857 resultados para Government business enterprises
[spa] El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar si los municipios españoles se ajustan en presencia de un shock presupuestario y (si es así) qué elementos del presupuesto son los que realizan el ajuste. La metodología utilizada para contestar estas preguntas es un mecanismo de corrección del error, VECM, que estimamos con un panel de datos de los municipios españoles durante el período 1988-2006. Nuestros resultados confirman que, en primer lugar, los municipios se ajustan en presencia de un shock fiscal (es decir, el déficit es estacionario en el largo plazo). En segundo lugar, obtenemos que cuando el shock afecta a los ingresos el ajuste lo soporta principalmente el municipio reduciendo el gasto, las transferencias tienen un papel muy reducido en este proceso de ajuste. Por el contrario, cuando el shock afecta al gasto, el ajuste es compartido en términos similares entre el municipio – incrementado los impuestos – y los gobiernos de niveles superiores – incrementando las transferencias. Estos resultados sugieren que la viabilidad de las finanzas pública locales es factible con diferentes entornos institucionales.
Targeted Small Business News and information from the Iowa Department of Economic Development.
Targeted Small Business news from the Iowa Economic Development Authority
Targeted small business news from the Iowa Economic Development Authority's Targeted Small Business Program
Targeted Small Business information from the Iowa Economic Development Authority
Targeted Small Business News from the Iowa Economic Development Authority
Under the circumstances of the increasing market pressure, enterprises try to improve their competitive position by development efforts, and a business development project is one tool for that. There are not many answers to the question of how the development projects launched to improve the business performance in SMEs have succeeded. Theacademic interest in the business development project success has mainly focused on projects implemented in larger organisations rather than in SMEs. The previous studies on the business success of SMEs have mainly focused on new business ventures rather than on existing SMEs. However, nowadays a large number of business development projects are undertaken in existing SMEs, where they can pose a great challenge. This study focuses on business development success in SMEs thathave already established their business. The objective of the present study is to gain a deep understanding on business development project success in the SME-context and to identify the dimensions and factors affecting the project success. Further, the aim is to clarify how the business development projects implemented in SMEs have affected their performance. The empirical evidence is based on multiple case study. This study builds a framework for a generic theory of business development success in the SME-context, based on literature from the areas ofproject and change management, entrepreneurship and small business management, as well as performance measurement, and on empirical evidence from SMES. The framework consists of five success dimensions: entrepreneurial, project preparation, change management, project management and project success. The framework provides a systematic way for analysing the business development project and its impact on the performance and on the performing company. This case evidence indicates that successful business development projects have a balanced, high performance concerning all the dimensions. Good performance in one dimension is not enoughfor the project success, but it gives a good ground for the other dimensions. The other way round, poor performance in one success dimension affects the others, leading to poor performance of the project. In the SME-context the business development project success seems to be dependent on several interrelated dimensions and factors. Success in one area leads to success in other areas, and so creates an upward success spiral. Failure in one area seems to lead to failure in other areas, creating a downward failure spiral. The study indicates that the internal business development projects have affected the SMEs' performance widely also on areas and functions not initially targeted. The implications cover all thesuccess categories: the project efficiency, the impact on the customer, the business success and the future potentiality. With successful cases, the success tends to spread out to areas and functions not mentioned as the project goals, andwith unsuccessful cases the failure seems to spread out widely to the SMEs' other functions. This study also indicates that the most important key factors for successful business development project implementation are the strength of intention, business ability, knowledge, motivation and participation of the employees, as well as adequate and well-timed training provided to the employees.
