955 resultados para Campus planning.


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An optimization tool has been developed to help companies to optimize their production cycles and thus improve their overall supply chain management processes. The application combines the functionality that traditional APS (Advanced Planning System) and ARP (Automatic Replenishment Program) systems provide into one optimization run. A qualitative study was organized to investigate opportunities to expand the product’s market base. Twelve personal interviews were conducted and the results were collected in industry specific production planning analyses. Five process industries were analyzed to identify the product’s suitability to each industry sector and the most important product development areas. Based on the research the paper and the plastic film industries remain the most potential industry sectors at this point. To be successful in other industry sectors some product enhancements would be required, including capabilities to optimize multiple sequential and parallel production cycles, handle sequencing of complex finishing operations and to include master planning capabilities to support overall supply chain optimization. In product sales and marketing processes the key to success is to find and reach the people who are involved directly with the problems that the optimization tool can help to solve.


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During recent years, mobile phone markets have changed significantly. Asian markets have become vital for the manufacturers with their millions of end users and multiple major mobile network operators. This has resulted in software development as global companies have research and development sites running in multiple locations, including Asia. The reasons behind this are not only in reducing labor costs but also in capitalizing on the local knowledge and knowhow. A ramp-up site has multiple effects in the software development and software release activities. This thesis focuses on representing the importance of software testing as part of software development process and highlighting issues that need to be considered during ramp-up activities. In addition this work tries to emphasize the importance of communication between parties and information gathering prior to setting up the ramp-up site. The output of this thesis was successful software testing site ramp-up within the set time limits. The quality of software testing work was assured and the ramp-up -project requirements were achieved.


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Mix marketing and relationships marketing are two major approaches that often form a basis for organizational marketing planning. The superiority of these approaches has been debated for long without any rational conclusion. Lately there have been studies indicating that both of the major approaches are many times used side by side in marketing planning. There have been also studies suggesting that even combining the mix marketing and relationship marketing approaches might be possible. The aim of this thesis is to provide knowledge about the usage of mix marketing and relationship marketing approaches in organizations and possibilities in combining the approaches. Also a settlement of strengths, weaknesses and risks of combining is intended to provide. The objectives were met through the literature and a case study research. In the case study, interviews were conducted in order to gain a deeper knowledge about marketing planning in various organizations. Based on this study, the combining of the major marketing approaches will be possible and even recommended when keeping in mind few aspects which might cause some troubles in the combining process.


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Larox Corporation is a provider of full service filtration in solid and liquid separation. Larox develops, designs, manufactures and supplies industrial filters. By Larox’s continuous development principle, a project for more efficient production was started. At the same time production planning was taken under review. Aim for this Master’s thesis was to find software designed for production planning purposes replacement for old Microsoft Excel based method. In this Master’s thesis current way of production planning was thoroughly analyzed and improvement targets were specified and also requirements for new software were assigned. Primary requirements for new software were possibility to production scheduling, planning, follow-up and also for long-time capacity planning and tracking. Also one demand was that new software should have data link to Larox’s current ERP-system. Result of this Master’s thesis was to start using Larox’s ERP-system also for production planning purposes. New mode of operation fulfils all requirements which were placed to new system. By using new method of production planning, production planners can get more easier and reliable data than from current system.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever a produção científica de professores e profissionais do campus da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp) que toma a Atenção Básica em saúde e o SUS como objeto de estudo de 1994 a 2009. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo quali-quantitativo, baseado em informações obtidas em periódicos indexados nos bancos Pubmed, Medline, Lilacs e Scielo, no período de 1994-2009. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 98 trabalhos no período, verificando-se aumento progressivo do número de publicações a partir de 2003, principalmente de docentes e técnicos em educação superior vinculados aos departamentos de Medicina Preventiva, Enfermagem, Pediatria e Fonoaudiologia. Muitos deles foram realizados em parceria com outras universidades e serviços de saúde. A avaliação dos conteúdos dos trabalhos foi feita mediante categorização em quatro temas: política, planejamento e gestão; educação em saúde; morbidade; promoção da saúde. CONCLUSÃO: As publicações expressam que a relação dos pesquisadores da Unifesp com a rede do SUS vem se tornando construtiva nestes sete anos, contribuindo para a consolidação do SUS e o apoio à sua dinâmica, planejamento e gestão.


