558 resultados para Fibrin clot


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Acknowledgments The study was supported by grants FS/11/2/28579 (N.J.M.) from the British Heart Foundation and the University of Aberdeen Development Trust.


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Bioactive glass (BG) is considered an ideal material for haemostasis as it releases Ca2+ ions upon hydration, which is required to support thrombosis. In this study the effect of the presence of the BG nanoparticles in P(3HB) microsphere films on the structural properties, thermal properties and biocompatibility of the films were studied. The nanoscaled bioactive glass with a high surface area was also tested for its in vitro haemostatic efficacy and was found to be able to successfully reduce the clot detection time. In an effort to study the effect of the roughness induced by the formation of HA on the cellular functions such as cell adhesion, cell mobility and cell differentiation, the composite films were immersed in SBF for a period of 1, 3 and 7 days. From the SEM images the surface of the P(3HB)/n-BG composite microsphere films appeared fairly uniform and smooth on day 1, however on day 3 and day 7 a rough and uneven surface was observed. The presence of HA on the composite microsphere films on day 3 and day 7 influenced the surface roughness of the films. However, when the P(3HB)/n-BG composite microspheres with enhanced surface roughness were tested for biocompatibility, reduced amount of protein adsorption and cell adhesion were observed. This study thus revealed that there is an optimal surface roughness for the P(3HB) microsphere films for increased cell adhesion, beyond which it could be deleterious for cell adhesion and differentiation.


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BACKGROUND: Schistosomes are able to survive for prolonged periods in the blood system, despite continuous contact with coagulatory factors and mediators of the host immune system. Protease inhibitors likely play a critical role in host immune modulation thereby promoting parasite survival in this extremely hostile environment. Even though Kunitz type serine protease inhibitors have been shown to play important physiological functions in a range of organisms these proteins are less well characterised in parasitic helminths.

METHODS: We have cloned one gene sequence from S. mansoni, Smp_147730 (SmKI-1) which is coded for single domain Kunitz type protease inhibitor, E. coli-expressed and purified. Immunolocalisation and western blotting was carried out using affinity purified polyclonal anti-SmKI-1 murine antibodies to determine SmKI-1 expression in the parasite. Protease inhibitor assays and coagulation assays were performed to evaluate the functional roles of SmKI-1.

RESULTS: SmKI-1 is localised in the tegument of adult worms and the sub-shell region of eggs. Furthermore, this Kunitz protein is secreted into the host in the ES products of the adult worm. Recombinant SmKI-1 inhibited mammalian trypsin, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase, FXa and plasma kallikrein with IC50 values of 35 nM, 61 nM, 56 nM, 142 nM and 112 nM, respectively. However, no inhibition was detected for pancreatic elastase or cathepsin G. SmKI-1 (4 μM) delayed blood clot formation, reflected in an approximately three fold increase in activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time.

CONCLUSIONS: We have functionally characterised the first Kunitz type protease inhibitor (SmKI-1) from S. mansoni and show that it has anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties. SmKI-1 is one of a number of putative Kunitz proteins in schistosomes that have presumably evolved as an adaptation to protect these parasites from the defence mechanisms of their mammalian hosts. As such they may represent novel vaccine candidates and/or drug targets for schistosomiasis control.


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Aim: The European Commission Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action FA1203 “SMARTER” aims to make recommendations for the sustainable management of Ambrosia across Europe and for monitoring its efficiency and cost effectiveness. The goal of the present study is to provide a baseline for spatial and temporal variations in airborne Ambrosia pollen in Europe that can be used for the management and evaluation of this noxious plant . Location: The full range of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. distribution over Europe (39oN-60oN; 2oW-45oE). Methods: Airborne Ambrosia pollen data for the principal flowering period of Ambrosia (August-September) recorded during a 10-year period (2004-2013) were obtained from 242 monitoring sites. The mean sum of daily average airborne Ambrosia pollen and the number of days that Ambrosia pollen was recorded in the air were analysed. The mean and Standard Deviation (SD) were calculated regardless of the number of years included in the study period, while trends are based on those time series with 8 or more years of data. Trends were considered significant at p < 0.05. Results: There were few significant trends in the magnitude and frequency of atmospheric Ambrosia pollen (only 8% for the mean sum of daily average Ambrosia pollen concentrations and 14% for the mean number of days Ambrosia pollen was recorded in the air). Main conclusions: The direction of any trends varied locally and reflect changes in sources of the pollen, either in size or in distance from the monitoring station. Pollen monitoring is important for providing an early warning of the expansion of this invasive and noxious plant.


