557 resultados para Assignments
This case study follows eleven non-English speaking students as they adapt to community college, content courses. The three classes examined are required freshman classes--Humanities, Social Environment, and Individual in Transition. In order to cope with the demands of these classes, students must penetrate the academic discourse community and have effective relationships with their instructors and their peers. The results of the study are based on interviews with eleven non-native speaking (NNS) students and their instructors and on an analysis of student writing assignments, course syllabi, and exams. Three general areas are examined: (a) students' first-language (L1) education, (b) the requirements of their content classes, and (c) the affective factors which influence their adaptation process. The case of these students reveals that: 1. Students draw on their L1 education, especially in terms of content, as they cope with the demands of these content classes. 2. In some areas L1 educational experiences interfere with students' ability to adapt. 3. The content classes require students to have well developed reading, writing, oral, and aural skills. 4. Students must use higher level cognitive skills to be successful in content classes. 5. Affective factors play a role in students' success in content classes. The discussion section includes possible implications of this data for college level English as a Second Language courses.
The creation of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) through the Constitutional Amendment nº 45/2004, derived from countless gaps in Brazilian law, mainly relating to procedural delays, ineffectiveness of judicial decisions, and the lack of mechanisms that enable, effectively, disciplinary accountability of judges. The council is constitutionally designed as a member of the Judiciary, which has administrative nature and laid assignments in art. 103-B, § 4 of the current Constitution, among which is to edit regulations to instrument its performance. However, since it came into force, the amendment raised extensive discussions, linked in particular to the constitutionality of the CNJ, which was made through the direct action of unconstitutionality nº 3367, against the alleged violation of the principles of separation of powers and federative form, as well as the limits of its regulatory powers, as has fanned out in ADI nº 3823/ DF, this one dealing on Resolution nº 07, which regulates the seal of nepotism practice in the judiciary. However, despite the Supreme Court has already pronounced on the matter, recognizing the constitutionality of the council, as well as the resolution already said, the debate is in a state of latency, and may erupt again with each new manifestation of regulatory CNJ, given the lack of agreement between doctrine and jurisprudence around the constitutional treatment of its regulatory powers. In this context undeniably reflection on the definition of the regulatory power of the CNJ, presents itself as extremely relevant, and current, in particular in the ambience of the Constitutional Rule of Law, where he strives for legal certainty and consolidation of regulatory institutions. So that it could reach a satisfactory result, skilled at resolving the problems raised, the present study analyzed the reasons that gave rise to the creation of the CNJ, demonstrating their indispensability, but also sought to characterize the status of their administrative and constitutional body, noting finally, the compatibility of its regulatory activities to constitutional principles. From this perspective, we adopted the deductive method and carried out research and bibliographic nature documentary.
The following paper attempted to investigate and discuss the possible improvements in the writing of students from the public network in the 6th grade of elementary school. This research was run in the professional master degree In Portuguese Language. Also based upon Genetic Criticism, this study attempting to analyze in which way and in which proportions the alterations done in the texts reveal and perspective capacity in the students as they replace, broad, remove or just move terms in their assignments. We tried to develop our analysis in the pragmatic perspective in which Textual Linguistic is included, investigating the texts and appreciating them as a construction process of meaning. Our theoretical discussion will be based on and socio-interactional conception of language (MARCUSCHI, 2008), as well as in the postulates of Analyze of Discursion (ADAM, 2010, 2008). It has also been used the theoretical assumptions taken from Genetic Criticism which regard the relation between text and genesis, due to the fact that it considers the text and a the result of a construction of progressive elaboration and the writing as an activity of constant movement (DE BIASI, [2000] 2010; GRÉSILLON, 1989; [1990] 2008; [1992] 2002; SALLES, 2008a). To assemble the data in this research we took into consideration the social variables related to the students and the sociocultural context. Nonetheless, this investigation point towards a real classroom situation where we tried to analyze the language functioning in application conditions, thus, giving us authority to describe more precisely the reality we lived in, which provided us with a more attentive look to the observed particularities. This description of the reality appreciated built a path that point to a research of qualitative data approach to which meanings deriving from interpretation were attributed. To conduct this research we resourced to the Action-Research process. The data are comprised of ten personal reports that were created from rewriting assignments, which constitutes a range of twenty texts assessed starting from the linguistic operations acknowledged by Generative Grammar and continued by Lebrave and Grésillon (2009). As result of this analysis, we identified the operation of adding more often than the other ones. The replacement and removal operations display a very close offspring. Nevertheless, the moving operation was scarcely used. These results, besides demonstrating linguistic creativity of the students, revealed that for a text to be seen as “concluded”, the writing student articulates new elaborations through these linguistic operators and that these movements of coming and going, of erasures and amendments contribute significantly for the teacher to approach the relationship the student keeps with his textual and discursive expression, and then, with that, to hold information that eventually provides individual and collective directions in school productions.
