986 resultados para Molded dishes (Cooking)


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The rise of food security up international political, societal and academic agendas has led to increasing interest in novel means of improving primary food production and reducing waste. There are however, also many ‘post-farm gate’ activities that are critical to food security, including processing, packaging, distributing, retailing, cooking and consuming. These activities all affect a range of important food security elements, notably availability, affordability and other aspects of access, nutrition and safety. Addressing the challenge of universal food security, in the context of a number of other policy goals (e.g. social, economic and environmental sustainability), is of keen interest to a range of UK stakeholders but requires an up-to-date evidence base and continuous innovation. An exercise was therefore conducted, under the auspices of the UK Global Food Security Programme, to identify priority research questions with a focus on the UK food system (though the outcomes may be broadly applicable to other developed nations). Emphasis was placed on incorporating a wide range of perspectives (‘world views’) from different stakeholder groups: policy, private sector, non-governmental organisations, advocacy groups and academia. A total of 456 individuals submitted 820 questions from which 100 were selected by a process of online voting and a three-stage workshop voting exercise. These 100 final questions were sorted into 10 themes and the ‘top’ question for each theme identified by a further voting exercise. This step also allowed four different stakeholder groups to select the top 7–8 questions from their perspectives. Results of these voting exercises are presented. It is clear from the wide range of questions prioritised in this exercise that the different stakeholder groups identified specific research needs on a range of post-farm gate activities and food security outcomes. Evidence needs related to food affordability, nutrition and food safety (all key elements of food security) featured highly in the exercise. While there were some questions relating to climate impacts on production, other important topics for food security (e.g. trade, transport, preference and cultural needs) were not viewed as strongly by the participants.


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Nowadays the electricity consumption in the residential sector attracts policy and research efforts, in order to propose saving strategies and to attain a better balance between production and consumption, by integrating renewable energy production and proposing suitable demand side management methods. To achieve these objectives it is essential to have real information about household electricity demand profiles in dwellings, highly correlated, among other aspects, with the active occupancy of the homes and to the personal activities carried out in homes by their occupants. Due to the limited information related to these aspects, in this paper, behavioral factors of the Spanish household residents, related to the electricity consumption, have been determined and analyzed, based on data from the Spanish Time Use Surveys, differentiating among the Autonomous Communities and the size of municipalities, or the type of days, weekdays or weekends. Activities involving a larger number of houses are those related to Personal Care, Food Preparation and Washing Dishes. The activity of greater realization at homes is Watching TV, which together with Using PC, results in a high energy demand in an aggregate level. Results obtained enable identify prospective targets for load control and for efficiency energy reduction recommendations to residential consumers.


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Soybeans can be consumed directly as food, and in China hey are the major ingredient in food products such as tofu and soy milk, but direct consumption is small relative to their wider use in animal feed, and it is the requirement for livestock feed that drives international trade. Rapid growth of economies and population, especially in Asia, has led to increased demand for animal protein and cooking oil. This paper analyses the recent growth in supply of soybeans from North and South America to China, and considers the factors that may affect this trade in future; a contrast is made with supply from North and South America to Europe, which has not been increasing. The constraints preventing an increase in supply of soybeans to Europe are reviewed. The paper concludes with brief discussion of the factors which will affect world markets for soybeans and soybean products in future.


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Free amino acids and reducing sugars participate in the Maillard reaction during high-temperature cooking and processing. This results not only in the formation of colour, aroma and flavour compounds, but also undesirable contaminants, including acrylamide, which forms when the amino acid that participates in the reaction is asparagine. In this study, tubers of 13 varieties of potato (Solanum tuberosum), which had been produced in a field trial in 2010 and sampled immediately after harvest or after storage for 6 months, were analysed to show the relationship between the concentrations of free asparagine, other free amino acids, sugars and acrylamide-forming potential. The varieties comprised five that are normally used for crisping, seven that are used for French fry production and one that is used for boiling. Acrylamide formation was measured in heated flour, and correlated with glucose and fructose concentration. In French fry varieties, which contain higher concentrations of sugars, acrylamide formation also correlated with free asparagine concentration, demonstrating the complex relationship between precursor concentration and acrylamide-forming potential in potato. Storage of the potatoes for 6 months at 9°C had a significant, variety-dependent impact on sugar and amino acid concentrations and acrylamide-forming potential.


