864 resultados para pacs: data handling techniques


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Este estudo visa descrever e analisar comparativamente as estratégias de leitura desenvolvidas por um grupo de educadoras a trabalhar em estabelecimento educativos, nos quais está a ser desenvolvido o Plano Nacional de Leitura e por outro grupo no qual não está implementado este projeto. Para o efeito realizamos um estudo de caso em quatro salas do ensino pré-escolar frequentadas por crianças de cinco anos de idade. Neste estudo, foram utilizadas várias técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados. Assim sendo, realizámos entrevistas às educadoras, observação naturalista às mesmas a lerem histórias às crianças, aplicámos questionários a nível nacional e também aplicámos inquéritos às crianças dos grupos destas educadoras, com o objetivo de detetarmos quais as suas atitudes perante a leitura de histórias. Os resultados mostram-nos que apesar de existirem nos estabelecimentos onde se encontra a decorrer o Plano Nacional de Leitura mais livros e equipamento informático que naqueles aonde este projeto ainda não foi implementado isso não é sinónimo de mais e melhores práticas nem melhores resultados na promoção da literacia junto das crianças. ABSTRACT: This Study is a comparative analysis of the literacy strategies employed by two groups of teachers; one that follows the National Reading Project and another one that does not. The case study was conducted in four preschool classrooms with five-year old children. Several data collection techniques were used; teacher interviews, naturalistic observations in the classrooms during read-aloud, teacher questionnaires, and student questionnaires to describe Literacy beliefs and practices. The results show that, even though there are more books and e-learning resources in classrooms where the National Reading Project is implemented, this does not translate into more and better Literacy practices or in better promotion of reading attitudes in children.


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Libraries since their inception 4000 years ago have been in a process of constant change. Although, changes were in slow motion for centuries, in the last decades, academic libraries have been continuously striving to adapt their services to the ever-changing user needs of students and academic staff. In addition, e-content revolution, technological advances, and ever-shrinking budgets have obliged libraries to efficiently allocate their limited resources among collection and services. Unfortunately, this resource allocation is a complex process due to the diversity of data sources and formats required to be analyzed prior to decision-making, as well as the lack of efficient integration methods. The main purpose of this study is to develop an integrated model that supports libraries in making optimal budgeting and resource allocation decisions among their services and collection by means of a holistic analysis. To this end, a combination of several methodologies and structured approaches is conducted. Firstly, a holistic structure and the required toolset to holistically assess academic libraries are proposed to collect and organize the data from an economic point of view. A four-pronged theoretical framework is used in which the library system and collection are analyzed from the perspective of users and internal stakeholders. The first quadrant corresponds to the internal perspective of the library system that is to analyze the library performance, and costs incurred and resources consumed by library services. The second quadrant evaluates the external perspective of the library system; user’s perception about services quality is judged in this quadrant. The third quadrant analyses the external perspective of the library collection that is to evaluate the impact of the current library collection on its users. Eventually, the fourth quadrant evaluates the internal perspective of the library collection; the usage patterns followed to manipulate the library collection are analyzed. With a complete framework for data collection, these data coming from multiple sources and therefore with different formats, need to be integrated and stored in an adequate scheme for decision support. A data warehousing approach is secondly designed and implemented to integrate, process, and store the holistic-based collected data. Ultimately, strategic data stored in the data warehouse are analyzed and implemented for different purposes including the following: 1) Data visualization and reporting is proposed to allow library managers to publish library indicators in a simple and quick manner by using online reporting tools. 2) Sophisticated data analysis is recommended through the use of data mining tools; three data mining techniques are examined in this research study: regression, clustering and classification. These data mining techniques have been applied to the case study in the following manner: predicting the future investment in library development; finding clusters of users that share common interests and similar profiles, but belong to different faculties; and predicting library factors that affect student academic performance by analyzing possible correlations of library usage and academic performance. 3) Input for optimization models, early experiences of developing an optimal resource allocation model to distribute resources among the different processes of a library system are documented in this study. Specifically, the problem of allocating funds for digital collection among divisions of an academic library is addressed. An optimization model for the problem is defined with the objective of maximizing the usage of the digital collection over-all library divisions subject to a single collection budget. By proposing this holistic approach, the research study contributes to knowledge by providing an integrated solution to assist library managers to make economic decisions based on an “as realistic as possible” perspective of the library situation.


