FIFO. · FIFO: hace de interfaz entre la cámara y el modelo, guarda los datos que envía la cámara hasta que IVIDEOH los lee. · CONTROL: módulo que se encarga de controlar los módulos que procesan el vídeo, estos le indican cuando terminan de procesar un frame de vídeo y este módulo se encarga de iniciar los módulos que sean necesarios para seguir con la codificación. Este módulo se encarga del correcto secuenciamiento de los módulos procesadores de vídeo. · RAM: módulo que simula una memoria RAM, incluye un retardo programable en el acceso. Para las pruebas también se han generado ficheros de vídeo con el resultado de cada módulo procesador de vídeo, ficheros con mensajes y un fichero de trazas en el que se muestra el secuenciamiento de los procesadores. Como resultado del trabajo en el presente PFC se puede concluir que SystemC permite el modelado de sistemas digitales con bastante sencillez (hace falta conocimientos previos de C++ y programación orientada objetos) y permite la realización de modelos con un nivel de abstracción mayor a RTL, el habitual en Verilog y VHDL, en el caso del presente PFC, el TLM. ABSTRACT This final career project titled “High level modeling with SystemC” have as main objective the modeling of some of the modules of an MPEG-2 video coder using the SystemC digital systems description language at the TLM or Transaction Level Modeling abstraction level. SystemC is a digital systems description language based in C++. It contains routines and libraries that define special data types, structures and process to model digital systems. There is a complete description of the SystemC language in the document [GLMS02]. The main characteristic of TLM abstraction level is that it separates the communication among modules of their functionality. This abstraction level puts a higher emphasis in the functionality of the communication (from where to where the data go) than the exact implementation of it. The TLM and an example are described in the documents [RSPF] and [HG]. The architecture of the model is based in the MVIP-2 video coder (described in the document [Gar04]) The modeled modules are: · IVIDEOH: module that filter the video input in the horizontal dimension. It saves the filtered video in the memory. · IVIDEOV: module that read the IVIDEOH filtered video, filter it in the vertical dimension and save the filtered video in the memory. · DCT: module that read the IVIDEOV filtered video, do the discrete cosine transform and save the transformed video in the memory. · QUANT: module that read the DCT transformed video, quantify it and save the quantified video in the memory. · IQUANT: module that read the QUANT processed video, do the inverse quantification and save the result in the memory. · IDCT: module that read the IQUANT processed video, do the inverse cosine transform and save the result in the memory. · IMEM: this module is the interface between the modules described previously and the memory. It manage the simultaneous accesses to the memory and ensure an unique access at each instant of time All this modules are included in grey in the following figure (SEE PDF OF PFC). This figure shows the architecture of the model: Figure 1. Architecture of the model This figure also includes other modules in white, these modules have been added to the model in order to simulate and prove the modules of the model: · CAMARA: simulates a black and white video camera, it reads the luminance of a video file and sends it to the model through a FIFO. · FIFO: is the interface between the camera and the model, it saves the video data sent by the camera until the IVIDEOH module reads it. · CONTROL: controls the modules that process the video. These modules indicate the CONTROL module when they have finished the processing of a video frame. The CONTROL module, then, init the necessary modules to continue with the video coding. This module is responsible of the right sequence of the video processing modules. · RAM: it simulates a RAM memory; it also simulates a programmable delay in the access to the memory. It has been generated video files, text files and a trace file to check the correct function of the model. The trace file shows the sequence of the video processing modules. As a result of the present final career project, it can be deduced that it is quite easy to model digital systems with SystemC (it is only needed previous knowledge of C++ and object oriented programming) and it also allow the modeling with a level of abstraction higher than the RTL used in Verilog and VHDL, in the case of the present final career project, the TLM.


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A new method to analyze the influence of possible hysteresis cycles in devices employed for optical computing architectures is reported. A simple full adder structure is taken as the basis for this method. Single units, called optical programmable logic cells, previously reported by the authors, compose this structure. These cells employ, as basic devices, on-off and SEED-like components. Their hysteresis cycles have been modeled by numerical analysis. The influence of the different characteristic cycles is studied with respect to the obtained possible errors at the output. Two different approaches have been adopted. The first one shows the change in the arithmetic result output with respect to the different values and positions of the hysteresis cycle. The second one offers a similar result, but in a polar diagram where the total behavior of the system is better analyzed.


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The purpose of this document is to create a modest integration guide for embedding a Linux Operating System on ZedBoard development platform, based on Xilinx’s Zynq-7000 All Programmable System on Chip which contains a dual core ARM Cortex-A9 and a 7 Series FPGA Artix-7. The integration process has been structured in four chapters according to the logic generation of the different parts that compose the embedded system. With the intention of automating the generation process of a complete Linux distribution specific for ZedBoard platform, BuildRoot development platform it is used. Once the embedding process finished, it was decided to add to the system the required functionalities for adding support for IEEE1588 Standard for Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems, through a user space Linux program which implements the protocol. That PTP user space implementation program has been cross-compiled, executed on target and tested for evaluating the functionalities added. RESUMEN El propósito de este documento es crear una modesta guía de integración de un sistema operativo Linux para la plataforma de desarrollo ZedBoard, basada en un System on Chip del fabricante Xilinx llamado Zynq-7000. Este System on Chip está compuesto por un procesador de doble núcleo ARM Cortex-A9 y una FPGA de la Serie 7 equiparable a una Artix-7. El proceso de integración se ha estructurado en cuatro grandes capítulos que se rigen según el orden lógico de generación de las distintas partes por las que el sistema empotrado está compuesto. Con el ánimo de automatizar el proceso de creación de una distribución de Linux específica para la plataforma ZedBoard, se ha utilizado la plataforma de desarrollo BuildRoot. Una vez terminado el proceso de integración del sistema empotrado, se procedió a dar dotar al sistema de las funcionalidades necesarias para dar soporte al estándar de sincronización de relojes en redes de área local, PTP IEEE1588, a través de una implementación del mismo en un programa de lado de usuario el cual ha sido compilado, ejecutado y testeado para evaluar el correcto funcionamiento de las funcionalidades añadidas.


