563 resultados para sk 7041


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We are in an era of unprecedented data volumes generated from observations and model simulations. This is particularly true from satellite Earth Observations (EO) and global scale oceanographic models. This presents us with an opportunity to evaluate large scale oceanographic model outputs using EO data. Previous work on model skill evaluation has led to a plethora of metrics. The paper defines two new model skill evaluation metrics. The metrics are based on the theory of universal multifractals and their purpose is to measure the structural similarity between the model predictions and the EO data. The two metrics have the following advantages over the standard techniques: a) they are scale-free, b) they carry important part of information about how model represents different oceanographic drivers. Those two metrics are then used in the paper to evaluate the performance of the FVCOM model in the shelf seas around the south-west coast of the UK.


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We are in an era of unprecedented data volumes generated from observations and model simulations. This is particularly true from satellite Earth Observations (EO) and global scale oceanographic models. This presents us with an opportunity to evaluate large scale oceanographic model outputs using EO data. Previous work on model skill evaluation has led to a plethora of metrics. The paper defines two new model skill evaluation metrics. The metrics are based on the theory of universal multifractals and their purpose is to measure the structural similarity between the model predictions and the EO data. The two metrics have the following advantages over the standard techniques: a) they are scale-free, b) they carry important part of information about how model represents different oceanographic drivers. Those two metrics are then used in the paper to evaluate the performance of the FVCOM model in the shelf seas around the south-west coast of the UK.


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V článku sa analizujú ekvivalenty a rozdiely medzi priamym a nepriamym predmetom v španielčine a akuzatívom a datívom v slovenčine. Ďalej sa autorka snaží nájsť normy pre správne používanie zámen v datíve a akuzatíve v obidvoch jazykoch a sústredí sa na tretie osoby singuláru aj plurálu. Nakoniec sa vyvodia chyby a interferencie v používaní týchto zámen u slovensky hovoriacich.


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Reseña: López-Pellisa, T. (2015) Patologías de la realidad virtual. Cibercultra y ciencia ficción. Madrid/México D. F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica. ISBN: 9788437507316, 279 pgs.


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The International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER) network comprises > 600 scientific groups conducting site-based research within 40 countries. Its mission includes improving the understanding of global ecosystems and informs solutions to current and future environmental problems at the global scales. The ILTER network covers a wide range of social-ecological conditions and is aligned with the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) goals and approach. Our aim is to examine and develop the conceptual basis for proposed collaboration between ILTER and PECS. We describe how a coordinated effort of several contrasting LTER site-based research groups contributes to the understanding of how policies and technologies drive either toward or away from the sustainable delivery of ecosystem services. This effort is based on three tenets: transdisciplinary research; cross-scale interactions and subsequent dynamics; and an ecological stewardship orientation. The overarching goal is to design management practices taking into account trade-offs between using and conserving ecosystems toward more sustainable solutions. To that end, we propose a conceptual approach linking ecosystem integrity, ecosystem services, and stakeholder well-being, and as a way to analyze trade-offs among ecosystem services inherent in diverse management options. We also outline our methodological approach that includes: (i) monitoring and synthesis activities following spatial and temporal trends and changes on each site and by documenting cross-scale interactions; (ii) developing analytical tools for integration; (iii) promoting trans-site comparison; and (iv) developing conceptual tools to design adequate policies and management interventions to deal with trade-offs. Finally, we highlight the heterogeneity in the social-ecological setting encountered in a subset of 15 ILTER sites. These study cases are diverse enough to provide a broad cross-section of contrasting ecosystems with different policy and management drivers of ecosystem conversion; distinct trends of biodiversity change; different stakeholders’ preferences for ecosystem services; and diverse components of well-being issues.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden selektive Inhibitoren der Glutathion-Transferase P1 (GSTP1) mit 1,2,4-Trioxanstruktur als potentielle Wirkstoffe gegen multiresistente Tumore synthetisiert. Die Darstellung dieser Substanzen erfolgte über Typ-II-Photooxygenierung allylischer Alkohole mit anschließender Säure-katalysierter Peroxyacetalisierung unter Verwendung von 4-Nitrobenzaldehyd. Über diesen Syntheseweg konnten unterschiedlich substituierte 1,2,4-Trioxane dargestellt werden. Die höchste biologische Aktivität zeigten Verbindungen mit aromatischen Estersubstituenten am 1,2,4-Trioxanring. Es wurde eine Leitstruktur entwickelt, die einen α,β-ungesättigten aromatischen Estersubstituenten in Position 6 des 1,2,4-Trioxangerüsts und in Position 3 einen 4-Nitrophenylsubstituenten aufweist. Die Verbindungen dieser Substanzklasse zeigen Inhibition der GSTP1 im niedrig mikromolaren Bereich. Durch Aktivitätsstudien an den GST-Klassen A und M konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Verbindungen selektiv GSTP1 inhibieren. Nachdem mittels quantitativer PCR 12 Krebszelllinien, die hohe GSTP1-Expressionsniveaus zeigen, identifiziert worden waren, wurde die Aktivität der 1,2,4-Trioxane gegenüber GST, die in Krebszelllysaten vorkommt, nachgewiesen. Die GST in der Brustkrebsepithelzelllinie HBL100 und der Lungenkarzinomzelllinie SK-MES-1 wird durch 1,2,4-Trioxane noch effektiver inhibiert als aufgereinigte GSTP1 (IC50 im nanomolaren Bereich).