Measurement and verification of products and processes during the early design is attracting increasing interest from high value manufacturing industries. Measurement planning is deemed as an effective means to facilitate the integration of the metrology activity into a wider range of production processes. However, the literature reveals that there are very few research efforts in this field, especially regarding large volume metrology. This paper presents a novel approach to accomplish instruments selection, the first stage of measurement planning process, by mapping measurability characteristics between specific measurement assignments and instruments.
Habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation threaten the World’s ecosystems and species. These, and other threats, will likely be exacerbated by climate change. Due to a limited budget for conservation, we are forced to prioritize a few areas over others. These places are selected based on their uniqueness and vulnerability. One of the most famous examples is the biodiversity hotspots: areas where large quantities of endemic species meet alarming rates of habitat loss. Most of these places are in the tropics, where species have smaller ranges, diversity is higher, and ecosystems are most threatened.
Species distributions are useful to understand ecological theory and evaluate extinction risk. Small-ranged species, or those endemic to one place, are more vulnerable to extinction than widely distributed species. However, current range maps often overestimate the distribution of species, including areas that are not within the suitable elevation or habitat for a species. Consequently, assessment of extinction risk using these maps could underestimate vulnerability.
In order to be effective in our quest to conserve the World’s most important places we must: 1) Translate global and national priorities into practical local actions, 2) Find synergies between biodiversity conservation and human welfare, 3) Evaluate the different dimensions of threats, in order to design effective conservation measures and prepare for future threats, and 4) Improve the methods used to evaluate species’ extinction risk and prioritize areas for conservation. The purpose of this dissertation is to address these points in Colombia and other global biodiversity hotspots.
In Chapter 2, I identified the global, strategic conservation priorities and then downscaled to practical local actions within the selected priorities in Colombia. I used existing range maps of 171 bird species to identify priority conservation areas that would protect the greatest number of species at risk in Colombia (endemic and small-ranged species). The Western Andes had the highest concentrations of such species—100 in total—but the lowest densities of national parks. I then adjusted the priorities for this region by refining these species ranges by selecting only areas of suitable elevation and remaining habitat. The estimated ranges of these species shrank by 18–100% after accounting for habitat and suitable elevation. Setting conservation priorities on the basis of currently available range maps excluded priority areas in the Western Andes and, by extension, likely elsewhere and for other taxa. By incorporating detailed maps of remaining natural habitats, I made practical recommendations for conservation actions. One recommendation was to restore forest connections to a patch of cloud forest about to become isolated from the main Andes.
For Chapter 3, I identified areas where bird conservation met ecosystem service protection in the Central Andes of Colombia. Inspired by the November 11th (2011) landslide event near Manizales, and the current poor results of Colombia’s Article 111 of Law 99 of 1993 as a conservation measure in this country, I set out to prioritize conservation and restoration areas where landslide prevention would complement bird conservation in the Central Andes. This area is one of the most biodiverse places on Earth, but also one of the most threatened. Using the case of the Rio Blanco Reserve, near Manizales, I identified areas for conservation where endemic and small-range bird diversity was high, and where landslide risk was also high. I further prioritized restoration areas by overlapping these conservation priorities with a forest cover map. Restoring forests in bare areas of high landslide risk and important bird diversity yields benefits for both biodiversity and people. I developed a simple landslide susceptibility model using slope, forest cover, aspect, and stream proximity. Using publicly available bird range maps, refined by elevation, I mapped concentrations of endemic and small-range bird species. I identified 1.54 km2 of potential restoration areas in the Rio Blanco Reserve, and 886 km2 in the Central Andes region. By prioritizing these areas, I facilitate the application of Article 111 which requires local and regional governments to invest in land purchases for the conservation of watersheds.
