676 resultados para cross cultural competency
Physical and psychosocial risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders in Brazilian and Italian nurses
As part of the international CUPID investigation, we compared physical and psychosocial risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders among nurses in Brazil and Italy. Using questionnaires, we collected information on musculoskeletal disorders and potential risk factors from 751 nurses employed in public hospitals. By fitting country-specific multiple logistic regression models, we investigated the association of stressful physical activities and psychosocial characteristics with site-specific and multisite pain, and associated sickness absence. We found no clear relationship between low back pain and occupational lifting, but neck and shoulder pain were more common among nurses who reported prolonged work with the arms in an elevated position. After adjustment for potential confounding variables, pain in the low back, neck and shoulder, multisite pain, and sickness absence were all associated with somatizing tendency in both countries. Our findings support a role of somatizing tendency in predisposition to musculoskeletal disorders, acting as an important mediator of the individual response to triggering exposures, such as work-load.
Naasal obstruction is a common complaint in the population. When caused by a deviated nasal septum, septoplasty is the procedure of choice for treating these patients. NOSE is a tool for assessing the disease-specific quality of life related to nasal obstruction. Aim: To assess the impact of septoplasty on patients with nasal obstruction secondary to deviated nasal septum based on the disease-specific quality-of-life questionnaire. Design: Prospective. Methods: Patients undergoing septoplasty with/without turbinectomy after no clinical improvement with medical treatment were assessed by the NOSE questionnaire before and 3 months after surgery. We evaluated the surgical improvement based on total score, the magnitude of the surgery in the disease-specific quality of life and the correlation between the preoperative score and postoperatively improvement. Results: Fourty-six patients were included in the study. There was a statistically significant improvement in the preoperative NOSE score (md = 75, IQR = 26) and after three months (md = 10, IQR = 20) (p < 0.001.T-Wilcoxon). The standardized response mean was 3.07. We found a strong correlation between the preoperative score in the NOSE questionnaire and improvements in the postoperative period (r = -0.789, p < 0.001, Spearman). No difference was found in improvement scores by gender. (p = 0.668, U-Mann-Whitney). Conclusion: Septoplasty resulted in a statistically significant improvement in the disease-specific QOL questionnaire.
With the increase in research on the components of Body Image, validated instruments are needed to evaluate its dimensions. The Body Change Inventory (BCI) assesses strategies used to alter body size among adolescents. The scope of this study was to describe the translation and evaluation for semantic equivalence of the BCI in the Portuguese language. The process involved the steps of (1) translation of the questionnaire to the Portuguese language; (2) back-translation to English; (3) evaluation of semantic equivalence; and (4) assessment of comprehension by professional experts and the target population. The six subscales of the instrument were translated into the Portuguese language. Language adaptations were made to render the instrument suitable for the Brazilian reality. The questions were interpreted as easily understandable by both experts and young people. The Body Change Inventory has been translated and adapted into Portuguese. Evaluation of the operational, measurement and functional equivalence are still needed.
The objectives of the study were to translate and adapt the Subjective Handicap of Epilepsy (SHE) instrument to Brazilian Portuguese and to determine its psychometric properties for the evaluation of quality of life in patients with epilepsy. A sample of 448 adult patients with epilepsy with different clinical profiles (investigation, preoperative period, postoperative period, and drug treatment follow-up) was evaluated with the SHE and the Epilepsy Surgery Inventory (ESI-55). Exploratory factorial analysis demonstrated that four factors explained 60.47% of the variance and were sensitive to discriminate the different clinical groups, with the preoperative group having the poorest quality of life. Internal consistency ranged from 0.92 to 0.96, and concurrent validity with the ESI-55 was moderate/strong (0.32-0.70). Test-retest reliability was confirmed, with an ICC value of 0.54 (2 days), 0.91 (7 days), and 0.97 (30 days). The SHE had satisfactory psychometric qualities for use in the Brazilian population, similar to those of the original version. The instrument seems to be more adequate in psychometric terms for the postoperative and drug treatment follow-up groups, and its use should be encouraged. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a adaptação transcultural do Safety Attitudes Questionnaire - Short Form 2006 para o Brasil. O instrumento foi aplicado em seis hospitais de três Regiões do Brasil. Foi realizada a validade de conteúdo, face e de construto. A análise da confiabilidade do instrumento foi realizada por meio da análise da consistência interna dos itens por meio do alfa de Cronbach. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 1.301 profissionais das enfermarias clínicas e cirúrgicas de seis hospitais. A análise confirmatória mostrou que o ajuste do modelo final dos 41 itens foi considerado satisfatório. Aversão do instrumento em Português apresentou alfa de 0,89. As correlações item/total entre os domínios foram consideradas de moderada a forte, com exceção do domínio percepção do estresse. Conclui-se, portanto, que a versão do instrumento adaptada para o Português é considerada válida e confiável nesta amostra.
