831 resultados para Língua portuguesa Brasil Teses


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Pour beaucoup de chercheurs, il y a une crise l cole et dans l enseignement/apprentissage des langues qui est provoque par un enseignement cloisonn et dcontextualis de la ralit. Dans ce type d enseignement/apprentissage, le livre scolaire a une prsence si hgmonique qu il est la source quasi exclusive du discours pdagogique et on ne fait que trs rarement usage des langages du quotidien des apprenants. Le langage tlvisuel est un de ces langages qui pourraient tre utilis pour ciliter enseignement/apprentissage d une langue vivante, varie et en situation, car il permet l exploration de tous les composants de la comptence de communication. En mme temps, ce langage pourrait servir sensibiliser les apprenants une ducation aux mdias. Le journal tlvis peut favoriser un enseignement/apprentissage intgr de la langue maternelle et de la langue trangre, grce son format, similaire dans plusieurs cultures, et son importance en tant que reflet des valeurs socioculturels des socits. Ces qualits sont trs favorables pour stimuler le transfert des comptences entre la langue maternelle et la langue trangre, pour qu on puisse enseigner et apprendre une langue, et connatre une culture. Le journal tlvis est vu comme une source d information et son analyse en classe peut contribuer la formation d un apprenent/citoyen actualis, critique et conscient des problmes et des rpresentations des socits


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Since the publication of the report "To Err is Human" by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) , which estimated that between 44.000 to 98.000 Americans die annually as a result of errors in health care, patient safety spent gaining prominence, emerging studies assess the safety culture by measuring the safety climate. In this context, the aim of this study was to identify safety culture perceived by nursing professionals working in the intensive care unit of a maternity school in Natal/RN through the Security Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). This was a descriptive study, cross-sectional and quantitative approach undertaken in the Intensive Care Unit Maternal and Neonatal a maternity school in Natal/RN. The project was submitted to and approved by Brazil Platform Zip/UFRN under number 309 540 and CAAE 16489713.7.0000.5537. It was used to collect data two instruments: a questionnaire in order to collect socio-demographic data of the subjects and the Questionrio Atitudes de Segurana , a cultural adaptation to Portuguese of the instrument of the World Health Organization titled Safety Attitudes Questionnaire - (SAQ ) Short Form 2006. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively by the organization in electronic databases in Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet and exported to statistical software for free access to be coded, tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study included a total of 50 nurses, 31 and 19 of the NICU Maternal ICU, predominantly female, mean age 35 years, median time of 10 years training and working in maternity, mostly, less than 05 anos. As a result, two articles were produced. The first refers to the first two domains of the instrument entitled "climate of teamwork" and "climate security" . The scores of the two areas were slightly higher in Maternal ICU compared to the NICU, but no sector has reached the ideal minimum score of 75: in the first domain Maternal ICU had an average of 74.77, with medians of 75 and 100, while Neonatal ICU reached an average of 69.61 with median also 75 and 100, while the second field means were 69.35 and 66.01 for Maternal and Neonatal ICUs respectively, with a median of 100 in the two sectors. The second article relates to the field "Perception Management Unit and Hospital", which 9 assessed the perception of management units and motherhood by professionals. In general, the items of the domain in question also obtained scores below the ideal minimum: 63.68 to 51.02 and maternal ICU for neonatal, featuring a clear separation between the management and the professionals who work in direct care. These findings indicate a warning sign for the institution and point to the need to implement actions aimed at patient safety


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The automatic speech recognition by machine has been the target of researchers in the past five decades. In this period have been numerous advances, such as in the field of recognition of isolated words (commands), which has very high rates of recognition, currently. However, we are still far from developing a system that could have a performance similar to the human being (automatic continuous speech recognition). One of the great challenges of searches for continuous speech recognition is the large amount of pattern. The modern languages such as English, French, Spanish and Portuguese have approximately 500,000 words or patterns to be identified. The purpose of this study is to use smaller units than the word such as phonemes, syllables and difones units as the basis for the speech recognition, aiming to recognize any words without necessarily using them. The main goal is to reduce the restriction imposed by the excessive amount of patterns. In order to validate this proposal, the system was tested in the isolated word recognition in dependent-case. The phonemes characteristics of the Brazil s Portuguese language were used to developed the hierarchy decision system. These decisions are made through the use of neural networks SVM (Support Vector Machines). The main speech features used were obtained from the Wavelet Packet Transform. The descriptors MFCC (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient) are also used in this work. It was concluded that the method proposed in this work, showed good results in the steps of recognition of vowels, consonants (syllables) and words when compared with other existing methods in literature