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O tratamento de dentes permanentes imaturos com comprometimento pulpar pode ser muitas vezes um desafio. Em dentes com a polpa vital, a manutenção da vitalidade pulpar é essencial, o que permitirá a continuação do desenvolvimento natural da porção radicular do elemento dentário. Já em dentes onde a polpa se encontre necrosada e/ ou infetada, há, inevitavelmente, a interrupção do desenvolvimento radicular, deixando o elemento dentário com paredes dentinárias finas e com o ápice aberto, o que torna o tratamento ainda mais desafiante, uma vez que o tratamento endodôntico convencional, baseado na preparação químico-mecânica e no preenchimento do sistema de canais radiculares com um material bioinerte, torna-se difícil ou até impossível. Atualmente, os tratamentos mais realizados para estes dentes passam pela apexificação com Hidróxido de cálcio (Ca(OH)2), ou a inserção de uma barreira apical de Agregado de Mineral Trióxido (MTA) seguidas pela obturação convencional do canal radicular. Ambas as técnicas têm um bom potencial na resolução das infeções e no encerramento apical; no entanto, não permitem a continuação do desenvolvimento radicular, o que mantém as paredes dentinárias finas e frágeis e o elemento dentário mais susceptível a fraturas. Estudos recentes têm vindo a demonstrar resultados positivos com uma nova abordagem de base biológica denominada revascularização pulpar. A técnica baseia-se na desinfeção do canal radicular e uma subsequente indução da formação de um coágulo sanguíneo no interior no canal, que servirá de base para a proliferação de um novo tecido, e uma possível regeneração do tecido pulpar. Desta forma pode-se alcançar além da resolução das infeções, a continuação do desenvolvimento radicular, o que resulta em raízes mais longas, com paredes mais espessas e no fecho apical normal. Embora a revascularização pulpar tenha vindo a demonstrar bons resultados clínicos e radiográficos, estudos histológicos demonstraram que o tecido formado no espaço pulpar pode não ser exatamente polpa. Mais estudos parecem ser necessários para que a técnica possa vir a ser executada com uma maior previsibilidade. A engenharia tecidular tem vindo a estudar diversas possibilidades para aprimorar a técnica, o que pode torná-la mais previsível no futuro.


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A etiologia da alveolite é desconhecida. Considera-se não haver uma causa específica, mas sim uma associação de factores inerentes ao seu aparecimento. O diagnóstico é realizado, geralmente, entre o 2º e 5º dia após exodontia, sendo bastante claro. Manifesta-se por uma dor aguda e pulsátil, mal controlada com analgésicos, e de apresentação clínica uma inflamação da mucosa em torno do alvéolo, com parcial ou total perda do coágulo, apresentando-se este vazio ou com tecido necrótico e/ou restos alimentares. Pode ainda haver uma exposição óssea. Diversas são as taxas de incidência, variando consoante os factores de risco predisponentes da doença. São estes a idade, género, ciclo menstrual e toma de contraceptivos orais (nas mulheres), trauma cirúrgico e experiência do médico, a indicação da extração, bem como características do dente a ser extraído, ainda as técnicas e anestesia usadas, bem como remanescentes ósseos e/ou radiculares, uso de retalhos e suturas, patologias sistémicas, medicação e cuidados pós-operatórios do doente. Todos estes podem ter impacto no desenvolvimento desta condição, devendo o médico dentista eliminá-los e reduzi-los ao máximo. A prevenção aplica-se a medidas não farmacológicas, como redução de factores de risco, em combinação a terapia farmacológica, de modo a favorecer uma correta cicatrização. Recurso a soluções antissépticas, medicação tópica (intra-alveolar) e prescrição sistémica de antibióticos e anti-inflamatórios não esteroides são algumas dessas medidas. Ao nível do tratamento, vários métodos e materiais estão disponíveis no mercado. Por ser uma condição que o próprio organismo “combate”, o objectivo terapêutico passa basicamente pela redução dos sintomas debilitantes do paciente e controlo bacteriano. A opção é individual, uma vez que não existe nenhum tratamento com características ideais, sendo os resultados na literatura bastante discrepantes. Limpeza do alvéolo, medicação intra-alveolar (tópica) e/ou sistémica, bem como terapia com laser de baixa intensidade, são algumas opções. A administração antibiótica deve ser reservada para casos especiais, não devendo ser abordada como método de rotina. Analgésicos são uma opção, podendo ser aconselhada consoante o quadro clínico doloroso. Também o reforço para uma higiene oral rigorosa, com irrigação do alvéolo para evitar detritos e impactação alimentar (no caso de não existirem obtundantes intra-alveolares) devem ser preocupação do médico dentista. Deve haver um seguimento regular do paciente, especialmente se aplicados medicamentos tópicos, para avaliação e renovação (se necessário) do curativo até recuperação. O médico dentista deve saber identificar um caso de alveolite, encontrando-se informado e consciente das várias opções preventivas e terapêuticas. Estudos mais claros e objectivos são necessários na procura de critérios de diagnóstico genéricos da doença, bem como terapêuticas preventivas e de tratamentos com taxas de sucesso altas e suportadas por evidência científica. Para que, desta forma, seja elaborado um protocolo universal a seguir na prática clínica.


