749 resultados para Literature education
This paper is a literature review of articles published from 1992 to 2002 in the American Journal of Health Education using critical race theory as a lens of analysis of culture differences in healthcare.
Smaller class sizes have a positive impact on student achievement but Florida struggles with the problem of how to achieve smaller classes. Through a review of the literature, this paper discusses some of the programs currently used across the US, with the focus on Florida. Conclusions and implications are presented.
This study investigated human resource development (HRD) in Russian enterprises, U.S. firms in Russia, or U.S.-Russian joint ventures. Thirty-three articles were selected through a database search and examined using content analysis. Emerging themes included workers’ knowledge and skills, training practices, organizational involvement, responsibility, and communication, and leadership styles.
The last twenty years have been a period of growth in education development, development ethics, and female leadership studies. Literature indicates meaningful connections between these disciplines and points towards reassessment of obstacles to systemic change. A new term enpowerment is coined to define a proposed framework for ethical development practice.
Gender stereotypes pervade children’s literature. This action research project sought to alter stereotypical perceptions of gender roles held by a classroom of urban elementary school students through the introduction of nontraditional gender role literature. Results suggested that some stereotypical perceptions could be altered through utilization and discussion of such literature.
Although bilingual education has never enjoyed widespread support in the USA, several models can be distinguished for language minority students: transitional bilingual education, dual language (or two-way immersion) programs, and speech community models. In this literature review, these models are examined to determine which is the most effective.
Adolescents are at the greatest risk for victimization and perpetration of sexual assault. This paper examines the current trends in literacy education which marginalize aesthetic reading experiences and using reader response theory, and argues that young adult literature may provide an opportunity to reduce rape myth acceptance in adolescents.
This research creates a literature review. It investigates the viability of a using Foucauldian critical analysis in creating an educational history. It examines historical methods in education and Foucauldian theory looking for commonalities and offers suggestions on the usage of Foucault in creating history in education.
Sexiles in the Classroom: Understanding Intersectionalities of Sexuality, Immigration, and Education
This paper presents an overview of literature on adult educators who are both queer and immigrant. Although very little scholarly writing exists, several scholars describe the experiences of queer immigrants as being anchored to systemic heteronormativity. Additionally, the experiences of immigrant adult educators suggest difficult encounters with racism and sexism.
Bullying is a pervasive phenomenon. This study examined what teachers think encourages bullying among young people, and what effects teachers believe reader response strategies would have on their students. The study found teachers implementing reader response strategies in discussing literature were able to influence behavior in students and reduce bullying.
The purpose of this literature review was to find out how organizational culture has been studied within the Academy of Human Resource Development from 1994 to 2005 by examining how authors defined organizational culture and their research purposes.
The dilemma of securing a special education teacher supply is a critical issue. Understanding causes of attrition is vital to addressing the problem. This review analyzes literature and identifies factors for teacher retention/attrition while overlaying the concept of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to understand this phenomenon from a psychological perspective.
Authentic assessments provide an alternative to informal and formal assessments which may reduce the number of African Americans in special education programs. This literature review will explore the use of authentic assessment for at risk students in special education programs in urban settings.
The purpose of this paper is to draw on research that discusses the relationship between interest and metacognitive functions and its effect on engaging students in the writing process. Results indicate students who are interested in their writing activities engage in metacognitive strategies, remain focused, and complete their tasks.