675 resultados para Cutoff wavenumbers


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OBJECTIVE: To review the psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) as a self-report measure of depression in a variety of settings and populations. METHODS: Relevant studies of the BDI-II were retrieved through a search of electronic databases, a hand search, and contact with authors. Retained studies (k = 118) were allocated into three groups: non-clinical, psychiatric/institutionalized, and medical samples. RESULTS: The internal consistency was described as around 0.9 and the retest reliability ranged from 0.73 to 0.96. The correlation between BDI-II and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-I) was high and substantial overlap with measures of depression and anxiety was reported. The criterion-based validity showed good sensitivity and specificity for detecting depression in comparison to the adopted gold standard. However, the cutoff score to screen for depression varied according to the type of sample. Factor analysis showed a robust dimension of general depression composed by two constructs: cognitive-affective and somatic-vegetative. CONCLUSIONS: The BDI-II is a relevant psychometric instrument, showing high reliability, capacity to discriminate between depressed and non-depressed subjects, and improved concurrent, content, and structural validity. Based on available psychometric evidence, the BDI-II can be viewed as a cost-effective questionnaire for measuring the severity of depression, with broad applicability for research and clinical practice worldwide.


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FIR spectroscopy is an alternative way of collecting spectra of many inorganic pigments and corrosion products found on art objects, which is not normally observed in the MIR region. Most FIR spectra are traditionally collected in transmission mode but as a real novelty it is now also possible to record FIR spectra in ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) mode. In FIR transmission we employ polyethylene (PE) for preparation of pellets by embedding the sample in PE. Unfortunately, the preparation requires heating of the PE in order to produces at transparent pellet. This will affect compounds with low melting points, especially those with structurally incorporated water. Another option in FIR transmission is the use of thin films. We test the use of polyethylene thin film (PETF), both commercial and laboratory-made PETF. ATR collection of samples is possible in both the MIR and FIR region on solid, powdery or liquid samples. Changing from the MIR to the FIR region is easy as it simply requires the change of detector and beamsplitter (which can be performed within a few minutes). No preparation of the sample is necessary, which is a huge advantage over the PE transmission method. The most obvious difference, when comparing transmission with ATR, is the distortion of band shape (which appears asymmetrical in the lower wavenumber region) and intensity differences. However, the biggest difference can be the shift of strong absorbing bands moving to lower wavenumbers in ATR mode. The sometimes huge band shift necessitates the collection of standard library spectra in both FIR transmission and ATR modes, provided these two methods of collecting are to be employed for analyses of unknown samples. Standard samples of 150 pigment and corrosion compounds are thus collected in both FIR transmission and ATR mode in order to build up a digital library of spectra for comparison with unknown samples. XRD, XRF and Raman spectroscopy assists us in confirming the purity or impurity of our standard samples. 24 didactic test tables, with known pigment and binder painted on the surface of a limestone tablet, are used for testing the established library and different ways of collecting in ATR and transmission mode. In ATR, micro samples are scratched from the surface and examined in both the MIR and FIR region. Additionally, direct surface contact of the didactic tablets with the ATR crystal are tested together with water enhanced surface contact. In FIR transmission we compare the powder from our test tablet on the laboratory PETF and embedded in PE. We also compare the PE pellets collected using a 4x beam condenser, focusing the IR beam area from 8 mm to 2 mm. A few samples collected from a mural painting in a Nepalese temple, corrosion products collected from archaeological Chinese bronze objects and samples from a mural paintings in an Italian abbey, are examined by ATR or transmission spectroscopy.


