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In Brazil, constitutional clauses regarding religious freedom have concrete applications in Private Law. Church-State Law, or "Ecclesiastical Law of the State," studies the legal principles which may be applicable to religious activity, exercised individually and collectively. The study of Church-State Law in Brazil lacks a thorough introduction to the constitutional and civil aspects of religious organizations: such an introduction is the main end of this work. Following a brief introduction, the main aspects of religious freedom and the principle of private autonomy as it concerns religious organizations are explained. A careful introductory analysis of Church-State Law in Brazil is thus developed: (1) the historical aspects, including a detailed account of the relations between Catholicism, the established religion up to 1889, and the government; (2) the current constitutional principles, as presented in the text of the federal Constitution of 1988, regarding the rights and claims of religious organizations; (3) how the same constitutional principles are to be used in the interpretation of Private Law (especially the Civil Code of 2002), fostering and preserving the uniqueness of religious organizations in the Brazilian legal system. A brief complementary chapter presents some aspects of the legal position of religious institutions in three other nations whose constitutional documents have influenced the current Brazilian federal Constitution (France, Spain, and the United States)
Os Direitos Humanos, compreendidos como o conjunto de direitos indispensáveis à efetivação da dignidade humana, encontram-se, atualmente, no centro das discussões e relações jurídicas internacionais e nacionais. Seu amplo reconhecimento em nível mundial e a universalização de seus preceitos centrais alçaram o Direito Internacional a um nível de evolução e de relacionamento com o Direito Constitucional que se mostram impassíveis de serem ignorados pelas jurisdições nacionais. Encontrando-se tais direitos na base do constitucionalismo moderno, o que os mantém em estreito relacionamento com o pluralismo e a democracia, faz-se imperioso recordar-se que as noções jurídicas que os animam serviram de base histórica e genética ao reconhecimento e à positivação, em nível constitucional, dos assim chamados direitos fundamentais. Em sintonia com a especial deferência que se tem ofertado aos direitos humanos na sociedade contemporânea global, nossa Constituição positivou entre os princípios regentes de suas relações internacionais ordem expressa de prevalente respeito aos tratados internacionais estabelecedores desses direitos, além de ter possibilitado a recepção desses pactos em nosso ordenamento jurídico, inclusive a título de preceitos constitucionais, conforme Emenda Constitucional n. 45/2004. Esse tratamento especial, além do processo democrático que conduziu o Brasil a uma progressiva aceitação dos tratados, pactos e convenções humanitários, torna possível a conclusão de que os Direitos Humanos apresentam elementos de diferencial carga legitimadora, podendo contribuir, significativamente para, a legitimação democrática de nossa Jurisdição Constitucional. Também é possível perceber-se que, ocorrente em esferas de poder e de legitimação diversos, em particular a nível internacional, a importância conferida aos Direitos Humanos não resta esvaziada pela ampla proteção constitucional conferida aos direitos fundamentais. Particularmente questionada em sua perspectiva democrática, mormente ante o cumprimento da nominada regra contramajoritária e em face da crescente ampliação de seu poder político, nossa Jurisdição Constitucional não pode mais permanecer alheia aos condicionantes determinados pelas amplas imbricações que se desenvolveram no estreitamento de relações entre o Direito Constitucional e o Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos. Também a crise dogmática ditada pelo distanciamento havido entre o direito posto e a realidade nacional tem implicado em inegável desgaste público da atividade jurisdicional, principalmente da jurisdição voltada à proteção constitucional. O papel da Jurisdição Constitucional atual há, portanto, de ser cumprido em sintonia com as normas internacionais de Direitos Humanos, principalmente em respeito às normas constitucionais pátrias que ordenam a prevalência desses direitos nas relações internacionais. Nesse sentido, pode e necessita nossa Jurisdição Constitucional valer-se do particular potencial legitimador das normas definidoras de Direitos Humanos, reconhecendo e efetivando tais normas e adequando-se às tendências modernas que a elas conferem especial proteção, num processo dialético de inolvidável natureza democrática
