582 resultados para dignity


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La adicción al juego no sólo se caracteriza por la pérdida de control ante el juego, sino que esta conducta tiende a generar problemas en los diferentes ámbitos de la vida del ludópata. Por ello, este aspecto se recoge en el Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales-5 (DSM-V) como uno de los criterios para realizar su valoración diagnóstica. Objetivo: describir y analizar los diferentes elementos que conforman la compleja problemática aparejada a esta adicción y que pueden terminar en situaciones de exclusión social. Método: Se opta por una metodología cualitativa que se ajusta mejor a los intereses del estudio. Como técnica se ha seleccionado la historia de vida, instrumento de evaluación que permite conocer la verdadera magnitud del problema desde el punto de vista de los afectados. Resultados. De manera general, se ha descubierto que ser ludópata tiene muchos más consecuentes que el problema económico evidente. No debemos despreciar las implicaciones de esta conducta a otros niveles: familiar, laboral, legal y social, que pueden considerarse, a medio plazo, como factores mucho más execrables que el del mero gasto económico. Conclusión. Es fácil avistar que los graves problemas que acarrea la adicción al juego son capaces de desmembrar el proyecto vital del ludópata y el de su familia. Todo vale, aunque para ello tenga que jugarse su puesto de trabajo, su casa, su familia, sus amistades, su estatus social y su propia dignidad.


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Las trágicas experiencias de las guerras mundiales llevaron a la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos promovida por la ONU en 1948. A partir de entonces gran parte de las Constituciones de nueva creación reconocen la inviolabilidad de la dignidad humana. Sin embargo, los redactores de la declaración pusieron empeño en omitir las razones teóricas en las que se fundan dichos derechos, por el temor a que diferencias teóricas aplazaran o hicieran inviable dicho reconocimiento. La fragmentación en la que se halla la antropología filosófica desde hace varios siglos está reclamando un principio unificador de los saberes en torno al ser humano. En este contexto la dignidad humana como experiencia universal se presenta como principio unificador. Seis décadas después sigue pendiente la elaboración de una sólida, y también universalmente aceptable, fundamentación de la dignidad humana y sus derechos fundamentales, cuestión complicada que parece requerir un nuevo avance en la ontología y en la antropología filosófica.


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Las Constituciones iberoamericanas reflejan la preocupación de reconocer y garantizar a todos sus habitantes los derechos humanos fundamentales del ser humano, para lo cual integran dentro de su articulado cláusulas especiales donde reconocen la apertura a estos derechos. Para dicho reconocimiento cada Estado elige los principios y elementos que considera esenciales, y que dentro de esta reflexión se han denominado elementos básicos de las cláusulas de apertura. El análisis comparativo parte precisamente de estos puntos que mencionan casi todos los textos constitutivos de Iberoamérica.


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El arteterapia permite una aproximación creativa biográfica particularmente valiosa en la etapa final de la vida. La persona enferma presenta múltiples necesidades – físicas, emocionales, sociales y espirituales – que solo una atención holística puede pretender abarcar, tal como lo contempla la filosofía de los cuidados paliativos. El arteterapeuta integrado en el equipo interdisciplinar contribuye a aliviar y acompañar el sufrimiento del paciente y su familia. Se presentan aquí las bases teóricas y la metodología de la intervención, así como el marco sanitario en el cual se inscribe.


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What is the human being? Which is its origin and its end? What is the influence of the nature in the man and what is his impact on nature? Forthe animalists, men are like other animals; freedom and rationality are not signs of superiority, nor having rights over the animals. For the ecohumanists, human beings are part of nature, but is qualitatively different and superior to animals; and is the creator of the civilization. We analyze these two ecological looks. A special point is the contribution ofecohumanists -from the first half of the Renaissance, who dealt in extenso the dignity and freedom of the human being-, of Michelangelo and finally, of Mozart, through his four insurmountable operas, which display the difficulty of physical ecology to engender so much beauty, so much wealth, so much love for the creatures and so much variety.


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Bakgrund: Idag lever många nära en person som drabbats av en livshotande sjukdom. Många som insjuknar har behov av den palliativa vården. Den palliativa vården syftar till att främja livskvalitet och lindra lidande, både för patienten och för de närstående. När en person i familjen blir sjuk är det naturligt för de flesta människor att ta rollen som vårdare och familjen anses ha en stor betydelse i vården av den sjuke. Att erhålla information samt stöd är viktiga förutsättningar för att de närstående ska kunna känna delaktighet i vården. Sjuksköterskan har till uppgift att lindra lidande, främja hälsa samt ge stöd och information. Syfte: Att belysa de närståendes erfarenheter av den palliativa vården. Design: En litteraturöversikt. Metod: 14 vetenskapliga artiklar som blivit publicerade under de senaste fem åren, har lästs flertalet gånger och därefter analyserats utifrån en innehållsanalys, för att finna gemensamma kategorier som beskriver de närståendes erfarenheter/ upplevelser. Resultat: Närheten till döden var något som väckte starka känslor, och situationen beskrevs vara fysiskt, psykiskt och emotionellt påfrestande. Resultatet visar att de närstående tog ett stort ansvar i vården av den sjuke, detta resulterade i ett ökat behov av stöd, framförallt från familj och vänner. En god relation till vårdpersonalen ökade förutsättningarna till en god vård. Trots den svåra situationen kunde meningsfullhet upplevas. Slutsats: Sjukdomen medförde att livssituationen förändrades och en ökad ansvarskänsla uppstod hos den närstående. Stöd från familj och vänner, samt vårdpersonal hade stor betydelse. Kunskap hos vårdpersonalen värderades högt och det var viktigt att den sjuke skulle få dö en värdig och fridfull död.