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Deutsche Version: Zunächst wird eine verallgemeinerte Renormierungsgruppengleichung für die effektiveMittelwertwirkung der EuklidischenQuanten-Einstein-Gravitation konstruiert und dann auf zwei unterschiedliche Trunkierungen, dieEinstein-Hilbert-Trunkierung und die$R^2$-Trunkierung, angewendet. Aus den resultierendenDifferentialgleichungen wird jeweils die Fixpunktstrukturbestimmt. Die Einstein-Hilbert-Trunkierung liefert nebeneinem Gaußschen auch einen nicht-Gaußschen Fixpunkt. Diesernicht-Gaußsche Fixpunkt und auch der Fluß in seinemEinzugsbereich werden mit hoher Genauigkeit durch die$R^2$-Trunkierung reproduziert. Weiterhin erweist sichdie Cutoffschema-Abhängigkeit der analysierten universellenGrößen als äußerst schwach. Diese Ergebnisse deuten daraufhin, daß dieser Fixpunkt wahrscheinlich auch in der exaktenTheorie existiert und die vierdimensionaleQuanten-Einstein-Gravitation somit nichtperturbativ renormierbar sein könnte. Anschließend wird gezeigt, daß der ultraviolette Bereich der$R^2$-Trunkierung und somit auch die Analyse des zugehörigenFixpunkts nicht von den Stabilitätsproblemen betroffen sind,die normalerweise durch den konformen Faktor der Metrikverursacht werden. Dadurch motiviert, wird daraufhin einskalares Spielzeugmodell, das den konformen Sektor einer``$-R+R^2$''-Theorie simuliert, hinsichtlich seinerStabilitätseigenschaften im infraroten (IR) Bereichstudiert. Dabei stellt sich heraus, daß sich die Theorieunter Ausbildung einer nichttrivialen Vakuumstruktur auf dynamische Weise stabilisiert. In der Gravitation könnteneventuell nichtlokale Invarianten des Typs $intd^dx,sqrt{g}R (D^2)^{-1} R$ dafür sorgen, daß der konformeSektor auf ähnliche Weise IR-stabil wird.


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The aim of this work is to explore, within the framework of the presumably asymptotically safe Quantum Einstein Gravity, quantum corrections to black hole spacetimes, in particular in the case of rotating black holes. We have analysed this problem by exploiting the scale dependent Newton s constant implied by the renormalization group equation for the effective average action, and introducing an appropriate "cutoff identification" which relates the renormalization scale to the geometry of the spacetime manifold. We used these two ingredients in order to "renormalization group improve" the classical Kerr metric that describes the spacetime generated by a rotating black hole. We have focused our investigation on four basic subjects of black hole physics. The main results related to these topics can be summarized as follows. Concerning the critical surfaces, i.e. horizons and static limit surfaces, the improvement leads to a smooth deformation of the classical critical surfaces. Their number remains unchanged. In relation to the Penrose process for energy extraction from black holes, we have found that there exists a non-trivial correlation between regions of negative energy states in the phase space of rotating test particles and configurations of critical surfaces of the black hole. As for the vacuum energy-momentum tensor and the energy conditions we have shown that no model with "normal" matter, in the sense of matter fulfilling the usual energy conditions, can simulate the quantum fluctuations described by the improved Kerr spacetime that we have derived. Finally, in the context of black hole thermodynamics, we have performed calculations of the mass and angular momentum of the improved Kerr black hole, applying the standard Komar integrals. The results reflect the antiscreening character of the quantum fluctuations of the gravitational field. Furthermore we calculated approximations to the entropy and the temperature of the improved Kerr black hole to leading order in the angular momentum. More generally we have proven that the temperature can no longer be proportional to the surface gravity if an entropy-like state function is to exist.


