925 resultados para Defective and delinquent classes


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The research deals with the constitution of the pedagogical praxis of a teacher trainer, understood as objectification of theoretical and practical unity in the teaching field. It was achieved by means of a didactic-training intervention. The research problem: as a teacher trainer in a continuous training process is a pedagogical praxis, outlined to the overall objective: investigate the establishment of the pedagogical praxis of teacher trainer in a continuous formation process. The specific objectives were: 1) outline principles and foundations theoretical-methodological course of intervention research on appropriate teaching assumptions of historical-cultural theory; 2) systematic principles of constitution of the pedagogical praxis of a teacher trainer and 3) synthesize foundations of continued training of teacher trainers in view of the historical-cultural theory, to collaborate with design of institutional policies for continuing training of university teachers. The research was developed at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro University - UFTM, with teachers who work in their degree courses. It was developed in three stages: diagnosis, didactic-formative intervention and analysis of data. In the diagnostic step attended five teacher educators of degrees in: history, geography, physics, chemistry and letters. At this stage were used identification questionnaires, interviews, classroom observation and document analysis. In the next stage, with participation of a trainer, it was held educational-training intervention understood as the collective research-training process that is involved intervening in teaching with the development of interdependent and simultaneous actions trainings, planning and implementation of educational activities and study, classroom observation and evaluation from the perspective of dialectical unity in order to contribute to the integral development of teachers and students. The intervention were also held interviews and document analysis. The last stage of the research was the analysis of the data. In the diagnosis of education, among other analyzes, three references were found of the trainer's training-action: memorized references, empirical and praxis. It was the analysis of the references of the trainer's training-action that guided referrals ways of teaching-training intervention. As a result, it was concluded that the teacher educator is their pedagogical praxis in the dialectical units theoretical and practical appropriation of concepts and imitation-creation. Were the two principles analyzed in the research. It was also systematized some essential elements of the formation of the teacher educator: the needs of trainers are decisive in the choice of concepts that will be appropriate; the organization of the training process should take place hand in hand with planning and development classes; the theory need to be experienced in training so that appropriation/objectification of education come true, and also, participants must be strengthened as a collective studies, since we have not learned by linearity but connections. It is hoped that the research will create opportunities to deepen the debate on the continuing education of teacher educators and contribute to scientific production in the area.


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In my thesis, “Commandeering Aesop’s Bamboo Canon: A 19th Century Confederacy of Creole Fugitive Fables,” I ask and answer the ‘Who? What? Where? When? Why?” of Creole Literature using the 19th century production of Aesopian fables as clues to resolve a set of linguistic, historical, literary, and geographical enigmas pertaining the ‘birth-place(s)’ of Creolophone Literatures in the Caribbean Sea, North and South America, as well as the Indian Ocean. Focusing on the fables in Martinique (1846), Reunion Island (1826), and Mauritius (1822), my thesis should read be as an attempt capture the links between these islands through the creation of a particular archive defined as a cartulary-chronicle, a diplomatic codex, or simply a map in which I chart and trace the flight of the founding documents relating to the lives of the individual authors, editors, and printers in order to illustrate the articulation of a formal and informal confederation that enabled the global and local institutional promotion of Creole Literature. While I integrate various genres and multi-polar networks between the authors of this 19th century canon comprised of sacred and secular texts such as proclamations, catechisms, and proverbs, the principle literary genre charted in my thesis are collections of fables inspired by French 17th century French Classical fabulist, Jean de la Fontaine. Often described as the ‘matrix’ of Creolophone Literature, these blues and fables constitute the base of the canon, and are usually described as either ‘translated,’ ‘adapted,’ and even ‘cross-dressed’ into Creole in all of the French Creolophone spaces. My documentation of their transnational sprouting offers proof of an opaque canonical formation of Creole popular literature. By constituting this archive, I emphasize the fact that despite 200 years of critical reception and major developments and discoveries on behalf of Creole language pedagogues, literary scholars, linguists, historians, librarians, archivist, and museum curators, up until now not only have none have curated this literature as a formal canon. I also offer new empirical evidence in order to try and solve the enigma of “How?” the fables materially circulated between the islands, and seek to come to terms with the anonymous nature of the texts, some of which were published under pseudonyms. I argue that part of the confusion on the part of scholars has been the result of being willfully taken by surprise or defrauded by the authors, or ‘bamboozled’ as I put it. The major paradigmatic shift in my thesis is that while I acknowledge La Fontaine as the base of this literary canon, I ultimately bypass him to trace the ancient literary genealogy of fables to the infamous Aesop the Phrygian, whose biography – the first of a slave in the history of the world – and subsequent use of fables reflects a ‘hidden transcript’ of ‘masked political critique’ between ‘master and slave classes’ in the 4th Century B.C.E. Greece.