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Este trabalho de investigação aplicada estuda o Combate em Áreas Edificadas aos baixos escalões do Exército Português e do Exército Francês, Tem como principal objetivo identificar as principais diferenças entre os dois Exércitos, através da análise do Combate em Áreas Edificadas, da doutrina, da formação e treino, das capacidades, das vulnerabilidades e potencialidades de ambos neste tipo de combate. Quanto à natureza da investigação, a metodologia usada, foi a investigação aplicada, comparando os dois Exércitos, e utilizando como objetivo de investigação, o objetivo descritivo e explicativo. No que concerne à forma de abordagem, usamos o método dedutivo, descrevendo e explicando o Combate em Áreas Edificadas, as capacidades, a doutrina, a formação e treino, as vulnerabilidades e potencialidades de ambos. Quanto aos procedimentos técnicos usamos o método comparativo segundo a análise SWOT para verificarmos os pontos fortes, pontos fracos, oportunidades e ameaças das capacidades usadas pelos Exércitos. As técnicas de recolha de dados utilizadas, foram, numa primeira fase, a entrevista exploratória a um Oficial Francês com o intuito de receber informações sobre o seu Exército, para iniciarmos a análise documental e analisar os conceitos e numa segunda fase, fizemos entrevistas de confirmação, para analisarmos os meios, o armamento e as vulnerabilidades e potencialidades de ambos os Exército no Combate em Áreas Edificadas. Como principais resultados destacamos as caraterísticas do Combate em Áreas Edificas, na dimensionalidade do campo de batalha, no emprego de forças, na formação e treino, nos meios e armamento. A doutrina portuguesa apresenta como características deste combate a população, o local/terreno e as infraestruturas. A doutrina francesa apresenta estas características como conceito, onde inclui também o impacto meteorológico como característica. No que diz respeito à dimensionalidade do campo de batalha, a doutrina portuguesa define o campo de batalha como multidimensional enquanto a doutrina francesa define-o como tridimensional. Relativamente ao emprego das forças, a principal diferença é que o Exército Francês aborda o conceito armas combinadas, enquanto nós, ainda não o abordamos desta forma. Ao nível da formação e treino, verificamos que as forças operacionais do Exército Francês são sujeitas a uma formação e avaliação periódica no CENZUB, para rever e adotar novas técnicas, enquanto o Exército Português não possui este sistema. No que concerne às capacidades, verificamos que existem diferenças no pessoal e no material, principalmente nos meios, e ao nível do armamento.


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As Lições Aprendidas em contexto militar permite reduzir o risco operacional e, simultaneamente, aumentar o grau de sucesso das operações. Desde a década de cinquenta, o Exército português demostrou querer aprender com a experiência, nomeadamente com os Franceses na Argélia e Indochina e com os Ingleses no Quénia e Malásia. Na década de sessenta e início dos anos setenta, durante a denominada Guerra de África, acentuou-se esta necessidade. O Exército Português, desde 2012, dispõe de uma capacidade de Lições Aprendidas, constituída por um processo, estrutura e ferramentas, que tem como principal objetivo, precisamente, facilitar o desiderato de se tornar uma organização aprendente. Neste sentido, é pertinente estudar e comparar estes dois sistema, para melhor perceber o fenómeno no passado e evidenciar a capacidade de hoje em dia. Para isso é necessário descreve-los segundo certos parâmetros ou indicadores. Estes indicadores estão evidentes no modelo criado pela Organização Tratado Atlântico Norte para uma capacidade de Lições Aprendidas. Na Investigação foi utilizado uma abordagem Dedutiva, como procedimentos podemos já depreender que foram utilizados o Histórico e Comparativo, as técnicas de recolha de dados foram as Entrevistas e Análise Documental. O estudo proporcionou a materialização do processo, a perceção da estrutura dedicada, das ferramentas, a influência da mentalidade, liderança, e difusão de informação feitas na guerra de África. Na atualidade, muitos dos indicadores de análise estão descritos em diretivas e doutrina de referência, no entanto é pertinente perceber como é que funcionam e criam melhorias hoje em dia. Conclui-se que o modelo criado pela Organização Tratado Atlântico Norte, que valida uma capacidade de Lições Aprendidas nas organizações militares é intemporal, pois depreende-se, que a lógica que a sustenta em tudo se aplica à guerra de África Portuguesa e à atualidade, o que demostra que esta capacidade é fundamental para tornar o Exército Português mais eficaz e eficiente nas suas atividades e missões futuras.