The Brazilian tax structure has specific characteristics and the performance level of government. The autonomy given to municipalities to manage their activities after the 1988 Constitution, made them highly dependent on intergovernmental transfers of resources, revealing the fragility of the administrative capacity of these entities. The vertical gap revealed by the constitutional structure of the Brazilian fiscal federalism model contributes to the formation of this specific feature that you are eroding the tax base and the ability of municipal own revenues. Although there was a better regulation of these transfers after the enactment of the Fiscal Responsibility Law, it is observed that the amount of resources transferred to the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte is very high and is the main source of revenue of municipalities. In light of the theory of federalism and fiscal decentralization, in particular, the theories related to intergovernmental transfers, we seek to diagnose the transfers from the systematization of information on the origin, destination and value. We used the econometric model of System Dynamic Panel GMM in making the diagnosis and verification of the impact of transfers on public finances of the municipalities of the newborn, associated with a review in light of the theory of fiscal federalism and intergovernmental transfers. The paper presents some proposals for the transfer system and the composition of spending in order to contribute to greater tax efficiency
To the we assume the disciplines of the area of Literacy of the course of Pedagogy, our intention has been the one of working the literacy, the reading and the writing as alive processes, as social practices inserted in the history, continuators of the subjectivity, done in the culture and producing of culture. The importance of the course of Pedagogy in the teachers' formation is unquestionable; however our goal is to highlight, in this work, the paper of that course in the formation of the teacher alphabetized, while mediator of the literacy process with an inclusive vision. In that to walk, it appeared us the following subject: which the contributions and the gaps theoretical-practices - of degree courses in Pedagogy - experienced for the exits of that course, in the specific pedagogic work of alphabetizing children, young adult and/or our study aims at to investigate, under the perspective of teachers alphabetizer licensed in courses of Pedagogy, the contributions and the theoretical-practical gaps of those courses, in the formation of the educator alphabetizer. In this sense, our work if it bases on the presuppositions of the qualitative investigation that leaves of the foundation that there is a dynamic relationship among the real and subjective world, an alive interdependence between subject and object, an entail indissoluble between the objective world and the subjective (CHIZZOTTI, 1998, p.79). The research is characterized as a descriptive and interpretative study and for the collection of data; the questionnaire, the semi-structured interview and the documental analysis were used. We took the following providences for the choice of Locus and of the subject of the research: it visits to the schools; compatibility of the criteria previously defined for choice of Locus and of the Subjects. For the choice of those schools, we defined the following criteria: that, in your individuality / totality, they were located in integral neighborhoods of, at least three of the four administrative areas of the city of Natal; that, in your individuality / totality, they contemplated the public spheres and private of attendance; that, in the year of accomplishment of the research - 2004 - they were offering infantile education and/or fundamental teaching; this last one gone back to the children of the initial years and/or for the youth and adult of the first levels of the modality of EJA; and that made possible the researcher's access. Front to the particularities of our study object and considering the criteria of choice of the locus, four public schools and three private schools were selected. Like this being, in those schools, we would look for the subject of our work that they would owe: 1) to be working, in 2004, with children's literacy, youths or adults: they as teacher (the), it as coordinator (the) that guides teachers alphabetizer, in public schools or peculiar of the city of the Natal-RN; 2) to be exit (the) of the degree course in Pedagogy, supplied by institutions of superior level (public or matters) of the city of the Natal-RN; 3) to have concluded your course of Pedagogy in the period of 1990-2004; 4) to have, at least, 01(one) year of experience in literacy rooms (TARDIF, 2002). The subjects interviewees concluded your courses of Pedagogy, in the period from 1990 to 2004, in institutions different from the city of Natal/RN, being five to the whole: two public IES and three deprived IES. Of the analysis of the data, the theme emerged, ' teacher's Alphabetizer Educational Formation in Courses of Pedagogy', with the following categories: contributions of the courses of Pedagogy; More important disciplines in the educational formation; Areas / Aspects lacunars of the