ABSTRACT: Purpose: To describe a research-based global curriculum in speech-language pathology and audiology that is part of a funded cross-linguistic consortium among 2 U.S. and 2 Brazilian universities. Method: The need for a global curriculum in speechlanguage pathology and audiology is outlined, and different funding sources are identified to support development of a global curriculum. The U.S. Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE), in conjunction with the Brazilian Ministry of Education (Fundacao Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior; CAPES), funded the establishment of a shared research curriculum project, “Consortium for Promoting Cross-Linguistic Understanding of Communication Disabilities in Children” for East Tennessee State University and the University of Northern Iowa and 2 Brazilian universities (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria and Universidade de São Paulo-Baurú). Results: The goals and objectives of the research-based global curriculum are summarized, and a description of an Internet-based course, “Different Languages, One World,” is provided Conclusion: Partnerships such as the FIPSE–CAPES consortium provide a foundation for training future generations of globally and research-prepared practitioners in speechlanguage pathology and audiology.
Para a utilização do VES-13 instrumento que identifica idosos vulneráveis foi realizada sua adaptação transcultural, processo que visa à equivalência entre o instrumento original e sua versão em outra cultura. A avaliação da equivalência semântica, idiomática cultural e conceitual obteve uma média geral de concordância de 78%, 78%, 97% e 94%, respectivamente. Para verificar a concordância no teste-reteste, utilizou-se o coeficiente Kappa de Cohen, onde a maioria das variáveis foram significantes. A análise de sua consistência interna foi verificada pelo uso do coeficiente alpha de Cronbach, onde 70% do fenômeno em estudo estão representados no instrumento. O VES-13, traduzido e adaptado, mostrou-se um instrumento confiável no que diz respeito à estabilidade e consistência interna de suas medidas. Sua estrutura simples e de fácil aplicabilidade pode, portanto, favorecer a identificação das pessoas idosas vulneráveis, contribuindo, assim, para a priorização do acompanhamento pelos serviços de saúde.
OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve por objetivo a adaptação transcultural do Internet Addiction Test (IAT) para o idioma português. MÉTODOS: O trabalho consistiu em cinco etapas: (1) tradução; (2) retradução; (3) revisão técnica e avaliação da equivalência semântica por profissionais da área; (4) avaliação do instrumento por uma amostra de estudantes, avaliando-se o seu grau de compreensão; e (5) análise da consistência interna por meio do coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. RESULTADOS: O instrumento foi traduzido e adaptado para o idioma português, demonstrando ser facilmente compreendido e apresentando valor de consistência interna de 0,85. CONCLUSÃO: O instrumento encontra-se traduzido e adaptado para o português e apresenta consistência interna satisfatória. São necessárias análises de equivalência de mensuração e reprodutibilidade.
In modern society, individuals constantly pass judgments on their own body and physical competence as well as that of other people. All too often, the verdict is less favourable. For the person, these physical self-perceptions (PSP) may negatively affect global self-esteem, identity, and general mental well being. The overall aim of this thesis is to examine primarily the role that exercise, but also the roles that gender and culture, play in the formation of PSP. In Study I, using confirmatory factor analyses, strong support for the validity of a first-order, and a second-order hierarchical and multidimensional model of the Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP: Fox & Corbin, 1989) was found across three national samples (Great Britain, Sweden and Turkey) of university students. Cross-cultural differences were detected, with the British sample demonstrating higher latent means on all PSPP subdomains except for the physical condition subdomain (Condition), than the Swedish and Turkish samples. In Study II, a higher self-reported exercise frequency was associated with more positive PSP (in particular for Condition) and more importance attributed to PSP in Swedish university students. Males demonstrated higher overall PSPP-scores than females. In Study III, a true-experimental design with randomisation into an intervention and a control group was adopted. Strong support for the effects of an empowerment-based exercise intervention programme on PSP and social physique anxiety (SPA) over six months for adolescent girls was found. The relations of exercise, gender and culture with PSP, SPA and self-esteem are discussed from the standpoints of a variety of theoretical models (the EXSEM-model), and frameworks (self-presentation and objectification theory). The two theories of self-enhancement and skill-development are examined with regard to the direction of the exercise-physical self relationship and motivation for exercise. Arguments for the relevance of exercise and PSP for practitioners in promoting general mental well-being and preventing modern-day diseases are outlined.
[ES] El presente estudio trata de analizar la existencia de relaciones entre las actitudes hacia la actividad físico-deportiva y el rendimiento académico universitario desde una perspectiva transcultural. Este estudio se ha basado en dos muestras de estudiantes universitarios españoles y portugueses matriculados en estudios de Turismo.