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La sindrome nefrosica (SN) è definita come la presenza concomitante di una proteinuria maggiore di 3.5g/24 h, ipoalbuminemia, ipercolesterolemia e presenza di edemi. I pazienti con SN sono più a rischio di quelli che presentano una nefropatia glomerulare non nefrosica (NNGD) per lo sviluppo di ipertensione, ipernatremia, complicazioni tromboemboliche e comparsa di insufficienza renale. In Medicina Veterinaria, la Letteratura riguardante l’argomento è molto limitata e non è ben nota la correlazione tra SN e gravità della proteinuria, ipoalbuminemia e sviluppo di tromboembolismo. L’obiettivo del presente studio retrospettivo è stato quello di descrivere e caratterizzare le alterazioni cliniche e clinicopatologiche che si verificano nei pazienti con rapporto proteine urinarie:creatinina urinaria (UPC) >2 con lo scopo di inquadrare con maggiore precisione lo stato clinico di questi pazienti e individuare le maggiori complicazioni a cui possono andare incontro. In un periodo di nove anni sono stati selezionati 338 cani e suddivisi in base ad un valore cut-off di UPC≥3.5. Valori mediani di creatinina, urea, fosforo, albumina urinaria, proteina C reattiva (CRP) e fibrinogeno sono risultati al di sopra del limite superiore dell’intervallo di riferimento, valori mediani di albumina sierica, ematocrito, antitrombina al disotto del limite inferiore di riferimento. Pazienti con UPC≥3.5 hanno mostrato concentrazioni di albumine, ematocrito, calcio, Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC), significativamente minori rispetto a quelli con UPC<3.5, concentrazioni di CRP, di urea e di fosforo significativamente maggiori. Nessuna differenza tra i gruppi nelle concentrazioni di creatinina colesterolo, trigliceridi, sodio, potassio, cloro, ferro totale e pressione sistolica. I pazienti con UPC≥3.5 si trovano verosimilmente in uno “stato infiammatorio” maggiore rispetto a quelli con UPC<3.5, questa ipotesi avvalorata dalle concentrazioni minori di albumina, di transferrina e da una concentrazione di CRP maggiore. I pazienti con UPC≥3.5 non presentano concentrazioni di creatinina più elevate ma sono maggiormente a rischio di anemia.


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Wir analysieren die Rolle von "Hintergrundunabhängigkeit" im Zugang der effektiven Mittelwertwirkung zur Quantengravitation. Wenn der nicht-störungstheoretische Renormierungsgruppen-(RG)-Fluß "hintergrundunabhängig" ist, muß die Vergröberung durch eine nicht spezifizierte, variable Metrik definiert werden. Die Forderung nach "Hintergrundunabhängigkeit" in der Quantengravitation führt dazu, daß die funktionale RG-Gleichung von zusätzlichen Feldern abhängt; dadurch unterscheidet sich der RG-Fluß in der Quantengravitation deutlich von dem RG-Fluß einer gewöhnlichen Quantentheorie, deren Moden-Cutoff von einer starren Metrik abhängt. Beispielsweise kann in der "hintergrundunabhängigen" Theorie ein Nicht-Gauß'scher Fixpunkt existieren, obwohl die entsprechende gewöhnliche Quantentheorie keinen solchen entwickelt. Wir untersuchen die Bedeutung dieses universellen, rein kinematischen Effektes, indem wir den RG-Fluß der Quanten-Einstein-Gravitation (QEG) in einem "konform-reduzierten" Zusammenhang untersuchen, in dem wir nur den konformen Faktor der Metrik quantisieren. Alle anderen Freiheitsgrade der Metrik werden vernachlässigt. Die konforme Reduktion der Einstein-Hilbert-Trunkierung zeigt exakt dieselben qualitativen Eigenschaften wie in der vollen Einstein-Hilbert-Trunkierung. Insbesondere besitzt sie einen Nicht-Gauß'schen Fixpunkt, der notwendig ist, damit die Gravitation asymptotisch sicher ist. Ohne diese zusätzlichen Feldabhängigkeiten ist der RG-Fluß dieser Trunkierung der einer gewöhnlichen $phi^4$-Theorie. Die lokale Potentialnäherung für den konformen Faktor verallgemeinert den RG-Fluß in der Quantengravitation auf einen unendlich-dimensionalen Theorienraum. Auch hier finden wir sowohl einen Gauß'schen als auch einen Nicht-Gauß'schen Fixpunkt, was weitere Hinweise dafür liefert, daß die Quantengravitation asymptotisch sicher ist. Das Analogon der Metrik-Invarianten, die proportional zur dritten Potenz der Krümmung ist und die die störungstheoretische Renormierbarkeit zerstört, ist unproblematisch für die asymptotische Sicherheit der konform-reduzierten Theorie. Wir berechnen die Skalenfelder und -imensionen der beiden Fixpunkte explizit und diskutieren mögliche Einflüsse auf die Vorhersagekraft der Theorie. Da der RG-Fluß von der Topologie der zugrundeliegenden Raumzeit abhängt, diskutieren wir sowohl den flachen Raum als auch die Sphäre. Wir lösen die Flußgleichung für das Potential numerisch und erhalten Beispiele für RG-Trajektorien, die innerhalb der Ultraviolett-kritischen Mannigfaltigkeit des Nicht-Gauß'schen Fixpunktes liegen. Die Quantentheorien, die durch einige solcher Trajektorien definiert sind, zeigen einen Phasenübergang von der bekannten (Niederenergie-) Phase der Gravitation mit spontan gebrochener Diffeomorphismus-Invarianz zu einer neuen Phase von ungebrochener Diffeomorphismus-Invarianz. Diese Hochenergie-Phase ist durch einen verschwindenden Metrik-Erwartungswert charakterisiert.