Tutkimus koostuu neljästä artikkelista, jotka käsittelevät suomalaisten pienten ja keskisuurten teollisuusyritysten (PKT-yritysten) innovatiivisuutta, sen attribuutteja (ominaispiirteitä) sekä indikaattoreita. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan sekä kirjallisuudessa esitettyjä että PKT-johtajien ja PKT-yritystenkehityshankkeiden rahoituspäätöksiin osallistuvien yritystutkijoiden haastatteluissa esittämiä innovatiivisuuden määritelmiä. Innovatiivisuusindikaattoreista tarkastellaan PKT-yritysten kehittämishankkeille sovellettavia rahoitus- ja arviointikriteerejä sekä yritysten ulkopuolisten rahoittajien että PKT-johtajien näkökulmasta. Erityistä huomiota kohdistetaan sovellettuihin laadullisiin ja ei-numeerisiin innovatiivisuuden arviointikriteereihin. Sekä kirjallisuudessa että kymmenen yritystutkijan ja kuuden esimerkkiyrityksen johtajan haastatteluissa innovaation uutuus yhdistetään innovatiivisuuteen. Muita tärkeitä innovatiivisuuteen liitettyjä ominaisuuksia olivat markkinat, muista yrityksistä erottuminen ja yksilöiden luovuus. Ihmisläheiset ja yksilöihin liittyvät näkökulmat korostuvat yritystutkijoiden ja PKT-johtajien innovatiivisuuden määritelmissä, kun taas kirjallisuudessa annetaan enemmän painoa ympäristölle, tuotteille ja markkinoille. Yritystutkijat pitivät yritykseen ja sen johtajaan liittyviä tekijöitä tärkeinä rahoitettavien kehittämishankkeiden panosten arviointikriteereinä. Tuotteiden kaupallinen menestys oli rahoittajan kannalta tärkein tulostekijä. Tarkastelluissa esimerkkiyrityksissä kehityshankkeista päättäminen ja hankkeiden arviointi on toisaalta intuitiivista ja saattaa olla tiedostamatontakin, koska yritysten kehittämistoiminta on vähäistä. Pienyritysten johtajat korostavat arvioinnissa rahallisiamittareita, vaikka sekä numeerisia että laadullisia kriteereitä sovelletaan. Todennäköisin syy tälle on pienyritysten rajalliset taloudelliset voimavarat. Toinen mahdollinen syy rahoituksellisten tekijöiden painottamiseen on, että tämän päivän ihannejohtaja ymmärretään analyyttiseksi ja mm.rahavirtoja valvovaksi. Kuitenkin innovatiiviset yritysjohtajat pitävät innovaatioiden luomista yhtenä elämän hauskoista puolista. Innovatiiviset esimerkkiyritykset ovat tulevaisuuteen ja kasvuun suuntautuneita strategisella tasolla. Operationaalisella tasolla ne tuottavat keksintöjä ja innovaatioita. Patentteja tarkastelluilla yrityksillä on kuitenkin vähän. Sekä innovatiiviset että vähemmän innovatiiviset esimerkkiyritykset ovat voimakkaasti asiakassuuntautuneita ja erikoistuneita tiettyihin tuotteisiin ja asiakkaisiin. Asiakkaiden tarpeita tyydytetään kehittämällä niitä vastaavia tuotteita. Tästä johtuu, että valtaosa yritysten kehittämistoiminnasta kohdistuu tuotteisiin tai tuotantoon.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of business exits on future dimensions of entrepreneurial activity at the macroeconomic level. Design/methodology/approach: This research uses the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data for 41 countries and the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) to carry out the analysis. The paper differentiates the effect of the two components of total entrepreneurial activity, and the two motivations for it – opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship. Findings: The results presented here show a positive and significant effect of the coefficient associated with exits in all models. This means that the levels of entrepreneurial activity exceed business exits. The robustness of the models are tested, including other variables such as the fear of failure, the Gross Domestic Product, role models, entrepreneurial skills and the unemployment variables. The main hypothesis which stated that at national level business exits imply greater rates of opportunity-driven entrepreneurship is corroborated. Originality/value: One would expect that unemployment rates would imply higher levels of necessity entrepreneurship. However, results show that unemployment rates do in fact favour opportunity entrepreneurship levels. This could be due to those government policies that are aimed at promoting entrepreneurship through the capitalization of unemployment to be totally invested in a new start-up. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first panel data study to link previous exit rates to future dimensions of entrepreneurial activity. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, business exits, social values, industrial organization Paper type: Research paper
