719 resultados para Health Outcomes


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Antecedentes: Los factores de Riesgo psicosocial según la resolución 2646 de 2008 “comprenden los aspectos intralaborales, extralaborales o externos a la organización y las condiciones individuales o características intrínsecas al trabajador, los cuales en una interrelación dinámica, mediante percepciones y experiencias, influirían en la salud y el desempeño de las personas”. El objetivo del estudio es establecer la prevalencia de factores de riesgo psicosocial y la asociación existente en la población trabajadora del área administrativa y asistencial, en una empresa del sector salud nivel II, Yopal, 2014 Materiales y método: Se diseñó un estudio de corte transversal para establecer la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo psicosocial en una población de 92 trabajadores del área administrativa (50) y asistencial (42) en una empresa del sector salud nivel II en Yopal, por medio de la batería de Riesgo Psicosocial del Ministerio de la Protección Social. Resultados: Se realizó un análisis multivariado, se puede afirmar con un nivel de confianza del 95% que en la población de estudio, la prevalencia de riesgo intralaboral en la población administrativa está entre el 9,5% y 34,5% y en los trabajadores del área asistencial entre el 9,7% y el 37,9%. El riesgo extralaboral en el área administrativa está entre el 4,8% y el 27,2%, en el área asistencial la prevalencia está entre el 1,5% y el 19,5%. La prevalencia de Riesgo de Estrés se encuentra en la población administrativa entre el 29,2% y el 58,8% y en el área asistencial entre el 17,9% y el 48,8%. Se encontró una asociación (p = 0,007) entre estado civil y riesgo intralaboral en la población asistencial, entre tipo de vivienda y nivel de estres (p= 0,003) en la población administrativa, y entre número de personas a cargo económicamente y riesgo extralaboral (p=0,004) en el área asistencial. Discusión: La prevalencia de riesgo psicosocial es evidente en las dos áreas de trabajo tanto administrativos como asistenciales, sin embargo se encuentra una prevalencia mayor de riesgo en el área asistencial en la dimensión exigencias del rol dado a un incremento en la responsabilidad y tiempo extra que se debe realizar para el desarrollo de tareas y su cumplimiento ante el rol desempeñado; los resultados permiten implementar programas de vigilancia epidemiológica que permitan mitigar y controlar los hallazgos en este estudio.


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Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del Síndrome de Burnout en personal de los servicios de urgencias en una institución prestadora de servicios de salud de baja complejidad de Neiva. Antecedentes: El Síndrome de Burnout es una respuesta inadecuada al estrés laboral crónico cuyas características principales son: altos niveles de agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y baja realización personal. La prevalencia a nivel mundial de este síndrome en personal de salud varía entre 2,2% y 69,2%. Método: estudio de corte transversal. A una muestra de 90 trabajadores (médicos, enfermeras y auxiliares de enfermería) en una Empresa Social del Estado de baja complejidad de la ciudad de Neiva se le aplicó cuestionario auto administrado compuesto por dos instrumentos validados (Maslach Burnout Inventory y la Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo). Resultados: La prevalencia de Síndrome de Burnout fue 3,3% (n=3) (niveles elevados en las tres características simultáneamente); 11,1% (n=10) de agotamiento emocional, 20% (n=18) despersonalización y 10% (n=9) baja realización personal. No se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre las condiciones de empleo y trabajo con el Síndrome en mención. Conclusión: Laborar en servicios de urgencias confrontan al trabajador a exigencias para el cumplimiento de su tarea, así como también a relaciones sociales estresantes. Factores como el grado de autonomía y de control, el apoyo social en el trabajo, asociado a relaciones personales positivas y una alta funcionalidad familiar podrían mediar como protectores o moduladores del Síndrome de Burnout.


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La presente investigación surge en el programa de Bienestar y Calidad de Vida suscrito a la Línea de Liderazgo en la Escuela de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario, con el objetivo de describir si las subdimensiones de la calidad de la atención percibida guardan relación con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en los pacientes participantes en Estudios Clínicos en la Institución Prestadora de Servicios de Salud IDEARG SAS, considerando si los factores sociodemográficos se constituyen en mediadores de esta relación. Esta investigación plantea un estudio descriptivo correlacional, en el que a partir de la utilización de los cuestionarios PECASUSS, Percepción de la Calidad según Usuarios del Servicio de Salud, y SF36 de Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud, se lleve a cabo un procesamiento estadístico descriptivo en el software SPSS 21, y con ello se evidencie la correlación entre la calidad de atención percibida y la calidad de vida en salud. Para su desarrollo se abordaran cinco capítulos. El primero engloba el proyecto de trabajo de grado propuesto, el segundo capítulo refiere a la descripción de las subdimensiones que componen la Calidad de la Atención Percibida y de los índices y dominios que a la Calidad de Vida relacionada con la Salud atañen; en el tercer capítulo se evidencia la relación entre los datos sociodemográficos de los participantes y, por un lado, la Calidad de la Atención Percibida y, por otro lado, la Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud; enseguida en el cuarto capítulo se describen las relaciones emergentes entre los dominios de la calidad de vida relacionados con la salud y las subdimensiones de la calidad de la atención en salud percibida; en un quinto capítulo se discuten las correlaciones que describen la existencia de relación entre la Calidad de la Atención Percibida y la Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud; y finalmente se da cierre al trabajo con las conclusiones y recomendaciones.


