846 resultados para Relatórios da prática de ensino supervisionada - 2014


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente relatório tem como objetivo a obtenção do grau de Mestre, espelhando a conclusão de todo um processo percorrido ao longo de cinco anos, sendo que este processo abrangeu uma prática pedagógica desenvolvida em Educação Pré-Escolar e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Esta ação educativa nas duas valências foi desenvolvida na Escola Básica do 1.º Ciclo com Pré-Escolar do Lombo Segundo na sala da Pré-1, entre outubro e dezembro de 2014, e na sala do 2.º ano B, entre abril e junho de 2015. Tendo isto em consideração, o relatório apresenta os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos que apoiaram a intervenção pedagógica, na medida em que é função do docente não só adequar a sua práxis às caraterísticas específicas de cada criança, como também ao meio em que a mesma se insere. Não obstante, todos os pressupostos mencionados são fundamentais para que a teoria e a prática estejam intimamente ligadas e se complementem. Ao longo dos dois estágios, implementou-se a metodologia de investigação-ação com o objetivo de se identificarem aspetos que poderiam influenciar o processo de ensinoaprendizagem. Face ao exposto, surgiu a seguinte questão para a valência da Educação PréEscolar: Como desenvolver competências de comunicação verbal nas crianças? No que alude ao 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, a questão elaborada foi: Quais as estratégias a dinamizar para colmatar dificuldades na leitura e na escrita? É de enfatizar que era pretendido que as crianças desenvolvessem as suas competências através de diversas estratégias que lhes possibilitavam serem as construtoras da sua própria aprendizagem. Do mesmo modo, são descritas as restantes vivências e respetivas reflexões e avaliações decorrentes da intervenção pedagógica desenvolvida em ambas as valências no Mestrado em Ensino Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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O presente relatório tem como objetivo a obtenção do grau de Mestre, espelhando a conclusão de todo um processo percorrido ao longo de cinco anos, sendo que este processo abrangeu uma prática pedagógica desenvolvida em Educação Pré-Escolar e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Esta ação educativa nas duas valências foi desenvolvida na Escola Básica do 1.º Ciclo com Pré-Escolar do Lombo Segundo na sala da Pré-1, entre outubro e dezembro de 2014, e na sala do 2.º ano B, entre abril e junho de 2015. Tendo isto em consideração, o relatório apresenta os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos que apoiaram a intervenção pedagógica, na medida em que é função do docente não só adequar a sua práxis às caraterísticas específicas de cada criança, como também ao meio em que a mesma se insere. Não obstante, todos os pressupostos mencionados são fundamentais para que a teoria e a prática estejam intimamente ligadas e se complementem. Ao longo dos dois estágios, implementou-se a metodologia de investigação-ação com o objetivo de se identificarem aspetos que poderiam influenciar o processo de ensinoaprendizagem. Face ao exposto, surgiu a seguinte questão para a valência da Educação PréEscolar: Como desenvolver competências de comunicação verbal nas crianças? No que alude ao 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, a questão elaborada foi: Quais as estratégias a dinamizar para colmatar dificuldades na leitura e na escrita? É de enfatizar que era pretendido que as crianças desenvolvessem as suas competências através de diversas estratégias que lhes possibilitavam serem as construtoras da sua própria aprendizagem. Do mesmo modo, são descritas as restantes vivências e respetivas reflexões e avaliações decorrentes da intervenção pedagógica desenvolvida em ambas as valências no Mestrado em Ensino Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino da Filosofia no Ensino Secundário


