927 resultados para brachial plexus blockade
Existen grupos quirúrgicos específicos donde es mandatorio el uso de relajantes neuromusculares no despolarizantes, como es el caso de los pacientes llevados a procedimiento de neurocirugía; debido a sus características particulares el rocuronio es una buena alternativa para este tipo de procedimientos, ya sea en bolos o en infusión. Sin embargo la relajación residual y los efectos adversos de los medicamentos para revertir la relajación neuromuscular deben tenerse en cuenta en este grupo de pacientes en particular. El presente trabajo busca comparar la reversión de la relajación de infusiones de rocuronio, con Neostigmina mas Atropina vs la reversión con Sugammadex en pacientes llevados a manejo quirúrgico de lesiones supratentoriales por parte del servicio de neurocirugía de la Fundación Cardioinfantil, evaluando complicaciones durante la administración de los medicamentos y 24 horas posoperatorias, así como los tiempos para extubación y salida de salas de cirugía. Estudio con características de experimento prospectivo, aleatorizado, ciego, controlado. En este documento se realiza un reporte preliminar descriptivo de 14 pacientes reclutados hasta la actualidad.
Las reacciones alérgicas a medicamentos cutáneas severas (RAM) como el Síndrome Stevens Johnson (SJS) y la Necrólisis Epidérmica Tóxica (NET),caracterizadas por exantema, erosión de la piel y las membranas mucosas, flictenas, desprendimiento de la piel secundario a la muerte de queratinocitos y compromiso ocular. Son infrecuentes en la población pero con elevada morbi-mortalidad, se presentan luego de la administración de diferentes fármacos. En Asia se ha asociado el alelo HLA-B*15:02 como marcador genético para SJS. En Colombia no hay datos de la incidencia de estas RAM, ni de la relación con medicamentos específicos o potenciales y tampoco estudios de aproximación genómica de genes de susceptibilidad.
Amenazas como Siria, Irán y el PKK fueron relevantes al momento de forjar una alianza entre Turquía e Israel a mediados de los noventa. Con la firma de varios acuerdos en el ámbito militar se fortaleció la relación bilateral en materia de seguridad. Sin embargo, la llegada de un nuevo gobierno a Turquía en 2002 generó un cambio en materia de política exterior, especialmente con Israel. La monografía sustentada bajo los postulados de la Teoría del Balance de las Amenazas concluye que la ruptura de la alianza se dio por el cambio en la política exterior de seguridad turca, el bloqueo a Gaza por parte de Israel en 2008 y el ataque a la Flotilla de Gaza en 2010, conduciendo a una transformación en los acuerdos militares pactados para la seguridad y estabilidad de ambos países en la región de Medio Oriente.
Introducción: La herniorrafia inguinal se asocia hasta en un 50% de los casos con dolor crónico posoperatorio (DCP), y en algunos puede ser incapacitante. En este estudio se evaluaron los factores asociados al DCP en pacientes llevados a herniorrafia inguinal. Métodología: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte multicéntrico. Se obtuvo información sociodemográfica y de antecedentes personales. Se determinó la presencia e intensidad de dolor agudo posoperatorio (DAP) y se evaluaron los factores asociados al DCP con seguimiento a los dos meses del posoperatorio. Se establecieron asociaciones con la prueba chi cuadrado. Mediante una regresión lineal se evaluó el papel de los factores de confusión. Resultados: Se analizaron 108 pacientes. 54.7% presentaron DCP. La edad menor de 40 años, el DAP no controlado, el DAP severo, y el dolor no controlado entre la primera y tercera semanas del POP se relacionaron con mayor riesgo de DCP. La edad mayor a 65, el uso de opioides intratecales, la visualización y preservación de los nervios durante la cirugía, y el uso de tres o más analgésicos intravenosos con bloqueo ilioinguinal/iliohipogástrico fueron factores protectores. Discusión: El DCP es frecuente en nuestro medio. La prevención y manejo eficientes del DAP utilizando analgesia multimodal, el uso de opioide intratecal, y la identificación y preservación de los nervios en el área quirúrgica ayudan a prevenir el desarrollo de DCP. Estudios de este tipo realizados a una escala más grande, permitirán identificar otros factores relacionados con esta patología. Palabras clave: Dolor crónico postoperatorio, herniorrafia inguinal, inguinodina, factores asociados.
