755 resultados para Kauffung Limestone


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From 1950 through 1900 studies on the glacial geology of northern Greenland have been made in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories. As a result of these studies four distinct phases of the latest glaciation have been recognized. The last glaciation extended over most of the land and removed traces of previous anes. Retreat of the ice mass began some time previous to 6000 years ago. This was followed by a rtse in sea level which deposited clay-silt succeeded by karne gravels around stagnant ice lobes in the large valleys. Marine terraces, up to 129 meters above present sea level, developed as readjustment occurred in the land free of ice. About 3700 years ago an advance of glaciers down major fjords took place followed by retreat to approximately the present position of the ice. Till in Peary Land, north of Frederick E. Hyde Fjord, contains only locally derived matertals indicating that the central Greenland ice cap did not cover the area.


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Occurrence of deep-sea dolomites has been reported from numerous settings (for discussion see Lumsden, 1988). Different authors agree that dolomite formation in the pelagic realm is a relatively early diagenetic process (e.g., Jorgensen, 1983; Shimmield and Price, 1984; Kablanow et al., 1984; Kulm et al., 1984). Baker and Burns (1985) suggest that most of the pelagic dolomites formed within a few tens of meters below the seafloor within the zone of microbial sulfate reduction. According to Fuechtbauer and Richter (1988), dolomite can form in the deep-sea at a minimum temperature of 10°C. Other deep-sea dolomites are products of fluids derived from underlying evaporites or submarine weathering of basalts (Garrison, 1981). In some cases (Mullins et al., 1985; Dix and Mullins, 1988; Mullins et al., 1988), the existence of dolomite is linked to disconformities and its formation may have resulted from circulation of seawater through the sediment during prolonged exposure (Dix and Mullins, 1988, p. 287). At Site 768 (Fig. 1), lithified carbonate layers, some containing variable amounts of dolomite, occur below 201 mbsf (Miocene). These beds alternate with unconsolidated or semi-lithified marl layers interbedded in clays and siliciclastic turbidites. The irregular depth distribution of the limestone beds and the variation in preservation and recrystallization of the calcareous microfaunas suggest that lithification of carbonates at Site 768 not only reflects burial diagenesis as described by Garrison (1981) and others, but in part may be a selective, early diagenetic process. The different types and distribution of the dolomite additionally seem to support this assumption. The purpose of this report is to document the occurrence and textural nature of the dolomite at Site 768. Methods used were analyses of stained thin sections (Alizarin S and Ferrocyanide) and studies with the scanning electron microscope. No geochemical analyses (e.g., stable isotopes) were carried out; they will be the subject of further investigations.


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We discuss the provenance of minerals detected by X-ray-diffraction analyses of sediments of Sites 504 and 505 of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 69. These are X-ray-amorphous material, opal-CT, calcite, quartz, feldspar, apatite, smectite, illite, kaolinite, magnetite, maghemite, pyrite, marcasite, barite, sepiolite, and clinoptilolite. Authigenic marcasite and clinoptilolite together with opal-CT are restricted to Site 504, indicating the special diagenetic conditions related to relatively high sediment temperatures at this site. Marcasite formation is likely dependent on the relatively low pH values of <7.1 found in interstitial waters of Site 504 sediments below 50 meters sub-bottom. Clinoptilolite evidently was formed by diagenetic alteration of rhyolitic volcanic glass or smectite plus biogenic silica within the chalk-limestone-chert sequence of Site 504, where opal-CT also reflects a high degree of silica dissolution and reprecipitation. This was a consequence of high temperatures (50-55 °C) at the base of the sediment column.


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The Middle America active continental margin is the best-sampled active plate margin to date, having been drilled during Legs 84, 67, and 66. With nine sites drilled on the continental slope of Guatemala and an additional site drilled on the Costa Rican slope, a summary of slope sediments and sedimentary processes can be made. Sediments are easily subdivided into a thick apron of Neogene and Quaternary volcanically derived hemipelagic and turbidite mud and mudstone and a thinner, more varied assemblage of mostly Paleogene mudstone, radiolarian mudstone, and limestone. This latter assemblage may contain hiatuses or be completely lacking between slope deposits and basement. Cores from the foot of the continental slope (Core 567A-19) consist of Campanian micrite. The pre-Neogene section is much thicker and of more terrigenous provenance beneath the forearc basin landward of the forearc structural high than on the continental slope. Sedimentary processes of the Neogene and Quaternary slope sediments include reworking of hemipelagic and turbidite deposits. Redeposition by slumping, plastic flow, and turbidity current-documentable through benthic foraminiferal analysis-occurs in intracanyon and canyon settings. Erosion by slumping and by turbidity current and deposition of mud or sand in canyons and in local depressions on the continental slope and different rates of sediment accumulation result in dramatic thickness variations of lithologic units over small distances in localized pockets of sand in small filled canyons on the slope or in sediment ponds, and in high-relief basement topography. The age of sediment overlying igneous basement ranges from Cretaceous to Quaternary. Gas hydrate was visible or inferred present at every site drilled during Leg 84. Nevertheless, except for a small amount in the last core, it was not recovered in sufficient quantities to be visible at Site 568, a site specifically chosen for the study of hydrate and located near Site 496, which was abandoned during Leg 67 because of the dangerous abundance of hydrates. The association of hydrate with porous, coarser sediment results in a distribution as localized and unpredictable as the slope sands off Guatemala, which do not occur in beds coherent enough to produce acoustic reflection. Although the normal lithologic section at Sites 567 and 496 limits the volume of sediment that could be part of an accretionary prism offshore Guatemala and the volume of sediment in the Trench axis is not sufficient to argue for significant accumulation of Cocos Plate sediments, the varied lithology and attenuated thickness of pre-Neogene sediment seaward of the forearc structural high do not exclude earlier accretion from the history of the Guatemalan continental margin.


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The carbonate contents in the boulder clay ('Geschiebemergel') of abrasion cliffs were investigated along the Baltic coast of Schleswig-Holstein, northern West Germany. The calcareous boulder clay and stratified drift in the cliffs are interbedded with compressed thrust sheets of Cretaceous limestone, Tertiary Tarras clay, and Eemian clay. According to chemical analyses of 173 boulder clay samples, the amount of carbonate varies mostly between 6 and 17%. Owing to the small number of samples no definite conclusion could be drawn on the distribution of Danish Cretaceous limestones in the boulder clay, nor on the different directions of movement of Weichselian glaciers.


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Strata that record the evolutionary history of the North American continental margin in a region that serves as the basin margin interface between allochthonous sedimentation from the continent and pelagic sedimentation from the oceanic realm were recovered at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, on the lower continental rise. The lowermost unit recovered at this site is composed of upper Berriasian-Aptian interbedded laminated limestone and bioturbated limestone with sandstone to claystone turbidites. This unit can be correlated with the Blake-Bahama Formation in the western North Atlantic. Studies of the laminated and bioturbated limestones were used to determine the depositional environment. Geochemical and petrographic studies suggest that the laminated limestones were deposited from the suspended particulate loads of the nepheloid layer associated with weak bottom-current activity as well as moderate to poorly oxygenated bottom-water conditions. Fragments of macrofossils are also found in the Blake-Bahama Formation drilled at Site 603. Twelve specimens and their host sediment were analyzed for their carbon and oxygen isotopic composition. The macrofossil samples chosen for analysis consist of nine samples of Inoceramus, two ammonite aptychi, and one belemnite sample. Depletion in 18O is observed in recrystallized specimens. The ammonite aptychi have been diagenetically altered and/or exhibit evidence of isotopic fractionation by the organism. Oxygen isotope paleotemperatures obtained from five well-preserved specimens - four of Inoceramus and one of a belemnite - suggest that bottom-water temperatures in the North Atlantic Basin during the Early Cretaceous were very warm, at least 11°C.


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Conceptualization of groundwater flow systems is necessary for water resources planning. Geophysical, hydrochemical and isotopic characterization methods were used to investigate the groundwater flow system of a multi-layer fractured sedimentary aquifer along the coastline in Southwestern Nicaragua. A geologic survey was performed along the 46 km2 catchment. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was applied along a 4.4 km transect parallel to the main river channel to identify fractures and determine aquifer geometry. Additionally, three cross sections in the lower catchment and two in hillslopes of the upper part of the catchment were surveyed using ERT. Stable water isotopes, chloride and silica were analyzed for springs, river, wells and piezometers samples during the dry and wet season of 2012. Indication of moisture recycling was found although the identification of the source areas needs further investigation. The upper-middle catchment area is formed by fractured shale/limestone on top of compact sandstone. The lower catchment area is comprised of an alluvial unit of about 15 m thickness overlaying a fractured shale unit. Two major groundwater flow systems were identified: one deep in the shale unit, recharged in the upper-middle catchment area; and one shallow, flowing in the alluvium unit and recharged locally in the lower catchment area. Recharged precipitation displaces older groundwater along the catchment, in a piston flow mechanism. Geophysical methods in combination with hydrochemical and isotopic tracers provide information over different scales and resolutions, which allow an integrated analysis of groundwater flow systems. This approach provides integrated surface and subsurface information where remoteness, accessibility, and costs prohibit installation of groundwater monitoring networks.