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El propósito de este Proyecto fue evaluar los principales factores que influyen en la empleabilidad de los graduados de la escuela de lengua y literatura inglesa de la universidad de cuenca. La población de este estudio fue constituida por titulados que trabajaban en el área educativa y pocos graduados desempleados. El trabajo de campo fue llevado a cabo por medio de una encuesta, la cual fue aplicada a 161 graduados de la carrera de los años 2000 a 2013. La encuesta recogió información personal de los profesionales así como también datos relacionados al conocimiento adquirido en la carrera, situación laboral entre otros. Las técnicas para el análisis de datos fueron: análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo. El estudio también examina los métodos usados por los graduados para obtener un trabajo, los requerimientos de las instituciones educativas y causas para el desempleo de los graduados así aspectos del currículo de inglés para mejorar. Algunosde los descubrimientos más importantes en este estudio fueron que más de la mitad de graduados tienen un alto grado de satisfacción con su empleo. También fue descubierto que 96.3% de los graduados están trabajando en el área de su especialidad consecuentemente un gran porcentaje de licenciados de inglés usan el conocimiento adquirido en la universidad en sus empleos.Se espera, por lo tanto, que la información publicada en esta investigación sea un importante recurso para estudios futuros.


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O presente Relatório Científico Final do Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada está subordinado ao tema “Crimes em ambiente digital – Investigação da GNR para a obtenção de prova”. O tema enunciado tem como finalidade fazer uma análise da investigação criminal da GNR, no que diz respeito à obtenção de prova digital, em inquéritos delegados pela Autoridade Judiciária. Como objetivo geral pretende-se determinar a importância da prova digital para a investigação criminal da GNR. A investigação tem ainda objetivos específicos como a determinação das capacidades e dificuldades das vertentes operativa e criminalística para a obtenção de prova digital e também a determinação dos principais tipos de crime que se suportaram neste tipo de prova. Ao nível das bases lógicas, a presente investigação apoia-se no método hipotéticodedutivo, como tal, o ponto de partida é a conceção das questões de investigação, respetivos objetivos e hipóteses de investigação. No que diz respeito às técnicas de recolha de dados, a presente investigação é apoiada em conteúdo documental, entrevistas e questionários. A análise e discussão dos resultados obtidos permite tecer as conclusões do trabalho que, por sua vez, permitem verificar a veracidade das hipóteses formuladas na fase inicial da investigação. Como principais resultados conseguimos constatar que a prova digital é um tipo de prova que deve ser priorizada para os inquéritos podendo ser obtida num grande espectro de tipologias criminais que são da competência da GNR, em matéria de investigação criminal. Concluímos também que a Guarda ainda tem uma grande margem de progressão até estar completamente capacitada para a obtenção de prova digital, ainda assim, estão a ser desenvolvidos esforços e competências nesse sentido, sendo que alguns Comandos Territoriais se encontram mais desenvolvidos nesta matéria.


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Predicting the evolution of a coastal cell requires the identification of the key drivers of morphology. Soft coastlines are naturally dynamic but severe storm events and even human intervention can accelerate any changes that are occurring. However, when erosive events such as barrier breaching occur with no obvious contributory factors, a deeper understanding of the underlying coastal processes is required. Ideally conclusions on morphological drivers should be drawn from field data collection and remote sensing over a long period of time. Unfortunately, when the Rossbeigh barrier beach in Dingle Bay, County Kerry, began to erode rapidly in the early 2000’s, eventually leading to it breaching in 2008, no such baseline data existed. This thesis presents a study of the morphodynamic evolution of the Inner Dingle Bay coastal system. The study combines existing coastal zone analysis approaches with experimental field data collection techniques and a novel approach to long term morphodynamic modelling to predict the evolution of the barrier beach inlet system. A conceptual model describing the long term evolution of Inner Dingle Bay in 5 stages post breaching was developed. The dominant coastal processes driving the evolution of the coastal system were identified and quantified. A new methodology of long term process based numerical modelling approach to coastal evolution was developed. This method was used to predict over 20 years of coastal evolution in Inner Dingle Bay. On a broader context this thesis utilised several experimental coastal zone data collection and analysis methods such as ocean radar and grain size trend analysis. These were applied during the study and their suitability to a dynamic coastal system was assessed.


