982 resultados para professional success


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Abstract This work has had as objective to analyze the skills acquired through internships in business companies by students of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University Pompeu Fabra. The internship is a basic item in order to obtain a hard connection between the University and social-economic world where University and Enterprises develop their activity. In this study we want to know about two aspects. The first one, we want to know the profit that is obtained from the Student as a consequence of internship and mentoring. Also, we want to study about the importance of mentoring as a principal element that establishes the relationship between the Student and the Company. Moreover, it has sought to analyze if certain factors such as the size of the company where the practices has been performed, the study rank level that was achieved or the fact of being a man or a woman, were among the determining factors at the time of acquiring the skills. The results presented here indicate that the size of the company that have been making the practices and the gender of the student are related to the acquisition of certain skills. There was not a statistically significant relationship related to the rank level have by the students in the practice. In the future we are going to study if the labor market Integration is easier if the Student has performed work placement. Keywords Skills; employability; internship; meatoring.


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This article describes the process of adapting Social Education studies to the European Higher Education Area undertaken by a team of the teaching staff at the University of Girona (Spain). The aim of the experience is to build a curriculum based on thecompetencies recognized as such by professionals in the field of social education in our region. The article specifies the development of the various phases, each involving the active participation of professionals and teaching staff from the universities. To conclude, main characteristics of the curriculum are highlighted


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En qualsevol disciplina els canvis en el vocabulari són importants pel fet que hi ha una evolució en la disciplina mateixa. Pel que fa a la discapacitat i la diversitat funcional no només hi ha un canvi de paraules sinó un canvi conceptual que genera substitucions de vocabulari però no com a sinònims. Els canvis de paradigma als quals fem referència en la darrera dècada comencen a prendre rellevància a molts nivells, com l’acadèmic, el social i el polític, com si fossin un engranatge en què, quan hi ha canvis en una peça, convé també plantejar-los en les altres. Des d’aquest punt de vista alteracions de la concepció de discapacitat i diversitat funcional generen canvis significatius en la manera de generar serveis si calgués. Però a més adquireixen molta importància les novetats a nivell actitudinal i de relació que estableixen els professionals de l’educació social o del treball social sobre les persones amb diversitat funcional.


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RESUM: Presentem al Dr. James M. Munyon, qui a principis del segle passat es dedicà a la manufactura i patent de remeis homeopàtics. Va ser perseguit per frau en múltiples ocasions però la seva gran fortuna li va permetre estendre el seu negoci fins a casa nostra, arribant a assolir grans cotes de popularitat. La revista ¡Cu-Cut! li dedicà tres caricatures els anys 1902 i 1903. A través de l"estudi de les mateixes hem pogut conèixer el Dr. Munyon, un intrús professional de principis del segle XX.


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Amb l’objectiu de conèixer les relacions existents entre la força, el rendiment esportiu i la lesionabilitat en un equip masculí de bàsquet professional, es realitza un estudi prospectiu, observacional i descriptiu d’anàlisis d’estadístiques (71 partits), test de mig esquat (n = 7) i patologia lesional, monitoritzant la temporada 09/10, on es relacionen les dades obtingudes de cada jugador referents al rendiment esportiu per partit (valoració estadística), les mitjanes de força, velocitat i potència de cada mesocicle i la lesionabilitat. La tècnica estadística utilitzada ha estat la correlació a partir del paràmetre rho de Spearman. Aquestes correlacions entre força i lesionabilitat mostren que a valors de força més elevats hi ha més lesions: amb 80 kg són molt significatives per a lesions totals (LT) i potència (rho = 0,898; p = 0,006), i significatives per força (rho = 0,823; p = 0,023) i velocitat (rho = 0,774; p = 0,041); la velocitat amb 90 kg es relaciona amb lesions time loss (TL) (rho = 0,878; p = 0,009), i la potència amb 100 kg, amb lesions totals (LT) (rho = 0,805; p = 0,029) i V100 (rho = 0,898; p = 0,006) molt significativament. I la relació entre força i rendiment és significativament negativa en 5 dels 7 mesocicles, és a dir, a menys força, més rendiment. En conclusió, durant l’execució del mig esquat, hi ha valors de força adients per rendir millor i lesionar-se menys: de 800 N a 1.050 N i amb càrregues de 80 kg a 90 kg.