Tutkimuksen päätavoite on selvitää infocom-toimialan pk-yritysten kansainväliset kasvustrategiat. Aluksi on tarkasteltu kasvua edesauttaneita ja hidastaneita tekijöitä, jotka muodostavat pohjan kansainvälisen kasvun suunnittelulle. Näiden pohjalta on aikaisemmin esitettyihin teoriamalleihin ja yritysten kansainvälistymisen asteeseen yhdistettynä määritelty infocom-toimialan pk-yrityksten kansainväliset kasvustrategiavaihtoehdot. Tutkimuksen tarkasteluun on vaikuttanut born global-ilmiö, jonka pääpiirre on nopea kansainvälistyminen yrityksen aikaisessa kehitysvaiheessa. Työn empiirisessä osassa on havainnollistettu teoriassa käsiteltyjä kansainväliseen kasvuun liittyviä tekijöitä. Empiirisessä osassa on käytetty sekä kvantitatiivisia että kvalitatiivisia menetelmiä. Kvantitatiivinen survey tutkimus on pohjautunut aineistoon, joka on kerätty vuosina 1999-2000 Telecom Business Research Centerissä Lappeenrannassa. Kvalitatiivisessa case-tutkimuksessa on haastateltu infocom-toimialan pk-yrityksiä. Nopeasti kehittyvän infocom-toimialan pk-yrityksille kansainvälistyminen on haaste ja tärkein menestyksen edellytys. Pk-yritysten kasvuresurssit ovat rajalliset, mutta lisääntyvän verkostoitumisen myötä on yritysten välisestä yhteistyöstä saavutettu etuja, jotka ovat mahdollistaneet kansainvälisen kasvun. Markkinoiden muutosnopeus on suuri ja siksi strategisen suunnittelun aikaväli lyhenee. Kansainvälisiä kasvustrategioita muodostettaessa yritykset joutuvat samanaikaisesti turvautumaan useampaan eri kasvustrategiaan, joiden yhdistelmänä yritysten merkittävimmäksi kasvustrategiaksi muodostuvat hybridit kasvustrategiat.
The thesis studies role based access control and its suitability in the enterprise environment. The aim is to research how extensively role based access control can be implemented in the case organization and how it support organization’s business and IT functions. This study points out the enterprise’s needs for access control, factors of access control in the enterprise environment and requirements for implementation and the benefits and challenges it brings along. To find the scope how extensively role based access control can be implemented into the case organization, firstly is examined the actual state of access control. Secondly is defined a rudimentary desired state (how things should be) and thirdly completed it by using the results of the implementation of role based access control application. The study results the role model for case organization unit, and the building blocks and the framework for the organization wide implementation. Ultimate value for organization is delivered by facilitating the normal operations of the organization whilst protecting its information assets.
The objective of this research was to understand and describe what corpo-rate social and regional responsibility is in SMEs and define the meaning of these concepts to the community and region. Corporate social respon-sibility (CSR) creates a basis for regional responsibility. Regional respon-sibility is a new concept and this research examines it from SMEs’ view-point. This is a theoretical research and the aim is to create a theoretical framework of SMEs’ corporate social and regional responsibility. This framework supports the future research on the subject. The research results show that CSR of SMEs is practical, informal and dependent on the scarce resources of SMEs. CSR is a complex and deep concept and SMEs have their own way of interpreting it. It can be stated that CSR-practises in SMEs are closely connected to employment, envi-ronment, community and supply chain. The challenge is to find motivation to socially and regionally responsible behaviour in SMEs. Benefiting from responsible behaviour and the attitude of SME’s owner-manager are the key reasons for SMEs to involve in CSR and regional responsibility. The benefits of this involvement are for example improved image, reputation and market position. CSR can also be used in SMEs as risk management tool and in cost reduction. This study indicates also that creation of strate-gic partnerships, local government participation, a proper legal system and financial support are the basic issues which support CSR of SMEs. This research showed that regional responsibility of SMEs includes active participation in regional strategy processes, L&RED initiatives and regional philanthropy. For SMEs regional responsibility means good relationships with the community and other related stakeholders, involvement in L&RED initiatives and acting responsibly towards the operating environment. In SMEs’ case this means that they need to understand the benefits of this kind of involvement in order to take action and participate. As regional responsibility includes the relationships between firm and the community, it can be stated that regional responsibility extends CSR’s view of stakeholders and emphasises both, the regional stakeholders and public-private partnerships. Community engagement and responsible be-haviour towards community can be seen as a part of SMEs’ social and regional responsibility. This study indicates that social and regional re-sponsibility of SMEs have a significant influence on the community and region where they are located. Better local and regional relationships with regional and community actors are the positive impacts of social and re-gional responsibility of SMEs. Socially and regionally responsible behav-iour creates a more positive environment and deepens the involvement of SMEs to community and L&RED initiatives.
