712 resultados para Mathematics degree


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This paper deals with younger students’ (grade 2 and 5) conceptions about mathematics and mathematics education. The questionnaire consisted of three parts: (1) statements with a Likert-scale; (2) open-end questions where the students could explain further their conceptions; and, (3) a request to draw a picture of yourself doing mathematics. The results from the statements were summarised and the pictures were analysed. Most students in grade 2 had a positive attitude towards mathematics whereas a larger proportion in grade 5 gave negative answers. All students presented mathematics as an individual activity with a focus on the textbook. The elder students narrow the activity down to calculating. A post-questionnaire confirmed the results.


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This study explores Swedish Natural Science students' conceptions about gender and mathematics. I conducted and compared the results from two questionnaires. The first questionnaire revealed a view of rather traditional feminities and masulinities, a result that did not repeat itself in the second questionnaire. There was a discrepancy between the traits the students ascribed as gender different and the traits they ascribed to themselves.


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This essay studies how dialectal speech is reflected in written literature and how this phenomenon functions in translation. With this purpose in mind, Styron's Sophie's Choice and Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are analysed using samples of non-standard orthography which have been applied in order to reflect the dialect, or accent, of certain characters. In the same way, Lundgren's Swedish translation of Sophie's Choice and Ferres and Rolfe's Spanish version of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are analysed. The method consists of linguistically analysing a few text samples from each novel, establishing how dialect is represented through non-standard orthography, and thereafter, comparing the same samples with their translation into another language in order to establish whether dialectal features are visible also in the translated novels. It is concluded that non-standard orthography is applied in the novels in order to represent each possible linguistic level, including pronunciation, morphosyntax, and vocabulary. Furthermore, it is concluded that while Lundgren's translation intends to orthographically represent dialectal speech on most occasions where the original does so, Ferres and Rolfe's translation pays no attention to dialectology. The discussion following the data analysis establishes some possible reasons for the exclusion of dialectal features in the Spanish translation considered here. Finally, the reason for which this study contributes to the study of dialectology is declared.


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This paper explores Swedish prospective teachers’ conceptions of what characterise a gifted student in mathematics. This was studied through a qualitative questionnaire focusing on attributions. The results show that a majority of the students attribute intrinsic motivation to gifted students, more often than extrinsic motivation. Other themes were other affective factors (e.g. being industrious), cognitive factors (e.g. easy to learn), and social factors such as good behaviour and background.


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The Swedish government has authorised the teaching of mathematics in English to Swedish speaking students. Much of that teaching is performed by foreign trained native English speaking teachers lacking training in second language learners. This systematic review summarises international studies from the last ten years that deal with the teaching of mathematics to second language learners. The review shows that second language students working in a bilingual environment achieve higher rates of content and language knowledge than learners in a monolingual environment. This study also summarises some of the teacher practices that are effective for teaching mathematics in English to second language learners.


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In 1977, when teacher education inSwedenwas incorporated into the university system, the main reason was to transform it into an academic tradition. Now, nearly 30 years later, there is still tension between the academic and the vocational tradition; they show up as different and separated elements in a program that is meant to prepare students for a career as a teacher and for a possible future career as a researcher in this field. This tension gives rise to a risk of allowing parallel “tracks” to develop and of isolating the degree thesis work from other courses. On the teacher-training program in which we are involved, close co-operation with partner-schools, where the practical part of the program takes place, has been established. Here, the students´ degree theses are an important factor in making this co-operation work on a concrete level. Accordingly, the purpose of the degree thesis is both to reflect problems in schools and contribute to better teaching in the individual school, but also to offer relevant educational subject matter to the students, which may be adapted as an element in the university’s research environments. From these points of view, the degree thesis is an important part of teacher education and rather more than just a single course. The degree thesis should be an element that gives the students an opportunity to show that they have reached central goals in the teacher education program. It should also be an integral part in the development of critical and scholarly thinking, deepening pedagogical and didactic knowledge and giving the students an opportunity to apply research methods. We will here use two minor case studies: one that compares teacher education programs in five Swedish universities and one minor study at one of those universities, in order to elaborate on the questions: - What purpose has a degree thesis and what role does it play in teacher education? - What criteria are relevant to assessing a degree thesis and what qualities do the degree theses have? - Is it possible to assess a degree thesis fairly and what happens to students who do not pass? - How could the degree thesis be used to improve the contact between the teacher education program and its partner schools in order to contribute to the development of the individual school?


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Over 20,000 Swedish lower high school students are currently learning mathematics in English but little research has been conducted in this area. This study looks into the question of how much second language learner training teachers teaching mathematics in English to Swedish speaking students have acquired and how many of those teachers are using effective teaching practices for second language learners. The study confirms earlier findings that report few teachers receive training in second language learning but indicates that some of the teaching practices shown to be effective with second language learners are being used in some Swedish schools


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As competition for applicants, legislative focus on graduation rates, and questions about the lifetime value of a degree intensify, many institutions are blurring boundaries between academic advising and co-curricular and career advising to promote student success and differentiate brand. This report examines how leaders break the trade-off between high-touch service and budget realities, identifying breakthrough practices, as well as the models and technologies required to deliver them in a cost-effective manner.