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The objective of this thesis is to research Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system and Master Scheduling (MS) in a manufacturing firm. The study is conducted at Ensto Finland Corporation, which operates on a field of electrical systems and supplies. The paper consists of theoretical and empirical parts. The empirical part is based on weekly operating at Ensto and includes inter-firm material analysis, learning and meetings. Master Scheduling is an important module of an MPC system, since it is beneficial on transforming strategic production plans based on demand forecasting into operational schedules. Furthermore, capacity planning tools can remarkably contribute to production planning: by Rough-Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP) tool, a MS plan can be critically analyzed in terms of available key resources in real manufacturing environment. Currently, there are remarkable inefficiencies when it comes to Ensto’s practices: the system is not able to take into consideration seasonal demand and react on market changes on time; This can cause significant lost sales. However, these inefficiencies could be eliminated through the appropriate utilization of MS and RCCP tools. To utilize MS and RCCP tools in Ensto’s production environment, further testing in real production environment is required. Moreover, data accuracy, appropriate commitment to adapting and learning the new tools, and continuous developing of functions closely related to MS, such as sales forecasting, need to be ensured.


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The objective of this study was to verify the potential of SNAP III (Scheduling and Network Analysis Program) as a support tool for harvesting and wood transport planning in Brazil harvesting subsystem definition and establishment of a compatible route were assessed. Initially, machine operational and production costs were determined in seven subsystems for the study area, and quality indexes, construction and maintenance costs of forest roads were obtained and used as SNAP III program input data. The results showed, that three categories of forest road occurrence were observed in the study area: main, secondary and tertiary which, based on quality index, allowed a medium vehicle speed of about 41, 30 and 24 km/hours and a construction cost of about US$ 5,084.30, US$ 2,275.28 and US$ 1,650.00/km, respectively. The SNAP III program used as a support tool for the planning, was found to have a high potential tool in the harvesting and wood transport planning. The program was capable of defining efficiently, the harvesting subsystem on technical and economical basis, the best wood transport route and the forest road to be used in each period of the horizon planning.


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A composição vegetal, estrutura, diversidade, estádio sucessional e distribuição de espécies do cerrado do campus da UEG com 6 ha, foram inventariados usando 30 parcelas com 100 m² cada. A partir de dbs superior ou igual a 5 cm foram amostrados 515 indivíduos, representados por 20 famílias, 28 gêneros e 46 espécies. As famílias de maior riqueza foram Leguminosae, Vochysiaceae e Malpighiaceae. As espécies Qualea grandiflora, Byrsonima crassa, Erytroxylum tortuosum, Qualea parviflora e Miconia ferruginata apresentaram os maiores VIs. A diversidade da área (H¢ = 1,353) é menor que valores descritos para Cerrado, o que pode ser conseqüência tanto da abundância de espécies como Q. grandiflora e B. crasssa quanto de interferências antrópicas no local, incluindo queimadas. O valor do índice sucessional (IS = 2,3) indica uma comunidade em estágio intermediário de sucessão, já que seu valor oscila de 1 a 3 . A comunidade ajustou-se apenas ao modelo log-normal, o que, de acordo com a literatura, pode ser influência da proporção da abundância de espécies dominantes, intermediárias e raras.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o banco de sementes de um trecho de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual Secundária, por meio da análise florística e da densidade de sementes. Denominado Mata da Praça de Esportes, o fragmento está situado no Campus da UFV, em Viçosa, MG, cuja área corresponde a 10,65 ha em regeneração há 75 anos. A área amostral foi subdividida em 40 parcelas de 3 x 5 m, distribuídas em quatro transectos paralelos. Amostras compostas foram feitas em 20 dessas parcelas e posteriormente distribuídas dentro de 40 caixas de madeira, em viveiro. O montante foi dividido, submetendo-se cada metade a sombreamentos de 11,5% e 60%. A germinação total e das espécies arbustivo-arbóreas foi comparada nas duas condições de sombreamento, utilizando-se o teste t para amostras independentes. O banco de sementes foi constituído predominantemente por ervas invasoras, pertencentes, em sua maioria, às famílias Asteraceae (15 espécies), Solanaceae (4 espécies) e Poaceae (3 espécies). Foram quantificadas 5.194 plântulas, com predomínio das pioneiras arbustivo-arbóreas das famílias Melastomataceae e Cecropiaceae. A germinação das sementes conduzida sob sombra foi significativamente maior do que no ambiente de menor sombreamento (luz). Espécies zoocóricas foram mais abundantes, indicando a importância dos fragmentos florestais como fonte de recurso e abrigo para a fauna local. A alta densidade de indivíduos de espécies arbóreas e arbustivas pioneiras, como Cecropia hololeuca, as espécies de Melastomataceae, Asteraceae e Piperaceae, importantes para a regeneração da floresta, reflete a capacidade de resiliência da área estudada, na ocorrência de distúrbios.


