899 resultados para Second language classroom


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This volume was inspired by the 9th edition of the Phonetik and Phonologie conference, held in Zürich in October 2013. It includes state of the art research on phonetics and phonology in various languages and from interdisciplinary contributors. The volume is structured into the following eight sections: segmentals, suprasegmentals, articulation in spoken and sign language, perception, phonology, crowdsourcing phonetic data, second language speech, and arts (with inevitable overlap between these areas).


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En este artículo ofrecemos una perspectiva diferente del aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la fraseología en clase de lengua extranjera (LE). Partiendo de la premisa sobre el carácter eminentemente holístico del lenguaje, concebimos las unidades fraseológicas (UF) como elementos habituales e inherentes en la comunicación verbal, por lo que no pueden excluirse del proceso de adquisición de la competencia comunicativa en una LE. Nuestra propuesta consiste en partir de la fraseología para optimizar el desarrollo de diversas subcompetencias de la competencia comunicativa. Para ello, resulta imprescindible indagar en la configuración y el funcionamiento del significado fraseológico, que, según defendemos en este trabajo, conforma un conjunto de informaciones de diversa índole que se articulan en dos niveles, el semántico y el pragmático. Tal indagación permite desarrollar una serie de consideraciones con interesantes implicaciones didácticas.


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Esta é uma investigação em linguística aplicada que, ao procurar perceber melhor o modo como o processo de aprendizagem do aprendente chinês de português como língua estrangeira(PLE)pode ser afetado pela aquisição do significado metafórico, assume um pendor linguístico, não deixando de se situar no âmago do ato pedagógico. Admitindo a hipótese da existência de uma correlação positiva entre a frequência do uso da metáfora gramatical e o nível de proficiência dos aprendentes na expressão escrita, esta dissertação pretende aprofundar a compreensão dos mecanismos de aquisição do Português por aprendentes (PLE/PL2) que têm como língua materna o Chinês, designadamente os que se prendem com a aquisição de processos metafóricos. Neste estudo, teremos como referência a teorização sobre o significado metafórico proposto por Halliday (1985, 1994, 2004). A ocorrência de metáforas gramaticais foi escrutinada emdois manuais de ensino de PLE concebidos para os níveis A2 e B1 do QECR, de forma a poder identificar, qualitativa e quantitativamente, os padrões textuais metafóricos com que os aprendentes têm que lidar nestes momentos específicos do processo de aprendizagem. Para compreender a produção escrita de pendor metafórico dos aprendentes, é realizada análise sistemática de amostras da expressão escrita de alunos de PLE chineses dos mesmos dois níveis, constantes no Corpus de Português Língua Estrangeira/Língua Segunda, COPLE2. Do confronto dos dados dos dois planos de análise, foi possível confirmar que a transição entre os dois níveis subsequentes escolhidos (A2 e B1) representa uma mudança crucial no padrão metafórico, quer dos textos propostos aos aprendentes, quer dos textos por estes produzidos, mudança esta que pode explicar alguns dos bloqueios de aprendizagem associados ao nível B1 e seguintes. Foi possível, entre outros aspetos, identificar a primazia da metáfora ideacional na acomodação da expressão metafórica, compreender como o aprendente evita o recurso metafórico, tornando a sua escrita menos abstrata e densa, como o aprendente aborda a metáfora interpessoal, restringindo o seu uso a géneros discursivos muito específicos. Sendo, embora, um estudo exploratório, permite confirmar que esta linha de investigação oferece dados inestimáveis aos professores de PLE e agentes de ensino, em geral.


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Uncountable gangs operate in post-Apartheid South Africa, particularly in greater Cape Town, competing over turf and controlling the drug trade. Consequently, gang violence is rife in Western Cape and especially widespread in urban areas. In this paper young Capetonians’ narratives of gang violence are analyzed. In the narratives of attacks on Black or White South Africans by Coloured gang members, the Coloured narrators make use of their victims’ varieties of English, more precisely, of phonetic features. Hence, the aggressors do language crossing towards their targets when narrating their feats. Rampton (1995a:485) considers language crossing a ‘code alternation by people who are not accepted members of the group associated with the second language that they are using (code switching into varieties that are not generally thought to belong to them)’. This switching involves a transgression of social or ethnic boundaries that allows the young gangsters to construct, negotiate, uphold and manage their social identities, as language still functions as an utterly important identity marker in post-Apartheid South Africa.