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Introdução: O processo alveolar é o conjunto de osso que se encontra em redor da raiz do dente. Este osso é sensível a uma variedade de fatores ambientais e fisiológicos que influenciam a sua integridade e o seu funcionamento. Como tal, a sua formação assim como a sua preservação é dependente da presença contínua do dente. A reabsorção do processo alveolar após extração dentária é uma consequência natural e fisiológica indesejável, que pode dificultar a colocação de um implante dentário na posição desejada. Com o aumento cada vez mais das demandas estéticas em medicina dentária, torna-se, portanto, necessário prevenir que a reabsorção óssea provoque este defeito na arcada dentária. Objetivos: Realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as várias técnicas e materiais para preservação do rebordo alveolar, a fim de prevenir ou minimizar a reabsorção alveolar após extração dentária. Material e Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed, B-on e Scielo, não foi aplicado nenhum limite temporal, e os critérios de inclusão foram artigos em língua inglesa e portuguesa. Num total de 164 artigos, selecionaram-se 82 estritamente relacionados com o tema. Os artigos excluídos desviavam-se do objetivo do trabalho ou eram inconclusivos. Selecionaram-se, também, capítulos do livro Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry Volume 1 e 2, dos autores Niklaus P.Lang e Jan Lindhe. Desenvolvimento: De modo a compreender como o processo alveolar reabsorve, deve-se ter em conta as várias técnicas que se podem realizar para permitir uma boa quantidade de osso remanescente na arcada adequada a cada caso para uma possível reabilitação. As técnicas de preservação do osso alveolar após extração passam pela realização de técnicas cirúrgicas minimamente invasivas, estabilização do coágulo pelo princípio da cicatrização por primeira intenção usando membranas ou retalhos, preenchimento do alvéolo dentário com materiais de enxerto ou substitutos ósseos, terapias combinadas com a colocação de implantes imediatos e o recurso a células e fatores de crescimento. Conclusão: A preservação alveolar tem grande importância para uma posterior reabilitação oral com implantes com maior quantidade de osso disponível do que quando não é feita qualquer tipo de preservação. A extração das peças dentárias deve ser feita com cuidado para preservar ao máximo ou não danificar as superfícies ósseas remanescentes. É aconselhado que o encerramento da ferida seja por primeira intenção e que proporcione estabilidade ao coágulo, podendo ser usado retalhos ou mesmo membranas. O uso de enxertos ósseos tem uma importante função de proporcionar uma matriz para o coágulo se formar e promover o processo de cicatrização. O método de implante imediato, para além de ser bastante usado, tem como finalidade o conforto para o paciente de não ser submetido a uma posterior cirurgia para colocação do mesmo e, simultaneamente, mantem a estabilidade dos tecidos moles. Ainda uma técnica menos usada é com células e fatores de crescimento que proporciona uma cicatrização mais rápida e um aumento do potencial regenerativo dos tecidos.