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Deaf people have serious difficulties to access information. The support for sign languages is rarely addressed in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Furthermore, in scientific literature, there is a lack of works related to machine translation for sign languages in real-time and open-domain scenarios, such as TV. To minimize these problems, in this work, we propose a solution for automatic generation of Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) video tracks into captioned digital multimedia contents. These tracks are generated from a real-time machine translation strategy, which performs the translation from a Brazilian Portuguese subtitle stream (e.g., a movie subtitle or a closed caption stream). Furthermore, the proposed solution is open-domain and has a set of mechanisms that exploit human computation to generate and maintain their linguistic constructions. Some implementations of the proposed solution were developed for digital TV, Web and Digital Cinema platforms, and a set of experiments with deaf users was developed to evaluate the main aspects of the solution. The results showed that the proposed solution is efficient and able to generate and embed LIBRAS tracks in real-time scenarios and is a practical and feasible alternative to reduce barriers of deaf to access information, especially when human interpreters are not available


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior


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This present work is going to show some results developed in the Master Degree research and the Post Graduation project in Language studies (PPgEL) at UFRN, under the orientation of Professor Maria da Penha Casado Alves. This research has questions showed by the Programa Nacional de Incluso de Jovens PROJOVEM. Concerned to methodology, the research is based on Applied Linguistics and it is qualitative and documental. The corpus of the research are the Manual de Orientaes Gerais and the Guias de Estudo. The documents that were used for the research were Guide for general orientation and the Study Guides.The Manual de Orientaes Gerais was chosen because is focused on the teacher and the Guias de Estudo was chosen because are focused on the students. The discussions and analysis were based on Bakhtin (1997; 2003), for his studies about the language in a dialogical point of view, Faraco (2001 and 2008) and Suassuna (2006) for their discussions about the Portuguese Language and Geraldi (1997; 2005 and 2006) and Antunes (2003) for their orientation and discussions about the teaching process of the written language. The analysis made in the Reference Topics point that however the program proposes a kind of rupture with the traditional way of teaching, it could not take this change to the Study Guides (Guias de Estudo). The result is a didactic material that reproduces activities based on a conception of a descriptive and prescriptive teaching. What is concerned about the proposals for the textual production, it is shown that it is given in an artificial way, without any expression and with no link to any communicative context and sometimes, with no relation to the topic it was supposed to be related to