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There is an urgent need to improve the performance of urine cytology for the diagnosis of bladder cancer. In preliminary studies, telomerase activity evaluated by telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay and chromosomal aneuploidy detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in the diagnosis of bladder cancer have produced important results. Urine cell-free (UCF) DNA has also been proposed as a potential marker for early bladder cancer diagnosis. In the first study the diagnostic performance of TRAP assay and FISH analysis was assessed, while the second study evaluated the potential role of UCF DNA integrity in early bladder cancer diagnosis. In the first cross-sectional study, 289 consecutive patients who presented with urinary symptoms underwent cystoscopy and cytology evaluation. In the second study, UCF DNA was isolated from 51 bladder cancer patients, 46 symptomatic patients, and 32 healthy volunteers. c-Myc, BCAS1 and HER2 gene sequences longer than 250 bp were quantified by real time PCR to verify UCF DNA integrity. In the first study, sensitivity and specificity were 0.39 and 0.83, respectively, for cytology; 0.66 and 0.72 for TRAP; 0.78 and 0.60 for the cytology and TRAP combination; 0.78 and 0.78 for the cytology, TRAP and FISH combination; and 0.65 and 0.93 for the TRAP and FISH combination. In the second study, at the best cutoff of 0.1 ng/µl, UCF DNA integrity analysis showed a sensitivity of 0.73 and a specificity of 0.84 in healthy individuals and 0.83 in symptomatic patients. The preliminary results suggest that these biomarkers could potentially be used for the early diagnosis of bladder cancer, especially in high-risk populations (e.g, symptomatic individuals exposed to occupational risk) who may benefit from the use of noninvasive diagnostic tests in terms of cost-benefit.


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In this thesis we develop further the functional renormalization group (RG) approach to quantum field theory (QFT) based on the effective average action (EAA) and on the exact flow equation that it satisfies. The EAA is a generalization of the standard effective action that interpolates smoothly between the bare action for krightarrowinfty and the standard effective action rnfor krightarrow0. In this way, the problem of performing the functional integral is converted into the problem of integrating the exact flow of the EAA from the UV to the IR. The EAA formalism deals naturally with several different aspects of a QFT. One aspect is related to the discovery of non-Gaussian fixed points of the RG flow that can be used to construct continuum limits. In particular, the EAA framework is a useful setting to search for Asymptotically Safe theories, i.e. theories valid up to arbitrarily high energies. A second aspect in which the EAA reveals its usefulness are non-perturbative calculations. In fact, the exact flow that it satisfies is a valuable starting point for devising new approximation schemes. In the first part of this thesis we review and extend the formalism, in particular we derive the exact RG flow equation for the EAA and the related hierarchy of coupled flow equations for the proper-vertices. We show how standard perturbation theory emerges as a particular way to iteratively solve the flow equation, if the starting point is the bare action. Next, we explore both technical and conceptual issues by means of three different applications of the formalism, to QED, to general non-linear sigma models (NLsigmaM) and to matter fields on curved spacetimes. In the main part of this thesis we construct the EAA for non-abelian gauge theories and for quantum Einstein gravity (QEG), using the background field method to implement the coarse-graining procedure in a gauge invariant way. We propose a new truncation scheme where the EAA is expanded in powers of the curvature or field strength. Crucial to the practical use of this expansion is the development of new techniques to manage functional traces such as the algorithm proposed in this thesis. This allows to project the flow of all terms in the EAA which are analytic in the fields. As an application we show how the low energy effective action for quantum gravity emerges as the result of integrating the RG flow. In any treatment of theories with local symmetries that introduces a reference scale, the question of preserving gauge invariance along the flow emerges as predominant. In the EAA framework this problem is dealt with the use of the background field formalism. This comes at the cost of enlarging the theory space where the EAA lives to the space of functionals of both fluctuation and background fields. In this thesis, we study how the identities dictated by the symmetries are modified by the introduction of the cutoff and we study so called bimetric truncations of the EAA that contain both fluctuation and background couplings. In particular, we confirm the existence of a non-Gaussian fixed point for QEG, that is at the heart of the Asymptotic Safety scenario in quantum gravity; in the enlarged bimetric theory space where the running of the cosmological constant and of Newton's constant is influenced by fluctuation couplings.