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Em cumprimento dos requisitos da Iniciação à Prática Profissional - Ensino Supervisionado, no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino das Artes Visuais no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário do Centro de Competências de Artes e Humanidades da Universidade da Madeira, surge o presente relatório de estágio profissional. O estágio teve lugar na Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz, com a turma 11º 20 do curso Científico-Humanístico de Artes Visuais na disciplina de Desenho A. Todos os conteúdos inerentes à temática, a relação texto-imagem, foram trabalhados primeiramente com materiais riscadores e tendo como suporte o papel, e posterior num software de desenho vetorial onde o suporte passa a ser digital, valorizando e aproveitando as vantagens que este tipo de formato permite abarcar. De forma a trabalhar, ao longo da sua prática pedagógica, eficientemente a temática escolhida, a professora estagiária elaborou uma revisão bibliográfica, quer de conceitos, quer de momentos e autores que surgem durante a história da arte. Baseou-se em teorias relacionadas com o funcionamento e a relação entre grupos, e métodos de ensino para fundamentar e justificar certas posições que tomou. Este relato/reflexão da prática pedagógica encontra-se dividido em duas partes, fazendo-se corresponder à primeira parte o enquadramento geral em que a mesma se desenvolve; e à segunda parte a toda a atividade letiva, ou seja, à prática pedagógica em si.


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O relatório de estágio (RE) pretende abordar todos os processos inerentes à Prática de Estágio, desde o planeamento à realização, do controlo à reflexão das diferentes atividades desenvolvidas durante o ano letivo referente à Prática de Estágio Supervisionada (PES), incluída no 2º ciclo de estudos do Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física e Desporto nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário da Universidade da Madeira. Este RE refere-se à PES realizada no ano letivo 2013/2014 na Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva, numa turma de 3.º Ciclo (8.º ano), atribuída ao Professor Orientador Cooperante. O núcleo de estágio foi composto por dois alunos estagiários e dois professores orientadores: o orientador pedagógico, professor da instituição acolhedora e o orientador científico, docente da Universidade da Madeira. Este documento está dividido em oito capítulos. No primeiro, procedemos ao enquadramento da PES, estando aqui inseridos a caracterização da escola, assim como a caraterização da turma atribuída para o nosso processo de estágio. O capítulo seguinte refere-se a toda a dinâmica envolvida na Gestão do Processo Ensino-Aprendizagem, analisando aprofundadamente as questões inerentes ao seu planeamento, realização e controlo. Ainda neste capítulo, abordamos todo o trabalho realizado ao nível da Assistência e Observação das Aulas do nosso colega estagiário e do orientador cooperante. O capítulo número três abarca as atividades de Intervenção na Comunidade Escolar desenvolvidas na continuidade das atividades anuais estipuladas pelo Grupo Disciplinar de Educação Física (GDEF). O quarto capítulo envolve as Atividades de Integração no Meio, nomeadamente o Estudo de Caso desenvolvido e a Ação de Extensão Curricular realizada. Já o quinto capítulo desenvolve todo o trabalho realizado no âmbito das Atividades de Natureza Científico-Pedagógica Individual, referente às Estratégias de Ensino das Atividades Rítmicas Expressivas; e Coletiva, abordando diversas questões inerentes ao Programa Nacional de Educação Física (PNEF), mais precisamente às problemáticas referentes às matérias Nucleares e Alternativas. No sexto capítulo são referidas todas as atividades sem caráter obrigatório desenvolvidas ao longo do ano letivo. O penúltimo capítulo é referente às considerações finais e por fim, o oitavo capítulo relacionado com as Recomendações para um futuro próximo.


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GALVÃO, Marise Adriana Mamede; RODRIGUES, Maria das Graças Soares.(Des) encontros no discurso de estagiário em relatórios de estágio supervisionados. Revista Intercâmbio, São Paulo, v.18, p. 122-138, 2008.ISSN 1806-275x