Purchasing and supply management (PSM) has become increasingly important for companies to survive in current highly competitive market. Increased outsourcing has extended the role of PSM, making external resource management and supplier relationships critical success factors in business. However, the recent research has mainly concentrated on large enterprises. Therefore the PSM issues related to medium-sized enterprises represent a significant research area. The thesis aims to explore the status and role of PSM in Finnish medium-sized firms, understand how strategic companies consider PSM to be, clarify what are the competence requirements for PSM professionals, and increase the understanding of PSM capabilities needed from the points view of individual competence and organisational capabilities. The study uses data that was collected in 2007 from purchasing executives at the director/CEO level representing a sample of 94 Finnish firms. 54 % of the respondent enterprises had a supply strategy. The total supply cost was on average 60 % of firms' turnover. Centralisation of PSM and outsourcing of logistics will increase in Finnish medium-sized enterprises. The findings point out that Finnish medium-sized enterprises had strategical features of PSM. However, Finnish firms have not concentrated on making strategies that relate to PSM. The elements that explain the existence of a supply strategy could be found in this study. It can be concluded from this study that there is an advantageous base for the development of strategic PSM, because nearly all the enterprises were of the opinion that PSM capabilities have an effect on business success. When reviewing the organisational capabilities, the five most important development elements were supplier relationships, both operational and strategic processes, time management, and personnel's competence. Training in internationalisation, strategic management, and communication could help to improve competences of PSM personnel.
Large enterprises have for many years employed eBusiness solutions in order to improve their efficiency. Smaller companies, however, have not been able to leverage these technologies due to the high level of know-how and resources required in implementing them. To solve this, novel software services are being developed to facilitate eBusiness adoption for the small enterprise with the aim of making B2Bi feasible not only between large organisations but also between trading partners of all sizes. The objective of this study was to find what standards and techniques on eBusiness and software testing and quality assurance fit best for building these new kinds of software considering the requirements their unique eBusiness approach poses. The research was conducted as a literature study with focus on standards on software testing and quality assurance together with standards on eBusiness. The study showed that the current software testing and quality assurance standards do not possess such characteristics as would make select standards evidently better fitted for building this type of software, which were established to be best developed as web services in order for them to meet their requirements. A selection of eBusiness standards and technologies was proposed to support this approach. The main finding in the study was, however, that these kinds of web services that have high interoperability requirements will have to be able to carry out automated interoperability and conformance testing as part of their operation; this objective dictates how the software are built and how testing during software development is to be done. The study showed that research on automated interoperability and conformance testing for web services is still limited and more research is needed to make the building of highly-interoperable web services more feasible.
Current e-business standards have been developed and used by large organizations to reduce clerical costs in business transactions by increased automation and higher level of business-to-business integration. Small and medium enterprises (SME's), however, cannot easily adopt these standards due to the SME's lacking the technical expertise and resources for implementing them. Still, large organizations increasingly require their business partners, most of which are SME's, to be able to interoperate by their chosen e-business standards. The research question for the study was, first, which of the existing e-business technologies are most SME-adoptable, and, second, how could those e-business technologies be made easier for SME's to implement. The study was conducted as a literature study that evaluated the available e-business frameworks and SME-oriented e-business architectures based on the implementation complexity and costs incurred for the SME adopter. The study found that only few e-business solutions are SMEadoptable. The technological approaches used in the solutions need to be improved on a number of areas, the most important of which is implementation complexity. The study revealed that this also applies to the special, SME-oriented e-business architectures, which are also still too difficult for SME's to implement. Based on these findings, a high-level e-business interoperability framework concept was proposed as the basis for future research to overcome the found implementation complexities for SME's.