940 resultados para telegrams - folk customs - Swedish-speaking Finns


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The prehistoric cemetery of Barshalder is located along the main road on the boundary between Grötlingbo and Fide parishes, near the southern end of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. The cemetery was used from c. AD 1-1100. The level of publication in Swedish archaeology of the first millennium AD is low compared to, for instance, the British and German examples. Gotland’s rich Iron Age cemeteries have long been intensively excavated, but few have received monographic treatment. This publication is intended to begin filling this gap and to raise the empirical level of the field. It also aims to make explicit and test the often somewhat intuitively conceived results of much previous research. The analyses deal mainly with the Migration (AD 375–540), Vendel (AD 520–790) and Late Viking (AD 1000–1150) Periods. The following lines of inquiry have been prioritised. 1. Landscape history, i.e. placing the cemetery in a landscape-historical context. (Vol. 1, section 2.2.6) 2. Migration Period typochronology, i.e. the study of change in the grave goods. (Vol. 2, chapter 2) 3. Social roles: gender, age and status. (Vol. 2, chapter 3) 4. Religious identity in the 11th century, i.e. the study of religious indicators in mortuary customs and grave goods, with particular emphasis on the relationship between Scandinavian paganism and Christianity.. (Vol. 2, chapter 4) Barshalder is found to have functioned as a central cemetery for the surrounding area, located on peripheral land far away from contemporary settlement, yet placed on a main road along the coast for maximum visibility and possibly near a harbour. Computer supported correspondence analysis and seriation are used to study the gender attributes among the grave goods and the chronology of the burials. New methodology is developed to distinguish gender-neutral attributes from transgressed gender attributes. Sub-gender grouping due to age and status is explored. An independent modern chronology system with rigorous type definitions is established for the Migration Period of Gotland. Recently published chronology systems for the Vendel and Viking Periods are critically reviewed, tested and modified to produce more solid models. Social stratification is studied through burial wealth with a quantitative method, and the results are tested through juxtaposition with several other data types. The Late Viking Period graves of the late 10th and 11th centuries are studied in relation to the contemporary Christian graves at the churchyards. They are found to be symbolically soft-spoken and unobtrusive, with all pagan attributes kept apart from the body in a space between the feet of the deceased and the end of the over-long inhumation trench. A small number of pagan reactionary graves with more forceful symbolism are however also identified. The distribution of different 11th century cemetery types across the island is used to interpret the period’s confessional geography, the scale of social organisation and the degree of allegiance to western and eastern Christianity. 11th century society on Gotland is found to have been characterised by religious tolerance, by an absence of central organisation and by slow piecemeal Christianisation.


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Programa de Doctorado: Formación del Profesorado


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Programa de doctorado: Nuevas perspectivas cognitivas en los estudios de lengua, litaretura y traducción.


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Diese Arbeit ist der Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme der Diskussion um die Rolle des Fachs Eth¬nologie in den allgemeinbildenden Schulen. Eine solche Übersicht zu den im deutschsprachigen Raum veröffentlichten Beiträgen lag bis dahin noch nicht vor. Sie reicht zurück bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Im vorliegenden Papier wurden die grundlegenden Argumentationen dargelegt, mit denen Fachvertreter und -vertreterinnen ein völkerkundliches/ethnologisches Engagement in den Schulen, in Schulbüchern und bei der Lehrerausbildung forderten. Mit einem historisch vertieften Vergleich dieser Argumentationen wurde angestrebt, Kontinuitäten und Brüche in der Diskussion darzustellen. Diese Perspektive ermöglichte zum einen die Darstel¬lung von älteren und kaum mehr rezipierten Beiträgen in einem größeren Rahmen, zum anderen jedoch auch eine Kritik der vorliegenden, oft nur vordergründig verschiedenen Ansätze. Im Schlusskapitel stellte der Autor essentialistische/relativistische und universalistische Ansätze gegenüber und formulierte darauf basierend Ausgangspunkte eines weiteren schulischen Engagements im Rahmen einer vergleichenden Sozialwissenschaft Ethnologie. Im Anhang der Arbeit befindet sich eine chronologische Biblioghraphie all jener Beiträge, die Ethnologen und Ethnologinnen zur Integration ihres Fachs in die Schulen verfassten.


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Der Autor untersucht die Strategien und Konzepte des Göttinger Kulturwissenschaftlers Edmund Ballhaus, der mit seiner Filmarbeit die Entwicklung des wissenschaftlichen Films seit Mitte der achtziger Jahre maßgeblich beeinflußte. Detaillierte Analysen seiner ersten zwölf, in den Jahren 1986 bis 1996 entstandenen Filme verdeutlichen seine Abkehr von überholten inhaltlichen und methodischen Standards und die Entwicklung eines eigenständigen Typus des kulturwissenschaftlichen Films. Dieser rückt den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung und erteilt den Gefilmten selbst das Wort. Damit wurde sowohl dem klassischen Erklärdokumentarismus des Fernsehens als auch dem distanzierten Dokumentationsstil des Instituts für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF) ein neues Modell gegenübergestellt. Darüber hinaus löste sich Edmund Ballhaus von der traditionellen Arbeitsteilung in Hinblick auf Recherche, Konzeption und Umsetzung und ersetzte sie durch den selbstfilmenden Wissenschaftler, der für alle Arbeitsschritte einer Filmproduktion allein verantwortlich ist. Seine bereits 1987 veröffentlichten Forderungen verwirklichte er nicht nur in seinen Filmen, sondern auch mit der Gründung der Gesellschaft für den kulturwissenschaftlichen Film (GfkF) und der Einrichtung eines Studienganges Visuelle Anthropologie in Göttingen. In die Untersuchung einbezogen wurde eine im Anhang des Buches wiedergegebene Befragung des Filmautors, welche die Analyse um interessante Details sowohl in Hinblick auf die Entstehungsbedingungen einzelner Filme als auch auf seine persönlichen Überzeugungen und Beweggründe ergänzt.