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In the past twenty years, there has been a significant increase of researches about teacher s professionalization. In that context, the investigations concerning teacher s knowledge represent an important contribution, as they aim to identify and to rescue the base of knowledge that sustains the teacher s profession. In particular, the reflections and propositions of Lee Shulman have been constitute a fundamental subsidy to the teacher s professionalization in the sense of harnessing the pedagogic knowledge to the content s knowledge, establishing the pedagogic knowledge of the content that characterizes and differentiates the teacher and the bachelor in a certain field of knowledge. Among the indispensable knowledge for the Chemistry teacher's professional practice, in this research we have pointed out the pertinence of the knowledge on the use of models in Chemistry classes in the middle and high school. Those knowledges regard the comprehension of students concerning the understanding and models elaborated in science and the models implemented in the Chemistry teaching, as well as the abilities to plan didactic situations that use models. In this research, we aimed to identify the contributions and barriers during the Chemistry teacher education, in UFRN, in relation to the construction of knowledge that subsidize training teachers in the elaboration of teaching activities that involve the use of models. The investigation was accomplished in UFRN, in the Course of Degree in Chemistry, along with 13 student teachers that studied the subject Practice of Chemistry Teaching. For this research, the following instruments were used: questionnaires with open and closed questions, elaboration of a plan of activities for the Chemistry teaching and an interview to answer the established study s questions. The data was analyzed in an established criteria, classified and tabled. The results showed that the student teachers representations regarding scientific knowledge contemplated, among other topics, the idea of a method for his/her construction. In some cases, the models role was emphasized in that construction, as well as the social dimension in the validation of that knowledge. The scientific models were highlighted by most of the student teachers, as a representation method to explain, understand and interpret the chemical phenomena. On the other hand, the didactic models stood out, in most of cases, as a method of aiding the Chemistry students of the Basic Education to understand the scientific models. The representations regarding those categories contemplated important aspects, although in a superficial way, reflecting the limitations of reflections during the formative process. In the elaboration of teaching activities that use models, difficulties were evidenced, in the process of plan construction, relative to the didactic structure and to the proposition of activities that contemplated models, although the student teachers have mobilized different elements regarding the pedagogic knowledge of the content. Such verifications evidence the urge for the teacher development programs to promote changes in the teacher education in order to propitiate, during this process, reflections, discussions and propositions of activities regarding categories highlighted in this research, contributing to the construction of initial elements regarding the pedagogic knowledge of the content that will be developed throughout teaching, therefore corroborating to the teacher s professionalization


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Célestin Freinet was one of the most memorable educators of the twentieth century. He presented some educational alternatives that had the objective of stimulating the construction of pedagogic actions to promote the social development of the student based upon a work centered on the free expression as the way to self-structure the knowledge. With a permanent proposal of research based on the enquiry-based learning, Freinet set human capacity (cognitive, social-affective, psychometrical) taking cooperation in consideration on the processes of knowledge construction. Based on this referential, this present work has the objective to show Freinet s pedagogy in a continuous teaching action from 2nd to 5th grade focusing the teacher s discourse and also the educative practice of the students of a city public school in Natal. The observed work revealed the teacher s discourse and educative experience and delineated the students development while immersed into Freinet s educational practice. By virtue of the nature and specificity of the theme that guided our research, we chose a qualitative approach to it, as a way of conducting ourselves during our investigative process. We observed and analyzed the method that was used to conduct the activities in the classroom, as well as the ways of expression that the children used through drawings, words (oral text), or through writing. We highlight, among the written texts, the individual and collective texts, and also letters and notes, which during some moments served as a base to express a diversity of languages. The results, after a analyzing the research data, point towards a teaching practice that favors the construction of a significant learning process through the grasping of the school environment, on which all these factors are based: society, knowledge acquisition, abilities, attitudes and values. This learning process also strengthens human solidarity bonds and mutual tolerance, on which the student s social life is seated.


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This study examined the training of teachers in service developed by the Integrated Program for the Development of Early Childhood Education in Rio Grande do Norte - PIDEPE / RN - UFRN, whose central focus of action is the action of the multiplying practice within Natal. The methodology used is a reflection on the training strategies of the practice of early childhood education in order to build a knowledge that can be generalized to other formative experiences of teachers. The instruments used for data collection were the desk research and literature from the perspective of qualitative research. The study focused on the instrument were related to the structure and organization of the stage and the process of action multiplying of the infantile practice. We concluded that the process of training needs to be carefully reviewed. It is necessary to rethink the definition of objectives, criteria and tools for continuous evaluation that they wish to maintain and / or setting up on stage. Look not only for the formative role of education but also indicators of professionalization of teaching.