courses of Pedagogy. The pedagogic practice of the teacher alphabetizer demands a formation from him found in you know educational, requested in the children's literacy, youths and adults. In that work, we defended the thesis that the course of Pedagogy is the locus, par excellence, for that formation, in spite of possible structural limitations and curricular of the referred course. In spite of the countless contributions of the pedagogy course for the formation of the teacher alphabetizer, our data appear for the need of a revision of the proposals curricular of that course, getting the attention for the importance of a proposal formation curricular more gone back to the literacy process / literate and for the social inclusion. We thought that, although insufficient, the teacher's formation in that perspective is a fundamental condition for a practice pedagogic alphabetizer to be promoted, in fact, inclusive and promoter of the school success
This project has resulted from a reunion between me and two teachers with whom I had already worked, pedagogically counseling them during the execution of the Project of Youngsters and Adults Schooling at the Agrarian Reform Settlements in the State of Sergipe (PAJA/PRONERA) between 2002 and 2003. The matter that really motivated the research was related to the essential principle that guided the accomplishment of the PAJA s teachers education and professionalization: understanding their reality and knowing their needs, promoting the dialogue between scientific and common sense knowledge. Taking as a reference the fact that the teachers education is not restricted to the academic qualification, that is, that it is a part of the educational process, which, in turn, is a result of each one s personal background, dialectically individual and collective, the access to the teachers reality and needs was accomplished by studying their backgrounds, especially their school and professional career. They, inevitably, focused themselves on the country life s social and cultural context, that could be better understood by living together with the teachers during the twenty-seven days I stayed in the Golfo s settlement, located in the town named Pacatuba/SE. The approach to the teachers lives through their stories and the daily contact proved how much Science is still distant from the peasants routine, sometimes being presented to them as a finished product . That way, the dialog between those two categories and the expectation of the country life s social and cultural conditions, together with the education, in which teachers have an essential role, still remain as a challenge
This proposal is to search, investigate practical experience in environmental education for the construction of Local Agenda 21, in the municipality of Maxaranguape-RN, attended that brought together various subject and collective social actors of civil society organizations, among them, the Center for Education and Advice Herbert de Souza - CEAHS (NGOs who serves on the council since 1999), associations of farmers and farmers in areas of settlements, teachers / as, groups of women and young people, entrepreneurs, public power, the German partner entities IBAMA. INCRA, BNB in the project of Agenda 21. They are members and participants, constituents of the Permanent Forum of Agenda 21, the main actor privileged in the search. As an object of study to identify the limits and scope of this practice, with regard to aspects of awareness / participation and awaken to an awareness of critical social subjects in the collective social and environmental perspective. The study seeks to investigate if this experience has allowed the individual and collective social subjects, understand and act in their daily life, as the changes in attitudes postures, and expand their interests to participate in various public spaces this intention, is considered the educational activities made with the principles of environmental education in the construction of Agenda 21 that have contributed in raising awareness / participation of social actors of the Permanent Forum of Agenda 21. While reference methodology, the research focuses on theoretical design Freireana with relevance on the dimensions of dialogue, critical thinking and the human dimension comprising the act as educational practice of freedom, the prospect of human emancipation and social transformation of reality, and bring other thinkers as, Carvalho (2004), Trigueiro (2003), Days (2004), among others. The investigation of this practice points to the subject of education, which ECOCIENCIA to install the Agenda 21 and its effect on demand under municipal, German, providing a change of attitudes and postures and certainly, generating a new look and act in the world, broadening their interests and desires of inserting themselves, to participate in public spheres, particularly in establishing relations with dialogical criticality with the authorities and face the demands socio-environmental locations.