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Gesellschaft ist ohne interaktiven Sprachgebrauch nicht möglich. Damit gehören Analysen des Sprachgebrauchs auch zu den wichtigen Themen der Ethnologie. An welchen theoretischen Vorstellungen aber kann man sich orientieren, um solche Analysen durchzuführen? Die theoretischen Vorstellungen, die für eine solche Analyse zweckdienlich sind, versuche ich in diesem Arbeitspapier aus verschiedenen Texten der Linguistik‚ der ethnography of speaking sowie der Ethnolinguistik zusammenzuführen und Lesern damit die Möglichkeit an die Hand zu geben, zahlreiche analytische Fragen an diesen Gegenstand zu stellen. Einen schnellen Zugriff auf diese unterschiedlichen Aspekte zu ermöglichen, ist der Sinn dieses Arbeitspapiers.


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Riassunto Il nostro viaggio attraverso la musica folk americana partirà dal un racconto della Grande Depressione, dello stato di indigenza nel quale versava la maggior parte della popolazione e attraverso le vicende e le canzoni del nonno della canzone di protesta: Woody Guthrie. Sottolineeremo come egli abbia influenzato successivamente tutta una serie di cantautori che si formarono con lui, attraverso i suoi scritti o i suoi pezzi. Vedremo dunque come un altro grande musicista, Pete Seeger lottò più volte contro la censura per dare risonanza a tante battaglie altrimenti inascoltate, come i movimenti per i diritti civili degli afroamericani e per la pace. Con le canzoni di Bob Dylan analizzeremo i movimenti giovanili e pacifisti contro la guerra nel Vietnam e i fermenti della beat generation. Considereremo con Bruce Springsteen i nuovi diseredati della recessione economica, la nuova ondata di nazionalismi, le censure successive agli attentati dell’ 11 Settembre 2001 e il nuovo ordine mondiale. La musica folk continuerà dunque a vivere grazie alla comunità che la rende viva e la fa circolare, ma soprattutto, grazie al passaggio di testimone tra i grandi artisti che l’hanno resa concretamente la voce dell’America.


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The article explores the developments in German-language anthropology in the past decades, focussing on the period after the 1970s. It argues that the recent history of German-language Ethnologie (social and cultural anthropology) is one of catching-up modernization. German-speaking anthropologists are increasingly involved in, and contribute to, broader theoretical debates, publish in English and in international journals, and are actively engaged in international academic networks. The paper discusses how and under what conditions of knowledge production these transformations have taken place. It analyses the changing institutional environment in which German anthropologists have worked and work today, as well as the theoretical impulses from within and outside the discipline that have given rise to the contemporary orientation of German-language anthropology as an anthropology of the 'present'. Finally, and beyond the focus on Germany, the article offers some ideas on the future of anthropology as a symmetrical social science, characterized by a continued strong reliance on field work and a high level of 'worldliness', a basic attitude of systematically shifting perspectives, the critical reflection of the social and political embeddedness of knowledge production, and an engagement with social theory across disciplinary boundaries.


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Nel presente elaborato è analizzato il popolo finlandese attraverso la traduzione in italiano della guida umoristica "Xenophobe's guide to the Finns". L'analisi consiste in un primo capitolo sull'approfondimento del viaggio e della letteratura ad esso ispirata fino ai giorni nostri. Il secondo capitolo è incentrato sul popolo finlandese e gli stereotipi che lo caratterizzano, e il terzo analizza le difficoltà riscontrate nella traduzione.


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Abstract Objective. We assessed the relationships between (I) ultrasonography calcaneus T-scores (PIXI) and mandibular cortex characteristics on oral panoramic radiographs in older subjects; and (II) osteoporosis and periodontitis. Material and methods. We examined 778 subjects (53% women) aged 59-96 years. Periodontitis was defined by alveolar bone loss assessed from panoramic radiographs. Results. PIXI calcaneus T-values ?-2.5 (osteoporosis) were found in 16.3% of women and in 8.1% of men. PIXI calcaneus T-values <-1.6 (osteoporosis, adjusted) were found in 34.2% of women and in 21.4% of men. The age of the subjects and PIXI T-values were significantly correlated in women (Pearson's r = 0.37, P < 0.001) and men (Pearson's r = 0.19, P < 0.001). Periodontitis was found in 18.7% of subjects defined by alveolar bone level ?5 mm. Subjects with osteoporosis defined by adjusted PIXI T-values had fewer remaining teeth [mean difference 4.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) -1.1 to -6.5, P < 0.001]. The crude odds ratio (OR) of an association between the panoramic assessment of mandibular cortex erosions as a sign of osteoporosis and the adjusted T-value (T-value cut-off <-1.6) was 4.8 (95% CI 3.1-7.2, P < 0.001; Pearson ?(2) = 60.1, P < 0.001). A significant OR between osteoporosis and periodontitis was only found in women for the T-value cut-off ?-2.5 (crude OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.1-3.3, P < 0.03). Conclusions. An association between osteoporosis and periodontitis was only confirmed in women. The likelihood that the mandibular cortex index agrees with adjusted PIXI T-values is significant.


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