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AIM: With capsule endoscopy (CE) it is possible to examine the entire small bowel. The present study assessed the diagnostic yield of CE in severe obscure-overt gastrointestinal bleeding (OOGIB). METHODS: During a 3-year period, 15 capsule examinations (4.5% of all CE in a single institution) were carried out in 15 patients (11 men; mean age 69.9 +/- 20.1 years) with severe ongoing bleeding, defined as persistent melena and/or hematochezia, with hemodynamic instability and the need for significant red blood cell transfusion. CE was carried out after non-diagnostic standard upper and lower endoscopy. The mean time from admission until CE was 4.1 +/- 4.4 days (0-15 days). RESULTS: CE revealed active bleeding in seven patients and signs of recent bleeding in four. Etiology of bleeding was correctly diagnosed in 11 patients (73.3%) (portal hypertension enteropathy, three patients; subepithelial ulcerated lesion, two patients; angiodysplasia, two patients; jejunal ulcer with visible vessel, one patient; multiple small bowel ulcers, one patient; jejunal tumor, one patient; jejunal mucosa irregularity with adherent clot, one patient). One patient (6.7%) had active bleeding but no visible lesion. As a consequence of the capsule findings, specific therapeutic measures were undertaken in 11 patients (73.3%) with five managed conservatively, four endoscopically and two surgically. Two patients experienced bleeding recurrence. One of them, with a probable small bowel tumor, refused any other interventions. CONCLUSIONS: CE is useful in patients with severe OOGIB by providing positive findings in the majority of patients, with subsequent impact on therapeutic procedures.


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This analysis introduces results related to development of teaching experience from two professors of one Federal University who have taken part of one action of continued teacher training. We consider that the interplay among the individual, the language and the world cannot function straightly. It occurs through utterances, defined like real unit discursive communication, and genres of discourse (BAKHTIN, 1979/2011). Along the same line, the relation between the employee and his employment do not occur in a direct manner. This relationship takes place through genres of activity (CLOT, 2008/2010). As well as, a domain of speech genres has given possibility to individual an interaction with several discursive fields, a domain of activity genre allows the professional protruding in difficult situations traced in his employment. We know that the drafting for wield the teaching in the Tertiary Education is recommended by LDBEN (9394/96), which suggests that should be done in postgraduate program. In the mean time, what frequently happens an educational background based in a survey and not in the teaching. Thereby, several times we have observed difficulties in the accomplishment of teaching practice. Considering such aspects, this study seeks to comprehend the manner how the lecturers deal with the difficulties encountered in the classroom and how the years of experience have contributed or not for a domain of activity genre. In this regard, we have propped up in the development approach, introduced by Vigotsky, who asserts that the learning suitably organized results in development (VIGOTSKY, 1984/2007) and still explains the development of individual on the basis of relationship that it has with another, the social (VIGOTSKY, 1996b). For this purpose, were accomplished, by means of a snipped filmed lesson from each teacher, four sessions of self-confrontation (FAÏTA, 1996; CLOT, 2008/2010), two Simple and two Crusade, recorded in a visual format. This material was transcribed in accordance with standards from project NURC-SP (PRETI, 1999). For the analysis, we used three mains theories: of Linguistic, is mobilized the concept of speech genres (BAKHTIN) and all discursive topics (JUBRAN; FÁVERO); from Occupational Psychology, is utilized the activity genres (CLOT); from Psychology Historical-Cultural, is adopted the concept from Zone of Proximal Development and another/social in the development of individual (VIGOTSKY). In compliance with the study achieved, was possible to identify the aspects related to development of teaching experience of Tertiary Education. During the classes and reports of self-confrontation, we identify that both the professors, in the beginning of the career, they got more difficulties to deal with hindrances, and which now, with some years of experience, they get to domain better the difficult situations which they come across. They built up, for example, a greater facility in improvise examples in face of students’ difficulties in the comprehension of concepts. These aspects show that the professors have evolved the higher domain of genre, which allow them getting, in addition to turn the unexpected situation around that spring up in the professional context, as well know how to taking action in similar situation, which they have already run into in another moments. This domain enabled and enables the developing of the lecturers over the course of their professional performance.