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The objective of this study was to find out how project success can be measured in a case where the output of a project is an intangible information product, what kind of framework can be used to evaluate the project success, and how the project assessment can be done in practice. As a case example, the success of a business blueprint project was assessed from the product point of view. A framework for assessing business blueprint project success was made based on a literature review. Furthermore, separate frameworks for measuring information product quality and project costs were developed. The theory of business blueprinting was discovered not to be firmly institutionalized and it is briefly covered in the thesis. The possible net benefits from the strategic business process harmonization were noted to be much more significant than the costs of the business blueprint project. The project was seen as a sufficient success from the viewpoint of the created output.


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La figura de Jesús Sanz Poch apareix citada en diverses publicacions com a resultat de la petjada que va deixar en la trajectòria docent a la Normal de Lleida i la Normal de la Generalitat a Barcelona i, també, com a conseqüència de l’aportació realitzada en els inicis del moviment Freinet a Catalunya. Ens manquen, però, estudis més amplis i aprofundits de la trajectòria d’aquest mestre i pedagog nascut al Penedès i format a Girona, Madrid i Ginebra que, malauradament, va morir molt jove i de forma inesperada, pocs mesos abans de l’esclat de la guerra civil espanyola. L’article pretén reconstruir l’itinerari formatiu i professional de Jesús Sanz i presentar les línies mestres del seu pensament educatiu a partir de l’estudi de les fonts documentals existents en les institucions on va estudiar o exercir la docència, de la revisió de la documentació de l’arxiu familiar i de la lectura i anàlisi dels textos escrits i publicats. Jesús Sanz és un clar exponent del vincle entre renovació pedagògica i compromís polític que constitueix el motor de l’avenç social i cultural al nostre país durant les primeres dècades del segle XX. La trajectòria formativa és un exemple de la inquietud intel·lectual que, insatisfeta amb la realitat propera, va furgar en les expectatives que s’obrien des de l’exterior. La preocupació envers els temes nuclears de l’univers educatiu de l’època apunta les línies d’un pensament educatiu propi en procés de construcció desenvolupat en una curta, però intensa, activitat professional.


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Congestion costs are emerging as one of the most important challenges faced by metropolitan planners and transport authorities in first world economies. In US these costs were as high as 78 million dollars in 2005 and are growing due to fast increases in travel delays. In order to solve the current and severe levels of congestion the US department of transportation have recently started a program to initiate congestion pricing in five metropolitan areas. In this context it is important to determine those factors helping its implementation and success, but also the problems or difficulties associated with charging projects. In this article we analyze worldwide experiences with urban road charging in order to extract interesting and helpful lessons for policy makers engaged in congestion pricing projects and for those interested in the introduction of traffic management tools to regulate the entrance to big cities.


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The objective of this master’s thesis is to define Larox´s Product Data present state and future development needs from after sales point of view. In particular the object was to investigate after sales needs, which data related to products need to be managed by using Product Data Management. Empirical material of thesis was collected mainly through interviews, benchmark visits, and personal experience. Among the interviewees were internal stakeholders who are closely related to the product process, as well as external stakeholders. Interviews revealed that each stakeholder group has deviating needs for product data management and that at present all the needs are not met to take the best possible way. The main requirement was availability of up-to-date information, which plays a key role in after sales business. At the end of study is concentrated to find development targets at Larox, especially from after sales point of view. In addition, consideration of how the product data management advantages can utilized in making internal processes more efficient. Development needs are collected together as project descriptions, whose headings are shown at the end of the study.


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A multicompartment compliance aid (MCA) is a blister-type repackaging system that aims to facilitate drug administration and thereby increase patient adherence. One of the characteristics of the MCA that should be taken into account is the moisture permeability, since this atmospheric condition is one of the most important factors that can modify the stability of medicines. In the current paper we report the moisture permeability tests performed on a MCA according to the US Pharmacopeia. This information on the suitability of the device will help pharmacists implement a high-quality professional service.


