814 resultados para Vocational education school


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La relevancia del conocimiento como input del proceso productivo ha aumentado la complejidad de la contratación en el mercado de trabajo cualificado. Como consecuencia de ello, se ha generado un proceso de reflexión sobre la adecuación de la acreditación universitaria a las necesidades del mercado de trabajo. Académicos, gerentes y expertos en el mercado de trabajadores altamente cualificados han tenido parte en esta reflexión durante mucho tiempo. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo la identificación de las competencias profesionales con mayor relevancia en la empleabilidad de los graduados en Economía y Empresa. El análisis se basa en una investigación cualitativa que toma como fuentes de información las opiniones de los empleadores. La información para el estudio ha sido obtenida mediante entrevistas en profundidad y la realización de un grupo de discusión. En este proceso han participado empresarios, responsables del servicio de prácticas de la Universidad de Barcelona, expertos y responsables de empresa de colocación, representantes de organizaciones empresariales y profesores universitarios. La atención se centra en la percepción que los entrevistados tienen del requerimiento de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes, en el grado en que los desarrollan y en los cambios que se necesitarían para lograr una mejor correspondencia entre las competencias adquiridas por los graduados y las requeridas por el mercado de trabajo. A partir de la clasificación de las competencias profesionales (proyecto Tuning), el estudio pone de relieve la importancia otorgada por los empleadores a de las competencias genéricas. No obstante, se observan diferencias valorativas según la tipología de empresas. Asimismo, se evidencian déficits en algunos aspectos relevantes, como la formación práctica y la capacidad de iniciativa, de análisis o de organización. Por último, de las opiniones recogidas también se constata la necesidad de aproximar la universidad al sistema productivo, al menos en el campo económico-empresarial.


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Durante la educación secundaria los estudiantes comienzan a explorar las ocupaciones y expectativas profesionales, forman sus creencias de autoeficacia y consolidan sus intereses académicos. En este contexto, el artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada en el Principado de Asturias para conocer las percepciones y opiniones que tienen los estudiantes de bachillerato y sus progenitores sobre las elecciones académicas realizadas en la educación secundaria, haciendo especial hincapié en los factores contextuales que pueden ayudar u obstaculizar el desarrollo de la carrera. Se ha usado una metodología cualitativa fundamentada en el uso de la técnica del grupo de discusión. Se han organizado cinco grupos de discusión con estudiantes y dos grupos con progenitores. El total de personas que participó en las entrevistas focales fue de 51 estudiantes y de 14 padres/madres. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten concluir que el bachillerato sigue siendo considerado la puerta de acceso a la universidad y no a la formación profesional de grado superior. También se concluye que los estudiantes fundamentan sus decisiones académicas sobre la base de la preferencia y gusto personal por determinada opciones y esta razón prevalece sobre otras como las salidas profesionales o el rendimiento académico previo. Respecto a la influencia de distintos agentes sociales en el proceso de decisión académica, los resultados son concluyentes al afirmar que el principal apoyo de los estudiantes son sus progenitores, por encima del que perciben encontrar de docentes y grupo de iguales. El artículo finaliza con algunas sugerencias para mejorar la práctica de la orientación educativa en las instituciones de educación secundaria.


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Societies which suffer from ethnic and political divisions are often characterised by patterns of social and institutional separation, and sometimes these divisions remain even after political conflict has ended. This has occurred in Northern Ireland where there is, and remains, a long-standing pattern of parallel institutions and services for the different communities. A socially significant example lies in the education system where a parallel system of Catholic and Protestant schools has been in place since the establishment of a national school system in the 1830s. During the years of political violence in Northern Ireland a variety of educational interventions were implemented to promote reconciliation, but most of them failed to create any systemic change. This paper describes a post-conflict educational initiative known as Shared Education which aims to promote social cohesion and school improvement by encouraging sustained and regular shared learning between students and broader collaboration between teachers and school leaders from different schools. The paper examines the background to work on Shared Education, describes a ‘sharing continuum’ which emerged as an evaluation and policy tool from this work and considers evidence from a case study of a Shared Education school partnership in a divided city in Northern Ireland. The paper will conclude by highlighting some of the significant social and policy impact of the Shared Education work.


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The construction industry is responsible for 40% of European Union (EU) end-use emissions but addressing this is problematic, as evident from the performance gap between design intention and on-site energy performance. There is a lack of the expertise needed for low energy construction (LEC) in the UK as the complex work processes involved require ‘energy literacy’ of all construction occupations, high qualification levels, broad occupational profiles, integrated teamworking, and good communication . This research identifies the obstacles to meeting these requirements, the nature of the expertise needed to break down occupational divisions and bridge those interfaces where the main heat losses occur, and the transition pathway implied. Obstacles include a decline in the level, breadth and quality of construction vocational education and training (VET), the lack of a learning infrastructure on sites, and a fragmented employment structure. To overcome these and develop enhanced understanding of LEC requires a transformation of the existing structure of VET provision and construction employment and a new curriculum based on a broader concept of agency and backed by rigorous enforcement of standards. This can be achieved through a radical transition pathway rather than market-based solutions to a low carbon future for the construction sector.