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Background: Dementia impairs cognitive functions, such as memory and speech, changing a person’s life forever. Providing person-centred care to these persons intend to retain their identities, dignity and autonomy. Such care demands time, devotion and good knowledge of the caring nurse. Dementia is expected to increase in the future and therefore nurses will have to face new challenges. Aim: To describe nurses’ experience of providing person-centred care for people with dementia. Method: A literature review of 15 articles, published between 2009-2016, that have been read and analysed through content-analysis. Results: Nurses experience a positive change in their attitudes, when providing person-centred care to people with dementia, as they gained better understanding of their patients’ dignity and integrity. Education, training and support from management were seen as key factors for providing up-to-date care. Time was viewed as a hindrance for person-centred care, and often led to nurses prioritizing other routines. Two common outcomes of person-centred care were increased satisfaction as well as emotional burnout. Conclusion: Since dementia is increasing and nurses find person-centred care time-consuming, there is a risk of such care becoming poor. To prevent this nurses need good leadership and education.


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Réalisé en cotutelle


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O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as condições de vida da população carcerária em dois presídios localizados no Recife (PE), e verificar o quanto tais condições implicam na reincidência criminal. O estudo foi baseado em uma revisão de literatura sobre o tema, realizada a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica em livros, revistas, e artigos publicados na Internet, tudo devidamente citado. E, também, contou com uma pesquisa de campo, realizada nas unidades penitenciárias – Presídio Aníbal Bruno e Penitenciária Feminina do Recife. Concluiu-se que o preso que cumpre pena nos presídios do Estado de Pernambuco, apesar do projeto de ressocialização da SERES, ainda vive em condições desumanas: sem acomodações, sem trabalho, sem assistência psicológica, sem projetos sócioeducacionais, sem atividades recreativas, entre outras coisas. A recuperação de um preso para o convívio social traz benefícios para a sociedade, para o Estado e para o indivíduo que cumpriu pena e, ao deixar a prisão, pode voltar a viver dignamente, consciente de que cometeu um erro e de que não voltará a errar. / The aim of this study is evaluate the living conditions of prison population in two prisons located in Recife (PE), and check how these conditions imply the criminal recidivism. The study was based on a review of literature on subject, carried out a search on books, journals, and articles published on Internet, all properly cited. And, too, had a field research conducted in the prison units - Anibal Bruno prison in Recife and Women's Penitentiary. It was concluded that the prisoner who is serving a sentence in the prisons of State of Pernambuco, despite the project's resocialization SERES, still live in inhuman conditions: no accommodations, no work, no psychological, social and educational projects without, no recreational activities, among other things. The recovery of a prisoner for social contact has benefits for society, for the State and the individual who served and, on leaving the prison, can return to live with dignity, knowing you made a mistake and that he will not err.


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Background: Quality of life and well-being are frequently restricted in adults with neuromuscular disorders. As such, identification of appropriate interventions is imperative. Objective: The objective of this paper was to systematically review and critically appraise quantitative studies (RCTs, controlled trials and cohort studies) of psychosocial interventions designed to improve quality of life and well-being in adults with neuromuscular disorders. Method: A systematic review of the published and unpublished literature was conducted. Studies meeting inclusion criteria were appraised using a validated quality assessment tool and results presented in a narrative synthesis. Results: Out of 3,136 studies identified, ten studies met criteria for inclusion within the review. Included studies comprised a range of interventions including: cognitive behavioural therapy, dignity therapy, hypnosis, expressive disclosure, gratitude lists, group psychoeducation and psychologically informed rehabilitation. Five of the interventions were for patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The remainder were for patients with post-polio syndrome, muscular dystrophies and mixed disorders, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, myasthenia gravis and myotonic dystrophy. Across varied interventions and neuromuscular disorders, seven studies reported a short-term beneficial effect of intervention on quality of life and well-being. Whilst such findings are encouraging, widespread issues with the methodological quality of these studies significantly compromised the results. Conclusion: There is no strong evidence that psychosocial interventions improve quality of life and well-being in adults with neuromuscular disorders, due to a paucity of high quality research in this field. Multi-site, randomised controlled trials with active controls, standardised outcome measurement and longer term follow-ups are urgently required.