This archive draws on, connects and critiques the methodologies of several disciplinary fields. I use post-colonial literary studies to map the literary genealogies Aesop; use a comparative historical approach to the abolitions of slavery in both the 19th century Caribbean and the Indian Ocean; and chart the early appearance of folk music in early colonial societies through Musicology and Performance Studies. Through the use of Sociolinguistics and theories of language revival, ecology, and change, I develop an approach of ‘reflexive Creolistics’ that I ultimately hope will offer new educational opportunities to Creole speakers. While it is my desire that this archive serves linguists, book collectors, and historians for further scientific inquiry into the innate international nature of Creole language, I also hope that this innovative material defense and illustration of Creole Literature will transform the consciousness of Creolophones (native and non-native) who too remain ‘bamboozled’ by the archive. My goal is to erase the ‘unthinkability’ of the existence of this ancient maritime creole literary canon from the collective cultural imaginary of readers around the globe.


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Background An early objective biomarker to predict the severity of hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) and identify infants suitable for intervention remains elusive. This thesis aims to progress metabolomic markers of HIE through a pipeline of biomarker discovery and validation by employing a novel untargeted mass spectrometry metabolomic method. Methodology Term infants with perinatal asphyxia were recruited, all having umbilical cord blood (UCB) drawn and biobanked within three hours of birth. HIE was defined by Sarnat score at 24hours and continuous multichannel-EEG. Infant neurodevelopment was assessed at 36-42 months using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Ed. III (BSID-III). Untargeted metabolomic analysis of UCB was performed using direct injection FT-ICR mass spectrometry (DI FT-ICR MS). Putative metabolite annotations and lipid classes were assigned and pathway analysis was performed. Results Untargeted metabolomic analysis: Thirty enrolled infants were diagnosed with HIE, including 17 mild, 8 moderate, and 5 severe cases. Pathway analysis revealed that ΔHIE was associated with a 50% and 75% perturbation of tryptophan and pyrimidine metabolism respectively, alongside alterations in amino acid pathways. Significant metabolite alterations were detected from six putatively identified lipid classes including fatty acyls, glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, sterol lipids and prenol lipids. Outcome prediction: Metabolite model scores significantly correlated with outcome R=0.429 (model A) and R=0.549 (model B) respectively. Model B demonstrates the potential to predict both severe outcome (AUROC of 0.915) and intact survival (AUROC of 0.800). The effect of haemolysis: On average 5% of polar and 1.5% of non-polar features were altered between paired haemolysed and clean samples. However unsupervised multivariate analysis concluded that the preanalytical variability introduced by haemolysis was negligible compared with the inherent biological inter-individual variability. Conclusion This research has employed untargeted metabolomics to identify potential early cord blood biomarkers of HIE and has performed the technical validation of previously proposed markers.


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This study sought to determine if participation in a home education learning program would impact the perceived levels of parental self-efficacy of parents/caregivers who participate in the completion of home-learning assignments and increase their levels of home-learning involvement practices. Also, the study examined the relationship between the parental involvement practice of completing interactive home-learning assignments and the reading comprehension achievement of first grade students. A total of 146 students and their parents/caregivers representing a convenience sample of eight first grade classes participated in the study. Four classes (n=74) were selected as the experimental group and four classes (n=72) served as the control group. . There were 72 girls in the sample and 74 boys and the median age was 6 years 6 months. The study employed a quasi-experimental research design utilizing eight existing first grade classes. It examined the effects of a home-learning support intervention program on the perceived efficacy levels of the participating parents/care¬givers, as measured by the Parent Perceptions of Parent Efficacy Scale (Hoover-Dempsey, Bassler, & Brissie, 1992) administered on a pre/post basis. The amount and type of parent involvement in the completion of home assignments was determined by means of a locally developed instrument, the H.E.L.P. Parent Involvement Home-learning Scale, administered on a pre/post basis. Student achievement in reading comprehension was measured via the reading subtest of the Brigance, CIB-S pre and post. The elementary students and their parents/caregivers participated in an interactive home-learning intervention program for 12 weeks that required parent/caregiver assistance. Results revealed the experimental group of parents/caregivers had a significant increase in their levels of perceived self-efficacy, p<.001, from the pre to post, and also had significantly increased levels of parental involvement in seven home-learning activities, p<.001, than the control group parents/caregivers. The experimental group students demonstrated significantly higher reading levels than the control group students, p<.001. This study provided evidence that interactive home-learning activities improved the levels of parental self-efficacy and parental involvement in home-learning activities, and improved the reading comprehension of the experimental group in comparison to the control.