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Examina la relación entre los niveles de actividad física (AF) de forma objetiva, la condición física (CF) y el tiempo de exposición a pantallas en niños y adolescentes de Bogotá, Colombia.


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RESUMEN Introducción: El EQ-5D-Y proxy es un cuestionario genérico, de fácil comprensión y aplicación, que evalúa distintas dimensiones de la salud percibida. El objetivo del siguiente estudio fue describir por autoreporte la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) en una población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en 3.245 niños y 3.354 adolescentes, entre 9 y 17.9 años de edad, de 24 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá, Colombia. Se aplicó de manera auto-administrada la versión validada al castellano por Olivares et al. (2009) del instrumento de CVRS infantil EQ-5D-Y proxy. Se analizaron los datos por medidas de tendencia central y se realizó una comparación de los observados en Colombia con estudios internacionales. Resultados: De la población evaluada, el 58,3% (n=3.848), fueron mujeres. En general, se observa puntuaciones elevadas en la CVRS en niños y adolescentes de ambos sexos. Al comparar por género, las dimensiones del EQ-5D-Y proxy “sentirse triste/preocupado o infeliz” y “tener dolor/malestar”, presentaron la mayor frecuencia de repuesta en el grupo de las mujeres. Al comparar los resultados de este estudio, por grupos de edad, con trabajos internacionales de niños y adolescentes, se observa que las puntuaciones del EQ-5D-Y proxy fueron superiores a los reportados en Suráfrica, Alemania e Italia. Conclusión: Se presentan valores de la CVRS según edad y sexo que podrán ser usados en la evaluación de la salud percibida en el ámbito escolar. Se hace necesario evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del EQ-5D-Y proxy en población Colombiana.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar el Programa Conjunto de UNFPA y UNICEF sobre MGF/E en Kenia bajo la luz de los postulados poscolonialistas. Partiendo de la idea de que la MGF es una manifestación de las desigualdades de género, se argumenta que el PC reproduce la imagen de la mujer keniana como una víctima del poder masculino. A partir de esta imagen se deslegitima el orden cultural de los grupos que siguen esta tradición, afectando las lógicas de unidad y cohesión de la sociedad. El análisis de este tipo de dinámicas permite comprender mejor los procesos de intervención de las organizaciones internacionales sobre las estructuras sociales de actores frágiles del sistema internacional.


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How do resource booms affect human capital accumulation? We exploit time and spatial variation generated by the commodity boom across local governments in Peru to measure the effect of natural resources on human capital formation. We explore the effect of both mining production and tax revenues on test scores, finding a substantial and statistically significant effect for the latter. Transfers to local governments from mining tax revenues are linked to an increase in math test scores of around 0.23 standard deviations. We find that the hiring of permanent teachers as well as the increases in parental employment and improvements in health outcomes of adults and children are plausible mechanisms for such large effect on learning. These findings suggest that redistributive policies could facilitate the accumulation of human capital in resource abundant developing countries as a way to avoid the natural resources curse.