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The purpose of this research was to analyze whether the use of technological resources may be feasible in the implementation of the environmental culture cross-cutting factor for sustainable development, which focuses on environmental issues related to the contents of the Science study program for the seventh year of the basic general education. The research design is qualitative with a dominant approach and uses some quantitative elements specifically in the design of instruments and some data analysis techniques. The type of study was developed with a multi-method approach; a trend that has been shaping a research style which integrates various methods in a single design. For this, we identified the didactic strategies and their relationship to both, technology and the environmental axis for sustainable development, used by six Science teachers of the 7th grade, in public institutions of the province of Heredia, Central Valley, Costa Rica, as well as the opinion of 20 students from that same grade. The main results include the opinions of the students, who showed a considerable interest in classes where technological resources are used. However, teachers do not show great interest or positive opinions on this matter; in addition, they are not well trained on the use of technological resources. It was also identified that the teaching personal who participated in the study do not develop this curricular axis.


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Training data for supervised learning neural networks can be clustered such that the input/output pairs in each cluster are redundant. Redundant training data can adversely affect training time. In this paper we apply two clustering algorithms, ART2 -A and the Generalized Equality Classifier, to identify training data clusters and thus reduce the training data and training time. The approach is demonstrated for a high dimensional nonlinear continuous time mapping. The demonstration shows six-fold decrease in training time at little or no loss of accuracy in the handling of evaluation data.


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OBJECTIVES The purpose of the study was to provide empirical evidence about the reporting of methodology to address missing outcome data and the acknowledgement of their impact in Cochrane systematic reviews in the mental health field. METHODS Systematic reviews published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews after January 1, 2009 by three Cochrane Review Groups relating to mental health were included. RESULTS One hundred ninety systematic reviews were considered. Missing outcome data were present in at least one included study in 175 systematic reviews. Of these 175 systematic reviews, 147 (84%) accounted for missing outcome data by considering a relevant primary or secondary outcome (e.g., dropout). Missing outcome data implications were reported only in 61 (35%) systematic reviews and primarily in the discussion section by commenting on the amount of the missing outcome data. One hundred forty eligible meta-analyses with missing data were scrutinized. Seventy-nine (56%) of them had studies with total dropout rate between 10 and 30%. One hundred nine (78%) meta-analyses reported to have performed intention-to-treat analysis by including trials with imputed outcome data. Sensitivity analysis for incomplete outcome data was implemented in less than 20% of the meta-analyses. CONCLUSIONS Reporting of the techniques for handling missing outcome data and their implications in the findings of the systematic reviews are suboptimal.