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Introduction: Intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke with alteplase improves clinical outcomes, but it has limited efficacy and is associated with increased risk of intracranial haemorrhage. An improved tissue plasminogen activator, tenecteplase, was evidenced to be at least equally effective with lower risk of haemorrhage in acute myocardial infarction thrombolysis. To date, two completed phase II randomised controlled studies comparing tenecteplase and alteplase in acute ischaemic strokes showed variable results. Methods: A literature review of thrombolytic agents used in myocardial infarction and acute ischaemic stroke was performed, followed by a retrospective investigation of the bolus-to- infusion delay of alteplase administration. The main focus of this thesis is the report of our single centre phase II randomised controlled trial that compared tenecteplase (0.25mg/kg, maximum 25mg) and alteplase (0.9mg/kg, maximum 90mg, 10% as the initial bolus, following by one hour infusion with the rest of the dose) in acute ischaemic stroke thrombolysis using advanced imaging as biomarkers. Imaging comprised baseline computed tomography (CT), CT perfusion (CTP) and CT angiography (CTA), and CT+CTA at 24-48 hours. The primary end-point was penumbral salvage (CTP-defined penumbra volume minus follow-up CT infarct volume). A sub-study of coagulation and fibrinolysis analysis of the two agents was performed by comparing a group of coagulation variables measured pre-treatment, 3-12 hours, and 24±3 hours post thrombolysis. An individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis was carried out using all three completed tenecteplase/alteplase comparison studies in stroke thrombolysis. We compared clinical outcomes including modified Rankin scale at 3 months, early neurological improvement at 24 hours, intracerebral haemorrhage rate and mortality at 3 months between all three tenecteplase doses (0.1mg/kg, 0.25 mg/kg, and 0.4mg/kg) examined and standard alteplase. Imaging outcomes including penumbra salvage, recanalisation rates were also compared using the data from the two studies that had advance imaging carried out. Results: Delay between the initial bolus and the subsequent infusion in administration of alteplase is common. This may reduce the likelihood of achieving a good functional outcome. Among the 104 patients recruited in ATTEST trial, 71 contributed to the imaging primary outcome. No significant differences were observed for penumbral salvage [68 (SD 28) % tenecteplase vs 68 (SD 23) % alteplase], mean difference 1% (95% confidence interval -10%, 12%, p=0·81) or for any secondary end-point. The SICH incidence (1/52, 2% vs 2/51, 4%, by SITS-MOST definition, p=0·55; by ECASS-2 definition, 3/52, 6% tenecteplase vs 4/51, 8% alteplase, p=0.59) did not differed significantly. There was a trend towards lower ICH risk in the tenecteplase group (8/52 tenecteplase, 15% vs 14/51 alteplase, 29%, p=0·091). Compared to baseline, alteplase caused significant hypofibrinogenaemia (p=0.002), prolonged Prothrombin Time (PT) (p=0.011), hypoplasminogenaemia (p=0.001) and lower Factor V (p=0.002) at 3-12 hours after administration with persistent hypofibrinogenaemia at 24h (p=0.011), while only minor hypoplasminogenaemia (P=0.029) was seen in the tenecteplase group. Tenecteplase consumed less plasminogen (p<0.001) and fibrinogen (p=0.002) compared with alteplase. In a pooled analysis, tenecteplase 0.25mg/kg had the greatest odds to achieve early neurological improvement (OR [95%CI] 3.3 [1.5, 7.2], p=0.093), excellent functional outcome (mRS 0-1) at three months (OR [95%CI] 1.9 [0.8, 4.4], p= 0.28), with reduced odds of ICH (OR [95%CI] 0.6 [0.2, 1.8], P=0.43) compared with alteplase. Only 19 patients were treated with tenecteplase 0.4mg/kg, which showed increased odds of SICH compared with alteplase (OR [95% CI] 6.2 [0.7, 56.3]). In the two studies where advanced imaging was performed, the imaging outcomes did not differ in the IPD analysis. Conclusion: Tenecteplase 0.25 mg/kg has the potential to be a better alternative to alteplase. It can be given as a single bolus, does not cause disruption to systemic coagulation, and is possibly safer and more effective in clot lysis. Further phase III study to compare tenecteplase and alteplase in acute ischaemic stroke is warranted.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar resultados preliminares de uma pesquisa de mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional (PPGDR) da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Câmpus Pato Branco (UTFPR-PB). Essa pesquisa está vinculada ao Programa de Formação Docente Continuada intitulado “Práticas Docentes: dialogar, compartilhar & refletir”, em andamento na mesma Instituição. A fundamentação teórica se respalda em Bakhtin, Vigotski e Clot. A metodologia é desenvolvimentista e o método é o da autoconfrontação simples e cruzada. Os protagonistas da intervenção foram uma dupla de Professores da Área de Informática. Os dados foram gravados audiovisualmente, transcritos e posteriormente analisados.