Introducción: La simpatectomía es el tratamiento de la hiperhidrosis palmar y consiste en denervación simpática de miembros superiores que produce un efecto en el flujo sanguíneo al impactar la respuesta vasoconstrictora. El cambio en el flujo sanguíneo se puede evaluar a través de la onda fotopletismográfica. Metodología: Se realizaron 2 sesiones (presimpatectomía y postsimpatectomía) de 10 minutos en cada miembro superior en 28 pacientes obteniendo 79 señales fotopletismográficas distribuidas así: 37 presimpatectomía y 42 señales postsimpatectomía. De cada señal se analizó 1.5 minutos donde se tienen 80 ondas de fotopletismografía y se miden 6 variables: 1. Componente AC (componente pulsátil), 2. Componente DC (componente no pulsátil), 3. Relación entre AC/DC (índice de perfusión), 4. Area bajo la curva (AUC), 5. Tiempo entre el inicio de la onda y pico sistólico (T_DA) y 6. Tiempo entre cada onda de pulso (T_DD). Resultados: Aumentó 120% el componente AC y disminuyó 78% en DC del miembro superior derecho (MSD) con 99% de confiabilidad (p<0.001) entre presimpatectomía (n=18) y postsimpatectomía (n=21). AC/DC aumentó 55% con 95% de confiabilidad entre presimpatectomía (n=19) y postsimpatectomía (n=21) en el miembro superior izquierdo (p<0.05). No se encontró diferencia para T_DA, T_DD ni AUC. Discusión y Conclusión: La simpatectomía en pacientes con hiperhidrosis palmar produce un cambio en el flujo sanguíneo de los miembros superiores evidenciado por los cambios en el componente no pulsátil (DC) y pulsátil (AC) que es secundario a la vasodilatación consecuencia del bloqueo simpático por la denervación quirúrgica de los ganglios simpáticos torácicos.
RESUMEN Antecedentes y Justificación: El cáncer de pulmón es la principal causa de muerte relacionada con Cáncer en el mundo. El cáncer pulmonar de células no pequeñas (Non-Small-cell lung cancer NSCLC) representa el 85% de todos los cánceres de pulmón y en un 40% es diagnosticado tardíamente y con los tratamientos disponibles actualmente (cirugía, radioterapia y quimioterapia) presenta una supervivencia a 5 años entre el 10 y el 15%. En los últimos años han surgido nuevos tratamientos basados en la inmunoterapia que prometen mejorar la supervivencia de estos pacientes. Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia de la inmunoterapia en el tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas (NSCLC) con el fin de integrar la información disponible para su posterior uso en la clínica. Metodología: Se realizó búsqueda exhaustiva de la literatura disponible del 1 de Enero de 2003 al 31 de Diciembre de 2013. Se examinaron las siguientes bases de datos: Pubmed, Scielo, Medline, Lilacs, EMBASE, Bandolier, peDRO y Cochrane. Se utilizaron los términos MeSH de búsqueda: immunotherapy, NSCLC, clinical trials. Resultados: de 163 referencias identificadas en las bases de datos, 12 fueron seleccionadas para la revisión. Se identificaron 11 estrategias inmunoterapéuticas que fueron complementarias al uso de quimioterapia, radioterapia o ambas. No se encontró diferencia significativa entre la supervivencia global de los grupos de intervención y controles con excepción de 1 artículo. La mayoría de efectos secundarios fueron de leves a moderados y no hubo diferencias significativas entre los grupos. Discusión: no se evidenció un aumento significativo de la supervivencia global con la utilización de inmunoterapias, a excepción de la que emplea células asesinas inducidas por citocinas junto a células dendríticas. Sin embargo es necesario esperar resultados de estudios fase III en curso.