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Siliceous sediments and sedimentary rocks occur as chert and silicified chalk, limestone, and claystone in Site 585 lower Miocene to Campanian sediments, with one older occurrence of chert near the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary. The recovered drill breccia in the Miocene to middle Eocene interval is dominated by bright red, orange, yellow, and brown chips and fragments of chert. In early Eocene and older sediments gray silicified limestone and yellowish brown chert fragments predominate. Recovery is poor in cores with chert because chert tends to fracture into smaller pieces that escape the drill and because the hard chert fragments grind away other sediments during rotary drilling. Thin-section and hand-sample studies show complex diagenetic histories of silicification (silica pore infill) and chertification (silica replacement of host rock). Multiple events of silicification can occur in the same rocks, producing chert from silicified limestone. Despite some prior silicification, silicified limestone is porous enough to provide conduits for dissolved silica-charged pore waters. Silicification and chert are more abundant in the coarser parts of the sedimentary section. These factors reflect the importance of porosity and permeability as well as chemical and lithologic controls in the process of silica diagenesis.


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From 0 to 277 m at Site 530 are found Holocene to Miocene diatom ooze, nannofossil ooze, marl, clay, and debrisflow deposits; from 277 to 467 m are Miocene to Oligocene mud; from 467 to 1103 m are Eocene to late Albian Cenomanian interbedded mudstone, marlstone, chalk, clastic limestone, sandstone, and black shale in the lower portion; from 1103 to 1121 m are basalts. In the interval from 0 to 467 m, in Holocene to Oligocene pelagic oozes, marl, clay, debris flows, and mud, velocities are 1.5 to 1.8 km/s; below 200 m velocities increase irregularly with increasing depth. From 0 to 100 m, in Holocene to Pleistocene diatom and nannofossil oozes (excluding debris flows), velocities are approximately equivalent to that of the interstitial seawater, and thus acoustic reflections in the upper 100 m are primarily caused by variations in density and porosity. Below 100 or 200 m, acoustic reflections are caused by variations in both velocity and density. From 100 to 467 m, in Miocene-Oligocene nannofossil ooze, clay, marl, debris flows, and mud, acoustic anisotropy irregularly increases to 10%, with 2 to 5% being typical. From 467 to 1103 m in Paleocene to late Albian Cenomanian interbedded mudstone, marlstone, chalk, clastic limestone, and black shale in the lower portion of the hole, velocities range from 1.6 to 5.48 km/s, and acoustic anisotropies are as great as 47% (1.0 km/s) faster horizontally. Mudstone and uncemented sandstone have anisotropies which irregularly increase with increasing depth from 5 to 10% (0.2 km/s). Calcareous mudstones have the greatest anisotropies, typically 35% (0.6 km/s). Below 1103 m, basalt velocities ranged from 4.68 to 4.98 km/s. A typical value is about 4.8 km/s. In situ velocities are calculated from velocity data obtained in the laboratory. These are corrected for in situ temperature, hydrostatic pressure, and porosity rebound (expansion when the overburden pressure is released). These corrections do not include rigidity variations caused by overburden pressures. These corrections affect semiconsolidated sedimentary rocks the most (up to 0.25 km/s faster). These laboratory velocities appear to be greater than the velocities from the sonic log. Reflection coefficients derived from the laboratory data, in general, agree with the major features on the seismic profiles. These indicate more potential reflectors than indicated from the reflection coefficients derived using the Gearhart-Owen Sonic Log from 625 to 940 m, because the Sonic Log data average thin beds. Porosity-density data versus depth for mud, mudstone, and pelagic oozes agree with data for similar sediments as summarized in Hamilton (1976). At depths of about 400 m and about 850 m are zones of relatively higher porosity mudstones, which may suggest anomalously high pore pressure; however, they are more probably caused by variations in grain-size distribution and lithology. Electrical resistivity (horizontal) from 625 to 950 m ranged from about 1.0 to 4.0 ohm-m, in Maestrichtian to Santonian- Coniacian mudstone, marlstone, chalk, clastic limestone, and sandstone. An interstitial-water resistivity curve did not indicate any unexpected lithology or unusual fluid or gas in the pores of the rock. These logs were above the black shale beds. From 0 to 100 m at Sites 530 and 532, the vane shear strength on undisturbed samples of Holocene-Pleistocene diatom and nannofossil ooze uniformly increases from about 80 g/cm**2 to about 800 g/cm**2. From 100 to 300 m, vane shear strength of Pleistocene-Miocene nannofossil ooze, clay, and marl are irregular versus depth with a range of 500 to 2300 g/cm**2; and at Site 532 the vane shear strength appears to decrease irregularly and slightly with increasing depth (gassy zone). Vane shear strength values of gassy samples may not be valid, for the samples may be disturbed as gas evolves, and the sediments may not be gassy at in situ depths.