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The discussion we have established in this study is about how the practice is developing educational projects based on work with because the methodological choice of the teacher. The study of an ethnographic qualitative approach was conducted with a group of six teachers in two public schools in School Administrative Zone north of the city of Natal / RN. Data were constructed from semi-structured, reinforced by the direct observation of the practice of teaching of teachers. The goals outlined were to identify the reasons why the option for the project, listing the benchmarks that subsidized their construction, the observation of everyday experience in educational planning and development of projects developed. In the light of information we can notice a complex and even contradictory, which is confusing the concepts and practices are weakened. The analysis revealed inconsistencies between theory and practice in working with projects, the fruit of little theoretical development of teachers. The adoption of the project as a methodological option has meant a change in direction of the effective action didactic. Reflects on this situation, it was concluded that there is a need to broaden the understanding of the significance of this type of work, covering the different dimensions that involve the practice of research, research and training of teachers. Even preventing the intentions and initiatives of the teachers, it must be emphasized is the process of learning within an approach that focuses the process of learning in multiple dimensions, inter-relational, both the capabilities of students in the areas of knowledge.


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This thesis has as an objective to think over the teachers` understanding of the school History of the Fundamental Teaching regarding the existent relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History, as well as to think over how these teachers see the influence that their teaching practice gets from the history theories. The work is based on the postulates of the qualitative research and on the characteristics of the ethnography of the school practice. The main procedures of data gathering were the documental analysis, the semi-structured interviews, the field diary and the observations of classes. The scientific perspective of the multiple references is an important source in this research. The participants of this work are two teachers of the school district of Natal who work in the field of the school History in two schools on the North Side of the city. The accomplished analysis point to significant indications that didn't occur continuous and regular teaching situations in the initial and continuing education of these teachers that clearly showed the relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History. They also suggest that their understanding about the influence that their teaching practice gets from the history theories, is not still explicit. We understand that the relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History are important for the initial and continuing education of these teachers who belong in this knowledge field, even when these relations are not explicitly pointed by the teachers, because they will always influence the teaching practice that the teachers of the school History build


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This research aims to analyze the intellectual practice of Luiz Antônio Ferreira Souto dos Santos Lima. This is done considering the author´s legacy related to the History of Education in Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil in the time span of 1910 to 1961. Thus, the research is grounded on assumptions that rely on the Cultural History field. The research also dealt with dialogues between the author and Chartier (1990), Elias (1994), Morais (2003; 2006), as well as Gondra (2003). For the bibliographical research the work dealt with a vast array of documents such as newspapers called A República and Diário do Natal, Pedagogium, Revista do ensino, as well as state laws and decrees These documents were obtained at the Historical and Geographical Institute in Rio Grande do Norte. The research also dealt with School Bylaws and a medical doctoral thesis called Mental Hygiene and Education that was written by Luiz Antônio dos Santos Lima. Other documents were obtained at the State´s Public Archive, such as the Book of Honor, Work Records, Reports and Minutes of the General Directorate of Public Instruction Meetings. It was possible to infer that professor Luiz Antônio dos Santos Lima was teacher at Grupo Escolar Augusto Severo, the Atheneu as well as some local grade schools. The professor had a broad role in society, in administrative positions such as the Presidency of the Association of Teachers of Rio Grande do Norte, as Grade School Director in the School of Pharmacy and the State Education Department. He was also a member of the Academy of Arts and a partner at Historical and Geographical Institute in Rio Grande do Norte. The professor has also concerned with issues related to teaching good habits such as feeding, grooming, discipline, game morals, temperance, smoking, sex education; all of which necessary for the formation of healthy children. He was an enthusiast of an intuitive method and teaching lessons through practice, that he considered key elements in education. It is seen that professor Luiz Antônio dos Santos Lima had presence in the State´s health education and that his ideals were line with the ideal of modernity of the early twentieth century