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Este estudio se refiere a una investigacin a cerca de la concepcin de la lectura que subyace en la Matriz de Referencia de la Prueba Brasil, y, mediante las anlisis del modelo 2009, entender lo que el lector se supone que responder en las preguntas de esta prueba. El estudio tiene como objetivo satisfacer se presume lector general para responder a las preguntas de prueba de Brasil y el mapa de la concepcin de la lectura que subyace en la matriz de referencia tal prueba. Los objetivos especficos apuntan a examinar los temas de Prueba Brasil, identificando qu descriptores se materializan en el mismo, que son los ms recurrentes. El estudio tiene como fundamentos los estudios bakhtinianos a cerca de los dilogos del linguaje (Bakhtin, 2003, 2008; Volochnov/Bakhtin, 1993) y la concepcin de la lectura defendida por Geraldi (2007), Larossa (2001) y DeCerteau (1994). La investigacin s caracterizada como cualitativo-interpretativo, con enfoque socio-histrico, y se encuentra dentro del campo de la Lingstica Aplicada, que en las ltimas dcadas ha demostrado contribuciones para la enseanza de lenguas y formacin docente. Para hacer el anlisis de las pruebas, inicialmente construido una tabla (Tabla 1), que contiene los seis macrotpicos Matrix lengua portuguesa en la que estbamos repartiendo los descriptores presentes en las cuestiones de prueba referenciada relacionndolos con sus temas. Tras analizar la cuestin, con el fin de identificar al presunto lector a responder a estas preguntas. Mediante anlisis de la Matriz de Referencia de la Prueba Brasil, entendemos que ella est de acuerdo con los Parmetros Curriculares de la Lengua Portuguesa. As, la concepcin que subyace en la lectura es que la lectura es una actividad que depende del proceso individual, pero que s parte de un contexto social e involucra a habilidades relacionadas con la comprensin y produccin de sentido. Mediante la observacin de la prueba, afirmamos qu el lector con la capacidad de responder a las preguntas es lo que desarrolla actitudes favorables a cerda de la lectura. A saber: (i) reconocen ampliamente las palabras, (ii) identifican los objetivos y funciones de la lectura, en reconocimiento de la funcin de apoyo de gnero y el contexto del texto, (iii) predice el contenido de los textos a se lee a la luz de su apoyo, su gnero y su contexto; (iv) plantea hiptesis sobre el contenido del texto que se lee, (v) es capaz de buscar ideas textual e intertextual. Es decir, hace inferencias, aumentando la comprensin, la asociacin de diversos elementos presentes en el texto y que son parte de sus propias experincias personales, (vi) construye la comprensin global del texto ledo por la unificacin de la informacin explcita e implcita, (vii) tiene la capacidad de evaluar la lectura de forma tica y afectiva, o de hacer extrapolaciones coerentes sin escapar de la temtica del texto. Por ltimo, podemos decir que las implicaciones pedaggicas de este trabajo para mi actividad profesional es de gran importancia, ya que desde la deteccin de lo que se requiere de los estudiantes y, en consecuencia, un nuevo enfoque para la enseanza de la lengua materna como podemos reflexionar sobre eso y encontrar maneras de mejorar nuestro desempeo. Tanto nuestro entrenador como nuestros compaeros. Dejando a un nivel puramente descriptivo de los problemas de accin conjunta ms eficaz, entendiendo que la enseanza de lectura tiene un carcter complejo. En este sentido, tenemos que ser menos intuitivo y ms reflexiva. Nos gustara hacer hincapi en que tenemos la intencin de socializar esta investigacin con nuestros compaeros, ya que entendemos que es un material que puede contribuir a un nuevo aprendizaje para la prctica de los profesores que se inclinan. Adems indic que la principal contribucin de este trabajo es nuestra mirada en el proceso de la lectura en el aula, la comprensin de que el estudiante de ofertas diarias con textos localizados, derechos de autor, histrico y representativo de las diferentes interacciones en el mundo. Por lo tanto, es el momento de ser gestado las prcticas de lectura hacia una educacin ms significativa


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This work investigates the phenomenon of transitivity in the conversation. We examined the behavior of complements in Brazilian Portuguese speech, and then compared the results with previous researches in the English language by Thompson and Hopper (2001) and in the Spanish language by Vzques (2004). In Brazil, there are no researches that treat this phenomenon in the discursive conversation, for that reason it justifies and reveals the importance of this research that aims to answer questions related to the transitivity of ordinary conversations. Thus, we describe, explain and analize the transitivity based on concrete linguistic data, provided by native speakers of Portuguese language, specifically, spontaneous talk of people from Natal-RN. We have used as theoretical assumptions the Functional Linguistics usage-based (LFCU), which gathers academics of North-American Functional Linguistics, inspired by Chafe (1979), Hopper and Thompson (1980), Thompson and Hopper (2001), Givn (2001), Bybee (2010), Traugott (2009, 2011), among others, as well as Cognitive Linguistics, presented by Langacker (1987), Taylor (1995), Tomasello (1998) and Goldberg(1995), among others. This data consists in conversations extracted from the corpus Banco Conversacional de Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA). The results obtained from this work confirm the assertions defined by prior conducted studies on the transitivity in the conversation. The research showed that these three idioms, Spanish, Portuguese and English, despite the differences, they present a uniform behavior regarding their transitivity in the conversation. We intend, by this work, to contribute, in some way, to the comprehension of the focused linguistic phenomenon, likewise to build a finer scenario around of the transitivity in the Brasilian Portuguese


