890 resultados para exporting of democracy


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Diskurse und Auseinandersetzungen mit den Fragen von Demokratie und Bildung und den Inhalten demokratischer Bildung sind in Österreich - so es sie überhaupt gibt - häufig verkürzt. Der Fokus liegt meist auf "Mitbestimmung". Fragen der Gestaltung der demokratischen Grundstrukturen und des demokratischen Grundverständnisses werden vernachlässigt. Das ist wohl u.a. auf die wenig aufgearbeitete autoritäre und faschistische Tradition in den meisten institutionellen Kontexten zurückzuführen. Die vorliegende Ausgabe des Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at fragt, was Demokratie kennzeichnet, wie viel und welche Art von Demokratie wir uns vorstellen können und wie viel Demokratie eine Gesellschaft braucht. Die Themenbeiträge entwickeln verschiedene, kritische, oft feministische Zugänge zum Demokratielernen und werden einerseits thematisch (critical science literacy, economic literacy), andererseits methodisch (Psychodrama, Legislatives Theater) mit direkten praktischen Bezügen ausgeführt. Die praxisorientierten Beiträge beschäftigen sich mit spezifischen Ansätzen (Anti-Bias-Ansatz, kritische Radioberichterstattung) und alten neuen Themen des Demokratielernens (politischer Extremismus, Geschlechterstereotype). Resümierend appellieren die Herausgeber, die institutionelle Einbindung zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationsformen in die Erwachsenenbildungslandschaft und auch die verkürzten Diskurse um demokratische Bildung in Österreich genauer zu untersuchen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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In der gegenwärtigen "Wissensgesellschaft" spielt wissenschaftliches Wissen eine zentrale Rolle, um gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse herzustellen oder zu reproduzieren. Ein kritischer Umgang mit (wissenschaftlichem) Wissen - eine "critical science literacy" - eröffnet Möglichkeiten des Widerstands in der Wissensgesellschaft und kann damit als demokratische Grundfertigkeit begriffen werden. Im vorliegenden Beitrag gehen die Autorinnen den Möglichkeiten einer critical science literacy im Spannungsverhältnis von Anpassung und Widerstand nach. Sie werfen einen Blick auf die historische Entwicklung der Debatte um scientific literacy - ursprünglich nur als naturwissenschaftliche Grundkompetenz gedacht, aber mit einem durchaus kritisch reflexiven und demokratischen Moment - im Kontext demokratisch-kapitalistischer Verhältnisse. Sie verstehen critical science literacy als eine auf allen Ebenen der Wissensgenerierung und -bildung verantwortungsvolle, kollektive und eingreifende Praxis in gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzungen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Ein Verständnis von Demokratie als „stets im Kommen oder im Werden“ schließt fort- und immerwährende Verhandlungsprozesse mit ein. Das Ausbleiben von Konflikten oder die Versuche des Einebnens und Nivellierens von Widersprüchen oder gar deren Negation sind dann Indizien der Gefährdung von Demokratisierung und gesamtgesellschaftlicher Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Der vorliegende Beitrag betont die Bedeutung von Widerständigkeit für Demokratisierung. Der vorgestellte Ansatz der Reflexion auf Unterscheidungen - un/doing difference - verabschiedet die stillschweigende Vorstellung, dass es vorab feststehende und gegebene Individuen oder Gruppen mit bestimmten Eigenschaften gibt, an die unterschiedliche Angebote und Interventionen gerichtet werden können. Es ist eine differenzsensible Herangehensweise, die latente Unterschiede aufgreift und ihnen im Handeln - im Sinne von Ungleichheiten - Bedeutung verleiht. Den Abschluss des Beitrages bilden vier Strategien im Kontext politischer Bildungsarbeit, um Pluralität und Kontingenz sichtbar zu machen: Pluralisierung und Konkurrenz ermöglichen; Löschung durch Nichtbeachten; ironische Entlarvung von Selbstverständlichkeitsannahmen; eingeführte Kategorien stehen lassen und zugleich Alternativen fördern. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Os contornos de um mundo em mudança e a evolução do pensamento há muito que se afastaram dos conceitos de identidades unas e imutáveis. A própria aceitação da mutabilidade traduz-se também nos cenários das vastas possibilidades para os fenómenos identitários à escala global. Também por isso, e mais do que nunca, se revela preponderante a reflexão sobre tais fenómenos identitários e a compreensão da sua intervenção e pertinência nas constantes reconfigurações sociais da atualidade. Esse será o universo do presente trabalho, onde serão auscultadas atuais conceções identitárias e o seu lugar no caso português. Este estudo configura-se, portanto, a partir de objetivos centrais bem delimitados: identificar e caracterizar a eventual existência de identidades regionais em Portugal, no caso particular dos territórios associados a Viseu. Este ponto de partida surge da análise da frequente cartografia das identidades territoriais na realidade portuguesa, bem como da continuidade de anteriores estudos do autor. Com efeito, verifica-se que frequentemente se definem duas grandes tipologias identitárias no que concerne à relação com o território: a local e a nacional. Tal posição surge em aberta contradição com os discursos mediáticos recorrentes onde a constante presença de um discurso de matriz regional obriga à dúvida inevitável. Nesse sentido, falando-se de região, foi necessário percorrer os conceitos de limite e de fronteira que a delimitam e lhe conferem sentido, indagando-se sobre o lugar da sua criação e da sua vivência. Assim, o trabalho orientou-se em dois grandes sentidos iniciais: o do levantamento da ação delimitadora do Estado, tido como autor das demarcações regionais em Portugal e o da auscultação da produção discursiva dos media regionais, agentes e expressão da identidade regional. A segunda dimensão obrigaria a um estudo aturado sobre a imprensa regional, objeto essencial do presente trabalho e a partir do qual será possível alcançar conclusões validáveis para o período entre 1959 e 2011. É então pelo cruzamento das duas dimensões referidas que se surpreende a existência de traços identitários regionais bem vincados, profundamente arreigados ao discurso do Estado Novo, raramente correspondendo aos intentos de delimitação das sucessivas iniciativas governamentais posteriores que, desse modo, revelam também um profundo distanciamento desse território que insistentemente vão dividindo. Entre o discurso eivado de simbolismo – embora centralista – do Estado Novo e as denominações técnicas – embora com o propósito de promover a descentralização do poder – da democracia, o discurso identitário da imprensa regional de Viseu alimenta-se ainda hoje do primeiro. Não porque vise os seus objetivos, mas porque é o que melhor caracteriza uma identidade relativamente pacificada: sempre pronta a recorrer ao passado beirão para afirmar as suas diferenças, sem no entanto pôr em causa o espírito da Nação; sempre pronta a denunciar o centralismo de Lisboa, esquecendo embora que foi esse centralismo que outrora lhe atribuiu a característica da genuinidade de, o que quer que seja, ser português.