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Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprüft


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W zależności od ujęcia projekt jest metodą lub strategią nauczania (Nowacki i wsp, 1999). W niektórych źródłach zaliczany do grupy metod nauczania przez dociekanie (ang. inquiry based learning) (Bransford i in., 2000). Metody nauczania oparte na dociekaniu zyskują coraz bardziej na popularności, także w dydaktyce akademickiej. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono analizę jakościową 25 projektów zajęć dydaktycznych opracowanych przez doktorantów Wydziału Biologii UAM, w których projekt badawczy był składnikiem projektu edukacyjnego, a całość była propozycją zajęć dla studentów tegoż wydziału.


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Introdução: O queratocone é uma ectasia progressiva e não inflamatória da córnea, relativamente comum na prática clinica, e que se manifesta por uma diminuição progressiva da acuidade visual, associada a miopia e astigmatismo miópico irregular de difícil correcção. Os anéis corneanos intraestromais são uma opção terapêutica nos doentes com queratocone, visando melhorar a acuidade visual, a maior tolerância ao uso de lentes de contacto e protelar a necessidade de um transplante de córnea. Os autores apresentam os resultados da sua experiência, nos últimos 3 anos, com o implante de anéis intraestromais INTACS SK® em doentes com queratocone. Material e Métodos: Foram incluídos 21 olhos de 20 doentes submetidos a colocação de segmentos de anéis intraestromais –Intacs SK®-, por técnica manual assistida por vácuo. A técnica cirúrgica consistiu na criação de uma incisão radial no eixo mais curvo, com zona óptica de 7 mm, e criação de túneis por dissecção mecânica sob vácuo. Os critérios de inclusão foram: queratocone moderado a severo com Km<65D, sem compromisso da transparência central da córnea, baixa acuidade visual e/ou intolerância às lentes de contacto e paquimetria superior a 400 micras na área de inserção. Todos os doentes foram submetidos a exame oftalmológico completo e estudo topográfico corneano com Pentacam®. Foram registados os seguintes parâmetros no pré e pós-operatório (3 a 6 meses): melhor acuidade visual corrigida, equivalente esférico, esfera e cilindro, queratometria e paquimetria. Foram ainda registadas as complicações pós-operatórias. Utilizou-se o Teste Paired-samples t-test e o Teste de Wilcoxon para determinar se existia diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o pré e o pós-operatório em relação aos parâmetros analisados, adoptando-se um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Foram incluídos 21 olhos de 20 doentes, 9 mulheres e 11 homens. A idade média foi de 33,81 anos, variando entre os 12 e os 70 anos. Para todos os parâmetros analisados encontrou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa (p <0,05) entre o pré e o pós-operatório. Após 3 a 6 meses de colocação dos anéis, verificou-se melhoria de acuidade visual em 85,7% dos doentes, com valor médio de 0,5 pré-operatório para 0,3 unidades LogMar pós-operatório. O equivalente esférico médio diminuiu de -7,13 dioptrias pré-operatórias para -4,19 dioptrias pós-operatórias (redução de 2,94 dioptrias) e a queratometria média de 50,44 dioptrias para 48,01 dioptrias (redução de 2,43 dioptrias). Com um tempo máximo de seguimento de 3 anos, os depósitos estéreis no túnel estromal foram a complicação mais frequente no pós-operatório, não se verificando outras complicações como extrusão ou migração do anel, neovascularização ou infecção corneana. Conclusão: O implante de anéis intraestromais INTACS SK® permitiu melhorar a acuidade visual corrigida na grande maioria dos doentes, com redução do equivalente esférico e da queratometria e aumento da regularidade topográfica.


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Wydział Prawa i Administracji: Katedra Prawa Finansowego


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Wydział Biologii: Instytut Antropologii


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Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej


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Wydział Neofilologii: Katedra Orientalistyki


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The main purpose of the current study was to examine the role of vocabulary knowledge (VK) and syntactic knowledge (SK) in L2 listening comprehension, as well as their relative significance. Unlike previous studies, the current project employed assessment tasks to measure aural and proceduralized VK and SK. In terms of VK, to avoid under-representing the construct, measures of both breadth (VB) and depth (VD) were included. Additionally, the current study examined the role of VK and SK by accounting for individual differences in two important cognitive factors in L2 listening: metacognitive knowledge (MK) and working memory (WM). Also, to explore the role of VK and SK more fully, the current study accounted for the negative impact of anxiety on WM and L2 listening. The study was carried out in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context, and participants were 263 Iranian learners at a wide range of English proficiency from lower-intermediate to advanced. Participants took a battery of ten linguistic, cognitive and affective measures. Then, the collected data were subjected to several preliminary analyses, but structural equation modeling (SEM) was then used as the primary analysis method to answer the study research questions. Results of the preliminary analyses revealed that MK and WM were significant predictors of L2 listening ability; thus, they were kept in the main SEM analyses. The significant role of WM was only observed when the negative effect of anxiety on WM was accounted for. Preliminary analyses also showed that VB and VD were not distinct measures of VK. However, the results also showed that if VB and VD were considered separate, VD was a better predictor of L2 listening success. The main analyses of the current study revealed a significant role for both VK and SK in explaining success in L2 listening comprehension, which differs from findings from previous empirical studies. However, SEM analysis did not reveal a statistically significant difference in terms of the predictive power of the two linguistic factors. Descriptive results of the SEM analysis, along with results from regression analysis, indicated to a more significant role for VK.


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Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Kulturoznawstwa