Chapter 4 dealt with elevational ranges of montane birds and the impact of lowland deforestation on their ranges in the Western Andes of Colombia, an important biodiversity hotspot. Using point counts and mist-nets, I surveyed six altitudinal transects spanning 2200 to 2800m. Three transects were forested from 2200 to 2800m, and three were partially deforested with forest cover only above 2400m. I compared abundance-weighted mean elevation, minimum elevation, and elevational range width. In addition to analyzing the effect of deforestation on 134 species, I tested its impact within trophic guilds and habitat preference groups. Abundance-weighted mean and minimum elevations were not significantly different between forested and partially deforested transects. Range width was marginally different: as expected, ranges were larger in forested transects. Species in different trophic guilds and habitat preference categories showed different trends. These results suggest that deforestation may affect species’ elevational ranges, even within the forest that remains. Climate change will likely exacerbate harmful impacts of deforestation on species’ elevational distributions. Future conservation strategies need to account for this by protecting connected forest tracts across a wide range of elevations.
In Chapter 5, I refine the ranges of 726 species from six biodiversity hotspots by suitable elevation and habitat. This set of 172 bird species for the Atlantic Forest, 138 for Central America, 100 for the Western Andes of Colombia, 57 for Madagascar, 102 for Sumatra, and 157 for Southeast Asia met the criteria for range size, endemism, threat, and forest use. Of these 586 species, the Red List deems 108 to be threatened: 15 critically endangered, 29 endangered, and 64 vulnerable. When ranges are refined by elevational limits and remaining forest cover, 10 of those critically endangered species have ranges < 100km2, but then so do 2 endangered species, seven vulnerable, and eight non-threatened ones. Similarly, 4 critically endangered species, 20 endangered, and 12 vulnerable species have refined ranges < 5000km2, but so do 66 non-threatened species. A striking 89% of these species I have classified in higher threat categories have <50% of their refined ranges inside protected areas. I find that for 43% of the species I assessed, refined range sizes fall within thresholds that typically have higher threat categories than their current assignments. I recommend these species for closer inspection by those who assess risk. These assessments are not only important on a species-by-species basis, but by combining distributions of threatened species, I create maps of conservation priorities. They differ significantly from those created from unrefined ranges.
Eschewing costly high-tech approaches, this paper looks at the experience of using low-tech approaches to game design assignments as problem based learning and assessment tool over a number of years in undergraduate teaching. General game design concepts are discussed, along with learning outcomes and assessment rubrics in line with Blooms Taxonomy based on evidence from students who had no prior experience of serious game play or design. Approaches to creating game design based assessments are offered.
This study sought to determine if participation in a home education learning program would impact the perceived levels of parental self-efficacy of parents/caregivers who participate in the completion of home-learning assignments and increase their levels of home-learning involvement practices. Also, the study examined the relationship between the parental involvement practice of completing interactive home-learning assignments and the reading comprehension achievement of first grade students. A total of 146 students and their parents/caregivers representing a convenience sample of eight first grade classes participated in the study. Four classes (n=74) were selected as the experimental group and four classes (n=72) served as the control group. . There were 72 girls in the sample and 74 boys and the median age was 6 years 6 months. The study employed a quasi-experimental research design utilizing eight existing first grade classes. It examined the effects of a home-learning support intervention program on the perceived efficacy levels of the participating parents/care¬givers, as measured by the Parent Perceptions of Parent Efficacy Scale (Hoover-Dempsey, Bassler, & Brissie, 1992) administered on a pre/post basis. The amount and type of parent involvement in the completion of home assignments was determined by means of a locally developed instrument, the H.E.L.P. Parent Involvement Home-learning Scale, administered on a pre/post basis. Student achievement in reading comprehension was measured via the reading subtest of the Brigance, CIB-S pre and post. The elementary students and their parents/caregivers participated in an interactive home-learning intervention program for 12 weeks that required parent/caregiver assistance. Results revealed the experimental group of parents/caregivers had a significant increase in their levels of perceived self-efficacy, p<.001, from the pre to post, and also had significantly increased levels of parental involvement in seven home-learning activities, p<.001, than the control group parents/caregivers. The experimental group students demonstrated significantly higher reading levels than the control group students, p<.001. This study provided evidence that interactive home-learning activities improved the levels of parental self-efficacy and parental involvement in home-learning activities, and improved the reading comprehension of the experimental group in comparison to the control.