El poeta y ensayista cubano confiesa que la poesía le dio una razón para vivir, y que sigue siendo su gran amor. Aunque difícil de definir, plantea que al ser humano le resulta imposible resistir sin ella: en toda crisis (la enfermedad, la muerte o la guerra), se recurre a la poesía. Las influencias literarias le llegaron de escritores alemanes, franceses y latinoamericanos (sobre todo, de Jorge Luis Borges, José Lezama Lima, Octavio Paz y Alfonso Reyes). El autor cubano destaca los méritos de varios poetas ecuatorianos y latinoamericanos. De Lezama Lima, quien “vivía para la poesía y el espíritu, con apenas unos pesitos”, resalta su sentido coral de la cultura (como construcción colectiva) y de la literatura. Respecto de la Revolución, aun reconociendo que hubo errores, está convencido de que es lo mejor que pudo pasarle a Cuba, no solo porque es la que buscó con insistencia, de Martí a Lezama, sino porque es la que triunfó y sigue adelante, pese al bloqueo económico de medio siglo por parte de la mayor potencia mundial, y de todas las dificultades.
The lack of myostatin promotes growth of skeletal muscle, and blockade of its activity has been proposed as a treatment for various muscle-wasting disorders. Here, we have examined two independent mouse lines that harbor mutations in the myostatin gene, constitutive null (Mstn(-/-)) and compact (Berlin High Line, BEH(c/c)). We report that, despite a larger muscle mass relative to age-matched wild types, there was no increase in maximum tetanic force generation, but that when expressed as a function of muscle size (specific force), muscles of myostatin-deficient mice were weaker than wild-type muscles. In addition, Mstn(-/-) muscle contracted and relaxed faster during a single twitch and had a marked increase in the number of type IIb fibers relative to wild-type controls. This change was also accompanied by a significant increase in type IIB fibers containing tubular aggregates. Moreover, the ratio of mitochondrial DNA to nuclear DNA and mitochondria number were decreased in myostatin-deficient muscle, suggesting a mitochondrial depletion. Overall, our results suggest that lack of myostatin compromises force production in association with loss of oxidative characteristics of skeletal muscle.
Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) infection can result in myocarditis, which in turn may lead to a protracted immune response and subsequent dilated cardiomyopathy. Human decay-accelerating factor (DAF), a binding receptor for CVB3, was synthesized as a soluble IgG1-Fc fusion protein (DAF-Fc). In vitro, DAF-Fc was able to inhibit complement activity and block infection by CVB3, although blockade of infection varied widely among strains of CVB3. To determine the effects of DAF-Fc in vivo, 40 adolescent A/J mice were infected with a myopathic strain of CVB3 and given DAF-Fc treatment 3 days before infection, during infection, or 3 days after infection; the mice were compared with virus alone and sham-infected animals. Sections of heart, spleen, kidney, pancreas, and liver were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and submitted to in situ hybridization for both positive-strand and negative-strand viral RNA to determine the extent of myocarditis and viral infection, respectively. Salient histopathologic features, including myocardial lesion area, cell death, calcification and inflammatory cell infiltration, pancreatitis, and hepatitis were scored without knowledge of the experimental groups. DAF-Fc treatment of mice either preceding or concurrent with CVB3 infection resulted in a significant decrease in myocardial lesion area and cell death and a reduction in the presence of viral RNA. All DAF-Fc treatment groups had reduced infectious CVB3 recoverable from the heart after infection. DAF-Fc may be a novel therapeutic agent for active myocarditis and acute dilated cardiomyopathy if given early in the infectious period, although more studies are needed to determine its mechanism and efficacy.