This thesis aims to build a panoramic analysis with the intention of providing the theoretical initial a thought articulated educational of podcast, a technology orality distributed demand. This joint search considering the various spheres that educational technology in Brazilian use, both in school and non-school contexts, including scenarios and distance. This study unites questions addressed piecemeal in the area to new perspectives about the podcast, in order to characterize its nature, examining such technology from a perspective of educational technology itself, as well as unveiling its main potentials and implications. The survey was conducted from the combined use of quantitative and qualitative categories, with emphasis on the last one. The method of participant observation was followed by immersion of the researcher in the audience groups of Brazilians podcasts. Data collection with sources held in non-school contexts, from a look at targeted interactions given the blogs of Brazilian productions, as well as from open-ended interviews with producers - made online - besides giving themselves from the hearing itself about five hundred podcasts of Brazil. In the school context, the research focused on a literature review of the literature of the study area. Were added to the corpus described statistics derived mainly from "Podpesquisa 2009," Numerical major survey on the use of podcasts in Brazil. The articulation and analysis of the collected data, we used the concept of Education Paulo Freire (1971, 1987), so that, understanding it as synonymous to communication - understood this concept in Freire - were able to reveal the various ramifications educational podcast Brazilian atmosphere permeated by a dialogic between its participants. Moreover, the ideas of Célestin Freinet (1998) about the cooperation, while education practice, conducted the analyzes productive technology addressed in this work. The philosophical thought of Andrew Feenberg (2003) on the notion of "technologies" buoyed technological design elaborate. Such consideration provided the foundation for the reflections and proposals offered in this study, which, in the characterization of the oral nature of the podcast - especially their version for the deaf - appropriated the placements Luis Antonio Marcuschi (2001) about the relationship between orality and writing. In addition to these references, several other authors were considered, dealing with issues that pervade the theme here delimited, contemplating discussions on topics such as educational interest, online production, inclusive education, among other aspects. At the end, there was the podcast as a technology, while still reproducing social asymmetries Brazilian fairly directed at promoting mitigations hierarchical and open production in digital orality promotes. In view of its technical and educational implications in national use, the technology study has revealed potential relevant to the sophistication of teaching practices with orality, in various contexts, and proved adequate to serve as a motto to the revision of school practices, to even the very role of the school. This, by the prospects unveiled here, can, through the podcast, mitigate their questions reproductivist to constitute themselves as under privileged communication, boosted by critical rescue and sophistication of management through the most basic education component: speech
Through the examination of official indicators, it can be observed that writing is pointed out as one of the main problems concerning formal basic education. However, this teaching-learning object is one of the central objectives at school, having an essential role in different curricular components as well as in the interaction demands required by society. Such paradox indicates, therefore, the relevance of investigations which analyze the intrinsic elements of child development as written text producer. Hence, the main purpose of this research consists of analyzing the treatment given to the types of discourse and the teaching situations in which the written text are produced, concerning Portuguese language didactic material collections approved by Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD 2010) the Brazilian program of didactic book and worked at elementary school. Such materials correspond to the collections adopted in municipal education system schools from Natal, RN which were below the official education indicator IDEB 2009. Thus, the questions that guide this work are: 1. During writing production lessons, is the diversity of types of discourse effectively worked on didactic collections? 2. Which are the types of discourse and the social spheres prioritized when teaching writing production? 3. How is the situation addressed in the production of the written text should be produced? For this research, we retook the authors Bakhtin, Bunzen, Faraco, Freire, Rodrigues, Rojo, Schneuwly e Dolz and we made a list of all types of discourse and spheres contemplated in the propositions of the writing production in didactical books, concerning the eight collections which compounds the first moment of analysis. Then, we verified how the situation of production is oriented by examining two didactic collections if and how they express the elements referring to the social-historical, functional and linguistic-discursive context of the text to be produced. The data obtained indicate: lack of diversification of types of discourse in the collection that compounds the Aggregate Sample of the research; the conception of a diversity based on the didactic of visiting; the recognition of all