1000 resultados para 7038-209
We review here the advances in the understanding of the immunopathology of human paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM). Its investigation must take in account the intriguing natural history of the mycosis and its agent, providing clues to the mechanisms that lead to development of disease (unbalanced host-parasite relationship?) or to the clinically silent, chronic carrier state (balanced host-parasite relationship?), in exposed people living in endemic areas. Although the literature on this subject has progressed notably, the overall picture of what are the mechanisms of susceptibility or resistance continues to be fragmentary. Major advances were seen in the description of both the cytokines/chemokines associated to the different outcomes of the host-parasite interaction, and the fungus-monocyte/macrophage interaction, and cytokines released thereof by these cells. However, relatively few studies have attempted to modify, even in vitro, the patients` unbalanced immune reactivity. Consequently, the benefits of this improved knowledge did not yet reach clinical practice. Fortunately, the previous notion of the immune system as having two nearly independent arms, the innate and adaptive immunities, leaving a large gap between them, is now being overcome. Immunologists are now trying to dissect the connections between these two arms. This will certainly lead to more productive results. Current investigations should address the innate immunity events that trigger the IL-12/IFN-gamma axis and confer protection against PCM in those individuals living in endemic areas, who have been infected, but did not develop the mycosis.
Background: Although various techniques have been used for breast conservation surgery reconstruction, there are few studies describing a logical approach to reconstruction of these defects. The objectives of this study were to establish a classification system for partial breast defects and to develop a reconstructive algorithm. Methods: The authors reviewed a 7-year experience with 209 immediate breast conservation surgery reconstructions. Mean follow-up was 31 months. Type I defects include tissue resection in smaller breasts (bra size A/B), including type IA, which involves minimal defects that do not cause distortion; type III, which involves moderate defects that cause moderate distortion; and type IC, which involves large defects that cause significant deformities. Type II includes tissue resection in medium-sized breasts with or without ptosis (bra size C), and type III includes tissue resection in large breasts with ptosis (bra size D). Results: Eighteen percent of patients presented type I, where a lateral thoracodorsal flap and a latissimus dorsi flap were performed in 68 percent. Forty-five percent presented type II defects, where bilateral mastopexy was performed in 52 percent. Thirty-seven percent of patients presented type III distortion, where bilateral reduction mammaplasty was performed in 67 percent. Thirty-five percent of patients presented complications, and most were minor. Conclusions: An algorithm based on breast size in relation to tumor location and extension of resection can be followed to determine the best approach to reconstruction. The authors` results have demonstrated that the complications were similar to those in other clinical series. Success depends on patient selection, coordinated planning with the oncologic surgeon, and careful intraoperative management.
Background: Neuropsychological deficits have been reported in association with first-episode psychosis (FEP). Reductions in grey matter (GM) volumes have been documented in FEP subjects compared to healthy controls. However, the possible inter-relationship between the findings of those two lines of research has been scarcely investigated. Objective: To investigate the relationship between neuropsychological deficits and GM volume abnormalities in a population-based sample of FEP patients compared to healthy controls from the same geographical area. Methods: FEP patients (n = 88) and control subjects (n = 86) were evaluated by neuropsychological assessment (Controlled Oral Word Association Test, forward and backward digit span tests) and magnetic resonance imaging using voxel-based morphometry. Results: Single-group analyses showed that prefrontal and temporo-parietal GM volumes correlated significantly (p < 0.05, corrected) with cognitive performance in FEP patients. A similar pattern of direct correlations between neocortical GM volumes and cognitive impairment was seen in the schizophrenia subgroup (n = 48). In the control group, cognitive performance was directly correlated with GM volume in the right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and inversely correlated with parahippocampal gyral volumes bilaterally. Interaction analyses with ""group status"" as a predictor variable showed significantly greater positive correlation within the left inferior prefrontal cortex (BA46) in the FEP group relative to controls, and significantly greater negative correlation within the left parahippocampal gyrus in the control group