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The aim of this work is to present various aspects of numerical simulation of particle and radiation transport for industrial and environmental protection applications, to enable the analysis of complex physical processes in a fast, reliable, and efficient way. In the first part we deal with speed-up of numerical simulation of neutron transport for nuclear reactor core analysis. The convergence properties of the source iteration scheme of the Method of Characteristics applied to be heterogeneous structured geometries has been enhanced by means of Boundary Projection Acceleration, enabling the study of 2D and 3D geometries with transport theory without spatial homogenization. The computational performances have been verified with the C5G7 2D and 3D benchmarks, showing a sensible reduction of iterations and CPU time. The second part is devoted to the study of temperature-dependent elastic scattering of neutrons for heavy isotopes near to the thermal zone. A numerical computation of the Doppler convolution of the elastic scattering kernel based on the gas model is presented, for a general energy dependent cross section and scattering law in the center of mass system. The range of integration has been optimized employing a numerical cutoff, allowing a faster numerical evaluation of the convolution integral. Legendre moments of the transfer kernel are subsequently obtained by direct quadrature and a numerical analysis of the convergence is presented. In the third part we focus our attention to remote sensing applications of radiative transfer employed to investigate the Earth's cryosphere. The photon transport equation is applied to simulate reflectivity of glaciers varying the age of the layer of snow or ice, its thickness, the presence or not other underlying layers, the degree of dust included in the snow, creating a framework able to decipher spectral signals collected by orbiting detectors.


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Among the different approaches for a construction of a fundamental quantum theory of gravity the Asymptotic Safety scenario conjectures that quantum gravity can be defined within the framework of conventional quantum field theory, but only non-perturbatively. In this case its high energy behavior is controlled by a non-Gaussian fixed point of the renormalization group flow, such that its infinite cutoff limit can be taken in a well defined way. A theory of this kind is referred to as non-perturbatively renormalizable. In the last decade a considerable amount of evidence has been collected that in four dimensional metric gravity such a fixed point, suitable for the Asymptotic Safety construction, indeed exists. This thesis extends the Asymptotic Safety program of quantum gravity by three independent studies that differ in the fundamental field variables the investigated quantum theory is based on, but all exhibit a gauge group of equivalent semi-direct product structure. It allows for the first time for a direct comparison of three asymptotically safe theories of gravity constructed from different field variables. The first study investigates metric gravity coupled to SU(N) Yang-Mills theory. In particular the gravitational effects to the running of the gauge coupling are analyzed and its implications for QED and the Standard Model are discussed. The second analysis amounts to the first investigation on an asymptotically safe theory of gravity in a pure tetrad formulation. Its renormalization group flow is compared to the corresponding approximation of the metric theory and the influence of its enlarged gauge group on the UV behavior of the theory is analyzed. The third study explores Asymptotic Safety of gravity in the Einstein-Cartan setting. Here, besides the tetrad, the spin connection is considered a second fundamental field. The larger number of independent field components and the enlarged gauge group render any RG analysis of this system much more difficult than the analog metric analysis. In order to reduce the complexity of this task a novel functional renormalization group equation is proposed, that allows for an evaluation of the flow in a purely algebraic manner. As a first example of its suitability it is applied to a three dimensional truncation of the form of the Holst action, with the Newton constant, the cosmological constant and the Immirzi parameter as its running couplings. A detailed comparison of the resulting renormalization group flow to a previous study of the same system demonstrates the reliability of the new equation and suggests its use for future studies of extended truncations in this framework.