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This paper is a follow up of the study of the evolution of the public policies for education, especially in the areas of improvement in the science and mathematics program, whose main purpose is to qualify teachers is these disciplines. The evaluation of strategies adopted by the Department of education for the implementation and development of the program in the states, which, on a decentralized bases and through its administrative structure is responsible for contracting higher Education Institutions in charge of preparatory courses. It discusses the enforcement of such a strategy and analyses the combined efforts between the federal sphere, represented by the coordination of preparatory courses for Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the Departments of Education, Science and Technology of the states, Research Spowsoring Foundations and the Federal Universities, breaking with some governmental traditions. It analyses the greater degree of interaction between the curriculum for public schools and the developments achieved in the many fields of knowledge. It is based on parameters in the proposals disposed by the law of the methods and fundamentals education, methods of curriculum, and national teaching standards, as well as studies carried out in the states that demand the biggest quantity of qualifying projects, trough analyses that are focused on the problems regarding science teaching in the Brazil and the format adopted in the implementation of the program.


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Apesar de serem muitas as análises sobre tendências do Ensino Superior no Brasil, sobre o nível de qualidade das instituições ou sobre políticas de cotas sociais ou raciais, são raras as investigações destinadas a melhor compreender a decisão pela busca do Ensino Superior por parte dos concluintes do Ensino Médio público. Trabalhos empíricos desenvolvidos com esse objetivo costumam focalizar indivíduos já em graduação, desconsiderando aqueles que poderiam buscar o Ensino Superior e não o fizeram. Na cidade de São Paulo, esse contingente representa 81% dos 123.000 concluintes do ensino médio, todos os anos. Este trabalho busca explorar fatores que expliquem a decisão pela busca do ensino superior a partir do perfil e grau de envolvimento da família, do desempenho escolar e da condição de trabalho dos componentes de uma amostra com 52 jovens que entre 2007 e 2009 terminaram o ensino médio em escolas estaduais da Capital. A contribuição desta pesquisa decorre da excepcional variedade de dados colecionados desses indivíduos, observados em dois anos distintos: 2007 e 2010, e dados secundários sobre seu histórico escolar e sobre a qualidade das escolas em que estudaram. Este trabalho exploratório foi ainda complementado com estudos de caso de seis indivíduos tomados em amostra, submetidos a uma entrevista em profundidade para observar outras possíveis informações relevantes para compreender a decisão pela busca ou não do ensino superior. Dentre as evidências colhidas, surpreendeu o fato que o desempenho em matemática dos indivíduos e a qualidade da escola onde estudaram não explicaram a busca por formação superior. Renda e escolaridade dos pais mostraram-se menos influentes que a posse de computador no domicílio. Da parte da família, a presença do pai e da mãe (biparentais) e com mais elevadas expectativas de escolarização dos filhos mostraram-se importantes indicadores pela busca de maior escolarização por parte dos filhos.


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A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar como a metodologia de gerenciamento de projetos, preconizada pelo Project Management Institute – PMI poderia contribuir para a modernização da metodologia de planejamento das operações de guerra do Exército Brasileiro. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se um estudo comparativo entre os processos dos grupos de iniciação e de planejamento definidos pelo PMI no seu Guia do Conhecimento em Gerenciamento de Projetos – PMBOK e o processo de planejamento de operações de guerra do Exército Brasileiro denominado Estudo de Situação. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com base em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental que contemplou renomados autores como Kerzner, Cleland, Vargas, Lima, Maximiano, Valeriano, Prado e Xavier, além dos manuais doutrinários do Exército Brasileiro pertinentes ao tema abordado e o próprio PMBOK. Contextualizando o trabalho foi feita a equiparação de uma operação militar de guerra a um projeto civil, e a caracterização do Estudo de Situação como um processo de planejamento e tomada de decisão equivalente ao conjunto de processos dos grupos de iniciação e de planejamento do gerenciamento de projetos. No estudo realizado verificou-se que as áreas de Custos, de Recursos Humanos e de Aquisições, em função das peculiaridades que envolvem uma operação de guerra são tratadas de forma tão diferenciadas do gerenciamento de projetos que não poderiam ser incluídas no estudo. Além disso, pôde-se constatar que o processo de planejamento militar é executado com uma grande parcela de intuição decorrente da aplicação de conhecimento tácito por parte dos seus executantes, o que não ocorre no gerenciamento de projetos onde o uso de um grande número de ferramentas de base lógica e matemática dá ao processo de planejamento dos projetos um maior grau de imparcialidade e precisão. Verificou-se também que o processo de planejamento militar produz um grande número de documentos gráficos que permitem uma “visão gráfica” de várias áreas ou aspectos do problema que, por sua vez, facilitam o uso da intuição na tomada de decisão. Enfim, depois de identificados os processos de gerenciamento de projetos que interessavam ao estudo e as peculiaridades da metodologia de planejamento em uso no Exército Brasileiro, chegou-se a conclusão, como se havia suposto, que a metodologia de gerenciamento de projetos efetivamente possui recursos que podem contribuir para a modernização do processo de planejamento de operações de guerra do Exército Brasileiro denominado Estudo de Situação. Esses recursos estão relacionados na conclusão do trabalho.