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Automaticity (in this essay defined as short response time) and fluency in language use are closely connected to each other and some research has been conducted regarding some of the aspects involved. In fact, the notion of automaticity is still debated and many definitions and opinions on what automaticity is have been suggested (Andersson,1987, 1992, 1993, Logan, 1988, Segalowitz, 2010). One aspect that still needs more research is the correlation between vocabulary proficiency (a person’s knowledge about words and ability to use them correctly) and response time in word recognition. Therefore, the aim of this study has been to investigate this correlation using two different tests; one vocabulary size test (Paul Nation) and one lexical decision task (SuperLab) that measures both response time and accuracy. 23 Swedish students partaking in the English 7 course in upper secondary Swedish school were tested. The data were analyzed using a quantitative method where the average values and correlations from the test were used to compare the results. The correlations were calculated using Pearson’s Coefficient Correlations Calculator. The empirical study indicates that vocabulary proficiency is not strongly correlated with shorter response times in word recognition. Rather, the data indicate that L2 learners instead are sensitive to the frequency levels of the vocabulary. The accuracy (number of correct recognized words) and response times correlate with the frequency level of the tested words. This indicates that factors other than vocabulary proficiency are important for the ability to recognize words quickly.


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Playing video games is an activity that takes up an increasing amount of children’s and adolescent’s spare time. While some previous studies have highlighted the negative aspects of video games, little research has been carried out on the linguistic learning opportunities that video games present. This study primarily investigates if Swedish second language learners of English can increase their vocabulary proficiency in English with the use of video games. In order to answer the research questions, two quantitative data elicitation methods are used: a questionnaire which aims to gather attitudinal and behavioral data, and a Vocabulary Levels Test which elicits data about the participants’ receptive vocabulary proficiency. The participants consist of 25 students at an upper secondary school in Stockholm. The results show that participants who played video games scored higher on the Vocabulary Levels Test, indicating a higher receptive vocabulary proficiency. Furthermore, the results show that participants who played moderate to frequent amounts of time performed better in the Vocabulary Levels Test than infrequent players. The results also show that video games emphasizing co-operation and communication are preferable to use for vocabulary acquisition. Additionally, the study discusses if video games could be integrated into the Swedish upper secondary school system.


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El objetivo de esta monografía es el de analizar el modo en el que un manual didáctico para la enseñanza del español en el contexto educativo sueco de bachillerato aplica y desarrolla la competencia pragmática funcional en sus propuestas didácticas. Para la realización de dicho análisis usaremos como instrumento de medida, por una parte, las actividades de simulación, escenario y role-play que propone Sánchez Sarmiento (2005), y que se dirigen a la activación de la competencia pragmática de los estudiantes de lenguas extranjeras y, por otra, los criterios de transacciones e interacciones de colaboración para el desarrollo de la competencia pragmática funcional que se recogen en el §.5 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas: aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación (MCER, 2002). La hipótesis de la que parte este estudio postula que el manual que analizamos (Caminando 5, Natur & Kultur, 2013), a pesar de estar compuesto de propuestas didácticas en las que se presentan el componente pragmático funcional, no enuncia de forma explícita el trabajo con ella, no conduce ni a su activación ni a su desarrollo, su frecuencia de aparición en el manual es irregular, y las actividades que forman parte de sus propuestas didácticas no proponen reflexiones metapragmáticas sobre los propios contenidos pragmáticos de la lengua. La investigación que hemos desarrollado confirma que, aunque en algunas propuestas didácticas del manual  se proponen actividades que activan y desarrollan algunos de los criterios de transacción e interacción colaborativa del MCER (2002), su tratamiento resulta poco exhaustivo y su explicitación es escasa. Sin embargo, se puede constatar que el manual representa un acercamiento a los principios metodológicos de los enfoques comunicativos y que su explotación didáctica, aunque no de forma explícita, conduce, en parte, al trabajo con algunos de los criterios pragmáticos funcionales que se proponen en el MCER (2002).


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This paper discusses methodological issues in the development of a multitiered, phonetic annotation system, intended to capture pronunciation variation in the speech of second language learners and to serve in construction of a data base for training ASR models to recognize major pronunciation variants in the assessment of accented English.


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This research project explores learner’s representations of strategic L1 use in the foreign language classroom and highlights both the positive or negative roles attributed to the L1 in the language learning process - particularly with respect to language assessment - continuing to explore the relatively understudied domain of student representations within a scholarly context. Surveying a population of Australian (N=18) and French students (N=25), this study uses both questionnaire and interview responses in order to analyse the roles allocated to the L1 with respect to learning outcomes. The results indicate that students have a very balanced view of the L1 with respect to the learning of grammar, vocabulary and social aspects, yet its use in assessment aspects appears much more advantageous. The importance of this study and its findings is in recognizing the complex nature of learner representations in order to facilitate a discussion that is based more on the reality of language teaching, with the hope of renewing classroom practices.