919 resultados para NFC Android Pagamenti Ricariche smartphone


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Introdução - O exercício aeróbio é considerado uma ferramenta eficaz na redução de fatores de risco cardiometabólico e na melhora da qualidade de vida em adolescentes obesos. No entanto, os benefícios de um programa exclusivo com exercícios resistidos (ER) ainda não foram estabelecidos nesta população. Objetivo - Avaliar o efeito de um programa exclusivo com ER sobre a função endotelial, parâmetros hemodinâmicos e metabólicos, modulação autonômica, biomarcadores inflamatórios, composição corporal e condicionamento físico de adolescentes obesos. Materiais e Métodos - Quarenta adolescentes participaram do estudo e foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com o nível de adiposidade: grupo controle (C, n = 20; 13 meninos e 7 meninas) e grupo obeso (Ob; n=24; 7 meninos e 17 meninas). O grupo Ob foi submetido a um programa de ER, três vezes por semana, durante três meses. A função endotelial, o perfil metabólico e hemodinâmico, a modulação autonômica, os biomarcadores inflamatórios, a composição corporal e o condicionamento físico foram avaliados antes e ao final da intervenção. Na investigação de nossa hipótese utilizamos: laser-Doppler fluxometria, análises bioquímicas e de células endoteliais circulantes, monitorização da pressão arterial ambulatorial, variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (Polar), densitometria com dupla emissão de raios X, análise de força muscular em aparelho isocinético e teste cardiopulmonar de exercício submáximo em cicloergômetro. Resultados - Após três meses de intervenção exclusiva com ER observamos uma melhora na vasodilatação endotélio-dependente (P<0,05) e uma redução na pressão arterial sistólica (P<0,01), diastólica (P<0,01) e média (P<0,01), independentes de alterações no peso corporal. Adicionalmente, também observamos redução na frequência cardíaca (FC) de repouso (P<0,01), aumento na variabilidade da FC (P<0,01) e na atividade parasimpática (P<0,05). Observamos também redução na circunferência da cintura (P<0,001), na relação cintura/quadril (P<0,001), no percentual de gordura total (P<0,01), troncular (P<0,01) e de distribuição andróide (P<0,01). Os níveis de fibrinogênio (P<0,05), endotelina-1(P<0,05) e de insulina (P<0,01), e o índice HOMA-IR (P<0,05) foram menores após intervenção. Após a intervenção proposta houve redução na incidência de síndrome metabólica (16,6 vs. 0%) nos adolescentes obesos. Além disso, os estes adolescentes aumentaram a força muscular (P<0,05) e reduziram o consumo de oxigênio, a produção de gás carbônico, a ventilação e o dispêndio energético (P <0,01) durante o teste cardiopulmonar de exercício submáximo. Conclusões - Um treinamento exclusivo com ER resultou em benefícios cardiovasculares, metabólicos e na composição corporal e condicionamento físico de adolescentes obesos, independente de alterações no peso corporal. Nossos resultados sugerem que a prática de ER foi capaz de reduzir fatores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes com obesidade.


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Neste trabalho, buscou-se avaliar se o uso do balão intragástrico (BI) durante um período de seis meses por pacientes obesos ou com sobrepeso e com síndrome metabólica (SM) traz melhora nos parâmetros de função pulmonar, distribuição da gordura corporal e SM. Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal e intervencionista com indivíduos adultos que foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica, da bioquímica sérica, dos parâmetros de função pulmonar e do padrão de distribuição da gordura corporal, antes da instalação do BI, durante o acompanhamento de seis meses e após a sua retirada. Nos dados obtidos três meses após a colocação do BI, os pacientes apresentaram aumento da capacidade de difusão ao monóxido de carbono com correlação positiva entre esta e o percentual total de gordura corporal (rs=0,39; p=0,05), o padrão ginoide (rs=0,41; p=0,05) e o padrão torácico (rs=0,42; p=0,01). Também foi observado que, após três meses da colocação do BI, houve redução significativa do índice de massa corpórea (IMC) (p=0,0001) e da força muscular inspiratória (p=0,009). Também houve aumento significativo da capacidade vital forçada (CVF) (p=0,0001), da capacidade pulmonar total (CPT) (p=0,001) e do volume de reserva expiratório (VRE) (p=0,0001). Ao fim do estudo, foi observada elevação estatisticamente significante da CPT (p=0,0001), capacidade residual funcional (p=0,0001), volume residual (VR) (p=0,0005) e VRE (p=0,0001). Também foi observada redução significativa do IMC, cuja mediana passou de 39,1 kg/m2 no início da avaliação para 34,5 kg/m2 no final dos seis meses (p=0,0001). Ao fim do estudo, 31 pacientes (77,5%) não apresentavam mais critérios diagnósticos para SM. Em relação aos parâmetros de distribuição da gordura corporal, também houve mudanças importantes com redução significante (p=0,0001) do percentual de gordura nos quatro padrões analisados (tronco, androide, ginoide e total). Houve correlação significante entre o delta da CPT e o delta da circunferência abdominal (ρ=-0,34; p=0,03), entre o delta da CRF e o delta do IMC (ρ=-0,39; p=0,01) e entre o delta do VRE e os deltas do IMC (ρ=-0,44; p=0,005) e do colesterol HDL (ρ=-0,37; p=0,02). Também houve correlação significante entre o delta do VRE com os deltas das gorduras de tronco (ρ=-0,51; p=0,004), androide (ρ=-0,46; p=0,01), ginoide (ρ=-0,55; p=0,001) e total (ρ=-0,59; p=0,0005).