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The lattice formulation of Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) has become a reliable tool providing an ab initio calculation of low-energy quantities. Despite numerous successes, systematic uncertainties, such as discretisation effects, finite-size effects, and contaminations from excited states, are inherent in any lattice calculation. Simulations with controlled systematic uncertainties and close to the physical pion mass have become state-of-the-art. We present such a calculation for various hadronic matrix elements using non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson fermions with two dynamical light quark flavours. The main topics covered in this thesis are the axial charge of the nucleon, the electro-magnetic form factors of the nucleon, and the leading hadronic contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Lattice simulations typically tend to underestimate the axial charge of the nucleon by 5 − 10%. We show that including excited state contaminations using the summed operator insertion method leads to agreement with the experimentally determined value. Further studies of systematic uncertainties reveal only small discretisation effects. For the electro-magnetic form factors of the nucleon, we see a similar contamination from excited states as for the axial charge. The electro-magnetic radii, extracted from a dipole fit to the momentum dependence of the form factors, show no indication of finite-size or cutoff effects. If we include excited states using the summed operator insertion method, we achieve better agreement with the radii from phenomenology. The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon can be measured and predicted to very high precision. The theoretical prediction of the anomalous magnetic moment receives contribution from strong, weak, and electro-magnetic interactions, where the hadronic contributions dominate the uncertainties. A persistent 3σ tension between the experimental determination and the theoretical calculation is found, which is considered to be an indication for physics beyond the Standard Model. We present a calculation of the connected part of the hadronic vacuum polarisation using lattice QCD. Partially twisted boundary conditions lead to a significant improvement of the vacuum polarisation in the region of small momentum transfer, which is crucial in the extraction of the hadronic vacuum polarisation.