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Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) permite el acceso a diferentes tipos de fuentes de datos (tradicionalmente bases de datos) usando un modelo más abstracto proporcionado por una ontología. La reescritura de consultas (query rewriting) usa una ontología para reescribir una consulta en una consulta reescrita que puede ser evaluada en la fuente de datos. Las consultas reescritas recuperan las respuestas que están implicadas por la combinación de los datos explicitamente almacenados en la fuente de datos, la consulta original y la ontología. Al trabajar sólo sobre las queries, la reescritura de consultas permite OBDA sobre cualquier fuente de datos que puede ser consultada, independientemente de las posibilidades para modificarla. Sin embargo, producir y evaluar las consultas reescritas son procesos costosos que suelen volverse más complejos conforme la expresividad y tamaño de la ontología y las consultas aumentan. En esta tesis exploramos distintas optimizaciones que peuden ser realizadas tanto en el proceso de reescritura como en las consultas reescritas para mejorar la aplicabilidad de OBDA en contextos realistas. Nuestra contribución técnica principal es un sistema de reescritura de consultas que implementa las optimizaciones presentadas en esta tesis. Estas optimizaciones son las contribuciones principales de la tesis y se pueden agrupar en tres grupos diferentes: -optimizaciones que se pueden aplicar al considerar los predicados en la ontología que no están realmente mapeados con las fuentes de datos. -optimizaciones en ingeniería que se pueden aplicar al manejar el proceso de reescritura de consultas en una forma que permite reducir la carga computacional del proceso de generación de consultas reescritas. -optimizaciones que se pueden aplicar al considerar metainformación adicional acerca de las características de la ABox. En esta tesis proporcionamos demostraciones formales acerca de la corrección y completitud de las optimizaciones propuestas, y una evaluación empírica acerca del impacto de estas optimizaciones. Como contribución adicional, parte de este enfoque empírico, proponemos un banco de pruebas (benchmark) para la evaluación de los sistemas de reescritura de consultas. Adicionalmente, proporcionamos algunas directrices para la creación y expansión de esta clase de bancos de pruebas. ABSTRACT Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) allows accessing different kinds of data sources (traditionally databases) using a more abstract model provided by an ontology. Query rewriting uses such ontology to rewrite a query into a rewritten query that can be evaluated on the data source. The rewritten queries retrieve the answers that are entailed by the combination of the data explicitly stored in the data source, the original query and the ontology. However, producing and evaluating the rewritten queries are both costly processes that become generally more complex as the expressiveness and size of the ontology and queries increase. In this thesis we explore several optimisations that can be performed both in the rewriting process and in the rewritten queries to improve the applicability of OBDA in real contexts. Our main technical contribution is a query rewriting system that implements the optimisations presented in this thesis. These optimisations are the core contributions of the thesis and can be grouped into three different groups: -optimisations that can be applied when considering the predicates in the ontology that are actually mapped to the data sources. -engineering optimisations that can be applied by handling the process of query rewriting in a way that permits to reduce the computational load of the query generation process. -optimisations that can be applied when considering additional metainformation about the characteristics of the ABox. In this thesis we provide formal proofs for the correctness of the proposed optimisations, and an empirical evaluation about the impact of the optimisations. As an additional contribution, part of this empirical approach, we propose a benchmark for the evaluation of query rewriting systems. We also provide some guidelines for the creation and expansion of this kind of benchmarks.


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The seemingly exponential nature of technological change provides SMEs with a complex and challenging operational context. The development of infrastructures capable of supporting the wireless application protocol (WAP) and associated 'wireless' applications represents the latest generation of technological innovation with potential appeals to SMEs and end-users alike. This paper aims to understand the mobile data technology needs of SMEs in a regional setting. The research was especially concerned with perceived needs across three market segments : non-adopters, partial-adopters and full-adopters of new technology. The research was exploratory in nature as the phenomenon under scrutiny is relatively new and the uses unclear, thus focus groups were conducted with each of the segments. The paper provides insights for business, industry and academics.


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This paper studies the missing covariate problem which is often encountered in survival analysis. Three covariate imputation methods are employed in the study, and the effectiveness of each method is evaluated within the hazard prediction framework. Data from a typical engineering asset is used in the case study. Covariate values in some time steps are deliberately discarded to generate an incomplete covariate set. It is found that although the mean imputation method is simpler than others for solving missing covariate problems, the results calculated by it can differ largely from the real values of the missing covariates. This study also shows that in general, results obtained from the regression method are more accurate than those of the mean imputation method but at the cost of a higher computational expensive. Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) method is found to be the most effective method within these three in terms of both computation efficiency and predication accuracy.


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The foliage of a plant performs vital functions. As such, leaf models are required to be developed for modelling the plant architecture from a set of scattered data captured using a scanning device. The leaf model can be used for purely visual purposes or as part of a further model, such as a fluid movement model or biological process. For these reasons, an accurate mathematical representation of the surface and boundary is required. This paper compares three approaches for fitting a continuously differentiable surface through a set of scanned data points from a leaf surface, with a technique already used for reconstructing leaf surfaces. The techniques which will be considered are discrete smoothing D2-splines [R. Arcangeli, M. C. Lopez de Silanes, and J. J. Torrens, Multidimensional Minimising Splines, Springer, 2004.], the thin plate spline finite element smoother [S. Roberts, M. Hegland, and I. Altas, Approximation of a Thin Plate Spline Smoother using Continuous Piecewise Polynomial Functions, SIAM, 1 (2003), pp. 208--234] and the radial basis function Clough-Tocher method [M. Oqielat, I. Turner, and J. Belward, A hybrid Clough-Tocher method for surface fitting with application to leaf data., Appl. Math. Modelling, 33 (2009), pp. 2582-2595]. Numerical results show that discrete smoothing D2-splines produce reconstructed leaf surfaces which better represent the original physical leaf.