1000 resultados para Comportamento sexual : Psicologia


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Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as representações da Mulher no discurso científico, em particular nas Ciências Sociais e do Comportamento. Metodologia: Optámos por um estudo de caso com uma abordagem metodológica de análise de conteúdo qualitativa, com recursos a informações quantitativas utilizando o software informático MAXQDA 12. A análise foi desenvolvida a partir de uma grelha de categorização que delineámos. Amostra: A nossa amostra é composta por um conjunto de 122 artigos publicados em 9 revistas científicas portuguesas na área da Psicologia no ano de 2015. Resultados: Atráves da análise dos 122 artigos, no conjunto das 9 revistas, obtivemos uma predominência da categoria “Família”, seguida do “Género” e por posteriormente da “Agressão”. Em comparação com o número de artigos em que as categorias estão presentes, obtivemos algumas diferenças. A categoria “Família” é a mais frequente, depois “Feminino” e por fim a “Agressão”, sendo estas também as que tiveram em destaque em maior parte das revistas analisadas. Verificámos que em algumas revistas havia mais que uma categoria prevalecente. Destacamos também que mais de metade das categorias não revelaram predominância nem relevância ao longo do estudo. Conclusão: O dicurso em relação à Mulher nos estudo científicos das Ciências Sociais e do Comportamento continua a manter-se ligado às representações sociais tradicionais, associadas à família e ao feminino. Não verificámos uma verdadeira transformação nos Estudo da Mulher, mas antes um eco de outros discursos e representações societariamente aceites. / Objectives: This study aimed to analyse the representations of Women in scientific discourse, particularly in Social and Behavioural Sciences. Methodology: We developed a case study using a methodological approach with qualitative content analysis, with resources to quantitative information using computer software MAXQDA 12. The analysis was developed from a grid of categorization that we outlined. Sample: Our sample is composed of a set of 122 articles published in 9 Portuguese scientific journals in Psychology in 2015. Results: Through the analysis of 122 articles in the nine journals, we obtained a relevance of the "Family" category, followed by "Gender" and "Aggression". Comparing the number of articles in which the categories are present, we found some differences. "Family" is the most frequent, followed by "Female" and "Aggression", which are also the categories that were highlighted in most of the journals analysed. We found that in some journals had more than a prevailing category. We also note that more than half of the categories did not show dominance or relevance throughout the study. Conclusions: The discourse on women in scientific studies of Social and Behavioural Sciences continues to remain linked to traditional social representations associated with the family and the female. We not noticed a real change in the Women's Study, but an echo of other speeches and corporate aspects accepted representations.


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Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental sin grupo control de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre las Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual ITS y VIH/SIDA a los estudiantes de la Escuela de Psicología Educativa de La Universidad Estatal de la Ciudad de Cuenca. Se aplicó un cuestionario con dos instrumentos de medición: antes y 2 meses después de la intervención educativa basada en la teoría cognoscitivo-social de Albert Bandura. La muestra estuvo constituida por 77 estudiantes que a la vez constituyeron el grupo intervención y control. El 70% tienen una edad entre 19 a 23 años, con una media de 22.7años. La media de edad de inicio de las relaciones sexuales fue de 17.8 ± 4.3. El número de personas con las que tuvieron relaciones sexuales, en los 3 últimos meses fue de 1,9 ± 2.6. Se obtuvieron como resultados que el grado de conocimientos aumento de 64.90% a 69.20 %, las actitudes buenas se incrementaron de un 70.20% a 78.00%. Las prácticas disminuyeron de un 36.30 % a 35.90%; en el grupo intervenido. En el conocimiento sobre Condiloma se obtuvo un incremento significativo, al igual que sobre Herpes (p menor que 0.05). En relación al nivel de autoeficacia aumentó en negarse a tener relaciones sexuales bajo el efecto del alcohol y/o drogas (p menor que 0.05).


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El presente es un estudio analítico cuasi experimental sin grupo control, con dos instrumentos de medición, antes y 3 meses después de la intervención educativa, basados en la teoría cognoscitivo-social de Albert Bandura, cuyo objetivo principal es analizar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los estudiantes universitarios. Fueron seleccionados 89 estudiantes de la Facultad de Psicología Educativa de la Universidad de Cuenca. Los datos fueron obtenidos por medio de la aplicación de cuestionarios, se procesaron en tablas de frecuencia y distribución porcentual por variables, utilizando la prueba de asociación de Chi cuadrado con un nivel de confianza del 95%. La edad fue de 20 y 24 años (86,5%), con una media de 23,51 años; sexo predominante el femenino (83,1%), religión católica (89,9%), en su mayoría fueron solteros (76,4%) y procedentes de la zona urbana (80,9%). Se obtuvo incremento con significancia estadística en conocimientos de condiloma de 5,6% a 26,9%; gonorrea de 82% a 93,6%; clamidias 6,7% a 24,4%; con valor de p: 0,0001; 0,024; 0,001 respectivamente, al comparar pre y pos intervención; las manifestaciones de la ITS fueron: dolor en vientre bajo, secreción, verrugas en los genitales, manchas en la piel siendo estadísticamente significativas, valor de p: 0,0001; 0,0001; 0,0001; 0,001 respectivamente. Mejoraron las actitudes sin encontrarse significancia estadística. Las prácticas no se modificaron en forma favorable.