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In this study more than 450 natural sapphire samples (most of basaltic type) collected from 19 different areas were examined. They are from Dak Nong, Dak Lak, Quy Chau, two unknown sources from the north (Vietnam); Bo Ploi, Khao Ploi Waen (Thailand); Ban Huay Sai (Laos); Australia; Shandong (China); Andapa, Antsirabe, Nosibe (Madagascar); Ballapana (Sri Lanka); Brazil; Russia; Colombia; Tansania and Malawi. rnThe samples were studied on internal characteristics, chemical compositions, Raman-, luminescence-, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)-, and ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-Vis-NIR)- spectroscopy. The internal features of these sapphire samples were observed and identified by gemological microscope, con focal micro Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. The major and minor elements of the samples were determined by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and the trace elements by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). rnThe structural spectra of sapphire were investigated by con focal Raman spectroscopy. The FTIR spectroscopy was used to study the vibration modes of OH-groups and also to determine hydrous mineral inclusions in sapphire. The UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy was used to analyze the cause of sapphire color. rnNatural sapphires contain many types of mineral inclusions. Typically, they are iron-containing inclusions like goethite, ilmenite, hematite, magnetite or silicate minerals commonly feldspar, and often observed in sapphires from Asia countries, like Dak Nong, Dak Lak in the south of Vietnam, Ban Huay Sai (Laos), Khao Ploi Waen and Bo Ploi (Thailand) or Shandong (China). Meanwhile, CO2-diaspore inclusions are normally found in sapphires from Tansania, Colombia, or the north of Vietnam like Quy Chau. rnIron is the most dominant element in sapphire, up to 1.95 wt.% Fe2O3 measured by EPMA and it affects spectral characteristics of sapphire.rnThe Raman spectra of sapphire contain seven peaks (2A1g + 5Eg). Two peaks at about 418.3 cm-1 and 577.7 cm-1 are influenced by high iron content. These two peaks shift towards smaller wavenumbers corresponding to increasing iron content. This shift is showed by two equations y(418.3)=418.29-0.53x andy(577.7)=577.96-0.75x, in which y is peak position (cm-1) and x is Fe2O3 content (wt.%). By exploiting two these equations one can estimate the Fe2O3 contents of sapphire or corundum by identifying the respective Raman peak positions. Determining the Fe2O3 content in sapphire can help to distinguish sapphires from different origins, e.g. magmatic and metamorphic sapphire. rnThe luminescence of sapphire is characterized by two R-lines: R1 at about 694 nm and R2 at about 692 nm. This characteristic is also influenced by high iron content. The peak positions of two R-lines shift towards to smaller wavelengths corresponding to increasing of iron content. This correlation is showed by two equations y(R_2 )=692.86-0.049x and y(R_1 )=694.29-0.047x, in which y is peak position (nm) of respective R-lines and x is Fe2O3 content (wt.%). Two these equations can be applied to estimate the Fe2O3 content of sapphire and help to separate sapphires from different origins. The luminescence is also applied for determination of the remnant pressure or stress around inclusions in Cr3+-containing corundum by calibrating a 0-pressure position in experimental techniques.rnThe infrared spectra show the presence of vibrations originating from OH-groups and hydrous mineral inclusions in the range of 2500-4000 cm-1. Iron has also an effect upon the main and strongest peak at about 3310 cm-1. The 3310 cm-1 peak is shifted to higher wavenumber when iron content increases. This relationship is expressed by the equation y(3310)=0.92x+3309.17, in which y is peak position of the 3310 cm-1 and x is Fe2O3 content (wt.%). Similar to the obtained results in Raman and luminescence spectra, this expression can be used to estimate the Fe2O3 content and separate sapphires from different origins. rnThe UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra point out the strong and sharp peaks at about 377, 387, and 450 nm related to dispersed Fe3+, a broad band around 557 and 600 nm related to intervalence charge transfer (IVCT) Fe2+/Ti4+, and a broader band around 863 nm related to IVCT of Fe2+/Fe3+. rnGenerally, sapphires from different localities were completely investigated on internal features, chemical compounds, and solid spectral characteristics. The results in each part contribute for identifying the iron content and separate sapphires from different localities order origins. rn


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I Nuclei Galattici Attivi (AGN) sono sorgenti luminose e compatte alimentate dall'accrescimento di materia sul buco nero supermassiccio al centro di una galassia. Una frazione di AGN, detta "radio-loud", emette fortemente nel radio grazie a getti relativistici accelerati dal buco nero. I Misaligned AGN (MAGN) sono sorgenti radio-loud il cui getto non è allineato con la nostra linea di vista (radiogalassie e SSRQ). La grande maggioranza delle sorgenti extragalattiche osservate in banda gamma sono blazar, mentre, in particolare in banda TeV, abbiamo solo 4 MAGN osservati. Lo scopo di questa tesi è valutare l'impatto del Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), il nuovo strumento TeV, sugli studi di MAGN. Dopo aver studiato le proprietà dei 4 MAGN TeV usando dati MeV-GeV dal telescopio Fermi e dati TeV dalla letteratura, abbiamo assunto come candidati TeV i MAGN osservati da Fermi. Abbiamo quindi simulato 50 ore di osservazioni CTA per ogni sorgente e calcolato la loro significatività. Assumendo una estrapolazione diretta dello spettro Fermi, prevediamo la scoperta di 9 nuovi MAGN TeV con il CTA, tutte sorgenti locali di tipo FR I. Applicando un cutoff esponenziale a 100 GeV, come forma spettrale più realistica secondo i dati osservativi, prevediamo la scoperta di 2-3 nuovi MAGN TeV. Per quanto riguarda l'analisi spettrale con il CTA, secondo i nostri studi sarà possibile ottenere uno spettro per 5 nuove sorgenti con tempi osservativi dell'ordine di 250 ore. In entrambi i casi, i candidati migliori risultano essere sempre sorgenti locali (z<0.1) e con spettro Fermi piatto (Gamma<2.2). La migliore strategia osservativa per ottenere questi risultati non corrisponde con i piani attuali per il CTA che prevedono una survey non puntata, in quanto queste sorgenti sono deboli, e necessitano di lunghe osservazioni puntate per essere rilevate (almeno 50 ore per studi di flusso integrato e 250 per studi spettrali).