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Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, which can be driven by natural continuous pointing gestures or by pressing buttons. Dasher is a competitive text-entry system wherever a full-size keyboard cannot be used - for example, when operating a computer one-handed, by joystick, touchscreen, trackball, or mouse; when operating a computer with zero hands (i.e., by head-mouse or by eyetracker); on a palmtop computer; on a wearable computer. The gazetracking version of Dasher allows an experienced user to write text as fast as normal handwriting - 29 words per minute; using a mouse, experienced users can write at 39 words per minute. Dasher can be used to write efficiently in any language. Dasher is free software (distributed under the GPL) and is available for many computer platforms, including linux, windows, and android.


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Users’ initial perceptions of their competence are key motivational factors for further use. However, initial tasks on a mobile operating system (OS) require setup procedures, which are currently largely inconsistent, do not provide users with clear, visible and immediate feedback on their actions, and require significant adjustment time for first-time users. This paper reports on a study with ten users, carried out to better understand how both prior experience and initial interaction with two touchscreen mobile interfaces (Apple iOS and Google Android) affected setup task performance and motivation. The results show that the reactions to setup on mobile interfaces appear to be partially dependent on which device was experienced first. Initial experience with lower-complexity devices improves performance on higher-complexity devices, but not vice versa. Based on these results, the paper proposes six guidelines for designers to design more intuitive and motivating user interfaces (UI) for setup procedures. The preliminary results indicate that these guidelines can contribute to the design of more inclusive mobile platforms and further work to validate these findings is proposed.


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This paper reports a survey on people with age-related and physical impairments in India. The survey evaluates functional parameters related to human computer interaction and reports subjective attitude and exposure of users towards technology. We found a significant cognitive decline in elderly users while their functional parameters are sufficient to use existing electronic devices. However young disabled users are found to be experienced with computer but could not have access to appropriate assistive devices, which would benefit them. Most users used desktop computers and mobile phone but none used tablet, smartphone or kiosks though they are keen to learn new technologies. Overall we hope that our results will be useful for HCI practitioners in developing countries. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Malicious software (malware) have significantly increased in terms of number and effectiveness during the past years. Until 2006, such software were mostly used to disrupt network infrastructures or to show coders’ skills. Nowadays, malware constitute a very important source of economical profit, and are very difficult to detect. Thousands of novel variants are released every day, and modern obfuscation techniques are used to ensure that signature-based anti-malware systems are not able to detect such threats. This tendency has also appeared on mobile devices, with Android being the most targeted platform. To counteract this phenomenon, a lot of approaches have been developed by the scientific community that attempt to increase the resilience of anti-malware systems. Most of these approaches rely on machine learning, and have become very popular also in commercial applications. However, attackers are now knowledgeable about these systems, and have started preparing their countermeasures. This has lead to an arms race between attackers and developers. Novel systems are progressively built to tackle the attacks that get more and more sophisticated. For this reason, a necessity grows for the developers to anticipate the attackers’ moves. This means that defense systems should be built proactively, i.e., by introducing some security design principles in their development. The main goal of this work is showing that such proactive approach can be employed on a number of case studies. To do so, I adopted a global methodology that can be divided in two steps. First, understanding what are the vulnerabilities of current state-of-the-art systems (this anticipates the attacker’s moves). Then, developing novel systems that are robust to these attacks, or suggesting research guidelines with which current systems can be improved. This work presents two main case studies, concerning the detection of PDF and Android malware. The idea is showing that a proactive approach can be applied both on the X86 and mobile world. The contributions provided on this two case studies are multifolded. With respect to PDF files, I first develop novel attacks that can empirically and optimally evade current state-of-the-art detectors. Then, I propose possible solutions with which it is possible to increase the robustness of such detectors against known and novel attacks. With respect to the Android case study, I first show how current signature-based tools and academically developed systems are weak against empirical obfuscation attacks, which can be easily employed without particular knowledge of the targeted systems. Then, I examine a possible strategy to build a machine learning detector that is robust against both empirical obfuscation and optimal attacks. Finally, I will show how proactive approaches can be also employed to develop systems that are not aimed at detecting malware, such as mobile fingerprinting systems. In particular, I propose a methodology to build a powerful mobile fingerprinting system, and examine possible attacks with which users might be able to evade it, thus preserving their privacy. To provide the aforementioned contributions, I co-developed (with the cooperation of the researchers at PRALab and Ruhr-Universität Bochum) various systems: a library to perform optimal attacks against machine learning systems (AdversariaLib), a framework for automatically obfuscating Android applications, a system to the robust detection of Javascript malware inside PDF files (LuxOR), a robust machine learning system to the detection of Android malware, and a system to fingerprint mobile devices. I also contributed to develop Android PRAGuard, a dataset containing a lot of empirical obfuscation attacks against the Android platform. Finally, I entirely developed Slayer NEO, an evolution of a previous system to the detection of PDF malware. The results attained by using the aforementioned tools show that it is possible to proactively build systems that predict possible evasion attacks. This suggests that a proactive approach is crucial to build systems that provide concrete security against general and evasion attacks.