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Inom ramen för gymnasieskolans yrkesprogram förläggs en del av elevens utbildning på en arbetsplats, APL. APL är betydelsefull för yrkesprogrammen eftersom hela utbildningen syftar till att knyta an till kommande yrkesroll och lära sig yrket tillsammans med redan yrkesverksamma. Bakgrunden till föreliggande studie är ett intresse för vilket lärande som pågår ute på arbetsplatserna och vad handledarna uppfattar som viktigt lärande för kommande yrkesutövning. Syftet med studien är att beskriva vad handledarna uppfattar att eleverna ska lära sig samt bedömning av elevernas kunskapsutveckling under APL. Studien är en kvalitativ studie och har omfattat intervjuer med 12 handledare med anknytning till gymnasieskolans bygg- och anläggningsprogram. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i livsvärldsfenomenologin med fenomenografi som metodisk ansats för att beskriva handledarnas uppfattningar av APL. Resultatet av studien visar att handledarna beskriver att de inte har fått tillräckligt med kunskap och information från skolan om vad eleverna ska lära sig på APL. Detta kan innebära svårigheter att hitta passande arbetsuppgifter. Det råder vidare en brist på kunskap om vad och hur de bedömer elevernas lärande vilket leder till att eleverna bedöms på oklara grunder. Sammanfattningsvis visar således studien att det finns delar av APL som behöver förbättras och utvecklas för att nå en högre kvalitet i det arbetsplatsförlagda lärandet. Samarbetet skola och fö-retag måste förbättras, och fler handledare måste få en pedagogisk handledarutbildning.


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Berufliche und allgemeine Bildung sind keine curricularen, sondern systemische Gegensätze. Die deutsche Bildungsgeschichte hat sich über zwei soziologisch völlig unterschiedliche, daher auch weder integrier- noch aufeinander reduzierbare Zentren der Systemfindung abgespielt. Reformambitionen, die das nicht zur Kenntnis nehmen, scheitern an den historisch entstandenen Formen, durch die sie selbst möglich geworden sind. (DIPF/Orig.)


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This paper examines the entrepreneurial inclinations of young people who achieved excellence in vocational occupations. We propose a three-capital approach to the study of entrepreneurship. Relying on the existing theories and original qualitative and quantitative data analyses, findings from interviews with 30 entrepreneurial and 10 non-entrepreneurial WorldSkills competitors show that psychological capital, social capital and human capital can be combined to explore how young people who excel in vocational occupations develop entrepreneurial mindsets. We show that training for and participation in the largest vocational skills event globally - WorldSkills competition - develops selected aspects of three capitals. However, we also discover that the entrepreneurial motivation precedes competitors' involvement with WorldSkills. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Sammelrezension von: 1. Rudolf Lassahn/Birgit Ofenbach (Hrsg.): Bildung in Europa. Frankfurt a. M./Bern: Lang 1993. 162 S. 2. Walter Hornstein/Gerd Mutz unter Mitarbeit von Irene Kühnlein und Angelika Poferl: Die europäische Einigung als gesellschaftlicher Prozeß. Soziale Problemlagen, Partizipation und kulturelle Transformation. Baden-Baden: Nomos 1993. 275 S.


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Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino da Dança.


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Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.


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Effective school discipline practices are essential to keeping schools safe and creating an optimal learning environment. However, the overreliance of exclusionary discipline often removes students from the school setting and deprives them of the opportunity to learn. Previous research has suggested that students are being introduced to the juvenile justice system through the use of school-based juvenile court referrals. In 2011, approximately 1.2 million delinquency cases were referred to the juvenile courts in the United States. Preliminary evidence suggests that an increasing number of these referrals have originated in the schools. This study investigated school-based referrals to the juvenile courts as an element of the School-to-Prison Pipeline (StPP). The likelihood of school-based juvenile court referrals and rate of dismissal of these referrals was examined in several states using data from the National Juvenile Court Data Archives. In addition, the study examined race and special education status as predictors of school-based juvenile court referrals. Descriptive statistics, logistic regression and odds ratio, were used to analyze the data, make conclusions based on the findings and recommend appropriate school discipline practices.