Previous studies have shown that "Mudanpi", a Chinese herbal medicine, has a significant cardioprotective effect against myocardial ischaemia. Based on these findings we hypothesised that paeonol, the main component of Mudanpi, might have an effect on the cellular electrophysiology of cardiac ventricular myocytes. The effects of paeonol on the action potential and ion channels of cardiac ventricular myocytes were studied using the standard whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Ventricular myocytes were isolated from the hearts of adult guinea-pig by enzymic dispersion. The myocytes were continuously perfused with various experimental solutions at room temperature and paeonol applied in the perfusate. Action potentials and membrane currents were recorded using both current and voltage clamp modes of the patch-clamp technique. Paeonol, at concentrations 160 mu M and 640 mu M, decreased the action potential upstroke phase, an action associated with the blockade of the voltage-gated, fast sodium channel. The effects of paeonol on both action potential and Na+ current were concentration dependent. Paeonol had a high affinity for inactivated sodium channels. Paeonol also shortened the action potential duration, in a manner not associated with the blockade of the calcium current, or the enhancement of potassium currents. These findings suggest that paeonol, and therefore Mudanpi, may possess antiarrhythmic activity, which may confer its cardioprotective effects. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
The excitatory amino acid transporters (EAAT) removes neurotransmitters glutamate and aspartate from the synaptic cleft. Most CNS glutamate uptake is mediated by EAAT2 into glia, though nerve terminals show evidence for uptake, through an unknown transporter. Reverse-transcriptase PCR identified the expression of EAAT1, EAAT2, EAAT3 and EAAT4 mRNAs in primary cultures of mouse cortical or striatal neurones. We have used synaptosomes and glial plasmalemmal vesicles (GPV) from adult mouse and rat CNS to identify the nerve terminal transporter. Western blotting showed detectable levels of the transporters EAAT1 (GLAST) and EAAT2 (Glt-1) in both synaptosomes and GPVs. Uptake of [3H]D-aspartate or [3H]L-glutamate into these preparations revealed sodium-dependent uptake in GPV and synaptosomes which was inhibited by a range of EAAT blockers: dihydrokainate, serine-o-sulfate, l-trans-2,4-pyrrolidine dicarboxylate (PDC) (+/-)-threo-3-methylglutamate and (2S,4R )-4-methylglutamate. The IC50 values found for these compounds suggested functional expression of the 'glial, transporter, EAAT2 in nerve terminals. Additionally blockade of the majority EAAT2 uptake sites with 100 micro m dihydrokainate, failed to unmask any functional non-EAAT2 uptake sites. The data presented in this study indicate that EAAT2 is the predominant nerve terminal glutamate transporter in the adult rodent CNS.
The role of cell cycle dependent molecules in controlling the switch from cardiac myocyte hyperplasia to hypertrophy remains unclear, although in the rat this process occurs between day 3 and 4 after birth. In this study we have determined (1) cell cycle profiles by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS); and (2) expressions, co-expressions and activities of a number of cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and CDK inhibitors by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), immunoblotting andin vitrokinase assays in freshly isolated rat cardiac myocytes obtained from 2, 3, 4 and 5-day-old animals. The percentage of myocytes found in the S phase of the cell cycle decreased significantly during the transition from hyperplasia to hypertrophy (5.5, 3.5, 2.3 and 1.9% of cells in 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-day-old myocytes, respectively,P<0.05), concomitant with a significant increase in the percentage of G0/G1phase cells. At the molecular level, the expressions and activities of G1/S and G2/M phase acting cyclins and CDKs were downregulated significantly during the transition from hyperplasia to hypertrophy, whereas the expressions and activities of G1phase acting cyclins and CDKs were upregulated significantly during this transition. In addition, p21CIP1- and p27KIP1- associated CDK kinase activities remained relatively constant when histone H1 was used as a substrate, whereas phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma protein was upregulated significantly during the transition from hyperplasia to hypertrophy. Thus, there is a progressive and significant G0/G1phase blockade during the transition from myocyte hyperplasia to hypertrophy. Whilst CDK2 and cdc2 may be pivotal in the withdrawal of cardiac myocytes from the cell cycle, CDK4 and CDK6 may be critical for maintaining hypertrophic growth of the myocyte during development.