Este artículo narra una experiencia didáctica vivida en el aula de Traducción 3 C Francés del Grado en Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Granada, que se desarrolla a partir de actividades de pre-traducción, relacionadas con la fase de análisis-comprensión del proceso traductor, es decir, que la traducción en sí no constituye la finalidad de la asignatura, sino que se trata de hacer hincapié en tareas previas que, debido a la falta de tiempo, son demasiadas veces pasadas por alto en las distintas asignaturas de traducción. En el centro del estudio se encuentran las referencias culturales. Se analizan en tres fuentes: la versión traducida al español de un artículo científico redactado inicialmente en inglés; la adaptación libre a obra teatral de la versión traducida; la traducción al francés de la obra teatral.
Bakgrund: Sjukfrånvaron är ett fenomen som snabbt ökar i Sverige idag. Detta är något som kostar stora summor pengar varje år men trots detta finns relativt lite forskning på området. Den forskning som finns i området undersöker till stor del endast den långvariga sjukfrånvaron. Författarna av denna studie har tydligt identifierat en lucka i forskningen vad gäller kortvarig sjukfrånvaro. Syfte: Denna studie syftar därmed att undersöka storleken på avdelningen samt chefens kommunikation och interaktions påverkan på kortvarig sjukfrånvaro. Resultat: Undersökningen resultat är sammanställt ur dels en enkät som de anställda på tre avdelningar inom ett internationellt produktionsföretag fått besvara och dels tre intervjuer genomförda med en HR-chef och två chefer över avdelningarna. Resultatet blev att fem kategorikoder identifierades; Avdelningens storlek, Chefens kommunikation och interaktion, Frånvarokultur, Arbetsuppgifter och Hälsoarbete. Slutsats: Den främsta slutsats som denna undersökning resulterat i är att storleken på avdelningen påverkar de anställdas möjlighet snarare än deras tendens till att vara kortvarigt sjukfrånvarande. Den faktor som istället anses påverka den kortvariga sjukfrånvaron är hur chefen kommunicerar och integrerar med de anställda. Fokus bör därmed läggas vid denna faktor i försök att antingen minska eller kontrollera den kortvariga sjukfrånvaron på avdelningen
In the light of the twofold mission of Swedish schools, that is to say enabling pupils to develop both subject knowledge and a democratic attitude, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what extent adult higher education students from different language and social backgrounds, studying Swedish as a second language, are able to carry out joint writing assignments with the aid of deliberative discourse, and to what extent they thereby also develop a deliberative attitude. The twofold mission of education applies to them too. While there already exists a certain amount of research into deliberative discourse relating to education in schools, the perspective of higher education didactics in this research is still lacking. The present study is to be viewed as a first contribution to this research. The theoretical starting point of this study includes previous research into deliberative discourse by further developing an existing model regarding criteria for deliberative discourse, for example that there is a striving towards agreement, although the consensus may be temporary, that diverging opinions can be set against each other, that tolerance and respect for views other than one’s own are shown, and that traditional outlooks can be questioned. This model is supplemented by designations for a number of disruptive behaviours, such as ridiculing, ignoring, interrupting people and engaging in private conversations. The thus further developed model will thereafter act as a lens in the analysis of students’ discussions when writing joint texts. Another theoretical starting point is the view of education as communication, and of the possibility of communication creating a third place, thereby developing democracy in the here and now-situation. For this study, comprising 18 hours of observation of nine students, that is to say the discussions of three groups in connection with writing texts on different occasions, various ethnographic data collection methods have been employed, for example video recordings, participant observations, field notes and interviews in conjunction with the discussions. The analysis clarifies that the three groups developed their deliberation as the discussions about the joint assignment proceeded, and that most of the nine students furthermore expressed at least an openness towards a deliberative attitude for further discussions in the future. The disruptive behaviours mentioned in connection with the analytical model that could be identified in the discussions, for example interruptions and private conversations, proved not to constitute real disturbances; on the contrary they actually contributed towards the discussions developing, enabling them to continue. On the other hand, other and not previously identified disturbances occurred, for example a focus on grades, the lack of time and lacking language ability, which all in different ways affected the students’ attitudes towards their work. For any future didactical work on deliberative discourse in Swedish as a second language within higher education, these disturbances would need to be highlighted and made aware of for both teachers and students. Keywords: higher education didactics, communication, deliberative discourse, deliberative attitude, John Dewey, Tomas Englund, heterogeneity, ethnographic data collection methods.