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Broccoli, a rich source of glucosinolates, is a commonly consumed vegetable of the Brassica family. Hydrolysis products of glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, have been associated with health benefits and contribute to the flavour of Brassica. However, boiling broccoli causes the myrosinase enzyme needed for hydrolysis to denature. In order to ensure hydrolysis, broccoli must either be mildly cooked or active sources of myrosinase, such as mustard seed powder, can be added post-cooking. In this study, samples of broccoli were prepared in six different ways; standard boiling with and without mustard seeds, sous-vide cooking at low temperature (70 °C) and sous-vide cooking at higher temperature (100 ºC) without mustard and with mustard at two different concentrations. The majority of consumers disliked the mildly cooked broccoli samples (70 ºC, 12 min, sous-vide) which had a hard and stringy texture. The highest mean consumer liking was for standard boiled samples (100 ºC, 7 min). Addition of 1% mustard seed powder developed sensory attributes such as pungency, burning sensation, mustard odour and flavour. One cluster of consumers (32%) found mustard seeds to be a good complement to cooked broccoli, however, the majority disliked the mustard-derived sensory attributes. Where the mustard seeds were partially processed, doubling the addition to 2% led to only the same level of mustard flavour and pungency as 1% unprocessed seeds, and mean consumer liking remained unaltered. This suggests that optimisation of the addition level of partially processed mustard seeds may be a route to enhance bioactivity of cooked broccoli without compromising consumer acceptability.


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In the largely organic soils in which ectomycorrhizas are commonly found, a preference for absorbing organic nitrogen over mineral forms is likely to be an advantage, especially where mineralisation rates are low. To determine rates of both independent and preferential growth of ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes on organic and inorganic nitrogen, strains of Hebeloma were grown on nutrient agar media containing either NH4+ or glutamic acid as the sole source of nitrogen, on both single medium and split plate Petri dishes. Growth rates on the split plate Petri dishes, where the fungi had access to both nitrogen sources, were generally greater than on the single medium dishes. Growth on glutamic acid was at least equal to, and usually greater than, that on NH4+. In some cases growth on NH4+ alone appeared severely inhibited, a condition that was partially alleviated by access to glutamic acid on the split plates Petri dishes. This highlights a potential pitfall of single nitrogen source growth studies. The greater growth of most strains on glutamic acid suggests an adaptation to organic nitrogen utilisation in these strains. If this is so in soils with low mineralisation rates, direct uptake of amino acids by ectomycorrhizal plants could by-pass the bottle neck that requires mineral nitrogen to be made available for plant uptake.


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The aim of this study was to compare some of the properties of native and extruded amaranth flour obtained under mild and severe extrusion conditions. The chemical composition of the flours was similar. Flours obtained by both extrusion processes presented high solubility in water, low values of L* (luminosity) and an absence of endothermic peak on the DSC method. Water absorption, retrogradation tendency, final viscosity and the viscous behavior by rheology analysis were also studied. The results indicate that extruded flours have a good potential as an ingredient for food exposed to heat treatment at a high temperature and mechanical shear, for use in instant meal products. On the other hand, original flour properties are comparable to those of amaranth starch, which exhibits similarly high quality paste stability, low solubility in water, and elastic behavior, and could be used as a substitute for raw flour in a range of food formulas. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This Study investigated the impact of thermoplastic extrusion on the nutritive quality of bovine rumen protein. Proximal composition, amino acid profile and in vivo true protein digestibility among rats were determined in raw (RBR) and extruded (EBR) rumen. Raw and extruded bovine rumen presented high percentages of protein (more than 95% on dry basis). Neither raw nor extruded proteins had any limiting amino acid, and the RBR and EBR amino acid scores were, respectively, 1.28 (leucine) and 1.25 (methionine plus cystine). Extrusion reduced significantly true protein digestibility from 97.7% to 93.1% (p < 0.001), but protein digestibility-corrected amino acid scores for both proteins (RBR and EBR) were 100%. Animal growth presented comparable profiles using raw and extruded rumen. In conclusion, thermoplastic extrusion did not affect the protein quality of bovine rumen, and this does not hinder the use of this material as a food ingredient. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. Ail rights reserved.


