934 resultados para Submicron rib waveguides
We have implemented and studied a new type of tunable multiple-section semiconductor distributed feedback (DFB) laser using tailored chirped DFB gratings. Arbitrarily and continuously chirped DFB gratings are defined by bent waveguides on homogeneous grating fields with ultrahigh spatial precision, The mathematical bending functions are optimized in this case to provide enlarged wavelength tuning ranges. We present the results of model calculations, the technological device realization and experimental results of the DFB laser characterization e.g. a tuning range of 5.5 mm without wavelength gaps and high side mode suppression ratio.
A 100-μm-long electroabsorption modulator monolithically integrated with passive waveguides at the input and output ports is fabricated through ion implantation induced quantum well intermixing, using only a two-step low-pressure metal-organic vapor phase epitaxial process. An InGaAsP/InGaAsP intra-step quantum well is introduced to the active region to improve the modulation properties. In the experiment high modulation speed and high extinction ratio are obtained simultaneously, the electrical-to-optical frequency response (E/O response) without any load termination reaches to 22 GHz, and extinction ration is as high as 16 dB.
An improved 2 ×2 silicon-on-insulator Mach-Zehnder thermo-optical switch is designed and fabricated, which is based on strongly guided multimode interference couplers and single- mode phase-shifting arms. The multimode interference couplers and input/output waveguides are deeply etched to improve coupler performances and coupler-waveguide coupling efficiencies. However, shallow etching is used in the phase-shifting arms to guarantee single-mode property. The strongly guided coupler presents an attractive uniformity about 0. 03 dB and a low propagation loss of -0.6 dB. The 2× 2 switch shows an insertion loss as low as -6.8 dB, where the fiber-waveguide coupling loss of -4.3 dB is included, and the response-time is measured as short as 6.8 μs, which are much better than our previous results.
We propose and analyze a novel Si-based electro-optic modulator with an improved metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitor configuration integrated into silicon-on-insulator (SOI).Three gate-oxide layers embedded in the silicon waveguide constitute a triple MOS capacitor structure,which boosts the modulation efficiency compared with a single MOS capacitor.The simulation results demonstrate that the VπLπ product is 2.4V·cm.The rise time and fall time of the proposed device are calculated to be 80 and 40ps from the transient response curve,respectively,indicating a bandwidth of 8GHz.The phase shift efficiency and bandwidth can be enhanced by rib width scaling.
We present an all-e-beam lithography (EBL) process for the patterning of photonic crystal waveguides.The whole device structures are exposed in two steps. Holes constituting the photonic crystal lattice and defects are first exposed with a small exposure step size (less than 10nm). With the introduction of the additional proximity effect to compensate the original proximity effect, the shape, size, and position of the holes can be well controlled.The second step is the exposure of the access waveguides at a larger step size (about 30nm) to improve the scan speed of the EBL. The influence of write-field stitching error can be alleviated by replacing the original waveguides with tapered waveguides at the joint of adjacent write-fields. It is found experimentally that a higher exposure efficiency is achieved with a larger step size;however,a larger step size requires a higher dose.
The stress distribution in silica optical waveguides on silicon is calculated by using finite element method (FEM). The waveguides are mainly subjected to compressive stress along the x direction and the z direction, and it is accumulated near the interfaces between the core and cladding layers. The shift of central wavelength of silica arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) on silicon-substrate with the designed wavelength and the polarization dependence are caused by the stress in the silica waveguides.
We report on the fabrication of circular waveguide photodetectors with a response near 1.3 mu m wavelength using SiGe/Si multiple quantum wells. The quantum efficiency of the circular waveguide photodetector is improved when compared with that of the rib waveguide photodetector in the same wavelength at 1.3 mu m The frequency response of the photodetectors is simulated. The emciency-bandwidth product of the circular waveguide photodetectors is improved correspondingly. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Slow-light effects in photonic crystal (PC) waveguides can enhance light-mater interaction near the photonic band edge, which can be used to design a short cavity length semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). In this paper, a novel SOA based on slow-light effects in PC waveguides (PCSOA) is presented. To realize the amplification of the optical signal with polarization independence, a PCSOA is designed with a compensated structure. The cascaded structure leads to a balanced amplification to the TE and TM polarized light.