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This study evaluated the performance of the DIAGNOdent pen laser fluorescence device (LFpen) in comparison with visual examination (VE), bitewing radiographs (BW) and visual examination combined with bitewing radiographs (VEBW) in detecting secondary approximal caries associated with composite restorations. In total, 60 approximal surfaces from 43 permanent molars with composite restorations were assessed twice by two examiners using the LFpen, VE, BW and VEBW. After histological preparation and hardness measurements, the sample was assigned to either a crown or root caries group, depending on the location of the lesions as the gold standard. For crown caries at D1, the highest values of specificity and sensitivity were observed for the LFpen at a cutoff value of 18 (1.00) and for the VEBW (0.89). At D3 (cutoff of 30), the LFpen showed the highest values of sensitivity and specificity. For root caries, the LFpen and VEBW showed the highest values of specificity (0.54), sensitivity (0.81) and accuracy (0.69). The Spearman rank correlation coefficients for crown/root caries with histology were 0.54/0.37 (LFpen), 0.29/0.10 (BW), 0.29/0.18 (VE) and 0.23/0.37 (VEBW). For the LFpen, the ICC varied from 0.80 (interexaminer) to 0.97 (intraexaminer B); the kappa value was 0.19 for BW and 0.35 for VE (interexaminer). Intraexaminer kappa values for BW were 0.25 (A) and 0.29 (B), and those for VE were 0.31 (A) and 0.32 (B). The LFpen device exhibited a performance comparable to that of conventional methods but with higher interexaminer reproducibility. Therefore, the LFpen should be considered an auxiliary method for the detection of secondary approximal caries associated with composite restorations.


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BACKGROUND: Mechanical pain sensitivity is assessed in every patient with pain, either by palpation or by quantitative pressure algometry. Despite widespread use, no studies have formally addressed the usefulness of this practice for the identification of the source of pain. We tested the hypothesis that assessing mechanical pain sensitivity distinguishes damaged from healthy cervical zygapophysial (facet) joints. METHODS: Thirty-three patients with chronic unilateral neck pain were studied. Pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) were assessed bilaterally at all cervical zygapophysial joints. The diagnosis of zygapophysial joint pain was made by selective nerve blocks. Primary analysis was the comparison of the PPT between symptomatic and contralateral asymptomatic joints. The secondary end points were as follows: differences in PPT between affected and asymptomatic joints of the same side of patients with zygapophysial joint pain; differences in PPT at the painful side between patients with and without zygapophysial joint pain; and sensitivity and specificity of PPT for 2 different cutoffs (difference in PPT between affected and contralateral side by 1 and 30 kPa, meaning that the test was considered positive if the difference in PPT between painful and contralateral side was negative by at least 1 and 30 kPa, respectively). The PPT of patients was also compared with the PPT of 12 pain-free subjects. RESULTS: Zygapophysial joint pain was present in 14 patients. In these cases, the difference in mean PPT between affected and contralateral side (primary analysis) was −6.2 kPa (95% confidence interval: −19.5 to 7.2, P = 0.34). In addition, the secondary analyses yielded no statistically significant differences. For the cutoff of 1 kPa, sensitivity and specificity of PPT were 67% and 16%, respectively, resulting in a positive likelihood ratio of 0.79 and a diagnostic confidence of 38%. When the cutoff of 30 kPa was considered, the sensitivity decreased to only 13%, whereas the specificity increased to 95%, resulting in a positive likelihood ratio of 2.53 and a diagnostic confidence of 67%. The PPT was significantly lower in patients than in pain-free subjects (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Assessing mechanical pain sensitivity is not diagnostic for cervical zygapophysial joint pain. The finding should stimulate further research into a diagnostic tool that is widely used in the clinical examination of patients with pain.