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Amaranth has attracted a great deal of interest in recent decades due to its valuable nutritional, functional, and agricultural characteristics. Amaranth seeds can be cooked, popped, roasted, flaked, or extruded for consumption. This study compared the in vitro starch digestibility of processed amaranth seeds to that of white bread. Raw seeds yielded rapidly digestible starch content (RDS) of 30.7% db and predicted glycemic index (pGI) of 87.2, the lowest among the studied products. Cooked, extruded, and popped amaranth seeds had starch digestibility similar to that of white bread (92.4, 91.2, and 101.3, respectively), while flaked and roasted seeds generated a slightly increased glycemic response (106.0 and 105.8, respectively). Cooking and extrusion did not alter the RDS contents of the seeds. No significant differences were observed among popped, flaked, and roasted RDS contents (38.0%,46.3%, and 42.9%, respectively), which were all lower than RDS content of bread (51.1%). Amaranth seed is a high glycemic food most likely because of its small starch granule size, low resistant starch content (< 1%), and tendency to completely lose its crystalline and granular starch structure during those heat treatments.


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A fortified food that was rich in protein, vitamins and iron made of chickpea, bovine lung and corn was developed with the aim of controlling iron-deficiency anaemia in children from poorer areas. It was tested in Teresina, State of Piaui, Northeastern Brazil, on a population with high anaemia prevalence. Two local daycare units with similar characteristics were selected and the children at one of them received a 30 g pack three times a week, representing a total iron daily intake of 6.96 mg. The other daycare unit was followed as a control. The capillary haemoglobin concentration was determined for the children at both daycare units, at the beginning of the study and after a two-month intervention period. The mean haemoglobin concentration in the test group at the beginning of the intervention was 11.8 g/dL, which increased to 13.1 g/dL at the end of the intervention. In the control group these figures remained practically constant (11.6-11.8 g/dL). These represented a dramatic and significant drop in anaemia prevalence, from 61.5% to 11.5% in the test group, and an insignificant reduction (63.1-57.7%) in the control group. The acceptance of the fortified snack was excellent and no undesirable effects were observed. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Effect of processing on the antioxidant activity of amaranth grain. Amaranth has attracted increasing interest over recent decades because of its nutritional, functional and agricultural characteristics. Amaranth grain can be cooked, popped, toasted, extruded or milled for consumption. This study investigated the effect of these processes on the antioxidant activity of amaranth grain. Total phenolic content and in vitro antioxidant activity were determined according to two methods: inhibition, of lipid oxidation using the beta-carotene/linoleic acid system and the antioxidant activity index using the Rancimat (R) apparatus. The processing reduced the mean total phenolics content in amaranth grain from 31.7 to 22.0 mg of gallic acid equivalent/g of dry residue. It was observed that the ethanol extract from toasted grain was the only one that presented a lower antioxidant activity index compared with the raw grain (1.3 versus 1.7). The extrusion, toasting and popping processes did not change the capacity to inhibit amaranth lipid oxidation (55%). However, cooking increased the inhibition of lipid oxidation (79%), perhaps because of the longer time at high temperatures in this process (100 degrees C/10 min). The most common methods for processing amaranth grain caused reductions in the total phenolics content, although the antioxidant activity of popped and extruded grain, evaluated by the two methods, was similar to that of the raw grain. Both raw and processed amaranth grain presents antioxidant potential. Polyphenols, anthocyanins, flavonoids, tocopherols, vitamin C levels and Maillard reaction products may be related to the antioxidant activity of this grain.


