972 resultados para bequest giving
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Introduction: Anxiety is a common problem in primary care and specialty medical settings. Treating an anxious patient takes more time and adds stress to staff. Unrecognised anxiety may lead to exam repetition, image artifacts and hinder the scan performance. Reducing patient anxiety at the onset is probably the most useful means of minimizing artifactual FDG uptake, both fat brown and skeletal muscle uptake, as well patient movement and claustrophobia. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of information giving on the anxiety levels of patients who are to undergo a PET/CT and whether the patient experience is enhanced with the creation of a guideline. Methodology: Two hundred and thirty two patients were given two questionnaires before and after the procedure to determine their prior knowledge, concerns, expectations and experiences about the study. Verbal information was given by one of the technologists after the completion of the first questionnaire. Results: Our results show that the main causes of anxiety in patients who are having a PET/CT is the fear of the procedure itself, and fear of the results. The patients who suffered from greater anxiety were those who were scanned during the initial stage of a disease. No significant differences were found between the anxiety levels pre procedural and post procedural. Findings with regard to satisfaction show us that the amount of information given before the procedure does not change the anxiety levels and therefore, does not influence patient satisfaction. Conclusions: The performance of a PET/CT scan is an important and statistically generator of anxiety. PET/CT patients are often poorly informed and present with a range of anxieties that may ultimately affect examination quality. The creation of a guideline may reduce the stress of not knowing what will happen, the anxiety created and may increase their satisfaction in the experience of having a PET/CT scan.
Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro, especialização em Artes Performativas - interpretação.
Relatório de Prática Profissional Supervisionada, Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
Trabalho de Projeto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Teatro e Comunidade.
Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto – Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto - para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientador: Doutor Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.
The extensional process affecting Iberia during the Triassic and Jurassic times change from the end of the Cretaceous and, throughout the Palaeocene, the displacement between the African and European plates was clearly convergent and part of the future Internal Zone of the Betic Cordillera was affected. To the west, the Atlantic continued to open as a passive margin and, to the north, no significant deformation occurred. During the Eocene, the entire Iberian plate was subjected to compression. which caused major deformations in the Pyrenees and also in the Alpujarride and Nevado-Filabride, Internal Betic, complexes. In the Oligocene continued this situation, but in addition, the new extensional process ocurring in the western Mediterranean area, together with the constant eastward drift of Iberia due to Atlantic opening, compressed the eastern sector of Iberia, giving rise to the structuring of the Iberian Cordillera. The Neogene was the time when the Betic Cordillera reached its fundamental features with the westward displacement of the Betic-Rif Internal Zone, expelled by the progressive opening of the Algerian Basin, opening prolonged till the Alboran Sea. From the late Miocene onwards, all Iberia was affected by a N-S to NNW-SSE compression, combined in many points by a near perpendicular extension. Specially in eastern and southern Iberia a radial extension superposed these compression and extension.
Erosion surfaces are the main geomorphological features of the Hesperian Massif. However, three other physiographic elements define the present state of the landscape. Such are big mountain blocks with polygonal borders building at great scale mountain chains, some more modest ridges following hercynian structural trends, and finally the strong incision of the fluvial net. On the other hand, paleoalterations and associated sediments are the only available ways for relief correlation and interpretation. It consists of a triple relationship giving good results when the regional stratigraphy is well known. Tectonic massifs, differential relief sand incisions are originated by geotectonic alpine disturbances during the Tertiary. The three events are consecutive in time with overlapping lapses which the prior and following element: differencial reliefs as a mesozoic heritage occur first, afterwards morphostructural blocks responding directly to the alpine deformation, and finally the fluvial incision as a delayed answer to the preceding morphostructural changes. The relationship relief sedimentation confirms widely this idea, since an association exists between a siderolitic Cretaceous-lower Paleogene and the differential reliefs, between arkoses from the upper Paleogene and the tectonic morphostructural blocks and between the Neogene Series Ocres and the terraces.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Bioquímica,especialidade Bioquímica-Física, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia
This study aims to optimize the water quality monitoring of a polluted watercourse (Leça River, Portugal) through the principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA). These statistical methodologies were applied to physicochemical, bacteriological and ecotoxicological data (with the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri and the green alga Chlorella vulgaris) obtained with the analysis of water samples monthly collected at seven monitoring sites and during five campaigns (February, May, June, August, and September 2006). The results of some variables were assigned to water quality classes according to national guidelines. Chemical and bacteriological quality data led to classify Leça River water quality as “bad” or “very bad”. PCA and CA identified monitoring sites with similar pollution pattern, giving to site 1 (located in the upstream stretch of the river) a distinct feature from all other sampling sites downstream. Ecotoxicity results corroborated this classification thus revealing differences in space and time. The present study includes not only physical, chemical and bacteriological but also ecotoxicological parameters, which broadens new perspectives in river water characterization. Moreover, the application of PCA and CA is very useful to optimize water quality monitoring networks, defining the minimum number of sites and their location. Thus, these tools can support appropriate management decisions.
Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro, especialização em Produção.