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The managing Conselho of public politics constitute one of the main experiences of democracy in Brazil contemporary representing a conquest for construction of a democratic institutionalism. The historical newness consists of the intensification and the institutionalization of the dialogue between government and society - in public and plural canals - as condition for an allocation more efficient joust and of the public resources. In this context the present study it objectified to understand from readings of the performance of represented group of bencheses the dynamics of functioning of the Tourist Conselho Pólo Costa das Dunas while space of participation and social control. The bibliographical research contemplated diverse sources in order to compile knowledge of credential authors in the quarrel of inherent subjects to the civil society and the public sphere to the construction of the citizenship to the conception formation and dynamics of the social control through Conselho of public politics. A qualitative perspective the case study was adopted as research method and for attainment of the data interviews with the members of the Conselho had been carried through beyond consultation the referring documents the dynamics of functioning of the Conselho. The profiles capacities and limitations of the members of the Conselho had been identified constitution social and dynamic organization of functioning of the Conselho and the readings of the members of the Conselho concerning the power to decide instances and participation. The results had shown that the allotment of being able in the Conselho does not occur of equal form. The functions of coordination of the activities of the Conselho are assumed by the representatives of the public agencies. Level of qualification of council members also if presents as difficulty to development of activities of Conselho since the majority of the interviewed ones disclosed unreliability and unfamiliarity when thematic specific that runs away from its organizacional reality they are boarded in the assemblies. Of this form the Conselho if presents more as half of institutional legitimation of what half of characterization of the creation of a public sphere properly said. Finally he could himself be concluded that a democratic culture inexists that inside crosses practical the institutional ones of the Conselho thus limiting the possibility to reach the effective social control of the public politics of tourism in the Rio Grande do Norte


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One way to achieve amplification of distal synaptic inputs on a dendritic tree is to scale the amplitude and/or duration of the synaptic conductance with its distance from the soma. This is an example of what is often referred to as “dendritic democracy”. Although well studied experimentally, to date this phenomenon has not been thoroughly explored from a mathematical perspective. In this paper we adopt a passive model of a dendritic tree with distributed excitatory synaptic conductances and analyze a number of key measures of democracy. In particular, via moment methods we derive laws for the transport, from synapse to soma, of strength, characteristic time, and dispersion. These laws lead immediately to synaptic scalings that overcome attenuation with distance. We follow this with a Neumann approximation of Green’s representation that readily produces the synaptic scaling that democratizes the peak somatic voltage response. Results are obtained for both idealized geometries and for the more realistic geometry of a rat CA1 pyramidal cell. For each measure of democratization we produce and contrast the synaptic scaling associated with treating the synapse as either a conductance change or a current injection. We find that our respective scalings agree up to a critical distance from the soma and we reveal how this critical distance decreases with decreasing branch radius.


