997 resultados para Ventilação e Ar Condicionado


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Els participants de la Xarxa d’Innovació Docent en Aprenentatge Reflexiu provenim de disciplines acadèmiques i d’àmbits professionals diferents (Infermeria, Psicologia, Turisme i Educació Social) des dels quals la pràctica docent desenvolupada ens ha portat a aprofundir en l’aprenentatge reflexiu com a metodologia d’ensenyament aprenentatge per millorar la formació dels estudiants. En el context de la UdG, i feta una revisió dels dissenys de les assignatures de segon curs dels estudis de Grau de la UdG, es pot dir que en Graus de sis de les nous Facultats, la reflexió és esmentada de forma majoritària a nivell d’activitats d’aprenentatge i en d’altres a nivell de competències.


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Perante o agravamento das problemáticas atmosféricas a maior parte dos países mundo tem adotado ações concertadas e conjuntas tendentes a responder a estas realidade. No quadro da União Europeia, bloco económico e político ao qual Portugal pertence como estado-membro, tem vindo a ser desenvolvido um forte programa de combate à poluição atmosférica. Seguindo as principais linhas de orientação dos seus predecessores mas, ao mesmo tempo, trilhando novos caminhos para atingir desafiantes metas, o Sexto Programa de Ação em matéria de Ambiente (6.º PAA) pretende atingir níveis de qualidade do ar que não impliquem efeitos negativos nem riscos significativos para a saúde humana e o ambiente. A União Europeia tem pautado a sua atuação numa ótica de concertação de políticas e legislação como forma de reduzir as emissões atmosféricas dentro do seu espaço territorial. A articulação entre as políticas comunitárias que visam reduzir a exposição à poluição atmosférica e a produção legislativa em matéria da qualidade do ar, nomeadamente, a fixação de valores limites de emissão para os diferentes poluentes nas zonas e aglomeração das nossas cidades, encontra na gestão ambiental do recurso ar os conceitos e estratégias de atuação práticas fundamentais para, atuando como uma placa giratória de Ação, efeitos e resultados, se possa uniformizar e harmonizar as necessidades reais com a resposta política e legal nestas questões. Expor e compreender as metodologias, ferramentas e instrumentos legais ao serviço destes dois eixos (politicas e legislação) será o objetivo deste texto.


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RESUMO: A temática da segurança é uma das preocupações principais da sociedade actual. Dentro deste tema que é estudado nas mais diversas áreas da sociedade, a sua aplicação nas actividades de ar livre e de aventura é uma questão fundamental. As atividades de ar livre e de aventura caracterizam-se por um meio incerto, onde é importante o domínio das técnicas e aplicação das regras de segurança. É certo que cada vez existem mais praticantes das actividades de ar livre e de aventura, o aumento dos praticantes faz-se ao nivel desportivo, recreativo ou de lazer. O turismo de aventura está em crescimento em todo o mundo ocidental, sendo cada vez mais importante estudar o risco e a segurança nestas actividades. Sabemos que um dos locais mais importantes para trabalhar o risco e a segurança é ao nivel da escola, sendo o objectivo deste estudo verificar se a preocupação com a segurança está presente nos programas leccionados. Este estudo procurou identificar vários modelos de gestão de risco e verificar se estes seriam abordados nos três programas. Todas as entidades falam em segurança, diminuição do risco mas é importante clarificar o conceito e estudar se existe uma efectiva preocupação com esta questão. Este estudo procura enquadrar e discutir vários modelos de gestão de risco, verificando se essa existência está presente nos programas de EF, nos do Desporto Escolar e nos da ULHT. ABSTRACT: Security is a major concern of nowadays society. Within this subject that is studied in various areas of society, its applications in outdoor activities and adventure are a key issue. Outdoor activities and adventure are characterized by an uncertain environment, where it is important to master the techniques and application of safety rules. It is true that every day there are more people practicing outdoor activities and adventure, this increase is at the level of sport, recreation or leisure. Adventure tourism is growing throughout the Western world, and as so, it is increasingly important to study the risk and safety in these activities. We know that one of the most important places to study risk and safety is at school level, aiming to verify if security is present in the taught programs. This study sought to identify several models of risk management and verify if these would be addressed in the three programs. António Pedro Raposo Marques Vidal A SEGURANÇA NAS ACTIVIDADES DE AR LIVRE E DE AVENTURA 6 Many entities talk about safety and risk reduction, but it is important to clarify the concept and it is important to study if there is a real concern with this issue. This study seeks to encompass and discuss various models of risk management, ensuring that they are present in the programs of Physical Education in Sports School and the ULHT.