Backgroud: O International Panel on Climate Change prevê que o aumento da temperatura média global, até ao ano de 2100, varie entre 1,4 e 5,8ºC desconhecendo-se a evolução da adaptação da população a esta subida da temperatura. Em Portugal morre-se mais no Inverno que no Verão. Mas existem evidências de repercussões na mortalidade atribuíveis ao calor extremo. Este estudo procura conhecer os grupos etários e/ou populacionais que parecem revelar vulnerabilidade acrescida à exposição a temperaturas extremas e identificar indicadores de saúde apropriados para revelar esses mesmos efeitos. Métodos: Foram analisados dados de internamentos hospitalar e mortalidade por doenças cardiovasculares, respiratórias, renais, efeitos directos do frio e do calor, na população com 75 e mais anos de idade, nos distritos de Beja, Bragança e Faro, nos meses de Janeiro e Junho. Para os dados de morbilidade o período de análise foi 2002 a 2005 e para os de mortalidade de 2002 a 2004. Os dados meteorológicos analisados corresponderam aos valores da temperatura máxima e percentis da temperatura máxima, nos meses de Janeiro (P10) e Junho (P90). Os excessos de internamentos hospitalares, definidos como os dias em que ocorreram internamentos acima do valor da média mais 2 desvio padrão, foram relacionados com a distribuição das temperaturas extremas (frias abaixo do P10, quentes acima do P90.Os dias com óbitos acima do valor da média foram relacionados com a distribuição das temperaturas extremas (frias abaixo do P10, quentes acima do P90). Os indicadores propostos foram baseados em Odds Ratios e intervalos de confiança que sugeriam as estimativas mais precisas. Resultados: O grupo que revelou maior vulnerabilidade às temperaturas extremas foi o grupo dos 75 e mais anos, com doenças cardiovasculares quando exposto a temperaturas extremas, nos 3 distritos observados.O nº de dias de excesso de óbitos por doenças cardiovasculares relacionados com temperaturas extremas foi o mais elevado comparado com as restantes causas de morte. O grupo etário dos 75 e mais anos com de doenças respiratórias também é vulnerável, às temperaturas extremas frias, nos 3 distritos. Verificaram-se dias de excessos de internamentos hospitalares e óbitos por esta causa de morte, relacionados com a exposição às temperaturas extremas frias. Em Junho, não se verificou excesso de mortalidade associado à exposição a temperaturas extremas por esta causa, em qualquer dos distritos analisados. Apenas se verificou a associação entre os dias de ocorrência de internamentos hospitalares por doenças renais e o calor extremo, em Bragança. Conclusões: Foram encontradas associações estatísticas significativas entre dias de excesso de ocorrência de internamentos hospitalares ou óbitos por causa e exposição a temperaturas extremas frias e quentes possibilitando a identificação de um conjunto de indicadores de saúde ambiental apropriados para monitorizar a evolução dos padrões de morbilidade, mortalidade e susceptibilidade das populações ao longo do tempo.-------------------- Backgroud: International Panel on Climate Change estimates that the rise of mean global temperature varies between 1,4 e 5,8ºC until 2100, with unknowing evolution adaptation of populations. In Portugal we die more in Winter than in Summer time. But there are several evidences of mortality attributable to extreme eat. The proposal of this study is to know the age and/or populations groups that reveal more vulnerability to exposure to extreme temperature and identifying proper health indicators to reveal those effects. Methods: Data from hospital admissions and mortality caused by cardiovascular, respiratory, renal diseases and direct effects from direct exposure to extreme cold and heat, in population with 75 and more years, in Beja, Bragança and Faro districts, during January and June, were analysed. Analysis period for morbidity data was from 2002 to 2005 and form mortality was 2002 to 2004. Meteorological data analysed were maximum temperature and percentile of maximum temperature, from January (P10) and June (P90. Relationship between excess of hospital admission, defined as the days that occurred hospital admissions above mean value more 2 standards desviation and distribution of extreme temperatures were established (cold under P10 and heat above P90. Proposal indicators were based on Odds Ratios and confidence intervals, suggesting the most precises estimatives. Results: The most vulnerable group to extreme temperature were people with 75 or more years older with cardiovascular diseases, observed in the 3 districts. Number of days caused by excess cardiovascular mortality and extreme temperature were the most number of days between the other causes. The group with 75 or more years old with respiratory diseases is vulnerable too, especially to cold extreme temperature, in all the 3 districts. There were excess of days of hospital admissions and days with deaths, for this cause relating to extreme cold temperature. In June, does not funded excess of mortality associated to extreme temperature by this cause in any district of the in observation. Just was found relationship between days of hospital admissions caused by renal diseases in Bragança in days with extreme heat. Conclusions: Were found statistically significant associations between days of excess of hospital admissions or deaths and exposure to extreme cold and heat temperatures giving the possibility of identifying a core of environmental indicators proper to monitoring patterns and trends evolutions on morbidity, mortality and susceptibly of populations for a long time.
This fascicle, dedicated to the Domerian (Late Pliensbachian) ammonites faunas, is the third part of the “Atlas des fossiles caractéristiques du Lias portugais“. It follows two previous publications about the Hettangian-Sinemurian and the Carixian (Lower fifty species are concisely described and illustrated. The other groups (nautilids, belemnites, brachiopods, bivalvia...) will be published afterwards. The principal objective of the “Atlas des fossiles caractéristiques du Lias portugais“ is to make the main liassic lusitanian fossils known to a wide public. It also aims to support field studies by giving a rich iconography dedicated to the lusitanian invertebrate macrofaunas. In the case of the ammonites, all the species are described and the “Atlas” can be used as an exhaustive database for biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic studies.