首先介绍了重离子束治癌的特点及当前的技术进步, 着重讨论了放射性离子束(RIB)在肿瘤治疗上增添的优势, 详细叙述了在日本放射医学综合研究所(NIRS)重离子医用加速器(HIMAC)上旨在肿瘤治疗的放射性离子束 C 的实验研究, 包括束流产生、参数优化、深度物理剂量分布、细胞辐照后的存 9活效应以及 C 和 C 束的相对生物效率(RBE)比较. 最终结果: 在40 mm 厚铍靶、10 mm 厚铝降能器、 9 125%动量接收度时, 采用 430 MeV/u、1.8×109 粒子/s 的初试束 C, 得到的 C 束的产生率为 9.07×10?6, 12 9纯度为 82.88%, 采用点扫描技术时, 在直径为 10 mm 的中心面积内, 可获得均匀度为 89.6%的辐照场,这时在入口处的剂量率为0.5Gy/h. 在Bragg峰附近范围内的细胞存活实验中, C束的平均RBE为5.28, 9而 C 束的平均 RBE 为 2.93, C 束的 RBE 要比 C 束的高1.8 倍, 这显示 C 束在 Bragg 峰附近范围内, 12 9 12 9对细胞的杀伤力要比 C 强, 在肿瘤治疗上会更有效. 12
放射性束流(RIB)装置拓广了实验核物理在同位旋(T_z)自由度上从稳定核直到滴线核的广袤空间。通常,位于β-稳定线及其附近的核,N/Z在1-1.5范围变化,其分离能E_s无论对于质子还是中子,总是在6-8 MeV之间;对于远离稳定线的非稳定核,N/Z可在0.5-4范围变化,如~9C的N/Z = 0.5,~(10)He的N/Z = 4,而且分离能E_s是在0-40 MeV之间变化的,开展对这些远离β-稳定线非稳定核性质、结构的研究是目前核物理的前沿之一。核反应总截面σ_R是表征原子核性质特征的一个基本物理量,从实验测得的核反应总截面中可以得到有关核结构和核内核子分布的信息。在由放射性束流所产生奇异核的结构与各种反应机制研究中,反应总截面的测量更是有其特殊的重要性,具有奇异核结构如晕核的一个典型的物理特征就是其反应总截面要比稳定核大得多,Tanihata等人最早就是通过对放射性束流的相互作用截面的测量发现了具有奇异结构的核,即中子晕核。由于反应总截面的测量对探测器的要求不高,而且数据分析过程相对较为简单,因而反应总截面的测量已经成为放射性束核物理的研究的一个非常重要实验手段。中子晕核以及中子皮核的发现促使人们去寻找质子晕核和质子皮核,由于最后一个质子的结合能非常小只有136,keV,并且有较大的电四极矩,因而使得~8B成为质子晕的最大热门候选核,有关~8B是否具有质子晕核结构的问题,许多实验科学家得出了相互矛盾的回答;而目前有关另外一个质子晕候选核~9C的实验数据非常少,目前还没有人从实验上对~9C是否为质子晕核这一问题进行肯定或否定的回答。因此非常有必要测量~9C和~8B的反应总截面。对反应总截面进行研究的一个非常有用理论就是Glauber模型,该模型考虑了库伦效应的多次散射理论。它是一种基于自由核子-核子(N-N)碰撞的与核物质密度相关的理论,因而能够从实验测量到的反应总截面中提取核物质分布的信息。该理论对中低能区的反应总截面描述却有一个缺憾:理论值比实验值都要小。本论文主要描述了利用透射法测量了中能区同中子素核~9C、~8B、~7Be及~6Li与~(28)Si的反应总截面,并介绍了重离子碰撞以及描述重离子性质的几种常用理论。在论文里对实验测量得到的结果进行了理论分析,这些理论包括半经验的Shen公式、Glauber模型、BUU模型以及SHF理论。如果将~9C和~8B当成具有正常核结构来处理,半经验的Shen公式和Glauber模型(HO密度分布)的理论计算值总是比实验值要小得多;对于Glauber模型的理论计算值和实验值的差异,Ozawa等定义了一个差值因子d,方德清等人对轻核系统的d值进行了详细的分析。一般认为,正常核的d值在20%以内,而对于具有晕或皮奇异结构的核,其d值则超过30%,甚至可达50%,因此可根据一个核的d值是否超过30%而且比相邻核的d值明显大这种半经验的方法来判断一个核是否具有奇异结构;利用d值的分析结果,我们认为:~9C和~8B都具有奇异核结构;对于BUU模型用同样的方法引进差值因子d值,对于~9C和~8B有相同的结论。用SHF理论计算得到B和C同位素的密度分布结果显示,~9C和~8B的密度分布比相邻的同位素扩展都要大得多。为减小Glauber模型计算的反应截面与实验值的差别,本论文还对Glauber模型的输入密度形式进行了修改,在原单一HO分布基础上加一个高斯分布的尾巴,并对丰质子的同中子素核~9C、~8B、~7Be及~6Li与~(28)Si靶以及~(12)C和丰中子的C同位素核~(13-16)C与~(12)C靶的反应截面重新进行了计算,结果显示在中能区的计算值比原来单一密度分布的计算结构有明显改善。