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The community pharmacy service medicines use review (MUR) was introduced in 2005 ‘to improve patient knowledge, concordance and use of medicines’ through a private patient–pharmacist consultation. The MUR presents a fundamental change in community pharmacy service provision. While traditionally pharmacists are dispensers of medicines and providers of medicines advice, and patients as recipients, the MUR considers pharmacists providing consultation-type activities and patients as active participants. The MUR facilitates a two-way discussion about medicines use. Traditional patient–pharmacist behaviours transform into a new set of behaviours involving the booking of appointments, consultation processes and form completion, and the physical environment of the patient–pharmacist interaction moves from the traditional setting of the dispensary and medicines counter to a private consultation room. Thus, the new service challenges traditional identities and behaviours of the patient and the pharmacist as well as the environment in which the interaction takes place. In 2008, the UK government concluded there is at present too much emphasis on the quantity of MURs rather than on their quality.[1] A number of plans to remedy the perceived imbalance included a suggestion to reward ‘health outcomes’ achieved, with calls for a more focussed and scientific approach to the evaluation of pharmacy services using outcomes research. Specifically, the UK government set out the main principal research areas for the evaluation of pharmacy services to include ‘patient and public perceptions and satisfaction’as well as ‘impact on care and outcomes’. A limited number of ‘patient satisfaction with pharmacy services’ type questionnaires are available, of varying quality, measuring dimensions relating to pharmacists’ technical competence, behavioural impressions and general satisfaction. For example, an often cited paper by Larson[2] uses two factors to measure satisfaction, namely ‘friendly explanation’ and ‘managing therapy’; the factors are highly interrelated and the questions somewhat awkwardly phrased, but more importantly, we believe the questionnaire excludes some specific domains unique to the MUR. By conducting patient interviews with recent MUR recipients, we have been working to identify relevant concepts and develop a conceptual framework to inform item development for a Patient Reported Outcome Measure questionnaire bespoke to the MUR. We note with interest the recent launch of a multidisciplinary audit template by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) in an attempt to review the effectiveness of MURs and improve their quality.[3] This template includes an MUR ‘patient survey’. We will discuss this ‘patient survey’ in light of our work and existing patient satisfaction with pharmacy questionnaires, outlining a new conceptual framework as a basis for measuring patient satisfaction with the MUR. Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the NHS Surrey Research Ethics Committee on 2 June 2008. References 1. Department of Health (2008). Pharmacy in England: Building on Strengths – Delivering the Future. London: HMSO. www. official-documents.gov.uk/document/cm73/7341/7341.pdf (accessed 29 September 2009). 2. Larson LN et al. Patient satisfaction with pharmaceutical care: update of a validated instrument. JAmPharmAssoc 2002; 42: 44–50. 3. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (2009). Pharmacy Medicines Use Review – Patient Audit. London: RPSGB. http:// qi4pd.org.uk/index.php/Medicines-Use-Review-Patient-Audit. html (accessed 29 September 2009).


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Nutrigenetics and personalised nutrition are components of the concept that in the future genotyping will be used as a means of defining dietary recommendations to suit the individual. Over the last two decades there has been an explosion of research in this area, with often conflicting findings reported in the literature. Reviews of the literature in the area of apoE genotype and cardiovascular health, apoA5 genotype and postprandial lipaemia and perilipin and adiposity are used to demonstrate the complexities of genotype-phenotype associations and the aetiology of apparent between-study inconsistencies in the significance and size of effects. Furthermore, genetic research currently often takes a very reductionist approach, examining the interactions between individual genotypes and individual disease biomarkers and how they are modified by isolated dietary components or foods. Each individual possesses potentially hundreds of 'at-risk' gene variants and consumes a highly-complex diet. In order for nutrigenetics to become a useful public health tool, there is a great need to use mathematical and bioinformatic tools to develop strategies to examine the combined impact of multiple gene variants on a range of health outcomes and establish how these associations can be modified using combined dietary strategies.


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This paper provides an overview of analytical techniques used to determine isoflavones (IFs) in foods and biological fluids with main emphasis on sample preparation methods. Factors influencing the content of IFs in food including processing and natural variability are summarized and an insight into IF databases is given. Comparisons of dietary intake of IFs in Asian and Western populations, in special subgroups like vegetarians, vegans, and infants are made and our knowledge on their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion by the human body is presented. The influences of the gut microflora, age, gender, background diet, food matrix, and the chemical nature of the IFs on the metabolism of IFs are described. Potential mechanisms by which IFs may exert their actions are reviewed, and genetic polymorphism as determinants of biological response to soy IFs is discussed. The effects of IFs on a range of health outcomes including atherosclerosis, breast, intestinal, and prostate cancers, menopausal symptoms, bone health, and cognition are reviewed on the basis of the available in vitro, in vivo animal and human data.


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Current intakes of very long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are low in most individuals living in Western countries. A good natural source of these fatty acids is seafood, especially oily fish. Fish oil capsules contain these fatty acids also. Very long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are readily incorporated from capsules into transport (blood lipids), functional (cell and tissue), and storage (adipose) pools. This incorporation is dose-dependent and follows a kinetic pattern that is characteristic for each pool. At sufficient levels of incorporation, EPA and DHA influence the physical nature of cell membranes and membrane protein-mediated responses, lipid-mediator generation, cell signaling, and gene expression in many different cell types. Through these mechanisms, EPA and DHA influence cell and tissue physiology and the way cells and tissues respond to external signals. In most cases the effects seen are compatible with improvements in disease biomarker profiles or health-related outcomes. As a result, very long-chain omega-3 fatty acids play a role in achieving optimal health and in protection against disease. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids not only protect against cardiovascular morbidity but also against mortality. In some conditions, for example rheumatoid arthritis, they may be beneficial as therapeutic agents. On the basis of the recognized health improvements brought about by long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, recommendations have been made to increase their intake. The plant omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), can be converted to EPA, but conversion to DHA appears to be poor in humans. Effects of ALA on human health-related outcomes appear to be due to conversion to EPA, and since this is limited, moderately increased consumption of ALA may be of little benefit in improving health outcomes compared with increased intake of preformed EPA + DHA.