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Humanity has emerged as a major force in the operation of the biosphere. The focus is shifting from the environment as externality to the biosphere as precondition for social justice, economic development, and sustainability. In this article, we exemplify the intertwined nature of social-ecological systems and emphasize that they operate within, and as embedded parts of the biosphere and as such coevolve with and depend on it. We regard social-ecological systems as complex adaptive systems and use a social-ecological resilience approach as a lens to address and understand their dynamics. We raise the challenge of stewardship of development in concert with the biosphere for people in diverse contexts and places as critical for long-term sustainability and dignity in human relations. Biosphere stewardship is essential, in the globalized world of interactions with the Earth system, to sustain and enhance our life-supporting environment for human well-being and future human development on Earth, hence, the need to reconnect development to the biosphere foundation and the need for a biosphere-based sustainability science.


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Notre recherche explore quelques moments forts des métamorphoses du rapport politique à la mortalité sous examen des thèmes de l’interdit, de la dignité, de l’autonomie et de l’altérité. Nous dégageons des ancrages propices à nourrir la pensée actuelle en médecine palliative. Ainsi, nous livrons une enquête philosophique, appréciant pour nous Occidentaux, les influences marquantes des pensées gréco-romaine, chrétienne et moderne. Ces bases, édifiant notre monde politique, ont suscité l’émergence de la médecine palliative. C’est pourquoi, nous tentons de caractériser et de comprendre les problématiques nouvelles, dans leurs aspects politique et éthique, envisagées à l’aune des formes contemporaines d’accompagnement des mourants. Notre effort tente de discerner les aspirations et les impasses. L’étude de la métamorphose des repères fait ressortir une dissociation accentuée au fil du temps. En effet, au fur et à mesure, notre entreprise d’interprétation du fondement de ces questions politiques dévoilait : une reconnaissance universelle de l’interdit d’homicide, mais accusant une perte du lien moral au profit d’une visée amorale ; un aval unanime du respect de la dignité, mais manifestant une confusion et une division ostensible entre conceptions intrinsèque et extrinsèque ; une affirmation péremptoire de l’autonomie, mais avec une distanciation marquée au regard de la façon d’envisager la part de l’autre ; une déclinaison de liens humains reconnus de tous, mais exacerbés dans une tension artificielle entre individualisme et altruisme. Au surplus, en constatant la distance et la dislocation entre le public et le privé, entre la réclamation de fraternité et la recherche d’amicalité signifiante, nous avons envisagé la communauté palliative comme un lieu de résistance à cette décomposition menaçante au sein de la communauté politique. À terme de l’analyse, nous avons fondé les concepts « d’allonomie » et de « suspension éthique ». Il s’agit de contributions originales destinées à donner à la philosophie toute sa dimension sapientielle au service de l’accompagnement palliatif.


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The focus of this study is dignity in low status service work. Using labels such as bad jobs, McJobs and dirty work, these jobs have been described as low-skilled, low-paid, monotonous and physically demanding with lack of voice and no job security. Research on dignity at work is especially relevant in a time when different ambitions for more dignified work, initiated by political parties as well as unions, tend to be forgotten or down-prioritized. This study investigates what conditions are preventing dignity among low status service workers and how they create and maintain dignity for themselves. What briefly has been found is that dignity can be prevented by unreasonable demands, constant control, exposed work and mismanagement. Moreover, customerprerogative can prevent dignity when employees are being mistreated by disrespectful customers. Dignity is also hindered by frightening customers, especially in the case of sexual harassment, threats and violence. In this study theories about working conditions and professional status are brought together to explain experiences of dignity at work. Service workers do not only have managers to deal with, but also customers whose treatment is reflected by the status of the service occupation. Besides, working conditions and professional status are two mechanisms acting together when it comes to experiences of dignity at work and may thus result in double tensions in daily work.   Acts for dignity, meaning different ways in which the service workers create and maintain dignity for themselves, are reactions to the obstacles to dignity at work. Three different categories of acts for dignity can be found. The identity-bolstering acts help the workers maintain their professional identity or self-image when it is threatened by different obstacles to dignity. The justifying acts mean that the workers legitimize different obstacles to dignity. Finally, the compensating acts help the workers to even out different obstacles to dignity.


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The focus of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman’s Office is to advocate for the rights and wishes of residents and tenants in long-term care. In fact, resident’s rights are guaranteed by the federal 1987 Nursing Home Reform Law. This law requires nursing facilities to promote and protect the rights of each resident and places a strong emphasis on individual dignity and self-determination. Iowa has incorporated these rights into state law for residential care and nursing facility residents, assisted living and elder group home tenants. The Long-Term Ombudsman helps residents, tenants, and their families and friends understand and exercise these guaranteed rights. The Long-Term Care Ombudsman’s responsibilities are outlined in Title VII of the Older Americans Act.


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Resident rights are guaranteed by the Federal 1987 Nursing Home Reform Law and Iowa Code. It requires long-term care facilities to promote and protect the rights of residents and places a strong emphasis on individual dignity and self-determination. Staff shall provide privacy and maintain dignity and respect. Residents shall be free from abuse and restraints. Residents may participate in planning of care and medical treatment.