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Linear programming models are effective tools to support initial or periodic planning of agricultural enterprises, requiring, however, technical coefficients that can be determined using computer simulation models. This paper, presented in two parts, deals with the development, application and tests of a methodology and of a computational modeling tool to support planning of irrigated agriculture activities. Part I aimed at the development and application, including sensitivity analysis, of a multiyear linear programming model to optimize the financial return and water use, at farm level for Jaíba irrigation scheme, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, using data on crop irrigation requirement and yield, obtained from previous simulation with MCID model. The linear programming model outputted a crop pattern to which a maximum total net present value of R$ 372,723.00 for the four years period, was obtained. Constraints on monthly water availability, labor, land and production were critical in the optimal solution. In relation to the water use optimization, it was verified that an expressive reductions on the irrigation requirements may be achieved by small reductions on the maximum total net present value.


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Techniques of evaluation of risks coming from inherent uncertainties to the agricultural activity should accompany planning studies. The risk analysis should be carried out by risk simulation using techniques as the Monte Carlo method. This study was carried out to develop a computer program so-called P-RISCO for the application of risky simulations on linear programming models, to apply to a case study, as well to test the results comparatively to the @RISK program. In the risk analysis it was observed that the average of the output variable total net present value, U, was considerably lower than the maximum U value obtained from the linear programming model. It was also verified that the enterprise will be front to expressive risk of shortage of water in the month of April, what doesn't happen for the cropping pattern obtained by the minimization of the irrigation requirement in the months of April in the four years. The scenario analysis indicated that the sale price of the passion fruit crop exercises expressive influence on the financial performance of the enterprise. In the comparative analysis it was verified the equivalence of P-RISCO and @RISK programs in the execution of the risk simulation for the considered scenario.


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Operation Musketeer, a combined joint Anglo-French operation aimed at regaining control of the Suez Canal in 1956, has received much attention from scholars. The most common approach to the crisis has been to examine the political dimension. The political events that led Prime Minister Anthony Eden’s cabinet to decide to use military force against the wishes of their superior American ally and in the face of American economic pressure and a Soviet threat to attack Paris and London with rockets have been analysed thoroughly. This is particularly the case because the ceasefire and eventual withdrawal were an indisputable defeat of British policy in the Middle East. The military operation not only ruined Prime Minister Eden’s career, but it also diminished the prestige of Britain. It was the beginning of the end, some claim. The British Empire would never be the same. As the consequences of using force are generally considered more important than the military operations themselves, very little attention has been paid to the military planning of Operation Musketeer. The difference between the number of publications on Operation Corporate of the Falklands War and Operation Musketeer is striking. Not only has there been little previous research on the military aspects of Musketeer, the conclusions drawn in the existing works have not reached a consensus. Some historians, such as Correlli Barnett, compare Musketeer to the utter failures of the Tudor landings and Gallipoli. Among significant politicians, Winston Churchill, who had retired from the prime ministership only a year before the Suez Crisis, described the operation as “the most ill-conceived and ill-executed imaginable”. Colin McInnes, a well-known author on British defence policy, represents the middle view when he describes the execution as “far from failure”. Finally, some, like Julian Thompson, the Commander of 3 Commando Brigade during the Falklands War, rate the military action itself as being successful. The interpretation of how successful the handling of the Suez Crisis was from the military point of view depends very much on the approach taken and the areas emphasised in the subject. Frequently, military operations are analysed in isolation from other events. The action of a country’s armed forces is separated from the wider context and evaluated without a solid point of comparison. Political consequences are often used as validated criteria, and complicated factors contributing to military performance are ignored. The lack of comprehensive research on the military action has left room for an analysis concentrating on the military side of the crisis.