The article uses a form of content focused conversation analysis to explore processes of learning and attributing meaning when upper secondary students work with two primary source assignments in history. Empirical data was collected through audio recordings of students’ collaborative work on the assignments, which consisted in analysing two primary sources in small groups. The article addresses one primary research question: what is characteristic for the processes of learning and meaning-making when students work with two source analysis assignments? As a first step, the students’ learning processes, understood as a change in participation in the learning activity, are described. As a second step, the article describes how the students’ construct meaning when working with the primary sources. The main results are descriptions of the students’ learning, and meaning-making, processes. Based on the analysis of the students’ conversations it is suggested that the temporal aspect is discerned in a contrastive process between the present and the past in terms of values, ideas and societal conditions. In relation to the human aspect the students experienced a difficult balancing act in contrasting their own perspective with the historical actor’s perspective. However, a successful strategy was to take on the role of hypothetical historical agents. Finally, in relation to the contextual aspect once the students were involved in a process of inquiry and reasoning they managed to discern subtexts of the sources in relation to the historical context. It is suggested that certain aspects of school culture might inhibit the students’ learning of primary source analysis, as they occasionally strive to find the "right answers" rather than engaging in interpretative work. One interesting finding was the vital role of the students’ life-world perspective in creating meaning while working with the primary sources, and it is suggested that this perspective should be regarded in educational design.
Inom ramen för gymnasieskolans yrkesprogram förläggs en del av elevens utbildning på en arbetsplats, APL. APL är betydelsefull för yrkesprogrammen eftersom hela utbildningen syftar till att knyta an till kommande yrkesroll och lära sig yrket tillsammans med redan yrkesverksamma. Bakgrunden till föreliggande studie är ett intresse för vilket lärande som pågår ute på arbetsplatserna och vad handledarna uppfattar som viktigt lärande för kommande yrkesutövning. Syftet med studien är att beskriva vad handledarna uppfattar att eleverna ska lära sig samt bedömning av elevernas kunskapsutveckling under APL. Studien är en kvalitativ studie och har omfattat intervjuer med 12 handledare med anknytning till gymnasieskolans bygg- och anläggningsprogram. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i livsvärldsfenomenologin med fenomenografi som metodisk ansats för att beskriva handledarnas uppfattningar av APL. Resultatet av studien visar att handledarna beskriver att de inte har fått tillräckligt med kunskap och information från skolan om vad eleverna ska lära sig på APL. Detta kan innebära svårigheter att hitta passande arbetsuppgifter. Det råder vidare en brist på kunskap om vad och hur de bedömer elevernas lärande vilket leder till att eleverna bedöms på oklara grunder. Sammanfattningsvis visar således studien att det finns delar av APL som behöver förbättras och utvecklas för att nå en högre kvalitet i det arbetsplatsförlagda lärandet. Samarbetet skola och fö-retag måste förbättras, och fler handledare måste få en pedagogisk handledarutbildning.
This paper considers identification of treatment effects when the outcome variables and covari-ates are not observed in the same data sets. Ecological inference models, where aggregate out-come information is combined with individual demographic information, are a common example of these situations. In this context, the counterfactual distributions and the treatment effects are not point identified. However, recent results provide bounds to partially identify causal effects. Unlike previous works, this paper adopts the selection on unobservables assumption, which means that randomization of treatment assignments is not achieved until time fixed unobserved heterogeneity is controlled for. Panel data models linear in the unobserved components are con-sidered to achieve identification. To assess the performance of these bounds, this paper provides a simulation exercise.