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Policymakers make many demands of our schools to produce academic success. At the same time, community organizations, government agencies, faith-based institutions, and other groups often are providing support to students and their families, especially those from high-poverty backgrounds, that are meant to impact education but are often insufficient, uncoordinated, or redundant. In many cases, these institutions lack access to schools and school leaders. What’s missing from the dominant education reform discourse is a coordinated education-focused approach that mobilizes community assets to effectively improve academic and developmental outcomes for students. This study explores how education-focused comprehensive community change initiatives (CCIs) that utilize a partnership approach are organized and sustained. In this study, I examine three research questions: 1. Why and how do school system-level community change initiative (CCI) partnerships form? 2. What are the organizational, financial, and political structures that support sustainable CCIs? What, in particular, are their connections to the school systems they seek to impact? 3. What are the leadership functions and structures found within CCIs? How are leadership functions distributed across schools and agencies within communities? To answer these questions, I used a cross-case study approach that employed a secondary data analysis of data that were collected as part of a larger research study sponsored by a national organization. The original study design included site visits and extended interviews with educators, community leaders and practitioners about community school initiatives, one type of CCI. This study demonstrates that characteristics of sustained education-focused CCIs include leaders that are critical to starting the CCIs and are willing to collaborate across institutions, a focus on community problems, building on previous efforts, strategies to improve service delivery, a focus on education and schools in particular, organizational arrangements that create shared leadership and ownership for the CCI, an intermediary to support the initial vision and collaborative leadership groups, diversified funding approaches, and political support. These findings add to the literature about the growing number of education-focused CCIs. The study’s primary recommendation—that institutions need to work across boundaries in order to sustain CCIs organizationally, financially, and politically—can help policymakers as they develop new collaborative approaches to achieving educational goals.


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Landschaftsarchitekturstudiengänge haben sich aus der praktischen Berufsausbildung entwickelt und setzen auch heute bewusst auf das handlungsorientierte Lernen. Sie unterscheiden sich von vielen textorientierten seminaristischen Studienformen durch das besondere Gewicht des räumlichen Gestaltens, Darstellens und des visuellen Kommunizierens zwischen Lerner und Lehrer sowie zwischen Studenten untereinander. Inwiefern diese Gestaltungs- und Kommunikationsprozesse online über größere Distanzen stattfinden können, wurde im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Studienprojektes zweier entfernt operierender Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) Studiengänge an der Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge und an der Hochschule Anhalt, Bernburg untersucht. Wie Befragungen und Interviews der involvierten Studenten und Lehrenden zeigten, sind marktübliche Kommunikationstechniken durchaus geeignet, den kreativen Entwurfsprozess zu unterstützen, wenn auch weiterhin bei graphischen Darstellungen Bottleneck-Probleme die Effektivität verringern. Auch bleibt Skepsis im Bezug auf die Qualität der Lehre auf die Distanz, besonders hinsichtlich der sozialen Komponenten des Studiums. Darüber hinaus zeigte sich, dass Multimediatechniken, die im Zusammenhang der Fernlehre eingesetzt wurden, ebenso für die Präsenzlehre wichtige Impulse liefern können.(DIPF/Orig.)


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O fenómeno NEET- “Not in Employment, Education or Training”, jovens que não estudam, não trabalham e não frequentam qualquer formação, constitui um problema social comum ao espaço europeu, onde, segundo o Eurostat há 14 milhões de jovens excluídos do mercado de trabalho e do sistema de educação e formação. A perda económica resultante desde afastamento é estimada em 153 mil milhões de euros por ano, 1,2% do PIB da União Europeia. Apresenta-se uma análise crítica do conceito NEET e a sua dimensão europeia. Em Portugal a “Geração Nem-Nem” tem vindo a crescer significativamente desde 2008 e atingiu um valor recorde em 2012 com 434 mil jovens inativos, colocando Portugal entre os 10 países da OCDE com maior percentagem de NEET. Procura-se traçar um diagnóstico do perfil destes jovens, compreender quem são e quanto custa ao país o seu afastamento da escola e do mercado de trabalho. Por fim, abordam-se as principais estratégias políticas que vêm sendo adotadas para reduzir o número de NEET, com a criação de um conjunto de programas de apoio à transição entre o sistema de educação e formação e o mercado de trabalho, estímulos à criação de emprego e uma aposta no reforço do ensino profissional e da aprendizagem dual. Conclui-se que o fenómeno NEET em Portugal tem registado uma tendência crescente e resulta em grande medida do aumento exponencial das taxas de desemprego jovem que em 2013 atingiram os 40%, predominando jovens com um nível de escolaridade relativamente baixo. Contudo, as estatísticas demonstram que o problema também cresceu nos últimos anos entre os que têm formação superior, o que revela um problema estrutural que dificulta a transição da educação para o mercado de trabalho, mesmo entre os mais qualificados.


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Die Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik fand im Jahr 2015 zum dritten Mal in der Schweiz statt. [...] Mit rund 300 Vorträgen, 16 moderierten Sektionen, 15 Arbeitskreistreffen und 21 Posterpräsentationen eröffnete sich ein breites Spektrum an Themen und unterschiedlichen Zugangsweisen zur Erforschung von Fragen rund um das Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik. (DIPF/Orig.)