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This research aims at investigating the constructions with adverbials in ly, based on the view of contemporaneous linguistic functionalism, such as proposed by Givn, Hopper, Thompson, Traugott, Furtado da Cunha, as well as the cognitivist notion of language, through construction grammar support upon the patterns of Goldberg and the prototypes theory. The cognitive functional approach adopted here considers the change as a proper and inherent phenomenon of language and understands the linguistic phenomenon as resulting from effective use of language. Another aspect to be considered to the realization of this study is the fact that the formation adjective + ly is a word construction mechanism really productive, which generates interests on linguistic description. In a particular way, our leading objective is to exam the constructions with adverbials in ly in the context of language in use, in its oral and written forms, looking for to apprehend the meaning multiple manifestations forged in the use. Bearing this in mind, we worked with data from the Corpus Discurso & Gramtica (Natal). There are, in the data, adverbs ended in ly that take the signification of mode, as foreseen in traditional models, but there are also other significations, for instance, the modalizador in its different manifestations. The results show that this adverb is a linguistic mark that carries in its constitution the multissmico and multifunctional character, which interferes extremely in the ordination of this category, assuming a position sometimes pre-verbal, sometimes post-verbal. Other aspect observed refers to the relationship between the adverb and the verb, with emphasis on the compatibility or restriction between them, option which is related to the semantic aspect. The data in analysis legitimate the use in different constructions with adverb ended in ly in various genres, as follows: personal experience narrative, retold narrative, local description, proceeding account, opinion account, both in oral as in written language


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This exploratory study aims to present some readings as Doy (2003), Carrasco Perea (2003), Melo Arajo e S (2004), Chavagne (2009) and Alas-Martins (2010; 2011) which helped to confirm some ways for showing that a plurilingual environment can enable a trend in improving the understanding of written texts in the mother tongue, and can collaborate on a better perception of the world around a person with all their different nuances. The study describes the methodology and some results of our doctoral research that resulted in the insertion of the experimental discipline called Intercomprehension of Romanic Languages (ILR) in the curriculum in the city of Natal / RN / Brazil, and it was justified because of high functional illiteracy degree among young people up to 15 years old according to the educational data from IBGE research on 2010. The results were verified through an experimental action-research which was characterized by Lewin (1946); Nunan (1992); Thiollent (1994) and Trip (2005) in two schools: Professoara Terezinha Paulino de Lima (municipal school) and Professora Ana Julia de Carvalho Mousinho (State of Rio Grande do Norte), with 95 students from the final years of primary education. The corpus of this research was subjected to a series of condensed techniques like the nonparametric test from Kruskal and Wallis (1952) and the parametric test ANOVA as an effort to provide statistical significance to the analysis of the results indicated in the book of ILR activities. The research presented some skill views about reading comprehension of written texts according to perspective of Ringbow (1987), Giacobbe (1990), Alarco (1991; 2009a and 2009b), Corder (1992), Castellotti (2001) and Degache (2003), and the possibilities of transfer these skills for learning Portuguese as pointed out by Meissner, Klein and Stegmann (2004); it indicates a positive trend towards the understanding of LM according to analyzing the scores of written tests and texts by participants in solving tasks


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Objectives: to translate and assess the psychometric properties of the Brazilian short-form of the Mobility Assessment Tool (MAT-sf) in Brazilians community elderly. Methds: the 12 items MAT-sf went through the process of translation and back translation into Portuguese of the Brazil, considering the semantic and cultural adaptation. In a sample of 150 aged 65-74 years living in the community, the instrument's psychometric properties were evaluated by analysis of convergent and construct validity and test-retest reliability. The main outcomes measures used for validation included in the battery of tests of physical ability, self-repor measures of functional limitations, health, depression, cognitive and sex. The test-retest reliability of the instrument was assessed using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), 40 subjects were reassessed after an interval of 14 days of assessment. Results: the concurrent validity for the MAT-sf was evidenced by significant correlations with SPPB (r = 0,53), number of functional limitations (r = -0,62) and depressive symptoms (r = -0,45). The construct validity of the instrument was measured by gradual and significant increase of the MAT-sf scores with high levels of physical performance and with positive self-reported health, also found that MAT-sf scores were statistically differents according to sex. The variation in MAT-sf scores (R2 = 0,41) was explained by SPPB, number of limitations for activities of daily life and depressive symptoms. High values for test-retest reliability was evidencend by ICC = 0,94, 95% CI = 0,90 0,97. Conclusions: the Brazilian version of the short-form of the Mobility Assessment Tool has values of validity and reliability to ensure its use in elderly populations living in communities


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OBJETIVO: Revisar estudos que abordam as prticas alimentares atuais e o padro de atividade fsica como contribuintes do excesso de peso na infncia. FONTES DE DADOS: Ovid Journals, Highwire e SciELO, com seleo de artigos originais e de reviso nos ltimos dez anos (1997 a 2007), na língua portuguesa e inglesa. SNTESE DE DADOS: O acompanhamento do estado nutricional de crianas permite diagnosticar seu estado de sade atual, bem como predizer parcialmente seu prognstico na vida adulta. A prevalncia de obesidade infantil, no Brasil, apresenta aumento progressivo em todas as classes sociais e sua freqncia varia entre cinco a 18%, dependendo da regio estudada. A associao da transio epidemiolgica, demogrfica e comportamental e a alterao do hbito alimentar so apontadas como fatores causais do aumento progressivo da obesidade infantil. Prticas alimentares caracterizadas por elevado teor de lipdios, sacarose e sdio e por reduzido consumo de cereais integrais, frutas e hortalias associadas inatividade fsica decorrente do uso de computadores, jogos eletrnicos e televisores influenciam parte considervel de crianas. Este estilo de vida reflete os hbitos familiares e pode ser influenciado pelo ambiente escolar no qual a criana est inserida. CONCLUSES: Os dados sugerem influncia considervel dos fatores ambientais, principalmente hbitos alimentares e inatividade fsica, no crescente aumento da prevalncia de excesso de peso na populao peditrica.


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OBJETIVO: Elaborar uma bateria de provas que se prope a avaliar o processamento de habilidades necessrias para a aquisio do sistema de escrita alfabtico do Portugus do Brasil, e caracterizar e comparar o desempenho dos escolares de 1 a 4 srie do ensino fundamental nas provas desta bateria. MTODOS: Foram elaboradas provas especficas para este fim, seguindo os princpios fonolgicos da língua portuguesa do Brasil. Foram avaliados 120 escolares de 1 a 4 sries, sendo 30 de cada srie escolar divididos em quatro grupos, respectivamente GI, GII, GIII e GIV. As provas elaboradas e aplicadas foram: prova de habilidades metafonolgicas (identificao e manipulao de slabas e fonemas, alm de repetio de no-palavras); prova de leitura (leitura de palavras reais e de pseudopalavras). RESULTADOS: Houve diferenas estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos nas habilidades metafonolgicas com as mdias diminuindo da 1 4 srie sucessivamente. Tambm houve diferenas quanto ao tempo de leitura de palavras reais e de pseudopalavras, com as mdias diminuindo da 1 3 srie, mantendo-se igual ou prximo entre esta e a 4 srie. CONCLUSO: Os desempenhos foram se tornando superiores da 1 4 srie, sendo que os escolares obtiveram desempenhos superiores nas provas de identificao em relao s provas de manipulao, assim como os desempenhos nas provas silbicas foram superiores aos das provas fonmicas. H uma prevalncia da rota fonolgica nas sries iniciais (1 e 2) com as outras sries, especialmente a 4, usando mais a rota lexical.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)