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Lake Voulkaria is situated in northwestern Greece in the Prefecture of Etoloakarnania, 6 km SW of the city of Vonitsa and 10 km east of the northern tip of the island of Levkás (Leukás, Lefkada). The lake is separated from the Ionian Sea on the West by a narrow limestone ridge ca 10 m high and has a size of 940 ha. An almost continuous fringe of Phragmites surrounds the open water. This reed bank is up to 500 m wide along the southern shore of the lake. Water depth is low, predominantly less than 2 m. In the south-eastern part of the lake a maximum depth of 3.1 m was measured in September 1997.


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Exotic limestone masses with silicified fossils, enclosed within deep-water marine siliciclastic sediments of the Early to Middle Miocene Astoria Formation, are exposed along the north shore of the Columbia River in southwestern Washington, USA. Samples from four localities were studied to clarify the origin and diagenesis of these limestone deposits. The bioturbated and reworked limestones contain a faunal assemblage resembling that of modern and Cenozoic deep-water methane-seeps. Five phases make up the paragenetic sequence: (1) micrite and microspar; (2) fibrous, banded and botryoidal aragonite cement, partially replaced by silica or recrystallized to calcite; (3) yellow calcite; (4) quartz replacing carbonate phases and quartz cement; and (5) equant calcite spar and pseudospar. Layers of pyrite frequently separate different carbonate phases and generations, indicating periods of corrosion. Negative d13Ccarbonate values as low as -37.6 per mill V-PDB reveal an uptake of methane-derived carbon. In other cases, d13Ccarbonate values as high as 7.1 per mill point to a residual, 13C-enriched carbon pool affected by methanogenesis. Lipid biomarkers include 13C-depleted, archaeal 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethylicosane (PMI; d13C: -128 per mill), crocetane and phytane, as well as various iso- and anteiso-carbon chains, most likely derived from sulphate-reducing bacteria. The biomarker inventory proves that the majority of the carbonates formed as a consequence of sulphate-dependent anaerobic oxidation of methane. Silicification of fossils and early diagenetic carbonate cements as well as the precipitation of quartz cement - also observed in other methane-seep limestones enclosed in sediments with abundant diatoms or radiolarians - is a consequence of a preceding increase of alkalinity due to anaerobic oxidation of methane, inducing the dissolution of silica skeletons. Once anaerobic oxidation of methane has ceased, the pH drops again and silica phases can precipitate.


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During the extension of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 76 a new and previously unpenetrated lithological unit composed mainly of claystones was cored above basalt basement at Site 534 in the Blake-Bahama Basin. The Callovian part of the new unit contains interbedded 'black shales' which were hitherto unexpected in this part of the section. This Paper presents a brief palynological examination of lithofacies-kerogen relationships in these sediments and shows that their organic content is almost entirely a function of the re-deposition of terrestial and marine organic matter versus the ambient redox conditions of the depositional environment. Allochthonous organic matter inputs are highest in the interbedded turbidites and decline progressively toward the pelagic black shales in which marine organic matter is comparatively well preserved. The significance of various kerogen and palynomorph indices are discussed. The study emphasizes the absolute necessity for sedimentologically-aware sampling in all palynological and geochemical work on lithologically heterogeneous sequences.