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En el presente artículo se reflexiona sobre los modos - dinámicos y cambiantes - en que la apropiación de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) opera en la constitución de las desigualdades sociales y sobre las categorías utilizadas para comprenderlos. La reflexión se ilustra con los hallazgos de una investigación que compara la apropiación de las TIC por jóvenes de clases medias - altas y clases populares urbanas en el Gran La Plata. En el actual contexto de marcado crecimiento del acceso a la computadora e Internet, es preciso revisar las nociones de "brecha digital" y "nativos e inmigrantes digitales", superar resabios tecnologicistas y desplazar la mirada de los objetos a los procesos que resultan significativos para los propios actores: cómo se configuran las trayectorias de acceso; por qué se han convertido las TIC y ciertos saberes y habilidades en bienes de alta deseabilidad colectiva; qué procesos habilitan o permiten en el marco de una sociabilidad específica y qué diferencias logran así los actores suplir. De este modo, se espera contribuir a una evaluación cualitativa de las políticas públicas sobre el terreno "realmente existente" en que operan las desigualdades en la sociedad argentina contemporánea.


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En el presente artículo se reflexiona sobre los modos - dinámicos y cambiantes - en que la apropiación de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) opera en la constitución de las desigualdades sociales y sobre las categorías utilizadas para comprenderlos. La reflexión se ilustra con los hallazgos de una investigación que compara la apropiación de las TIC por jóvenes de clases medias - altas y clases populares urbanas en el Gran La Plata. En el actual contexto de marcado crecimiento del acceso a la computadora e Internet, es preciso revisar las nociones de "brecha digital" y "nativos e inmigrantes digitales", superar resabios tecnologicistas y desplazar la mirada de los objetos a los procesos que resultan significativos para los propios actores: cómo se configuran las trayectorias de acceso; por qué se han convertido las TIC y ciertos saberes y habilidades en bienes de alta deseabilidad colectiva; qué procesos habilitan o permiten en el marco de una sociabilidad específica y qué diferencias logran así los actores suplir. De este modo, se espera contribuir a una evaluación cualitativa de las políticas públicas sobre el terreno "realmente existente" en que operan las desigualdades en la sociedad argentina contemporánea.


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En el presente artículo se reflexiona sobre los modos - dinámicos y cambiantes - en que la apropiación de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) opera en la constitución de las desigualdades sociales y sobre las categorías utilizadas para comprenderlos. La reflexión se ilustra con los hallazgos de una investigación que compara la apropiación de las TIC por jóvenes de clases medias - altas y clases populares urbanas en el Gran La Plata. En el actual contexto de marcado crecimiento del acceso a la computadora e Internet, es preciso revisar las nociones de "brecha digital" y "nativos e inmigrantes digitales", superar resabios tecnologicistas y desplazar la mirada de los objetos a los procesos que resultan significativos para los propios actores: cómo se configuran las trayectorias de acceso; por qué se han convertido las TIC y ciertos saberes y habilidades en bienes de alta deseabilidad colectiva; qué procesos habilitan o permiten en el marco de una sociabilidad específica y qué diferencias logran así los actores suplir. De este modo, se espera contribuir a una evaluación cualitativa de las políticas públicas sobre el terreno "realmente existente" en que operan las desigualdades en la sociedad argentina contemporánea.


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Laboratory classes provide a visual and practical way of supplementing traditional teaching through lectures and tutorial classes. A criticism of laboratories in our School is that they are largely based on demonstration with insufficient participation by students. This provided the motivation to create a new laboratory experiment which would be interactive, encourage student enthusiasm with the subject and improve the quality of student learning.