relative to FEP patients. Conclusion: Our results indicate that cognitive deficits are directly related to brain volume abnormalities in frontal and temporo-parietal cortices in FEP subjects, most specifically in inferior portions of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to describe the reproductive profile and frequency of genital infections among women living in the Serra Pelada, a former mining village in the Para state, Brazil. A descriptive study of women living in the mining area of Serra Pelada was performed in 2004 through interviews that gathered demographics and clinical data, and assessed risk behaviors of 209 randomly-selected women. Blood samples were collected for rapid assay for HIV; specimens were taken for Pap smears and Gram stains. Standard descriptive statistical analyses were performed and prevalence was calculated to reflect the relative frequency of each disease. Of the 209 participants, the median age was 38 years, with almost 70% having less than four years of education and 77% having no income or under 1.9 times the minimum wage of Brazil. About 30% did not have access to health care services during the preceding year. Risk behaviors included: alcohol abuse, 24.4%; illicit drug abuse, 4.3%; being a sex worker, 15.8%; and domestic violence, 17.7%. Abnormal Pap smear was found in 8.6%. Prevalence rates of infection were: HIV, 1.9%; trichomoniasis, 2.9%; bacterial vaginosis, 18.7%; candidiasis, 5.7%; Chlamydial-related cytological changes, 3.3%; and HPV-related cytological changes, 3.8%. Women living in this mining area in Brazil are economically and socially vulnerable to health problems. It is important to point out the importance of concomitant broader strategies that include reducing poverty and empowering women to make improvements regarding their health.
Ventilation distribution can be assessed by SPECT with Technegas. This study was undertaken in piglets with different degrees of ventilation inhomogeneity to compare PET using (68)Ga-labeled pseudogas or ""Gallgas"" with Technegas. Methods: Twelve piglets were studied in 3 groups: control, lobar obstruction, and diffuse airway obstruction. Two more piglets were assessed for lung volume (functional residual capacity). Results: In controls, SPECT and PET images showed an even distribution of radioactivity. With lobar obstruction, the absence of ventilation of the obstructed lobe was visible with both techniques. In diffuse airway obstruction, SPECT images showed an even distribution of radioactivity, and PET images showed more varied radioactivity over the lung. Conclusion: PET provides detailed ventilation distribution images and a better appreciation of ventilation heterogeneity. Gallgas with PET is a promising new diagnostic tool for the assessment of ventilation distribution.
Background & aims: Hypovitaminosis D [serum 25 vitamin D < 30 ng/ml] is related to the development of metabolic bone disease and greater risk of chronic illnesses. However, it is frequently under-diagnosed, mainly in countries where UV radiation is abundant. We prospectively determined the prevalence and the predictors of serum 25 vitamin D (s25(OH)D) in a healthy Brazilian population after the winter and after the summer. Methods: 603 (118M and 485F) healthy Brazilian volunteers aged 18-90 years from a universitary hospital were selected after the winter of 2006. From the initial sample, 209 volunteers (31M and 178F) accepted to participate in a second health check after the subsequent summer. Results: After the winter, median s25(OH)D was 21.4 ng/mL and 77.4% of the population presented hypovitaminosis D. s25(OH)D was significantly related to age, BMI, PTH and race. In multivariate linear regression analysis, s25(OH)D was significantly and independently dependent on age, glycemia and skin color. Significant increase in s25(OH)D was verified after summer [10.6 (3.7-19.3 ng/ml); p < 0.001] and this improvement was dependent on age. We also observed a significant decrease in hyperparathyroidism prevalence (20.8% vs. 4.9%; P < 0.0001). Conclusion: In Sao Paulo, at the end of winter, we observed a high prevalence of hypovitaminosis D and secondary hyperparathyroidism in healthy adults. s25(OH)D was dependent on age and skin color. After summer, we observed a decrease in the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D. This unexpected finding emphasizes the need for a strong recommendation to monitor s25(OH)D, even in a sunny country such as Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: To compare videofluoroscopy swallowing study (VFSS) with the fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) in children and to determine the accuracy of FEES in the diagnosis of specific swallowing disorders. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Hospital da Crianca Santo Antonio, affiliated with Santa Casa de Misericordia Hospital Complex, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: FEES findings were compared to those of VFSS in 30 children. Kappa coefficients for interobserver agreement were calculated. Thereafter, these coefficients were evaluated in terms of agreement between FEES and VFSS. In addition, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of FEES were calculated for four swallowing parameters (posterior spillover, pharyngeal residues, laryngeal penetration, and laryngotracheal aspiration). RESULTS: Interobserver agreement rates greater than 70 percent were obtained for all FEES parameters analyzed, except for pharyngeal residues with puree consistency (agreement = 66.7%, K = 0.296, P = 0.091). Laryngeal aspiration and penetration yielded the best level of agreement (100%, K = 1) for the laryngeal aspiration of puree residues. CONCLUSION: The diagnostic agreement between FEES (both observers) and VFSS was low. Regarding the analyzed parameters, laryngeal penetration and aspiration yielded the highest interobserver agreement in terms of FEES, and also showed the highest specificity and positive predictive value when compared to VFSS. (C) 2010 American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. All rights reserved.
Visceral abdominal fat has been associated to cardiovascular risk factors and coronary artery disease (CAD). Computed tomography (CT) coronary angiography is an emerging technology allowing detection of both obstructive and nonobstructive CAD adding information to clinical risk strati. cation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between CAD and adiposity measurements assessed clinically and by CT. We prospectively evaluated 125 consecutive subjects (57% men, age 56.0 +/- 12 years) referred to perform CT angiography. Clinical and laboratory variables were determined and CT angiography and abdominal CT were performed in a 64-slice scanner. CAD was defined as any plaque calcified or not detected by CT angiography. Visceral and subcutaneous adiposity areas were determined at different intervertebral levels. CT angiography detected CAD in 70 (56%) subjects, and no association was found with usual anthropometric adiposity measurements (waist and hip circumferences and body mass index). Otherwise, CT visceral fat areas (VFA) were significantly related to CAD. VFA T12-L1 values >= 145 cm(2) had an odds ratio of 2.85 (95% CI 1.30-6.26) and VFA L4-L5 >= 150 cm(2) had a 2.87-fold (95% CI 1.31-6.30) CAD risk. The multivariate analysis determined age and VFA T12-L1 as the only independent variables associated to CAD. Visceral fat assessed by CT is an independent marker of CAD determined by CT angiography. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conventional karyotyping detects anomalies in 3-15% of patients with multiple congenital anomalies and mental retardation (MCA/MR). Whole-genome array screening (WGAS) has been consistently suggested as the first choice diagnostic test for this group of patients, but it is very costly for large-scale use in developing countries. We evaluated the use of a combination of Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) kits to increase the detection rate of chromosomal abnormalities in MCA/MR patients. We screened 261 MCA/MR patients with two subtelomeric and one microdeletion kits. This would theoretically detect up to 70% of all submicroscopic abnormalities. Additionally we scored the de Vries score for 209 patients in an effort to find a suitable cut-off for MLPA screening. Our results reveal that chromosomal abnormalities were present in 87 (33.3%) patients, but only 57 (21.8%) were considered causative. Karyotyping detected 15 abnormalities (6.9%), while MLPA identified 54 (20.7%). Our combined MLPA screening raised the total detection number of pathogenic imbalances more than three times when compared to conventional karyotyping. We also show that using the de Vries score as a cutoff for this screening would only be suitable under financial restrictions. A decision analytic model was constructed with three possible strategies: karyotype, karyotype + MLPA and karyotype + WGAS. Karyotype + MLPA strategy detected anomalies in 19.8% of cases which account for 76.45% of the expected yield for karyotype + WGAS. Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) of MLPA is three times lower than that of WGAS, which means that, for the same costs, we have three additional diagnoses with MLPA but only one with WGAS. We list all causative alterations found, including rare findings, such as reciprocal duplications of regions deleted in Sotos and Williams-Beuren syndromes. We also describe imbalances that were considered polymorphisms or rare variants, such as the new SNP that confounded the analysis of the 22q13.3 deletion syndrome. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: The most common laparoscopic complications are associated with trocar insertion. The purpose of this study was to develop an objective method of evaluating the safety profile of various access devices used in laparoscopic surgery. STUDY DESIGN: In 20 swine, 6 bladed and 2 needle access devices were evaluated. A force profile was determined by measuring the force required to drive the trocar or needle through the fascia and into the peritoneum, at 0 and 10 mmHg. The amount Of tissue deformation, the length of blade exposed, and the duration of exposure were measured using a high-speed digital imaging system. RESULTS: The needle system without the sheath required the least driving force and had the most favorable force profile. In contrast, the bladed, nonretractable trocar system required a higher driving force and a rapid loss of resistance. Insertion under a pneumoperitoneum did not significantly alter the force profile of the various access devices except for the amount of tissue deformation. With the bladed system, the blade itself was exposed for an average of 0.5 to 1.0 seconds for a distance of 4.5 to 5.0 cm. In comparison, the needle system was exposed for 0.2 seconds for a distance of 1.8 cm. CONCLUSIONS: We developed a reproducible method of measuring the forces required to place the access systems, their pattern of resistance loss, and the characteristics of the blade exposure. These parameters may provide an adjunctive and objective measurement of safety, allowing for more direct comparison between various trocar designs. (J Am Coll Surg 2009;209:222-232. (C) 2009 by the American College of Surgeons)
Background: A pancreatic fistula (PF) is the most common complication after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD), and its reported incidence varies from 2% to 28%. The aim of the present study was to analyse the treatment of a complicated PF comparing the surgical approach with conservative techniques. Methods: From January 2000 through to August 2006, 121 patients were submitted for PD. The study consisted of 70 men and 47 women, with a median age of 60 years (SD +/- 12). The main indications for PD were pancreatic duct carcinoma in 52 patients (44.5%), ampullary carcinoma or adenoma in 18 (15.4%) and islet cell tumour in 11 (9.4%). Reconstruction by pancreatogastrostomy was performed in 65 patients (55.6%), and pancreatojejunostomy in 52 patients (44%). Results: Thirty-five patients (30%) developed a PF. Amongst these, 20 were managed conservatively and 14 were reoperated. These two groups of patients were compared with patients without a PF for analysis. There was no significant difference in the mean age, the gender ratio, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification, surgical time and blood replacement, number of associated procedures, vascular resection and type of reconstruction between the three groups. There were five post-operative deaths (4.2%), three patients (21.4%) in the surgical treatment group (P < 0.01). Mean total number of complications (P = 0.02) and mean length of hospital stay (P < 0.001) were greater in the surgical group. The medium delay between the pancreatic resection and reoperation was 10 days (range, 3-32 days). Completion splenopancreatectomy was required in five patients whereas conservative treatment including debridement and drainage was applied in nine patients. Conclusion: The surgical approach for a PF is associated with a higher mortality and morbidity. There is no advantage in performing completion pancreatectomy (CP) instead of extensive drainage as a result of the same mortality and morbidity rates and the risk of endocrine insufficiency. In cases of complicated PF, radiological or surgical conservative treatment is recommended.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the feasibility of radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP) in renal transplant recipients with clinically localized prostate cancer. METHODS A prospective protocol was established between August 2004 and November 2007. In that period, 8 patients diagnosed with localized prostate cancer were submitted to RRP, and their clinicopathologic data were reviewed. RESULTS The mean age (standard deviation) at surgery was 59.6 +/- 6.7 years (range, 49-67 years). All patients had TIC tumors, except for 1 with a T2A tumor. The mean preoperative prostate-specific antigen value was 4.5 +/- 1.8 ng/mL (range, 1.6-7.0 ng/mL). The mean interval between renal transplantation and RRP was 89.9 +/- 65.1 months (range, 40-209 months). The procedure was well tolerated without major complications, and all patients were discharged on the fifth postoperative day. There was no impairment to bladder descent caused by the presence of the allograft or the ureteroneocystostomy. Urethrovesical anastomosis was easily performed in all cases in the standard manner. Blood transfusion was needed in 2 patients (1 received 2 U and another 5 U of blood). The mean operative duration was 183 +/- 29.7minutes (range, 150-240 minutes), the mean estimated blood loss was 656 +/- 576 mL (range, 100-2000 mL), and no deterioration of graft function was observed. All patients were followed, and the mean follow-up was 10.5 months (range, 2-30 months). Prostate-specific antigen was undetectable in all cases during this time frame. CONCLUSIONS Radical retropubic prostatectomy in renal transplant patients is safe, effective, and can be easily performed in the same manner as described by Walsh, regardless of the presence of the allograft. The only necessary technical modification is the avoidance of ipsilateral lymphadenectomy to prevent damage to the transplanted organ. UROLOGY 72: 1362-1365, 2008. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc.