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Ferromanganese nodules (equivalent to Recent manganese nodules) are described from the Upper Devonian griotte (red pelagic limestone) of the Montagne Noire (S. France) and the Cephalopodenkalk of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, West Germany. They occur as encrustations, commonly exhibiting colloform structures, around skeletal material and limestone clasts. The nodules are associated with encrusting foraminifera and a development in the sublittoral environment is envisaged. Chemically, the ferromanganese nodules are depleted in manganese relative to iron, compared with Recent nodules, a loss which is attributed to diagenetic migration of manganese. Electron probe studies show that manganese covaries positively with calcium, but negatively with iron and silicon. Diagenetic enrichment of hematite occurs in the griotte at hardground horizons where two periods of mineralization can be established. The Devonian ferromanganese nodules show that solution of nodules has not occurred on burial.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 recovered chert, porcellanite, and radiolarite from Middle Jurassic to lower Miocene strata from the western Pacific that formed by different processes and within distinct host rocks. These cherts and porcellanites formed by (1) replacement of chalk or limestone, (2) silicification and in-situ silica phase-transformation of bedded clay-bearing biosiliceous deposits, (3) high-temperature silicification adjacent to volcanic flows or sills, and (4) silica phase-transformation of mixed biosiliceous-volcaniclastic sediments. Petrologic and O-isotopic studies highlight the key importance of permeability and time in controlling the formation of dense cherts and porcellanites. The formation of dense, vitreous cherts apparently requires the local addition and concentration of silica. The influence of permeability is shown by two examples, in which: (1) fragments of originally identical radiolarite that were differentially isolated from pore-water circulation by cement-filled fractures were silicified to different degrees, and (2) by the development of secondary porosity during the opal-CT to quartz inversion within conditions of negligible permeability. The importance of time is shown by the presence of quartz chert below, but not above, a Paleogene hiatus at Site 802, indicating that between 30 and 52 m.y. was required for the formation of quartz chert within calcareous-siliceous sediments. The oxygen-isotopic composition for all Leg 129 carbonate- and Fe/Mn-oxide-free whole-rock samples of chert and porcellanite range widely from d18O = 27.8 per mil to 39.8 per mil vs. V-SMOW. Opal-CT samples are consistently richer in 18O (34.1 per mil to 39.3 per mil) than quartz subsamples (27.8 per mil to 35.7 per mil). Using the O-isotopic fractionation expression for quartz-water of Knauth and Epstein (1976) and assuming d18Opore water = -1.0 per mil, model temperatures of formation are 7°-26°C for carbonate-replacement quartz cherts, 22°-25°C for bedded quartz cherts, and 32°-34°C for thermal quartz cherts. Large variations in O-isotopic composition exist at the same burial depth between co-existing silica phases in the same sample and within the same phase in adjacent lithologies. For example, quartz has a wide range of isotopic compositions within a single breccia sample; d18O = 33.4 per mil and 28.0 per mil for early and late stages of fracture-filling cementation, and 31.6 per mil and 30.2 per mil for microcrystalline quartz precipitation within enclosed chert and radiolarite fragments. Similarly, opal-CT d101 spacing varies across lithologic or diagenetic boundaries within single samples. Co-occurring opal-CT and chalcedonic quartz in shallowly buried chert and porcellanite from Sites 800 and 801 have an 8.7 per mil difference in d18O, suggesting that pore waters in the Pigafetta Basin underwent a Tertiary shift to strongly 18O-depleted values due to alteration of underlying Aptian to Albian-Cenomanian volcaniclastic deposits after opal-CT precipitation, but prior to precipitation of microfossil-filling chalcedony.


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The Albian-Cenomanian sediments in Holes 627B and 635B contain diverse dinoflagellate-cyst assemblages, which show affinities with coeval assemblages from offshore Morocco and northwest Europe. A total of 34 samples were analyzed from the shallow-water platform sediments and neritic marly chalk of Hole 627B and from the argillaceous chalk and limestone of Hole 635B. Dinoflagellate cysts indicate that the top of the shallow-water platform drilled at Hole 627B must be attributed to the late Albian. Dinocysts also date the drowning of the carbonate platform of the Blake Plateau. This drowning started in the latest Albian (Vraconian) and continued into the Cenomanian. The site area changed from an inner to intermediate or outer(?) neritic environment. The area around Hole 635B from the late Albian appears to have been situated in a deeper environment than the area around Hole 627B during the same period. The new dinoflagellate-cyst species Compositosphaeridiuml bahamaensis n. sp., Maghrebinia breviornata n. sp., and Subtilisphaeral habibi n. sp. are described, and Pervosphaeridium truncatum is emended. Additional taxonomic remarks about other species are included.