The topic of the laboratory is buoyancy. While this is a key topic in the first-year fluids module, the laboratory has been designed in such a way that prior knowledge of the topic is unnecessary and therefore it would be accessible by secondary school pupils. The laboratory climaxes in a design challenge. However, it begins with a simple task involving students identifying some theoretical background information using given websites. They then have to apply their knowledge by developing some equations. Next, given some materials (a sheet of tinfoil, card and blu-tack), they have to design a vessel to carry the greatest mass without sinking. Thus, they are given an open-ended problem and have to provide a mathematical justification for their design. Students are expected to declare the maximum mass for their boat in advance of it being tested to create a sense of competition and fun. Overall, the laboratory involves tasks which begin at a low level and progressively get harder, incorporating understanding, applying, evaluating and designing (with reference to Bloom’s taxonomy).

The experiment has been tested in a modern laboratory with wall-mounted screens and access to the internet. Students enjoyed the hands-on aspect and thought the format helped their learning.

The use of cheap materials which are readily available means that many students can be involved at one time. Support documentation has been produced, both for the student participants and the facilitator. The latter is given advice on how to guide the students (without simply giving them the answer) and given some warning about potential problems the students might have.

The authors believe that the laboratory can be adapted for use by secondary school pupils and hope that it will be used to promote engineering in an engaging and enthusing way to a wider audience. To this end, contact has already been made with the Widening Participation Unit at the University to gain advice on possible next steps.


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Este estudo visa aprofundar o conhecimento sistémico, relativamente à problemática do comportamento anti-social numa perspectiva do seu funcionamento familiar. Procurámos compreender a existência ou não de comportamentos anti-sociais e delinquentes nos subsistemas filiais de famílias disfuncionais, de uma comunidade socialmente conotada como estando associada à criminalidade. Em termos metodológicos utilizámos o questionário sociodemográfico (Correia, 2009), a FACES II – escala de avaliação da adaptabilidade e da coesão familiar (Olson et al., 1981) e a escala do comportamento anti-social e delinquente (Formiga & Gouveia, 2005). Os instrumentos de análise foram aplicados a 30 famílias, que revelaram maioritariamente ter um nível de coesão separada, uma adaptabilidade flexível, correspondendo a um tipo de família meio-termo. No entanto, uma análise individual dos resultados revela que um maior número de elementos percepciona a família ao nível da coesão como desmembrada, ao nível da adaptabilidade como flexível, e ao nível do tipo de família como extrema, indicando-nos que diferentes elementos percepcionam de forma diferente o funcionamento do seu sistema familiar. Relativamente aos comportamentos anti-sociais e delinquentes, um número considerável de elementos afirma praticar comportamentos anti-sociais, sendo o número de práticas delinquentes inferior. Apesar de não existir um número elevado de famílias extremas, concluímos que os elementos que pertencem a famílias tendencialmente disfuncionais, praticam maioritariamente comportamentos anti-sociais e delinquentes, sendo que os primeiros prevalecem relativamente aos segundos. /


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Enfermagem


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In this work we consider several instances of the following problem: "how complicated can the isomorphism relation for countable models be?"' Using the Borel reducibility framework, we investigate this question with regard to the space of countable models of particular complete first-order theories. We also investigate to what extent this complexity is mirrored in the number of back-and-forth inequivalent models of the theory. We consider this question for two large and related classes of theories. First, we consider o-minimal theories, showing that if T is o-minimal, then the isomorphism relation is either Borel complete or Borel. Further, if it is Borel, we characterize exactly which values can occur, and when they occur. In all cases Borel completeness implies lambda-Borel completeness for all lambda. Second, we consider colored linear orders, which are (complete theories of) a linear order expanded by countably many unary predicates. We discover the same characterization as with o-minimal theories, taking the same values, with the exception that all finite values are possible except two. We characterize exactly when each possibility occurs, which is similar to the o-minimal case. Additionally, we extend Schirrman's theorem, showing that if the language is finite, then T is countably categorical or Borel complete. As before, in all cases Borel completeness implies lambda-Borel completeness for all lambda.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre na área de Educação e Comunicação Multimédia


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre na área de Educação e Comunicação Multimédia


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Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário