Palynofacies investigation of Callovian sediments of DSDP Hole 79-534A

Autoria(s): Tyson, Richard V

LATITUDE: 28.343300 * LONGITUDE: -75.381700 * DATE/TIME START: 1980-10-21T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1980-10-21T00:00:00




During the extension of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 76 a new and previously unpenetrated lithological unit composed mainly of claystones was cored above basalt basement at Site 534 in the Blake-Bahama Basin. The Callovian part of the new unit contains interbedded 'black shales' which were hitherto unexpected in this part of the section. This Paper presents a brief palynological examination of lithofacies-kerogen relationships in these sediments and shows that their organic content is almost entirely a function of the re-deposition of terrestial and marine organic matter versus the ambient redox conditions of the depositional environment. Allochthonous organic matter inputs are highest in the interbedded turbidites and decline progressively toward the pelagic black shales in which marine organic matter is comparatively well preserved. The significance of various kerogen and palynomorph indices are discussed. The study emphasizes the absolute necessity for sedimentologically-aware sampling in all palynological and geochemical work on lithologically heterogeneous sequences.


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Supplement to: Tyson, Richard V (1984): Palynofacies investigation of Callovian (Middle Jurassic) sediments from DSDP Site 534, Blake-Bahama Basin, Western Central Atlantic. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 1(1), 3-13, doi:10.1016/0264-8172(84)90116-8

Palavras-Chave #76-534A; acanthomorph; Acr; Acritarcha; amorphous; black shales; black shales, average; black shales, No of beds; bSiO2; charcoal-like black wood; chorate; Classopollis; Claystone; claystone slumps; claystone slumps, average; claystone slumps, No of beds; Counts; Crassosphaerids; cuticle debris; Cuticles; Cyanosphaerids; Debris; Deep Sea Drilling Project; Dinoflagellate cyst; Dinoflagellate cyst, chorate; Dinoflagellate cyst indeterminata; Dinofl c chor; Dinofl cyst; Dinofl cyst indet; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; Foram; Foraminifera; Glomar Challenger; graded interclastics claystone units; graded interclastics claystone units, average; graded interclastics claystone units, No. of beds; Layer thickness; Leg76; Ligno-cellulosic trachael-woody debris; Limestone; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; Lmst; marly; marly limestones, average; marly limestones, No of beds; No; North Atlantic/BASIN; Number; number of microforaminifers observed during palynomorph counts; ODP sample designation; OM; Opal, biogenic silica; Organic matter; other; Palyn; palynodebris; Palynomorpha; Plankt; Plankton; Pollen, bisaccate; Pollen bisaccate; poorly lignified macrophyte debris; probable dinocysts (non-chorates); proximate and proximo-chorate dinocysts; radiolarian-rich bands; radiolarian-rich bands, average; radiolarian-rich bands, No of beds; Rec; Recovery; Sample code/label; Sha; Shale; Siliciclast; Siliciclastics; Spores, trilete; Spores, trilete ornamented; Spores, trilete unornamented; Sporom; Sporomorphes; Tasmanitids; thickness; Thickness; trilete spores; trilorna; trilunorna; undifferentiated; Wood; zonate