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A new method to obtain digital chaos synchronization between two systems is reported. It is based on the use of Optically Programmable Logic Cells as chaos generators. When these cells are feedbacked, periodic and chaotic behaviours are obtained. They depend on the ratio between internal and external delay times. Chaos synchronization is obtained if a common driving signal feeds both systems. A control to impose the same boundary conditions to both systems is added to the emitter. New techniques to analyse digital chaos are presented. The main application of these structures is to obtain secure communications in optical networks.


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A model of the mammalian retina and the behavior of the first layers in the visual cortex is reported. The building blocks are optically programmable logic cells. A model of the retina, similar to the one reported by Dowling (1987) is presented. From the model of the visual cortex obtained, some types of symmetries and asymmetries are possible to be detected


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Digital chaotic behavior in an optically processing element is reported. It is obtained as the result of processing two fixed trains of bits. The process is performed with an optically programmable logic gate, previously reported as a possible main block for optical computing. Outputs for some specific conditions of the circuit are given. Digital chaos is obtained using a feedback configuration. Period doublings in a Feigenbaum‐like scenario are obtained. A new method to characterize this type of digital chaos is reported.


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Este proyecto consiste en el diseño y construcción de un sintetizador basado en el chip 6581 Sound Interface Device (SID). Este chip era el encargado de la generación de sonido en el Commodore 64, ordenador personal comercializado en 1982, y fue el primer sintetizador complejo construido para ordenador. El chip en cuestión es un sintetizador de tres voces, cada una de ellas capaz de generar cuatro diferentes formas de onda. Cada voz tiene control independiente de varios parámetros, permitiendo una relativamente amplia variedad de sonidos y efectos, muy útil para su uso en videojuegos. Además está dotado de un filtro programable para conseguir distintos timbres mediante síntesis sustractiva. El sintetizador se ha construido sobre Arduino, una plataforma de electrónica abierta concebida para la creación de prototipos, consistente en una placa de circuito impreso con un microcontrolador, programable desde un PC para que realice múltiples funciones (desde encender LEDs hasta controlar servomecanismos en robótica, procesado y transmisión de datos, etc.). El sintetizador es controlable vía MIDI, por ejemplo, desde un teclado de piano. A través de MIDI recibe información tal como qué notas debe tocar, o los valores de los parámetros del SID que modifican las propiedades del sonido. Además, toda esa información también la puede recibir de un PC mediante una conexión USB. Se han construido dos versiones del sintetizador: una versión “hardware”, que utiliza el SID para la generación de sonido, y otra “software”, que reemplaza el SID por un emulador, es decir, un programa que se comporta (en la medida de lo posible) de la misma manera que el SID. El emulador se ha implementado en un microcontrolador Atmega 168 de Atmel, el mismo que utiliza Arduino. ABSTRACT. This project consists on design and construction of a synthesizer which is based on chip 6581 Sound Interface Device (SID). This chip was used for sound generation on the Commodore 64, a home computer presented in 1982, and it was the first complex synthesizer built for computers. The chip is a three-voice synthesizer, each voice capable of generating four different waveforms. Each voice has independent control of several parameters, allowing a relatively wide variety of sounds and effects, very useful for its use on videogames. It also includes a programmable filter, allowing more timbre control via subtractive synthesis. The synthesizer has been built on Arduino, an open-source electronics prototyping platform that consists on a printed circuit board with a microcontroller, which is programmable with a computer to do several functions (lighting LEDs, controlling servomechanisms on robotics, data processing or transmission, etc.). The synthesizer is controlled via MIDI, in example, from a piano-type keyboard. It receives from MIDI information such as the notes that should be played or SID’s parameter values that modify the sound. It also can receive that information from a PC via USB connection. Two versions of the synthesizer have been built: a hardware one that uses the SID chip for sound generation, and a software one that replaces SID by an emulator, it is, a program that behaves (as far as possible) in the same way the SID would. The emulator is implemented on an Atmel’s Atmega 168 microcontroller, the same one that is used on Arduino.


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A first study in order to construct a simple model of the mammalian retina is reported. The basic elements for this model are Optical Programmable Logic Cells, OPLCs, previously employed as a functional element for Optical Computing. The same type of circuit simulates the five types of neurons present in the retina. Different responses are obtained by modifying either internal or external connections. Two types of behaviors are reported: symmetrical and non-symmetrical with respect to light position. Some other higher functions, as the possibility to differentiate between symmetric and non-symmetric light images, are performed by another simulation of the first layers of the visual cortex. The possibility to apply these models to image processing is reported.


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Digital chaotic behavior in an optically processing element is analyzed. It was obtained as the result of processing two fixed trains of bits. The process is performed with an optically programmable logic gate. Possible outputs, for some specific conditions of the circuit, are given. Digital chaotic behavior is obtained, by using a feedback configuration. Different ways to analyze a digital chaotic signal are presented.


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Digital chaotic behavior in an optically processing element is reported. It is obtained as the result of processing two fixed train of bits. The process is performed with an Optically Programmable Logic Gate. Possible outputs for some specific conditions of the circuit are given. These outputs have some fractal characteristics, when input variations are considered. Digital chaotic behavior is obtained by using a feedback configuration. A random-like bit generator is presented.