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Cette thèse porte sur les fondements philosophiques des institutions démocratiques canadiennes et analyse comment leur conception réelle contribue à les atteindre. Pour passer de la théorie à la pratique, la démocratie doit être institutionnalisée. Les institutions ne sont pas que de simples contraintes sur les actions du gouvernement. Elles incarnent des normes démocratiques. Cependant, les théories démocratiques contemporaines sont souvent abstraites et désincarnées. Alors qu’elles étudient les fondements normatifs de la démocratie en général, elles réfléchissent rarement sur les mécanismes permettant d’atteindre l’idéal démocratique. À l’inverse, la science politique tente de tracer l’ensemble du paysage institutionnel entourant l’action de l’État. Mais l’approche de la science politique a une faiblesse majeure : elle n’offre aucune justification épistémologique ou morale des institutions démocratiques. Cette dichotomie entre les principes et les institutions est trompeuse. Les principes de la démocratie libérale sont incarnés par les institutions. En se concentrant sur les fondements philosophiques des institutions démocratiques et libérales, cette thèse fait revivre une longue tradition d’Aristote à John Stuart Mill et réunissant des penseurs comme Montesquieu et James Madison. Actuellement, la recherche universitaire se détourne encore des questions institutionnelles, sous prétexte qu’elles ne seraient pas assez philosophiques. Cependant, le design institutionnel est une question philosophique. Cette thèse propose des améliorations pour que les institutions démocratiques remplissent leur rôle philosophique de manière plus adéquate. Le suicide médicalement assisté est utilisé comme un exemple de l’influence des institutions sur la démocratie.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2016.


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Past research has shown that having a large population of ethnic minorities beyond the neighborhood level arouses intolerance in the majority. However, this paper presents the argument that the effect of minority size on tolerance depends on minority type: the less subject the minority is to negative stereotyping, the more favorable the effect that minority size has on tolerance. In this study, a hierarchical linear model was applied to a dataset on advanced and emerging democracies in Europe. The analysis shows that when the duration and level of democracy are controlled for, ethnic tolerance was associated positively with native minority size and negatively with foreign population size.


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En el presente artículo intentaremos realizar un análisis crítico de las interpretaciones que ven a la democracia deliberativa como una moralización de la política. No sólo intentaremos contestar a esta lectura, sino que además nos ocuparemos de mostrar la manera en la que la perspectiva deliberativa capta la moralidad en política, la cual no consiste en proponer una concepción ética densa para el espacio político.


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En el presente artículo intentaremos realizar un análisis crítico de las interpretaciones que ven a la democracia deliberativa como una moralización de la política. No sólo intentaremos contestar a esta lectura, sino que además nos ocuparemos de mostrar la manera en la que la perspectiva deliberativa capta la moralidad en política, la cual no consiste en proponer una concepción ética densa para el espacio político.


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En el presente artículo intentaremos realizar un análisis crítico de las interpretaciones que ven a la democracia deliberativa como una moralización de la política. No sólo intentaremos contestar a esta lectura, sino que además nos ocuparemos de mostrar la manera en la que la perspectiva deliberativa capta la moralidad en política, la cual no consiste en proponer una concepción ética densa para el espacio político.


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Thesis (Master, Education) -- Queen's University, 2016-08-29 15:56:53.748


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Integration, inclusion, and equity constitute fundamental dimensions of democracy in post-World War II societies and their institutions. The study presented here reports upon the ways in which individuals and institutions both use and account for the roles that technologies, including ICT, play in disabling and enabling access for learning in higher education for all. Technological innovations during the 20th and 21st centuries, including ICT, have been heralded as holding significant promise for revolutionizing issues of access in societal institutions like schools, healthcare services, etc. (at least in the global North). Taking a socially oriented perspective, the study presented in this paper focuses on an ethnographically framed analysis of two datasets that critically explores the role that technologies, including ICT, play in higher education for individuals who are “differently abled” and who constitute a variation on a continuum of capabilities. Functionality as a dimension of everyday life in higher education in the 21st century is explored through the analysis of (i) case studies of two “differently abled” students in Sweden and (ii) current support services at universities in Sweden. The findings make visible the work that institutions and their members do through analyses of the organization of time and space and the use of technologies in institutional settings against the backdrop of individuals’ accountings and life trajectories. This study also highlights the relevance of multi-scale data analyses for revisiting the ways in which identity positions become framed or understood within higher education.