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A series of half-sandwich bis(phosphine) ruthenium acetylide complexes [Ru(C CAr)(L-2)Cp'] (Ar = phenyl, p-tolyl, 1-naphthyl, 9-anthryl; L2 = (PPh3)(2), Cp' = Cp; L-2 = dppe; Cp' = Cp*) have been examined using electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical methods. One-electron oxidation of these complexes gave the corresponding radical cations [Ru(C CAr)(L2)Cp'](+). Those cations based on Ru(dppe)Cp*, or which feature a para-tolyl acetylide substituent, are more chemically robust than examples featuring the Ru(PPh3)(2)Cp moiety, permitting good quality UV-Vis-NIR and IR spectroscopic data to be obtained using spectroelectrochemical methods. On the basis of TD DFT calculations, the low energy (NIR) absorption bands in the experimental electronic spectra for most of these radical cations are assigned to transitions between the beta-HOSO and beta-LUSO, both of which have appreciable metal d and ethynyl pi character. However, the large contribution from the anthryl moiety to the frontier orbitals of [Ru(C CC14H9)(L2)CP'](+) suggests compounds containing this moiety should be described as metal-stabilised anthryl radical cations.


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Using the virtual porous carbon model proposed by Harris et al, we study the effect of carbon surface oxidation on the pore size distribution (PSD) curve determined from simulated Ar, N(2) and CO(2) isotherms. It is assumed that surface oxidation is not destructive for the carbon skeleton, and that all pores are accessible for studied molecules (i.e., only the effect of the change of surface chemical composition is studied). The results obtained show two important things, i.e., oxidation of the carbon surface very slightly changes the absolute porosity (calculated from the geometric method of Bhattacharya and Gubbins (BG)); however, PSD curves calculated from simulated isotherms are to a greater or lesser extent affected by the presence of surface oxides. The most reliable results are obtained from Ar adsorption data. Not only is adsorption of this adsorbate practically independent from the presence of surface oxides, but, more importantly, for this molecule one can apply the slit-like model of pores as the first approach to recover the average pore diameter of a real carbon structure. For nitrogen, the effect of carbon surface chemical composition is observed due to the quadrupole moment of this molecule, and this effect shifts the PSD curves compared to Ar. The largest differences are seen for CO2, and it is clearly demonstrated that the PSD curves obtained from adsorption isotherms of this molecule contain artificial peaks and the average pore diameter is strongly influenced by the presence of electrostatic adsorbate-adsorbate as well as adsorbate-adsorbent interactions.


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The adsorption of gases on microporous carbons is still poorly understood, partly because the structure of these carbons is not well known. Here, a model of microporous carbons based on fullerene- like fragments is used as the basis for a theoretical study of Ar adsorption on carbon. First, a simulation box was constructed, containing a plausible arrangement of carbon fragments. Next, using a new Monte Carlo simulation algorithm, two types of carbon fragments were gradually placed into the initial structure to increase its microporosity. Thirty six different microporous carbon structures were generated in this way. Using the method proposed recently by Bhattacharya and Gubbins ( BG), the micropore size distributions of the obtained carbon models and the average micropore diameters were calculated. For ten chosen structures, Ar adsorption isotherms ( 87 K) were simulated via the hyper- parallel tempering Monte Carlo simulation method. The isotherms obtained in this way were described by widely applied methods of microporous carbon characterisation, i. e. Nguyen and Do, Horvath - Kawazoe, high- resolution alpha(a)s plots, adsorption potential distributions and the Dubinin - Astakhov ( DA) equation. From simulated isotherms described by the DA equation, the average micropore diameters were calculated using empirical relationships proposed by different authors and they were compared with those from the BG method.