canonical and hegemonic types of text as one of the privileged objects of study; the centralization on the standard variety of the language and the devaluation of the representative types of cultural diversity; the shortage of productions which retrace to written language related to different technologies of communication and information; and the little emphasis on the types of discourse related to public language practices. As for the situations of production, it is observed the predominance of the school as a producer of dialogic relationships, whose propositions present, for example, text addressees, enunciative positions, support and contexts of restricted circulation, especially at school. Two divergent situations are observed among the collections: the lack of a work in which the situation of production is under the perspective of the types of discourse as object of teaching-learning; the concept of the types of discourse as object of reflection, presenting a differentiated didactic orientation towards the situation of production. This research contributes, therefore, with a mapping of the existence and the treatment of the types of discourse on propositions of writing production in didactic books; with the critical analysis of the approach of written activities, considering the elements of the historical-social, functional and linguistic-discursive context; thus, through teaching, research and public policies, use and selection of didactic material for the area
Meaning fuel and renewal energy source s derivative additives, the term biodiesel exists in Brazil since 1980, when it was signed its first patent by Expedito Parente. Since then, its importance has grown gradually due to the worsening of the ambient problems, since its use has became a highly promising alternative to the pollution decrease, as in the carbon dioxide issue as with the smoke and sulfur oxide. In Brazil, it was created the National Program of Production, whose objective is to insert the new product in the country s energy matrix, strengthening the economy and creating new employment opportunities, being an important product to the national energetic independence, since Brazil still imports diesel to its domestic consumption. This study aims to identify the ambient, social and economic perception of the teachers from the Technology Center of Natal city (CTGÁS-RN) to the biodiesel. For that, it was used a questionnaire closed questions, organized in the likart scale, directed to the tree spheres of the research analysis, the biodiesel and its social, ambient and economic nuances, totaling 31 questionnaires full answered. In its objectives, the research was descriptive and in its approach it was qualitative. To the data analysis it was used statistical tools (Statistic software, 6.1 version and Microsoft Excel 2003). The research revealed the predominance of the ambient aspect in the sight of the teachers, followed by the social ones. The economic factors represent a minor percentage in the analysis when compared to other
Fuel is a material used to produce heat or power by burning, and lubricity is the capacity for reducing friction. The aim of this work is evaluate the lubricity of eight fossil and renewable fuels used in Diesel engines, by means of a HFRR tester, following the ASTM D 6079-04 Standard. In this conception, a sphere of AISI 52100 steel (diameter of 6,000,05 mm, Ra 0,050,005 μm, E = 210 GPa, HRC 624, HV0,2 63147) is submitted to a reciprocating motion under a normal load of 2 N and 50 Hz frequency to promote a wear track length of 1.10.1mm in a plan disc of AISI 52100 steel (HV0,05 18410, Ra 0,020,005 μm). The testing extent time was 75 minutes, 225,000 cycles. Each one test was repeated six times to furnish the results, by means of intrinsic signatures from the signals of the lubricant film percentage, friction coefficient, contact heating, Sound Pressure Level, SPL [dB]. These signal signatures were obtained by two thermocouples and a portable decibelmeter coupled to a data acquisition system and to the HFRR system. The wettability of droplet of the diesel fuel in thermal equilibrium on a horizontal surface of a virgin plan disc of 52100 steel, Ra 0,02 0,005 μm, were measured by its contact angle of 7,0 3,5o, while the results obtained for the biodiesel B5, B20 and B100 blends originated by the ethylic transesterification of soybean oil were, respectively, 7,5 3,5o, 13,5 3,5o e 19,0 1,0o; for the distilled water, 78,0 6,0o; the biodiesel B5, B20 and B100 blends originated by the ethylic transesterification of sunflower oil were, respectively, 7,0 4,0o, 8,5 4,5o e 19,5 2,5o. Different thickness of lubricant film were formed and measured by their percentage by means of the contact resistance technique, suggesting several regimes, since the boundary until the hydrodynamic lubrication. All oils analyzed in this study promoted the ball wear scars with diameters smaller than 400 μm. The lowest values were observed in the scar balls lubricated by mixtures B100, B20 and B5 of sunflower and B20 and B5 of soybean oils (WSD < 215 μm)