Il lavoro si propone un’analisi dell’elemento spaziale e del movimento per ricostruire lo spazio della cultura neozelandese e lo spazio letterario di Janet Frame. La tesi si concentra in particolar modo sui romanzi con alcune incursioni nella fiction breve e nell’autobiografia. Si sviluppa in quattro capitoli nella forma di un itinerario attraverso la fiction dell'autrice preceduto da un capitolo che offre alcune coordinate teoriche e metodologiche sul concetto di spazio e la sua percezione. In particolare, una prospettiva fenomenologica e esistenziale alla questione appare congeniale all'analisi delle opere dell'autrice. Nell'ordine, quattro spazi concettuali si aprono a partire dai romanzi: linguaggio, etica, trascendenza e arte. Essi costituiscono i nuclei tematici e strutturali attorno ai quali si raccolgono i romanzi di Janet Frame e che consentono di analizzare i luoghi descritti nelle opere proponendo però una riflessione che va oltre la rappresentazione dello spazio per aprirsi sul retroterra culturale, intellettuale e filosofico dell'autrice. Emerge così l'originalità della sua posizione rispetto all'identità culturale del suo paese e alla relazioni che legano la Nuova Zelanda alla metropoli inglese e agli altri Paesi anglosassoni.
Questa tesi prende in esame le convergenze culturali (tecniche e prassi attoriali) nelle metodologie pedagogiche del “secondo” Novecento teatrale. L’analisi riguarda il modo in cui le tecniche provenienti dai derivati della tradizione africana – in particolare le azioni, i gesti e gli atteggiamenti corporei usati nelle danze sacre del Candomblé – e lo studio degli organi espressivi del corpo permettono all’ artista della scena di acquisire conoscenze pragmatiche su determinati automatismi della sua struttura bio-psichica. L’esame di queste convergenze è fatto pertanto attraverso l’analisi di pratiche teatrali che ammettono le interconnessioni culturali, le “migrazioni” ed i “contagi” fra tecniche teatrali europee e modus operandi extraeuropei. Mediante l’analisi di queste pratiche pedagogiche transculturali si verifica che, gli elementi tecnico-espressivi “estranei” appartenenti ad altre culture possono essere efficaci in un tipo di metodologia “meticcia” solo quando questo modus operandi transculturale contempla la partecipazione collaborativa tra i soggetti coinvolti nel processo educativo.
La migrazione genera spesso nei soggetti migranti forme di spaesamento, poiché lo spostamento fisico condiziona la sfera emotiva: in loro può emergere il senso di nostalgia verso la patria e il desiderio del ritorno, oppure la volontà di annullare le proprie radici e di conformarsi ai modelli della società ricevente. Spesso tali sensazioni di spaesamento possono essere superate grazie alla pratica creativa della scrittura; è per questo che nelle varie realtà di immigrazione ha preso campo la pratica della scrittura migrante, dove si dà spazio all’altro che cerca di far sentire la propria voce, ricorrendo alla lingua del Paese d’arrivo, senza rinunciare ai tratti distintivi della sfera culturale d’origine, creando testi ibridi, che disegnano un ponte tra le culture. Focus della ricerca è la scrittura della migrazione africana in Spagna, studiata sia in prospettiva generale che specifica, mediante quattro autori e le relative opere selezionate: Laila (2010) della marocchina Laila Karrouch, Las tres vírgenes de Santo Tomás (2008) dell’equatoguineana Guillermina Mekuy, Una vida de cuento (2006) del camerunese Boniface Ofogo, Amina (2006) del senegalese Sidi Seck. L’analisi dei testi è effettuata sulla base di due filoni tematici, la famiglia e il rapporto con la società d’arrivo, ed è corredata dallo studio del lessico relativo ai due temi di riferimento. Leggere fra le righe il microcosmo della famiglia significa porre l’attenzione sulle diverse dinamiche affettive che stanno dietro alla parola “migrazione” e sulle particolari dimensioni familiari che caratterizzano la vita odierna, dove spesso avviene il contatto fra più culture. Un contatto che si riflette nel macrocontesto della realtà ospite dove si ha modo di avviare un dialogo fra nativi e stranieri, poiché spesso le iniziali forme di contrasto si tramutano in sete di conoscenza e volontà di avvicinarsi, facendo emergere l’idea che la diversità non separa ma arricchisce.
Cross-cultural comparisons may increase our understanding of different models of substance use treatment and help identify consistent associations between patients' characteristics, treatment conditions, and outcomes.
BACKGROUND: The International Breast Cancer Study Group conducted a phase III trial in Australian/New Zealand (ANZ) and Swiss/German/Austrian (SGA) centres on training doctors in clear and ethical information delivery about treatment options and strategies to encourage shared decision making. METHODS: Medical, surgical, gynaecological and radiation oncologists, and their patients for whom adjuvant breast cancer therapy was indicated, were eligible. Doctors were randomised to participate in a workshop with standardised teaching material and role playing. Patients were recruited in the experimental and control groups before and after the workshop. RESULTS: In ANZ centres, 21 eligible doctors recruited a total of 304 assessable patients. In SGA centres, 41 doctors recruited 390 patients. The training was well accepted. There was no overall effect on patient decisional conflict (primary endpoint) 2 weeks after the consultation. Overall, patients were satisfied with their treatment decision, their consultation and their doctors' consultation skills. Considerable variation was observed in patient outcomes between SGA and ANZ centres; the effect sizes of the intervention were marginal (<0.2). CONCLUSIONS: Shared decision making remains a challenge. A sustained training effect may require more intensive training tailored to the local setting. Cross-cultural differences need attention in conducting trials on communication interventions.