870 resultados para sales increase


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ABSTRACT Towards a contextual understanding of B2B salespeople’s selling competencies − an exploratory study among purchasing decision-makers of internationally-oriented technology firms The characteristics of modern selling can be classified as follows: customer retention and loyalty targets, database and knowledge management, customer relationship management, marketing activities, problem solving and system selling, and satisfying needs and creating value. For salespeople to be successful in this environment, they need a wide range of competencies. Salespeople’s selling skills are well documented in seller side literature through quantitative methods, but the knowledge, skills and competencies from the buyer’s perspective are under-researched. The existing research on selling competencies should be broadened and updated through a qualitative research perspective due to the dynamic nature and the contextual dependence of selling competencies. The purpose of the study is to increase understanding of the professional salesperson’s selling competencies from the industrial purchasing decision- makers’ viewpoint within the relationship selling context. In this study, competencies are defined as sales-related knowledge and skills. The scope of the study includes goods, materials and services managed by a company’s purchasing function and used by an organization on a daily basis. The abductive approach and ‘systematic combining’ have been applied as a research strategy. In this research, data were generated through semi- structured, person-to-person interviews and open-ended questions. The study was conducted among purchasing decision-makers in the technology industry in Finland. The branches consisted of the electronics and electro-technical industries and the mechanical engineering and metals industries. A total of 30 companies and one purchasing decision-maker from each company were purposively chosen for the sampling. The sample covers different company sizes based on their revenues, their differing structures – varying from public to family companies –that represent domestic and international ownerships. Before analyzing the data, they were organized by the purchasing orientations of the buyers: the buying, procurement or supply management orientation. Thematic analysis was chosen as the analysis method. After analyzing the data, the results were contrasted with the theory. There was a continuous interaction between the empirical data and the theory. Based on the findings, a total of 19 major knowledge and skills were identified from the buyers’ perspective. The specific knowledge and skills from the viewpoint of customers’ prevalent purchasing orientations were divided into two categories, generic and contextual. The generic knowledge and skills apply to all purchasing orientations, and the contextual knowledge and skills depend on customers’ prevalent purchasing orientations. Generic knowledge and skills relate to price setting, negotiation, communication and interaction skills, while contextual ones relate to knowledge brokering, ability to present solutions and relationship skills. Buying-oriented buyers value salespeople who are ‘action oriented experts, however at a bit of an arm’s length’, procurement buyers value salespeople who are ‘experts deeply dedicated to the customer and fostering the relationship’ and supply management buyers value salespeople who are ‘corporate-oriented experts’. In addition, the buyer’s perceptions on knowledge and selling skills differ from the seller’s ones. The buyer side emphasizes managing the subject matter, consisting of the expertise, understanding the customers’ business and needs, creating a customized solution and creating value, reliability and an ability to build long-term relationships, while the seller side emphasizes communica- tion, interaction and salesmanship skills. The study integrates the selling skills of the current three-component model− technical knowledge, salesmanship skills, interpersonal skills− and relationship skills and purchasing orientations, into a selling competency model. The findings deepen and update the content of these knowledges and skills in the B2B setting and create new insights into them from the buyer’s perspective, and thus the study increases contextual understanding of selling competencies. It generates new knowledge of the salesperson’s competencies for the relationship selling and personal selling and sales management literature. It also adds knowledge of the buying orientations to the buying behavior literature. The findings challenge sales management to perceive salespeople’s selling skills both from a contingency and competence perspective. The study has several managerial implications: it increases understanding of what the critical selling knowledge and skills from the buyer’s point of view are, understanding of how salespeople effectively implement the relationship marketing concept, sales management’s knowledge of how to manage the sales process more effectively and efficiently, and the knowledge of how sales management should develop a salesperson’s selling competencies when managing and developing the sales force. Keywords: selling competencies, knowledge, selling skills, relationship skills, purchasing orientations, B2B selling, abductive approach, technology firms