ABSTRACT Title of Document: AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION AND PERCEIVED EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SCHOOLMAX FAMILY PORTAL Warren Wesley Watts, Doctor of Education, 2015 Directed By: Margaret J. McLaughlin, Ph.D. Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education School districts have spent millions of dollars implementing student information systems that offer family portals with web-based access to parents and students. One of the main purposes of these systems is to improve school-to-home communication. Research has shown that when school-to-home communication is implemented effectively, parent involvement improves and student achievement increases (Epstein, 2001). The purpose of the study was to (a) understand why parents used or refrained from using the family portal and (b) determine what barriers to use might exist. To this end, this descriptive study identified the information parent users accessed in the SchoolMAX family portal, determined how frequently parents accessed the portal, and ascertained whether parents perceived an increase in communication with their children about academic matters after they began accessing the portal. Finally, the study sought to identify whether barriers existed that prevented parents from using the family portal. The inquiry employed three data sources to answer the aforementioned queries. These sources included (a) a survey sent electronically to 19,108 parents who registered online for the SchoolMAX family portal; (b) SchoolMAX portal usage data from the student information system for system usage between January 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015; and (c) a paper survey sent to 691 parents of students that had never used the SchoolMAX family portal in one elementary school, one middle school and one high school that were representative of other schools in the district. Survey results indicated that parents at all grade levels used the family portal. Usage data also confirmed that approximately 19% of the students had parents who monitored their progress through the family portal. Usage data also showed that parents were monitoring approximately 25% of students in secondary schools (6th – 12th grade) and 16% of students in elementary schools. Of the wide menu of resources available through the SchoolMAX family portal, parents used three areas most frequently: attendance, daily grades, and report cards. Approximately 70% of parents responded that their communication had improved with their children about academic matters since they started using the SchoolMAX family portal, and 90% of parents responded that the SchoolMAX family portal was an effective or somewhat effective tool. Parents also expressed interest in the addition of additional information to the SchoolMAX family portal. Specifically, the top three additions parents wanted to see included homework assignments, high stakes test scores, and graduation requirements. Parents also reported that 92% of them spoke to their children at least 2 to 3 times per week about academics. Due to the low response rate of the parent non-user survey, potential barriers to using the SchoolMAX family portal could not be addressed in this study. However, this issue may be a useful research topic in a future study. Keywords: school to home communication, student information systems, family portal, parent portal
A concepção de avaliação de desempenho dos trabalhadores da enfermagem, na maioria das vezes, é a de um ato de julgamento entre o certo e o errado, relacionado às ações e posturas desenvolvidas no contexto do seu trabalho. A avaliação de desempenho, no entanto, pode ser visualizada pelos trabalhadores como um importante instrumento que favorece o feedback do fazer profissional, desafiando-os a olharem para si mesmos, para o desenvolvimento de suas atribuições profissionais, proporcionando um real entendimento de sua importância na sociedade. Assim tem-se como objetivo geral conhecer a percepção dos trabalhadores da enfermagem de um Hospital Universitário localizado no extremo sul do Rio Grande do Sul (HU) acerca da sistemática da avaliação dos servidores públicos vivenciada na instituição e como objetivo específico conhecer a percepção dos trabalhadores da enfermagem do HU acerca da sistemática da avaliação dos servidores públicos no período do estágio probatório, adotada na instituição. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa do tipo exploratória, desenvolvida com 70 trabalhadores de enfermagem. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se a técnica de entrevista. Mediante a análise textual discursiva, construíram-se duas categorias: A avaliação do desempenho na concepção de trabalhadores da enfermagem e Serviço público: representatividade para o serviço da enfermagem. A avaliação do desempenho do servidor público pode ser influenciada pelo período de estágio probatório, pela sua vulnerabilidade na instituição, com possibilidade de conquistar a estabilidade ou perdê-la. Decorrido o período probatório, alguns trabalhadores modificam seu comportamento, demonstrando, por vezes, falta de comprometimento com seu fazer. No entanto, tal mudança pode estar relacionada com a cultura organizacional existente na instituição pública e, ainda, com um aparente descontentamento dos trabalhadores na realização da avaliação de desempenho, por não receberem um retorno significativo de cada avaliação. Pensar a sistemática de avaliação de desempenho com os trabalhadores da enfermagem significou a possibilidade de desencadear um processo de discussão e de reflexão sobre os diferentes modos de ser e fazer a enfermagem.