Drugs which upregulate astrocyte glutamate transport may be useful neuroprotective compounds by preventing excitotoxicity. We set up a new system to identify potential neuroprotective drugs which act through GLT-1. Primary mouse striatal astrocytes grown in the presence of the growth-factor supplement G5 express high levels of the functional glutamate transporter, GLT-1 (also known as EAAT2) as assessed by Western blotting and (3)H-glutamate uptake assay, and levels decline following growth factor withdrawal. The GLT-1 transcriptional enhancer dexamethasone (0.1 or 1muM) was able to prevent loss of GLT-1 levels and activity following growth factor withdrawal. In contrast, ceftriaxone, a compound previously reported to enhance GLT-1 expression, failed to regulate GLT-1 in this system. The neuroprotective compound riluzole (100muM) upregulated GLT-1 levels and activity, through a mechanism that was not dependent on blockade of voltage-sensitive ion channels, since zonasimide (1mM) did not regulate GLT-1. Finally, CDP-choline (10muM-1mM), a compound which promotes association of GLT-1/EAAT2 with lipid rafts was unable to prevent GLT-1 loss under these conditions. This observation extends the known pharmacological actions of riluzole, and suggests that this compound may exert its neuroprotective effects through an astrocyte-dependent mechanism.
We recently found block of NO synthase in rat middle cerebral artery caused spasm, associated with depolarizing oscillations in membrane potential (Em) similar in form but faster in frequency (circa 1 Hz) to vasomotion. T-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels contribute to cerebral myogenic tone and vasomotion, so we investigated the significance of T-type and other ion channels for membrane potential oscillations underlying arterial spasm. Smooth muscle cell membrane potential (Em) and tension were measured simultaneously in rat middle cerebral artery. NO synthase blockade caused temporally coupled depolarizing oscillations in cerebrovascular Em with associated vasoconstriction. Both events were accentuated by block of smooth muscle BKCa. Block of T-type channels or inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase abolished the oscillations in Em and reduced vasoconstriction. Oscillations in Em were either attenuated or accentuated by reducing [Ca2+]o or block of KV, respectively. TRAM-34 attenuated oscillations in both Em and tone, apparently independent of effects against KCa3.1. Thus, rapid depolarizing oscillations in Em and tone observed after endothelial function has been disrupted reflect input from T-type calcium channels in addition to L-type channels, while other depolarizing currents appear to be unimportant. These data suggest that combined block of T and L-type channels may represent an effective approach to reverse cerebral vasospasm.
Background and Purpose— Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) and K+ are vasodilators in the cerebral circulation. Recently, K+ has been suggested to contribute to EDHF-mediated responses in peripheral vessels. The EDHF response to the protease-activated receptor 2 ligand SLIGRL was characterized in cerebral arteries and used to assess whether K+ contributes as an EDHF. Methods— Rat middle cerebral arteries were mounted in either a wire or pressure myograph. Concentration-response curves to SLIGRL and K+ were constructed in the presence and absence of a variety of blocking agents. In some experiments, changes in tension and smooth muscle cell membrane potential were recorded simultaneously. Results— SLIGRL (0.02 to 20 μmol/L) stimulated concentration and endothelium-dependent relaxation. In the presence of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, relaxation to SLIGRL was associated with hyperpolarization and sensitivity to a specific inhibitor of IKCa, 1-[(2-chlorophenyl)diphenylmethyl]-1H-pyrazole (1μmol/L), reflecting activation of EDHF. Combined inhibition of KIR with Ba2+ (30μmol/L) and Na+/K+-ATPase with ouabain (1 μmol/L) markedly attenuated the relaxation to EDHF. Raising extracellular [K+] to 15 mmol/L also stimulated smooth muscle relaxation and hyperpolarization, which was also attenuated by combined application of Ba2+ and ouabain. Conclusions— SLIGRL evokes EDHF-mediated relaxation in the rat middle cerebral artery, underpinned by hyperpolarization of the smooth muscle. The profile of blockade of EDHF-mediated hyperpolarization and relaxation supports a pivotal role for IKCa channels. Furthermore, similar inhibition of responses to EDHF and exogenous K+ with Ba2+ and ouabain suggests that K+ may contribute as an EDHF in the middle cerebral artery.