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata suomalaisen PK-yrityksen kasvamista globaa- liksi toimijaksi. Tapahtunut kasvu on tarkoittanut case-yrityksen kohdalla liike- vaihdon ja henkilöstömäärän kasvun lisäksi myös toimipaikkojen määrän kasvua ja organisaatiorakenteen monimutkaistumista. Näiden muutosten perusteella ja ta- pahtuneiden muutoskohtien avulla on löydettävissä yrityksen toimintaa kuvaavia vaiheita, joita ovat alkuvaihe, kasvuvaihe ja kypsä vaihe. Näiden vaiheiden jälkeen tulee vielä neljäs vaihe, eli uusiutumisvaihe tai laskeva vaihe. Tämän neljännen vaiheen suunta riippuu yrityksen kyvystä uusiutua ja kehittyä vastaamaan uusiin tuleviin haasteisiin joita aikaisempaa globaalimpi toiminta tuo tullessaan. Tapahtuneilla muutoksilla on ollut myös vaikutusta tietohallintoon. Tämä tieto- hallinnossa tapahtunut muutos onkin tämän tutkimuksen ydin, eli mitä haasteita ja vaatimuksia Trafotekin tietohallinto on kohdannut toiminnan eri vaiheissa, ja onko tietohallinto pystynyt omalta osaltaan vastaamaan näihin vaatimuksiin. Toiminnan alkuvaiheessa tietotekniikalla ei ollut suurtakaan strategista ja liike- toimintaa tukevaa roolia, ja tietohallinto pystyikin vastaamaan liiketoiminnan vaa- timuksiin. Tässä vaiheessa Trafotekissa ei ollut erillistä tietohallintoa, vaan tieto- tekniset työt hoidettiin muiden työtehtävien ohessa. Tietotekniset tehtävät olivat lähinnä tukitoimintoihin liittyviä tehtäviä. Kasvuvaiheessa tietotekniikan merkitys kasvoi, ja Trafotekiin tuli tarvetta luoda erillinen tietotekninen työtehtävä. Tässä toiminnan vaiheessa kyvykkyydet ja kypsyys eivät kuitenkaan kehittyneet halu- tulla tavalla, sillä kaikki käytössä oleva resursointi käytettiin edelleen päivittäisiin tukitoimintoihin, kehittämisen sijaan. Sama kehittymättömyys vaivasi toiminnan kypsässä vaiheessa. Tässä vaiheessa toki alettiin jo ymmärtää, että tietohallinnolla on strateginen rooli, joka tukee liiketoimintaa sen tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. Tehty tutkimus tukee näkemystä siitä, että myös tietohallinnon kehittäminen on kokonaisvaltaista kehittämistä, jossa pitää huomioida toimintaa tukevia kyvyk- kyyksiä kaikissa toiminnan vaiheissa. Yrityksen kasvaessa myös tietohallinnon tu- lee kasvaa ja kehittyä. Osa tämän tutkimuksen tapahtumista oli tapahtunut ennen tämän tutkimustyön varsinaista aloittamista, eli ne kuvataan ja selitetään jälkijättöisesti. Kyseessä on toimintatutkimus, joka ajoittuu vuosiin 1996–2014. Avainsanat: globalisaatio, kansainvälinen kasvu, tietohallinto, tietohallinnon joh- taminen ja kehitys, kasvu-, kehitys- ja kypsyysmalli


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The purpose of this research was to study the marketing of mobile applications. The main objective was to find out what are the most efficient ways of marketing to increase the sales for a mobile application within a highly competitive marketplace. The marketplaces, app stores, are studied from the perspective of size, ease of entry, competition and customers and their purchasing process. The study also includes research on what are some of the main marketing methods used in mobile app marketing in general. The study consists of two parts, theoretical and empirical research. Theoretical research was done by studying past scientific research on the chosen subjects. As the subject is very new, the research was also extended to other publications from the field of mobile technology. The empirical part was done through interviews and empirical experiments with a case-company, which were used to answer the main objective of this study. These experiments showed that the chosen methods of mobile app marketing, app store optimization, localization and selected social media marketing activities, created the most sales when used together. Positive results were seen also when the activities were conducted by themselves, but together they were able to push the case company to their all time best results. However the key to succeeding and hitting high positions in the app store rankings would most likely require creating a solid marketing strategy, trying out other marketing activities alongside the ones used here, without forgetting to stay on top of mobile technology trends.


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Marketing has changed because of digitalization. Marketing is moving towards digital channels and more companies are transitioning from “pushing” advertising messages to “pull” marketing, that attracts audience with the content that interests and benefits the audience. This kind of marketing is called content marketing or “inbound” marketing. This study focuses on how marketing communications agencies utilize digital content marketing and what are the best practices with the selected digital content marketing channels. In this study, those channels include blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The qualitative research method was utilized in order to examine the phenomenon of digital content marketing in-depth. The chosen data collecting method was semi-structured interviewing. A total of seven marketing communications agencies, who currently utilize digital content marketing, were selected as case companies and interviewed. All the case companies are from the marketing communications industry because that industry can be assumed to be well adapted to digital content marketing techniques. There is a research gap about digital content marketing in the B2B context, which increases the novelty value of this research. The study examines what is digital content marketing, why B2B companies use digital content marketing, and how should digital content marketing be conducted through blogs and social media. The informants perceived digital marketing to be a fundamental part of their all marketing. They conduct digital content marketing for the following reasons: to increase sales, to improve their brand image and to demonstrate their own skills. Concrete results of digital content marketing for the case companies include sales leads, new clients, better brand image, and that recruiting is easier. The most important success factors with blogs and social media are the following: 1) Audience-centric thinking. All content planning should start from figuring out which themes interests the target audience. Social media channel choices should be based on where the target audience can be reached. 2) Companies should not talk only about themselves. Instead, content is made about themes that interests the target audience. On social media channels, only a fragment of all shared content is about the company. Rather, most of the shared content is industry-specific content that helps the potential client.