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La efectividad técnica de golpeo (ET) se ha identificado como un buen parámetro pronosticador del rendimiento en el tenis y la frecuencia de golpeo de pelotas (FGP), aunque es un parámetro de carga técnica y condicional poco utilizado, es un indicador capaz de detectar diferencias en el juego. El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar la ET en función de la FGP en una jugadora profesional de máximo nivel competitivo, utilizando un protocolo maximal, continuo de intensidad progresiva y registrando paralelamente parámetros de carga y fisiológicos. Se ejecutaron un total de 212 golpes obteniendo una ET del 81.6 % de aciertos, los valores oscilaron a lo largo de la prueba entre un rango del 81.6 a 93.3 % de aciertos y únicamente disminuyeron hasta el 70.7 % en el último periodo alcanzado (UP) y a partir del punto de disminución de ET (PDET). Se alcanzó una FGP máxima (FGPmax) de 21 golpes·min-1, una duración de la prueba (DP) de 14:07 (min:s) correspondiente a un UP de 7. Se concluye que la jugadora presenta una elevada ET y una importante capacidad de mantener unos elevados indicies de ET, a pesar del incremento de la FGP y de la fatiga metabólica asociada.


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More and more companies are interested in implementing knowledge management. However, the majority of knowledge management initiatives will fail to have any significant impact. In this study, theories regarding knowledge management implementation and adoption are investigated further. The objective of this study is to deepen understanding regarding the critical factors that contribute to successful knowledge management adoption in large multinational companies. The study is formulated around the following four research questions: 1. What are the key success and failure factors in knowledge management implementation? 2. How can knowledge management adoption be improved at the individual, group and organizational levels of the company? 3. What are the critical factors that hinder knowledge management adoption in the case company? 4. How can the case company promote the adoption of knowledge management among company personnel? The methodology used in this study is a combination of a literature review and an explanatory, exploratory, qualitative single-case study. The literature review answers the first and second research questions. Based on the literature review, a framework is presented to illustrate the factors contributing to the success of knowledge management implementation. The framework also links together knowledge management implementation and adoption. The third research question is answered by revealing the relevant findings from 21 expert interviews and 2 online questionnaires with 42 respondents in total. By comparing and contrasting the results of the literature review with the findings of the empirical case study, the fourth research question is answered. The concrete outcomes of this study are a framework to elucidate the factors contributing to the success of knowledge management implementation, a case study highlighting the issues that hinder knowledge management adoption within the case company, and recommendations for the case company.


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For a long time, hypnosis has been associated with knowledge areas of little apparent scientific validity. Fourtanely, in recent years, hypnosis has proved to be a useful technique for intervention in the health area. The area where mor estudies have been conducted and with greater success is on treatment of chronic pain. However, some obstacles must yet be overcome: the limited use of hypnosis in the public health services in Spain, and the resources assigned by universities for researchand professional trainingon these techniques are scarce. This paper aims to briefly review the current state of hypnosis in the treatment of chronic pain, and advocates for its integration within a multidisciplinary treatment of chronic pain.


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Aquest article de caràcter descriptiu té la finalitat d’exposar un fenomen existent com és la violència laboral. La violència laboral, un constructe amb pocs anys d’estudi, afecta totes les professions i les diferents categories professionals. S’estructura en cinc apartats. En el primer, es defineix pròpiament l’objecte d’estudi; en el segon, les dades de l’abast del fenomen; en el tercer, la tipologia; en el quart les teories que expliquen el perquè es produeix i en l’últim els factors de risc.


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Especially in global enterprises, key data is fragmented in multiple Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Thus the data is inconsistent, fragmented and redundant across the various systems. Master Data Management (MDM) is a concept, which creates cross-references between customers, suppliers and business units, and enables corporate hierarchies and structures. The overall goal for MDM is the ability to create an enterprise-wide consistent data model, which enables analyzing and reporting customer and supplier data. The goal of the study was defining the properties and success factors of a master data system. The theoretical background was based on literature and the case consisted of enterprise specific needs and demands. The theoretical part presents the concept, background, and principles of MDM and then the phases of system planning and implementation project. Case consists of background, definition of as is situation, definition of project, evaluation criterions and concludes the key results of the thesis. In the end chapter Conclusions combines common principles with the results of the case. The case part ended up dividing important factors of the system in success factors, technical requirements and business benefits. To clarify the project and find funding for the project, business benefits have to be defined and the realization has to be monitored. The thesis found out six success factors for the MDM system: Well defined business case, data management and monitoring, data models and structures defined and maintained, customer and supplier data governance, delivery and quality, commitment, and continuous communication with business. Technical requirements emerged several times during the thesis and therefore those can’t be ignored in the project. Conclusions chapter goes through these factors on a general level. The success factors and technical requirements are related to the essentials of MDM: Governance, Action and Quality. This chapter could be used as guidance in a master data management project.