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The human gut microbiota is increasingly recognized as playing a central role in human health and disease. This dichotomous relationship with the host forms a central theme in this review, which addresses how we may divert the gut microbiota away from some of its more harmful activities towards beneficial interactions with the human host. We describe the concept of prebiotics, which use specific dietary carbohydrates to increase the numbers of what are seen as beneficial bacteria within the colon, in a selective manner. Specifically, the use of β(2-1) fructans or inulin in general, and certain of its fractions in particular as prebiotics, will be described. Prebiotic fructans constitute efficacious functional foods and there is strong evidence supporting the selectivity of their fermentation within the human gut microbiota, resulting in an increase in the relative numbers of Bifidobacterium spp. There is also considerable evidence, mainly from animal studies but also in humans, that dietary supplementation with prebiotic fructans, through modulation of the microbiota, plays a protective role in colon cancer, heart disease and bone health. However, the mechanisms by which this prebiotic microbiota modulation mediates such diverse health outcomes remain unclear. The future challenge facing the field of prebiotic functional foods will be the elucidation of these mechanisms of action. Recent high resolution bioomics technologies, especially metabonomics, provide the tools necessary to define the metabolic consequences of prebiotic microbiota modulation.


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Two experiments investigated effects of active processing of risk information on participants' understanding and judgments. It was hypothesized that more active processing would lead to better understanding and differences in affective judgments (e.g. increased satisfaction and reduced perceived risk to health). In both experiments participants were given a written scenario about their being prescribed a fictitious medication. This medication was said to cause side effects in 2% of people who took it. Before answering a series of written questions, participants in the active conditions of both experiments were asked to carry out a reflective task (portraying the size of risk on a bar chart in Experiment 1 and answering a reflective question in Experiment 2). The results showed that active participants rated the likelihood of experiencing possible side effects significantly lower than passive participants (Experiment 1), and that active participants were significantly more satisfied with the information and judged perceived risk to health from taking the medication significantly lower than passive participants (Experiment 2). In both experiments, active participants were significantly more correct in their probability and frequency estimates. The studies demonstrate that active processing of risk information leads to improved understanding of the information given. This has important implications for risk communication. In the context of health, better understanding should lead to improved decision-making and health outcomes. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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This chapter compares the risks of chronic disease, and cardiovascular disease in particular, associated with consumption of different saturated fatty acids. Emphasis is placed on the effects of stearic acid as this has potential to replace trans fatty acids in certain manufactured food products. The chapter first reviews the effects of individual saturated fatty acids on blood lipids, including cholesterol, as these are commonly used as markers of disease risk. It then looks directly at evidence in relation to health outcomes. Finally, recent evidence specifically on the effect of stearic acid relative to other fatty acids, including trans fatty acids, is summarised.


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Abstract Objective: To systematically review the available evidence on whether national or international agricultural policies that directly affect the price of food influence the prevalence rates of undernutrition or nutrition-related chronic disease in children and adults. Design: Systematic review. Setting: Global. Search strategy: We systematically searched five databases for published literature (MEDLINE, EconLit, Agricola, AgEcon Search, Scopus) and systematically browsed other databases and relevant organisational websites for unpublished literature. Reference lists of included publications were hand-searched for additional relevant studies. We included studies that evaluated or simulated the effects of national or international food-price-related agricultural policies on nutrition outcomes reporting data collected after 1990 and published in English. Primary and secondary outcomes: Prevalence rates of undernutrition (measured with anthropometry or clinical deficiencies) and overnutrition (obesity and nutrition-related chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease and diabetes). Results: We identified a total of four relevant reports; two ex post evaluations and two ex ante simulations. A study from India reported on the undernutrition rates in children, and the other three studies from Egypt, the Netherlands and the USA reported on the nutrition related chronic disease outcomes in adults. Two of the studies assessed the impact of policies that subsidised the price of agricultural outputs and two focused on public food distribution policies. The limited evidence base provided some support for the notion that agricultural policies that change the prices of foods at a national level can have an effect on population-level nutrition and health outcomes. Conclusions: A systematic review of the available literature suggests that there is a paucity of robust direct evidence on the impact of agricultural price policies on nutrition and health.