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The objective of this study was to find out how third party influencers can facilitate value-based selling in a network and how suppliers should aim to impact on these third party influencers to facilitate value-based selling. The study considers construction industry, selling the column connection solution and third party influencers. Third party influencers examined in this study were structural designers. The study also aims to find out structural designers’ value drivers and the differences between the market areas that this study related to. The theoretical part of the study focuses on two separate areas. The first part of the theory focuses on a value-based selling concept: what it is, what it requires and what are the main barriers for value-based selling. The second part of the theory examines value creation in networks. The present knowledge over value creation in networks and different network actors are presented. Project marketing is also discussed briefly because this study’s topic, which is highly related to project business. The results reveal structural designers’ value drivers considering the usage of the column connection solution and present ways how suppliers should aim to impact structural designers to facilitate value-based selling. The main result of the study indicates that third party influencers can have a positive impact on facilitating value-based selling. Structural designers are communicating more or less with all the salient actors in different project phases and they can act as sponsors to support the sales of Peikko’s column connection solution and promote solution to other actors involved to the project. This requires that structural designers can understand the actual benefits of how the solution can improve their and their customers’ business.


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Outsourcing and offshoring or any combinations of these have not just become a popular phenomenon, but are viewed as one of the most important management strategies due to the new possibilities from globalization. They have been seen as a possibility to save costs and improve customer service. Executing offshoring and offshore outsourcing successfully can be more complex than initially expected. Potential cost savings resulting from of offshoring and offshore outsourcing are often based on lower manufacturing costs. However, these benefits might be conflicted by a more complex supply chain with service level challenges that can respectively increase costs. Therefore analyzing the total cost effects of offshoring and outsourcing is necessary. The aim of this Master´s Thesis was to to construct a total cost model using academic literature to calculate the total costs and analyze the reasonability of offshoring and offshore outsourcing production of a case company compared to insourcing production. The research data was mainly quantitative and collected mainly from the case company past sales and production records. In addition management level interviews from the case company were conducted. The information from these interviews was used for the qualification of the necessary quantitative data and adding supportive information that could not be gathered from the quantitative data. Both data collection and analysis were guided by a theoretical frame of reference that was based on academic literature concerning offshoring and outsourcing, statistical calculation of demand and total costs. The results confirm the theories that offshoring and offshore outsourcing would reduce total costs as both offshoring and offshore outsourcing options result in lower total annual costs than insourcing mainly due to lower manufacturing costs. However, increased demand uncertainty would make the alternative of offshore outsourcing more risky and difficult to manage. Therefore when assessing the overall impact of the alternatives, offshoring is the most preferable option. As the main cost savings in offshore outsourcing came from lower manufacturing costs, more specifically labour costs, the logistics costs in this case company did not have an essential effect in total costs. The management should therefore pay attention initially to manufacturing costs and then logistics costs when choosing the best production sourcing option for the company.


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Recent research in relationships marketing and sales and sales management emphasizes companies’ ability to create customer value as a core of all business-to-business relationships. The role of individual salespeople in business relation-ships is commonly acknowledged, but has been largely neglected in extant literature. This study offers especially more detailed perspective on salespeople’s roles and tasks in business-to-business value-based sales process. It focuses especially on Software-as-a-Service business environment. The objective of the study is to find out how salespeople can create value in Software-as-a-Service value-based sales process. It determines value-based sales process, salespeople’s roles and tasks in it, and combines value assessment in to process. The results indicate that salespeople have to adapt different selling roles and tasks in Software-as-a-Service value-based sales process to be able to support the customer’s value-in-use experience. The process itself is highly complex, consisting of multiple facets and selling behaviors, and involves relevant actors from both parties of relationship. The study concludes with a discussion of possibilities that provide interesting aspects for future research.


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After sales business is an effective way to create profit and increase customer satisfaction in manufacturing companies. Despite this, some special business characteristics that are linked to these functions, make it exceptionally challenging in its own way. This Master’s Thesis examines the current situation of the data and inventory management in the case company regarding possibilities and challenges related to the consolidation of current business operations. The research examines process steps, procedures, data requirements, data mining practices and data storage management of spare part sales process, whereas the part focusing on inventory management is reviewing the current stock value and examining current practices and operational principles. There are two global after sales units which supply spare parts and issues reviewed in this study are examined from both units’ perspective. The analysis is focused on the operations of that unit where functions would be centralized by default, if change decisions are carried out. It was discovered that both data and inventory management include clear shortcomings, which result from lack of internal instructions and established processes as well as lack of cooperation with other stakeholders related to product’s lifecycle. The main product of data management was a guideline for consolidating the functions, tailored for the company’s needs. Additionally, potentially scrapped spare part were listed and a proposal of inventory management instructions was drafted. If the suggested spare part materials will be scrapped, stock value will decrease 46 percent. A guideline which was reviewed and commented in this thesis was chosen as the basis of the inventory management instructions.


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Collection : Les Maîtres du roman populaire ; 2