The objective of this study was to verify the possible association between the Sp1-binding site polymorphism and genital prolapse. A case-control study was conducted in 107 patients with stages III and IV genital prolapse. The control group included 209 women with stages 0 and I. The polymorphism of type I collagen Sp1-binding site was identified by amplification of the first intron of the COL1A1 gene. We did not find differences in the prevalence of the GT and TT genotypes between the groups (p=0.34), even when we grouped patients with at least one polymorphic allele (GT and TT) and compared them with patients without the polymorphic allele (GG; p=0.17) The presence of at least one vaginal delivery, family history for prolapse, and macrosomatic fetus were independent risk factors for prolapse. In conclusion, the COL1A1 Sp1-binding site was not significantly associated with genital prolapse among our study subjects.
It has been speculated that the homeopathic treatment of sperm cells in order to improve semen quality could be promising. However, few data is available and its use in spermatozoa requires investigation. It is well established that mitochondrial membrane potential is an important viability parameter of spermatozoa and it is intimately related to reproductive efficiency. In this manner, new technologies in order to improve the activity of sperm cells and, finally, the fecundity of swine herds are of extremely importance. Due to the lack of knowledge of homeopathic treatment effect on spermatozoa, the aim of the present study was to verify the effect of three different homeopathic treatments on viability of boar sperm cells. Three homeopathic treatments composed by Pulsatila CH6, Pulsatila and Avena CH6, Avena CH6 and one control treatment (sucrose) were added to diluted boar semen, which were cooled for 24 or 48 h. Interestingly, no positive effect of homeopathic treatments was observed over semen viability. However, it was demonstrated that the 24 h of cooling storage provided more viable sperm cells when compared to the 48-h period. This effect of storage period on sperm viability was assessed by intact plasmatic membrane, intact acrosome and mitochondrial membrane potential evaluation.
The order Passeriformes comprises the largest number of families and species of birds of any avian order. Brazil is rich in passerine birds, which are a common victim of wildlife trafficking in Brazil. Annually, many birds die as a consequence of illegal trade. To investigate the occurrence of the principle diseases and to identify the main causes of death in smuggled passerine birds, the cause of death was evaluated in 360 passerine birds confiscated within the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Causes of death were determined by anatomopathologic and microbiologic studies. Infectious diseases were the cause of death of most birds, which corresponded to 78.6% of cases. The most common infectious diseases were poxvirus infection, aspergillosis, and coccidiosis. Although the etiologic agents of these diseases can coexist asymptomatically within hosts, once the host`s immunity is compromised, the pathogen multiplies quickly and causes disease. The results of this study may help to improve the care of passerine birds in captivity and increase the survival rate of confiscated birds. Results may also be useful for in situ conservation programs that investigate the reintroduction of confiscated species or captive birds.