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The objective of this text is to discuss a central question in a doctorate study, in progress, about the learning of the speech genre in self-confrontation situations. This consists of a procedure, which a worker observes your own images, video recorded at the time it performs activities related to their craft; It requests that he comment on what he was doing on the images in order to clarify matters for himself and another - be it a intervenant (simple self-confrontation) or a coworker (crossed self-confrotation). (CLOT, 2008/2010). In the context of this research, the confronted workers are university teachers and students who participate in an action of teacher continuing education. The object of the research is the process of speech genre of learning self-confrontation situation, having as subject a person who conducts self-confrontations training, which initially observed the conduct of dialogues and reflections, and will gradually participating in the self-confrontation activity and becoming also forming another. The theoretical foundations of the research seeks an articulation between sciences such as the Psychology of Labor, the Cultural-historical Psychology and Linguistics. The concepts that are employed come from Clot´s theory of the Psychology of Labor, that is, from the Clinic of Activity and from the activity genre studies (CLOT, 2008/2010); they also come from the Vygotskian theory of human development, with the concepts of thinking and speech (VIGOTSKI, 1934/1998); and from the Bakhtinian dialogic principle (BAKHTIN, 1979/2011). We believe that the formation of the person conducting self-confrontation occurs through learning a gender of speech and a genre of activity.


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Objective: This study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of autologous fibrin gel rich in platelet growth factors for the treatment of complex perianal fistulas. Material and methods: Prospective epidemiological study. Patients with complex perianal fistula or perianal fistula mere alteration of continence are included. identification of both holes and the journey, curettage of it and instillation of Vivostat PRF® in the way it is done to observe excess material by OFE. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, use of prior Seton clinic prevalent type of fistula, postoperative complications, fistula closure and impaired quality of life using the SF-36 test (v2). Results: From January 2011 to May 2013 have involved 23 patients, 12 men and 11 women, with an average age of 49 years and a minimum follow-up of 12 months. Two dropped out. 17 patients had low transsphincteric fistulas, 2 and 2 high transsphincteric intersphincteric with impaired continence. The most common symptom is the discharge. Twelve patients had a loose seton (62%), of which nine cured. Of all the patients we have operated the success rate is 62%. No patient developed incontinence after treatment. Only two reported a worse quality of life after surgery. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that there is a clear benefit to the use of Vivostat PRF® as a treatment for complex perianal fistulas. It is a highly reproducible technique with acceptable results and does not produce impairment of continence.


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Aim: To compare the alveolar bone repair process using biomaterial in dogs with and without the incorporation of platelet-rich plasma. Methods: Six beagles were used. Bilateral extractions of the three mandibular premolars were performed. Bio-Gen® was applied in the first alveolus, the clot was maintained in the second alveolus and Genox® was applied to the third alveolus. PRP was added to all alveoli on the left side only. The dogs were submitted to euthanasia after 30, 60 and 90 days and submitted to histological analysis for the determination of mean area of new bone formation. Tukey’s post test was used in the statistical analysis. Results: Significant increase in bone formation occurred in Bio-Gen® + PRP when compared with the other groups at 30 and 90 days. In the evaluation at 60 days, no statistically significant differences among the groups were found. Conclusions: The Bio-Gen® biomaterial led to the best bone repair and the combination of platelet-rich plasma accelerated the repair process.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014