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The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP), emplaced at the Triassic-Jurassic (T-J) boundary (-200 Ma), is among the largest igneous provinces on Earth. The Maranhao basin in NE Brazil is located around 700 km inland and 2000 km from the site of the earliest Pangea disruption. The CAMP tholeiites occur only in the western part of the basin and have been described as low and high-Ti. Here we document the occurrence of two sub-groups among the high-Ti tholeiites in the Western Maranhao basin. The major and trace elements and the Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios define three chemical groups corresponding to the low-Ti (TiO(2)< 1.3 wt.%), high-Ti (TiO(2)-2.0 wt.%) and evolved high-Ti (TiO(2 >)3 wt.%) western Maranhao basin tholeiites (WMBT). The new (40)Ar/(39)Ar plateau ages obtained on plagioclase separates for high-Ti (199.7 +/- 2.4 Ma) and evolved high-Ti WMBT (197.2 +/- 0.5 Ma and 198.2 +/- 0.6 Ma) are indistinguishable and identical to those of previously analyzed low-Ti WMBT (198.5 +/- 0.8 Ma) and to the mean (40)Ar/(39)Ar age of the CAMP (199 +/- 2.4 Ma). We also present the first Re-Os isotopic data for CAMP basalts. The low and high-Ti samples display mantle-like initial ((187)Os/(188)Os)(i) ranging from 0.1267 to 0.1299, while the evolved high-Ti samples are more radiogenic (((187)Os/ (188)Os)(i) up to 0.184) We propose that the high-Ti WMBT were derived from the sub-lithospheric asthenosphere, and contaminated during ascent by interaction with the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). The evolved high-Ti WMBT were derived from the same asthenospheric source but experienced crustal contamination. The chemical characteristics of the low-Ti group can be explained by partial melting of the most fertile portions of the SCLM metasomatized during paleo-subduction. Alternatively, the low-Ti WMBT could be derived from the sub-lithospheric asthenosphere but the resulting melts may have undergone contamination by the SCLM. The occurrences of high-Ti basalts are apparently not restricted to the area of initial continental disruption which may bring into question previous interpretations such as those relating high-Ti CAMP magmatism to the initiation of Atlantic ridge spreading or as the expression of a deep mantle plume. We propose that the CAMP magmatism in the Maranhao basin may be attributed to local hotter mantle conditions due to the combined effects of edge-driven convection and large-scale mantle warming under the Pangea supercontinent. The involvement of a mantle-plume with asthenosphere-like isotopic characteristics cannot be ruled out either as one of the main source components of the WMBT or as a heat supplier. (C) 2010 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.


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We report 6 K-Ar ages and paleomagnetic data from 28 sites collected in Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous and Paleocene rocks of the Santa Marta massif, to test previous hypothesis of rotations and translations of this massif, whose rock assemblage differs from other basement-cored ranges adjacent to the Guyana margin. Three magnetic components were identified in this study. A first component has a direction parallel to the present magnetic field and was uncovered in all units (D 352, I = 25.6, k = 57.35, a95 = 5.3, N = 12). A second component was isolated in Cretaceous limestone and Jurassic volcaniclastic rocks (D = 8.8, I = 8.3, k = 24.71, a95 = 13.7, N = 6), and it was interpreted as of Early Cretaceous age. In Jurassic sites with this component, Early Cretaceous K-Ar ages obtained from this and previous studies are interpreted as reset ages. The third component was uncovered in eight sites of Jurassic volcaniclastic rocks, and its direction indicates negative shallow to moderate inclinations and northeastward declinations. K-Ar ages in these sites are of Early (196.5 +/- 4.9 Ma) to early Late Jurassic age (156.6 +/- 8.9 Ma). Due to local structural complexity and too few Cretaceous outcrops to perform a reliable unconformity test, we only used two sites with (1) K-Ar ages, (2) less structural complexity, and (3) reliable structural data for Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks. The mean direction of the Jurassic component is (D = 20.4, I = -18.2, k = 46.9, a95 = 5.1, n = 18 specimens from two sites). These paleomagnetic data support previous models of northward along-margin translations of Grenvillian-cored massifs. Additionally, clockwise vertical-axis rotation of this massif, with respect to the stable craton, is also documented; the sense of rotation is similar to that proposed for the Perija Range and other ranges of the southern Caribbean margin. More data is needed to confirm the magnitudes of rotations and translations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New U-Pb zircon and (40)Ar-(39)Ar K-feldspar data are presented for syn-sedimentary volcanogenic rocks from the Neoproterozoic Marica Formation, located in the southern Brazilian shield. Seven (of nine) U-Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe analyses of zircons from pyroclastic cobbles yield an age of 630.2 +/- 3.4 Ma (2 sigma), interpreted as the age of syn-sedimentary volcanism, and thus of the deposition itself. This result indicates that the Marica Formation was deposited during the main collisional phase (640-620 Ma) of the Brasiliano II orogenic system, probably as a forebulge or back-bulge, craton-derived foreland succession. Thus, this unit is possibly correlative of younger portions of the Porongos, Brusque, Passo Feio, Abapa (Itaiacoca) and Lavalleja (Fuente del Puma) metamorphic complexes. Well-defined, step-heating (40)Ar-(39)Ar K-feldspar plateau ages obtained from volcanogenic beds and pyroclastic cobbles of the lower and upper successions of the Marica Formation yielded 507.3 +/- 1.8 Ma and 506.7 +/- 1.4 Ma (2 sigma), respectively. These data are interpreted to reflect total isotopic resetting during deep burial and thermal effects related to magmatic events. Late Middle Cambrian cooling below ca. 200 degrees C, probably related to uplift, is tentatively associated with intraplate effects of the Rio Doce and/or Pampean orogenies (Brasiliano III system). In the southern Brazilian shield, these intraplate stresses are possibly related to the dominantly extensional opening of a rift or a pull-apart basin, where sedimentary rocks of the Camaqua Group (Santa Barbara and Guaritas Formations) accumulated.