The reality of water resources management in semiarid regions, such as the Seridó region, has been shaped by a complex chain involving social-cultural, political, economic and environmental aspects, covering different spheres of activity - from local to federal. Because water is a scarce element, the most rational way pointed out by our recent history has been to move towards an increasing emphasis on the need for a truly rational, integrated, sustainable and participatory water resources management, supported by legislation and by a network of institutions that could materialize it. In this sense, despite all the advances in the formulation of public policies in water resources, which ones have indeed lead to significant changes that have occurred or are underway in semiarid regions such as Seridó? What factors may be preventing the realization of the desires rationality embedded in the framers of water policies intents? How to properly manage water resources if the current actors who promote their management and the political, human, cultural and institutional processes that intervene in this management, show strong traces of unsustainability? The research methodology adopted in this paper led to a breakdown of the traditional approach to water resource management, to integrate it into other areas of knowledge, especially to political science and public administration, catalyzed by the concept of "sustainable development". From a broad, interdisciplinary literature review, an exhaustive characterization of the river basin Seridó, a set of interviews with key people in the public administration acting in the region, a series of diagnoses and a set of propositions were made in order to correct the direction of current public policies for the region. From the point of view of public policies, it is in the deployment phase, not in its formulation, which lies a major problem of the lack of significant progress in water management. The lack of coordination between government programs are well characterized, as well as the lack of efficiency and effectiveness of their actions. The causes of this secular model are also discussed, including political factors and social relations of production, which led to a stalemate difficult, but of possible solution. It can be perceived there is a scenario of progressive deterioration of natural resources of the fragile ecosystem and a network of environmental and social consequences difficult to reverse, the result of a persistent and inertial sociopolitical culture, whose main factors reinforce itself. The work leads towards a characterization of the water resources management also from the perspective of environmental, institutional, political and human sustainability , the latter being identified, particularly as investment in the development of people as autonomous beings - not based in ideological directives of any kind - in the emancipation of the traditional figure of the poor man of the hinterland" to the "catalyst for change" responsible for their own decisions or omissions, based upon an education for free-thinking that brings each one as co-responsible epicenter of (self-) sustainable changes in their midst
This thesis has as objective the interdiscursive relations in the process of language construction in use in the poetic and in the journalistic spheres, with the purpose of perceiving how the genre news is constituted in different fields of social activity, as well as to analyze the argumentative processes that structure the written discourses about the resistance episode to the group of Lampião in Mossoró in the year of 1927. The corpus of the research is constituted by the news of the period informed in the printed newspapers: Correio do povo and O Nordeste, both from Mossoró/RN, and the narratives presented in the cordéis de acontecido : Mossoró in the resistance to the group of Lampião; Lampião in Mossoró in 1927, and Mossoró attacking to the group of Lampião, all potiguar poets. The analysis of the texts had as theoretical background the studies of: The texts analysis had as theoretical background The Discourse Analysis; The Argumentation Theory and the studies about Discourse Genres. We focused our discussion in the emphasis given to the news in the discursive perspective of the social-historic memory constructed in the cordéis, from ideological values (political, economical, religious etc.) that pass to be a fundamental element in the constitution of the image of the resistance. Methodologically, this is a documental research, since it makes use essentially of the written document. Regarding to the nature of the data, the research is characterized as a qualitative one. In the analysis, we considered the argumentative techniques adopted in the defense of the thesis, the meaning effects suggested, and the genres mentioned, that revealed to us the manner in which the episode was informed by the newspapers and the cordéis. That way, we affirm, based on the positions assumed by the announcers of the genres analyzed who defended clearly positions in favor of the defense of Mossoró, that the relation between both is captured interdiscursively, since they are asked by the same ideology, and converge to the same discursive formation, defending identical positions, and structuring their discussions with resembling argumentative techniques, reason by which take us to believe that the discourse presented in that social activity demonstrates and develops traces of a manipulation of the subject. In this case, the discursive construction of the text points towards determining standard of repetition, since the linguistic context is characterized in the journalistic field, and in the poetic field assuming, in the first instance, a local expression
