Age determination and pollen profile of sediment core Voulkaria 1966, Greece

Autoria(s): Wright, Herbert E; Grüger, Johanna

LATITUDE: 38.863890 * LONGITUDE: 20.819440 * DATE/TIME START: 1966-07-15T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1966-07-15T00:00:00




Lake Voulkaria is situated in northwestern Greece in the Prefecture of Etoloakarnania, 6 km SW of the city of Vonitsa and 10 km east of the northern tip of the island of Levkás (Leukás, Lefkada). The lake is separated from the Ionian Sea on the West by a narrow limestone ridge ca 10 m high and has a size of 940 ha. An almost continuous fringe of Phragmites surrounds the open water. This reed bank is up to 500 m wide along the southern shore of the lake. Water depth is low, predominantly less than 2 m. In the south-eastern part of the lake a maximum depth of 3.1 m was measured in September 1997.


application/zip, 3 datasets








Jahns, Susanne (2005): Pollen record and dating of a sediment profile from Lake Voulkaria, Greece. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.728701


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Wright, Herbert E; Grüger, Johanna (2016): Voulkaria 1966: the earliest palynological study of sediment from Lake Voulkaria, Northwestern Greece. 2 pp, hdl:10013/epic.46605.d001

Palavras-Chave #68% range; Abi; Abies; Ace; Acer; Age, 14C; Age, 14C calibrated; Age, dated; Age, dated material; Age, dated standard deviation; Age dated; Age std dev; All.v-T; Allium vineale-type; Aln; Alnus; Anemone-type; Ane-T; Apiaceae; Apiae; Art; Artemisia; Asp.a-T; Aspe; Asperula; Asphodelus albus-type; AsteLigu; AsteTubu; Bet; Betula; Borae; Boraginaceae; Bot; Botrychium; BP; Braae; Brassicaceae; Bupleurum-type; Bup-T; Bux; Buxus; Calendar years; Calendar years, maximum/old; Calendar years, minimum/young; Calendar years, standard deviation; Cal yrs; Cal yrs max; Cal yrs min; Cal yrs std dev; Camae; Campanulaceae; Car.b; Car.o/Os; Carpinus betulus; Carpinus orientalis/Ostrya; Caryophyllaceae; Cas; Castanea; Ccs.s; Cel; Celtis; Cen.j-T; Cen.sp; Cen.s-T; Centaurea jacea-type; Centaurea scabiosa-type; Centaurea sp.; Cercis siliquastrum; Cerealia-type; cf.Cot; cf. Cotinus; cf.Eri; cf. Erica; cf.Pop; cf. Populus; cf.Sec; cf. Secale; cf.Smi; cf. Smilax; Cheae; Chenopodiaceae; Cis.s; Cistus salvifolius; Cla.m; Cladium mariscus; Cnv.a-T; Compositae Liguliflorae; Compositae Tubuliflorae; Convolvulus arvensis-type; Cor; Corylus; Cphae; Crl-T; Cynocrambe; Cypae; Cyperaceae; Dap; Daphne; Dated material; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Drp; Dryopteris; Ech; Echium; Eph.d-T; Eph.f-T; Ephedra distachya-type; Ephedra fragilis-type; Equ; Equisetum; Eup; Euphorbia; Fabaceae; Fabae; Fag; Fagus; Fal.c-T; Fallopia convolvulus-type; Filipendula; Flp; Fra.e-T; Fra.o; Fraxinus excelsior-type; Fraxinus ornus; Gei-T; Genae; Genista-type; Gentianaceae; Ger; Geranium; Geum-type; Geu-T; Gyp; Gypsophila; Hed.h; Hedera helix; Hed-T; Hedysarum-type; Hel.sp; Helianthemum sp.; Hum/Can; Humulus/Cannabis; Iso; Isoetes; Jug; Juglans; Juniperus-type; Jun-T; Kna; Knautia; L. cf. perenne; Lab no; Lamae; Lamiaceae; Lemae; Lemnaceae; Lilae; Liliaceae; Linum cf. perenne; Lor; Loranthus; Lot-T; Lotus-type; Lud; Ludwigia; Lys.v-T; Lysimachia vulgaris-type; Mel; Melampyrum; Men-T; Mentha-type; Mercurialis-type; Mer-T; Myo.a; Myo.s/v; Myriophyllum alterniflorum; Myriophyllum spicatum/verticillatum; Myrtus; Myt; Nym; Nymphaea; Olea-type; Ole-T; Onaae; Onagraceae; Onb; Onobrychis; Onosma; Oph; Ophioglossum; Osm; other trilete spores; Per; Periploca; Phi; Phillyrea; Pic; Picea; Pin; Pinus; Pistacia; Pla.c-T; Pla.l-T; Pla.m/m-T; Pla.m-T; Pla.sp; Plantago coronopus-type; Plantago lanceolata-type; Plantago major/media-type; Plantago maritima-type; Plantago sp.; Platanus; Plt; Poac; Poaceae; Pocae; Pol.i-T; Pol.p-T; Pollen indet; Pollen indeterminata; Polygonum aviculare-type; Polygonum persicaria-type; Polypodiaceae; Polypodium vulgare; Pot; Potamogeton; pp.; Ppd.v; Primula veris-type; Prm.v-T; Pst; Ptd; Pteridium; Que.i/cT; Que.p/Que.r-T; Quercus ilex/Q. coccifera-type; Quercus pubescens/Q. robur-type; R. maritima; Ranae; Ranunculaceae; Rhamnus-type; Rha-T; Rhinanthus-type; Rhi-T; Rosaceae; Rosae; Rubae; Rubiaceae; Rum; Rumex; Ruppia maritima; S. maritimus-T; Sal; Salix; Sample, optional label/labor no; Sar./San. minor; Sarcopoterium/Sanguisorba minor; Scirpus maritimus-type; Scoae; Scrophulariaceae; Sediment; Sediment type; Sed-T; Sedum-type; Sol.d; Solanum dulcamara; Spa.j; Sparganium-type; Spartium junceum; Spa-T; Spores, trilete undifferentiated; Stachys-type; Sta-T; Tam; Tamarix; Tax; Taxus; Tha; Thalictrum; Til; Tilaea; Tilia; Tillaea; Tri; Trifolium; tril.ud; Typ.l-T; Typha latifolia-type; Ulm; Ulmus; Urtae; Urticaceae; Varia; Vitis; Vts; Xan; Xanthium