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Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), also referred to as therapeutic laser, has been recommended for a wide array of clinical procedures, among which the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. However, the mechanism that guides this process remains unknown. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effects of LLL irradiation on cell metabolism (MTT assay), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) expression and total protein synthesis. The expression of genes that encode for collagen type-1 (Col-1) and fibronectin (FN) was analyzed by RT-PCR. For such purposes, oclontoblast-like cell line (MDPC-23) was previously cultured in Petri dishes (15000 cells/cm(2)) and submitted to stress conditions during 12 h. Thereafter, 6 applications with a monochromatic near infrared radiation (GaAlAs) set at predetermined parameters were performed at 12-h intervals. Non-irradiated cells served as a control group. Neither the MTT values nor the total protein levels of the irradiated group differed significantly from those of the control group (Mann-Whitney test; p > 0.05). On the other hand, the irradiated cells showed a decrease in ALP activity (Mann-Whitney test; p < 0.05). RT-PCR results demonstrated a trend to a specific reduction in gene expression after cell irradiation, though not significant statistically (Mann-Whitney test; p > 0.05). It may be concluded that, under the tested conditions, the LLLT parameters used in the present study did not influence cell metabolism, but reduced slightly the expression of some specific proteins.


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Defatted rumen protein and soy protein concentrate were extruded in a 15.5:1 L/D single-screw extruder at the optimum conditions for their expansion (150A degrees C and 35% moisture, and 130A degrees C and 35% moisture, respectively). Emulsions were produced with these proteins and studied by rheology and time domain low-resolution (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (TD-NMR). Extrusion increased storage modulus of rumen protein emulsions. The opposite was observed for soy protein. Mechanical relaxation showed the existence of three relaxing components in the emulsions whose relative contributions were changed by extrusion. Likewise, spin-spin relaxation time constants (T (2)) measured by TD-NMR also showed three major distinct populations of protons in respect to their mobility that were also altered by extrusion. Extrusion increased surface hydrophobicity of both rumen and soy protein. Solubility of rumen protein increased with extrusion whereas soy protein had its solubility decreased after processing. Extrusion promoted molecular reorganization of protein, increasing its superficial hydrophobicity, affecting its interfacial properties and improving its emulsifying behavior. The results show that extrusion can promote the use of rumen, a by-product waste from the meat industry, in human nutrition by replacing soy protein in food emulsions.


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Herein we describe a procedure for measuring the total light emission of the naturally bioluminescent tropical fungus Gerronema viridilucens and the optimization of culture conditions using multivariate factorial ANOVA. Cultures growing on an agar surface in 35 mm Petri dishes at 90% humidity show optimal bioluminescence emission at 25 degrees C in the presence of 1.0% sugar cane molasses, 0.10% yeast extract and pH 6.0 (nonbuffered). Temperature and pH are the most important factors for both mycelial growth and bioluminescence.


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Treated sisal fibers were used as reinforcement of polypropylene (PP) composites, with maleic anhydride-grafted PP (MAPP) as coupling agent. The composites were made by melting processing of PP with the fiber in a heated roller followed by multiple extrusions in a single-screw extruder. Injection molded specimens were produced for the characterization of the material. In order to improve the adhesion between fiber and matrix and to eliminate odorous substances, sisal fibers were treated with boiling water and with NaOH solutions at 3 and 10 wt.%. The mechanical properties of the composites were assessed by tensile, bend and impact tests. Additionally, the morphology of the composites and the adhesion at he fiber-matrix interface were analyzed by SEM. The fiber treatment led to very light and odorless materials, with yields of 95, 74 and 62 wt.% for treatments with hot water, 3 and 10 wt.% soda solution respectively. Fiber treatment caused an appreciable change in fiber characteristics, yet the mechanical properties under tensile and flexural tests were not influenced by that treatment. Only the impact strength increased in the composites with alkali-treated sisal fibers.