The construction of a mapping of the practices of reading and writing printed and digital texts, declared by graduating students from the Bachelor s degree in Science and Technology (BCT), has provided us the analysis of the course they are making in such a socio-historical moment characterized by the revolution of the post-paper. In this sense, the general objective of this research is to understand how that construction works under the point of view of those graduating students. For this, our reflection has been guided by the search of answers for some questions which have presented to us: what reading and writing conceptions BCT graduating students have; what reading and writing practices those collaborators develop; what collections they declare to have access to; what differences they declare to have between printed and digital reading and writing along the different social roles they develop; what the reader/writer identity relations of those collaborators are. To achieving the plausible answers, we have gathered a corpus composed by texts of three genres of the argument order: academic profiles (or self-portrait), opinion articles and argumentative letters. Besides, we have made semi-structured interviews and questionnaires in the online tool of the Google Docs. The methodology which supports this academic work is the qualitative research (SIGNORINI; CAVALCANTI, 1998)of ethnographic direction (THOMAS, 1993; ANDRÉ, 1995) in Applied Linguistics (CELANI, 2000; MOITA-LOPES, 2006) and the theoretical contribution comes from the bakhtinian perspective of language conception (BAKHTIN [1929] 1981); the socio-historical writing construction (LÉVY, 1996; CHARTIER, R., 1998, 2002, 2007; COSCARELLI, 2006; CHARTIER, A., 2007; ARAÚJO, 2007; COSCARELLI; RIBEIRO, 2007; XAVIER, 2009; MARCUSCHI; XAVIER, 2010); from the studies of the pedagogy of the writing (GIROUX, 1997); from the literacy studies understood as sociocultural practice, plural and situated (TFOUNI, 1988; KLEIMAN, 1995; TINOCO, 2003, 2008; OLIVEIRA; KLEIMAN, 2008), from the studies about identity in postmodernity (HALL, 2003; BAUMAN, 2005). The results of the analysis have pointed at a multiplicity of reading/writing practices of printed and digital texts developed by the BCT graduating students due to the coexistence of the modality printed and that one derived from the new mobile devices. In that multiplicity, the prevalent idea of the collaborators is that there is a continuum between printed texts and digital texts (not a dichotomy), since the option of reading/writing printed texts or digital ones is always linked to specific communication situations, which involve participants, objectives, strategies, values, (dis)advantages, besides (re)creation of discursive genres in function of the mobile devices to which those collaborators have access in the different spheres of activities that they participate. All of that has caused a deep intersection in the identity traces of college students readers/writers in the 21st century which cannot be ignored by academic formation
In the contemporary society, the language is presented in all social spaces and assumes many different purposes in order to meet the needs that emerge from each of these sphere. In traffic, this reality is not different. To guide vehicles, it is necessary to know, by means of reading artifacts, what the legislation establishes in what concerns the way to act in this domain. Thus, this works aims at describing the practices of literacy held in events of driver trainings and know the expectations generated by drivers/learners from this training. In theoretical terms, it anchors in Literacy Studies, comprehended here as social practices (BARTON; HAMILTON, 1998; KLEIMAN, 1995, 2008; MORTATTI, 2004; STREET, 1984; OLIVEIRA, 2008, 2010; ROJO, 2009; PAZ, 2008). Genre Theory (BRONCKART, 2004, 1999; OLIVEIRA, 2010) and in your multimodal instance (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 1996; DIONÍSIO, 2006). In terms of methodology, it follows the bias of qualitative research, because of its ethnographic nature (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994; MINAYO, 2010; CANÇADO, 1994; CHIZZOTTI, 2005). The research corpus was generated by reading the Brazilian Traffic Code, by observing the literacy events held in Drivers Training Centers of Natal, analysis of course books used in these events, plus questionnaires with open and closed questions and semistructured interviews. The collaborators are constituted of drivers in training, and instructors who work in this field. The analyses show significant contributions regarding the placement more committed of future drivers with the welfare and safety of those who use the public roads, from the practice or reading done during the traffic training. The contribution of this work lies in the possibility to expand the discussion about the language practice uses regarding the training for the traffic, more specifically, the training of drivers of vehicles
Um olhar dialógico sobre a atividade de revisão de textos escritos: entrelaçamento dizeres e fazeres
This research deals with the activity of text revision. It aims at understanding the work of the text reviewer, taking into consideration the professional experiences of the subjects who work in the area. It s theoretical basis comes from Bakhtin Circle, mainly the concept of verbal interaction formulated from reflections on language used in different spheres of human activities, which implies the notions of discourse genres, alterity, as well as exotopy. The methodology follows the tradition of the qualitative and interpretative research. The data is composed of the statements of text reviewers both in handbooks and interviews, as well as of the description of the researcher s own experience as text reviewer. The results indicate that the revision activity needs to be orientated by a dialogical conception of language, which takes into consideration the interaction between the reviewer and the author, aiming the text finalization