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In this article we go back to basics – to the very idea of the gendered organisation. Probably all researchers on gender and diversity in the workplace have some notion, however implicit, of the gendered organisation. This applies in both empirical research and more general theoretical analysis of organisations and management. Our task here is to assist in making explicit what those assumptions may be and help us to take a critical look at how we understand and conceptualise ‘the gendered organisation’, and the assumptions that we bring with us in our own and others’ work. We organise our discussion in two main parts. First, we examine the concept of the gendered organisation, by setting out a very short history, including some of the basic assumptions about the gendered organisation and some continuing questions in studying the gendered organisation. The second main part develops a positive critique of the concept of the gendered organisation. This positive critique involves the re-evaluation of several key elements: the concept of ‘organisation’ itself; the concept of ‘gender’; the relation of gender and sexuality; the relations of gender, sexuality, violence and violation; the intersection of gender and other social divisions; as well as some more general methodological critiques. This critical engagement is a necessary part of empirical and conceptual development on gender and diversity in workplaces and organisations more generally.


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Focusing on the Nordic context, this article highlights complexities between gender equality discourse established at the societal level and discursive practice in organizations, particularly in relation to management, managing and managers. This research task is carried out by deconstructing a management text, and grounding the deconstruction in critical feminist literature. This analysis illustrates how managerial discourse is challenged and questioned by pro-egaliterian arguments in the Nordic context. However, it also demonstrates the pervasiveness of the gendered elements in managerial discourse, which relies on specific conceptions of parenthood where motherhood is constructed as problematic whereas fatherhood remains absent – and thus unproblematic. It is suggested that the ‘Nordic case’ provides a fruitful basis for similar studies in other societal contexts in Europe.


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The labor market in the multicultural society is a major arena where the interrelation of gender and ethnicity is expressed in processes of discrimination, sexism and racism. For women from ethnic minorities, one way to avoid these problems is to work in migrant enterprises. As this may ease tensions related to ethnicity, it does not solve gender-related problems like the subordination of women and the perception of female migrants as ‘just’ daughters, mothers and wives by male co-migrants. Female ethnic minority entrepreneurship may be the way to escape such processes. In the Netherlands, 25% of all ethnic minority entrepreneurs are female. However, little is known about their socio-economic background and the way they perceive their businesses. Moreover, there is a theoretical haphazardness concerning the phenomenon female ethnic minority entrepreneurship. Although recently researchers have opted for an integral theory called the ‘mixed-embeddedness’ approach as to explain ethnic minority entrepreneurship through a combination of personal, sociocultural and structural factors, the role of gender still seems to be underexposed in this theory. Likewise, the literature concerning entrepreneurial networking has hardly interfered with both gender and ethnicity. Therefore, this paper provides a state of affairs concerning the research and literature on ethnic minority entrepreneurship, gender and networks. It argues that a better understanding of female ethnic minority entrepreneurship requires further scientific attention and that a contribution needs to be made to theory development regarding the interrelation of ethnicity and gender in entrepreneurship and in entrepreneurial networks particularly.


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Despite the increase, in recent years, of women’s participation in the labour market, sex discrimination remains a reality in most work organisations. In this matter, academic organisations are no exception. Evidence of sex inequalities is well documented in the literature. At the individual level, inequalities are partly explained by family responsibilities mainly held by women. Having to spend a considerable amount of time in home and children related activities women are left with less time available for scientific work than their male colleagues. With the purpose of understanding how academics experience the relationship between work and family, 32 in-depth interviews were conducted among Portuguese academics of both sexes in one particular university. The findings confirmed that work-family conflict is stronger among female faculty than among their male counterparts. Additionally, the prejudice against maternity and the way it is compatible with a successful career appears to survive the new gender relations. Difficulties felt by female academics could be minimised by the introduction of «family-friendly» policies and the development of a positive organisational climate towards maternity and family issues.


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This paper considers recent attempts to introduce managerial reform in higher education. In exploring the issues the paper draws on an interviewing programme conducted with female and male academics in Sweden and England responsible for delivering change: heads of department, heads of division and principal lecturers. The aim is to examine the implications for the day-to-day work of academics arising from the reforms and to consider the gender implications. The paper conceptualises the areas of academic responsibility along the following dimensions identified by the academics themselves: dog work, tough work, care work, real work and nice work. In bringing into sharper focus the harsher realities of academe, and exploring the overlap and connectivity between gender and academic labour, it is argued that intellectual labour is hard work indeed, particularly for women.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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Este artigo representa uma tentativa ensaística de elencar 21 temas que, porventura, marcarão o interesse e a investigação no seio da disciplina do comportamento organizacional. Sem pretensões de exaustividade e visando descortinar janelas de oportunidade para investigação, os autores fazem um breve retrato de uma grande diversidade de temas (e.g., ética e responsabilidade social, conciliação do trabalho com a vida familiar, teletrabalho e organizações virtuais, contratos psicológicos da «nova geração», organizações baseadas no conhecimento, globalização e transculturalização, organizações autentizóticas, dignidade humana no trabalho), procurando também gizar as pistas dinâmicas que cada um deles poderá tomar. O panorama traçado procura reflectir as mudanças que as envolventes organizacionais têm vindo a concitar, projectando sobre as organizações e os respectivos decisores um vasto catálogo de desafios, questionamentos e oportunidades – factos e possíveis desenvolvimentos a que os investigadores e estudiosos do CO não devem ficar alheios.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças Empresariais