国家“九五”重大科学工程项目一兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环工程 CIRFL-CSR),其准直安装由于所涉及的范围大,对元件的定位精度要求极高,所以难度很大.针对工程的特殊要求和具体情况,我们在HIRFL-CSR的准直安装中采取了一系列新的方法和仪器.其中包括建立测量控制网,使用激光跟踪仪进行测量和安装定位.本论文主要介绍了HIRFL-CSR的准直安装的总体方案佩介绍了SMX4500型激光跟踪仪的特点和主要功能佩结合激光跟踪仪的特点,建立了CSR准直安装数据库系统;测量控制网的设计.结合工程的具体特点和仪器的功能,我们拟定了“分层建网,逐段控制”的建网方案.分别设计了CSRm, CSRer前注入线,RIB II各个部分的控制网,以及全局控制网.控制网图用AUTOCAD2000直接在相应的工程图上绘出,再将控制网参数输入到NASEW95中进行平差计算.并且编写了从AUTOCAD2000到NASEW95的数据交换程序,实现了数据交换的自动化.在控制网设计的过程中,采用了方便高效的“自由设站”的方法,和传统的方法相比,用较小的工作量,获得了更多的参加平差的网点.另外,采用了一种特殊形式的闭合延伸导线延伸网,使环上的控制网点的数量减少一半以上,而精度却有所增加。根据激光跟踪仪的特点,建立了一个关系数据库系统,并编写了其前端应用程序,实现了HIRFL-CSR准直安装过程中的数据存储,坐标转换,以及必要的文件格式转换等功能.对于安装定位,采取以下措施:分别建立元件坐标系,局部坐标系和全局坐标系,然后用坐标转换的方法,将不可见的元件磁中心的局部坐标值,转化为安装定位时可用的靶标座的局部坐标值,最后用激光跟踪仪进行安装定位.在安装定位过程中,由于激光跟踪仪可同时监测靶标点的X,Y,Z坐标,所以元件的平面坐标值(X, Y)和竖直方向的坐标值(Z)可同时考虑,一次调整完.改变了传统的准直过程中的元件的水平和平面位置分两次调整的方法.
Nanocrystalline Y3Al5O12: Ce3+/Tb3+ ( average crystalline size 30 nm) phosphor layers were coated on non-aggregated, monodisperse and spherical SiO2 particles by the sol-gel method, resulting in the formation of core-shell structured SiO2@Y3Al5O12:Ce3+/Tb3+ particles. X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence spectra, as well as lifetimes were utilized to characterize the core-shell structured SiO2@Y3Al5O12: Ce3+/Tb3+ phosphor particles. The obtained core-shell structured phosphors consist of well-dispersed submicron spherical particles with a narrow size distribution. The thickness of the Y3Al5O12:Ce3+/Tb3+ shells on the SiO2 cores ( average size about 500 nm, crystalline size about 30 nm) could be easily tailored by varying the number of deposition cycles (100 nm for four deposition cycles). Under the excitation of ultraviolet and low-voltage electron beams (1-3 kV), the core-shell SiO2@Y3Al5O12:Ce3+/ Tb3+ particles show strong yellow-green and green emission corresponding to the 5d-4f emission of Ce3+ and D-5(4)-F-7(J) ( J = 6, 5, 4, 3) emission of Tb3+, respectively.