Petrology and carbon and oxygen stable isotopic composition of macrofossils and sediments from the Blake-Bahama Formation, DSDP Hole 93-603B

Autoria(s): Haggerty, Janet A

LATITUDE: 35.495200 * LONGITUDE: -70.028500 * DATE/TIME START: 1983-05-05T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1983-05-05T00:00:00




Strata that record the evolutionary history of the North American continental margin in a region that serves as the basin margin interface between allochthonous sedimentation from the continent and pelagic sedimentation from the oceanic realm were recovered at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, on the lower continental rise. The lowermost unit recovered at this site is composed of upper Berriasian-Aptian interbedded laminated limestone and bioturbated limestone with sandstone to claystone turbidites. This unit can be correlated with the Blake-Bahama Formation in the western North Atlantic. Studies of the laminated and bioturbated limestones were used to determine the depositional environment. Geochemical and petrographic studies suggest that the laminated limestones were deposited from the suspended particulate loads of the nepheloid layer associated with weak bottom-current activity as well as moderate to poorly oxygenated bottom-water conditions. Fragments of macrofossils are also found in the Blake-Bahama Formation drilled at Site 603. Twelve specimens and their host sediment were analyzed for their carbon and oxygen isotopic composition. The macrofossil samples chosen for analysis consist of nine samples of Inoceramus, two ammonite aptychi, and one belemnite sample. Depletion in 18O is observed in recrystallized specimens. The ammonite aptychi have been diagenetically altered and/or exhibit evidence of isotopic fractionation by the organism. Oxygen isotope paleotemperatures obtained from five well-preserved specimens - four of Inoceramus and one of a belemnite - suggest that bottom-water temperatures in the North Atlantic Basin during the Early Cretaceous were very warm, at least 11°C.


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Supplement to: Haggerty, Janet A (1987): Petrology and carbon and oxygen stable isotopic composition of macrofossils and sediments from the Blake-Bahama Formation, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, Western North Atlantic lower continental rise. In: van Hinte, JE; Wise, SW Jr; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 93, 1003-1021, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.93.140.1987

Palavras-Chave #93-603B; d13C carb; d13C skel carb; d18O carb; d18O skel carb; Deep Sea Drilling Project; delta 13C, carbonate; delta 13C, skeletal carbonate; delta 18O, carbonate; delta 18O, skeletal carbonate; Description; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; Glomar Challenger; Host rock; Host tock; Leg93; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; Macrofossil debris; Macrofossils; Mass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251; ODP sample designation; Sample code/label; Visual description