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Comments on an article entitled `No Good News for DATA,' by Norman Lillegard in the Spring 1994 issue of `Cross Currents' magazine. Lillegard's stand that the android Commander Data in `Star Trek' fails to satisfy the biblical conception of persons; Lillegard's presentation of models that espouse functionalist theories of mind; Views of the essence of the human person.


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In a road network, cyclists are the group exposed to the maximum amount of risk. Route choice of a cyclist is often based on level of expertise, perceived or actual road risks, personal decisions, weather conditions and a number of other factors. Consequently, cycling tends to be the only significant travel mode where optimised route choice is not based on least-path or least-time. This paper presents an Android platform based mobile-app for personalised route planning of cyclists in Dublin. The mobile-app, apart from its immediate advantage to the cyclists, acts as the departure point for a number of research projects and aids in establishing some critical calibration values for the cycling network in Dublin. 


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Family dogs and dog owners offer a potentially powerful way to conduct citizen science to answer questions about animal behavior that are difficult to answer with more conventional approaches. Here we evaluate the quality of the first data on dog cognition collected by citizen scientists using the Dognition.com website. We conducted analyses to understand if data generated by over 500 citizen scientists replicates internally and in comparison to previously published findings. Half of participants participated for free while the other half paid for access. The website provided each participant a temperament questionnaire and instructions on how to conduct a series of ten cognitive tests. Participation required internet access, a dog and some common household items. Participants could record their responses on any PC, tablet or smartphone from anywhere in the world and data were retained on servers. Results from citizen scientists and their dogs replicated a number of previously described phenomena from conventional lab-based research. There was little evidence that citizen scientists manipulated their results. To illustrate the potential uses of relatively large samples of citizen science data, we then used factor analysis to examine individual differences across the cognitive tasks. The data were best explained by multiple factors in support of the hypothesis that nonhumans, including dogs, can evolve multiple cognitive domains that vary independently. This analysis suggests that in the future, citizen scientists will generate useful datasets that test hypotheses and answer questions as a complement to conventional laboratory techniques used to study dog psychology.


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This study has demonstrated biorefining steps for ryegrass and silage at a pilot scale to extrude fibre cake for the production of nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC), a potentially green biomaterial for replacing conventional fillers in the manufacture of polymer composites. Further treatments of processed ryegrass fibres with mechanical shearing, microfluidising, hydrochloric acid (HCl)/ sulphuric acid and a four stage {ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite and HCl} hydrolysis yielded 43.8, 36.1, 25.6 and 39.8 kg t21 DM of NFCs respectively. The NFCs were characterised using microscopy, X-ray diffraction, dynamic light scattering, spectroscopy and thermogravimetry. The NFC had diameters from 3.0–9.1 nm and length 308 nm– 4.6 mm. NFC-polyvinyl alcohol composites containing NFC (5 wt%) exhibited enhanced Young’s modulus and thermal stability by factors of 2.5 and 2 respectively compared with control. The mass, energy, water and chemical balances of the four process steps were assessed to evaluate technical feasibility and also to provide baseline production data for scaling up. The microfluidised product has been identified as the best NFC product, but production cost needs to be reduced.


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Data processing is an essential part of Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADP) surveys, which have become the standard tool in assessing flow characteristics at tidal power development sites. In most cases, further processing beyond the capabilities of the manufacturer provided software tools is required. These additional tasks are often implemented by every user in mathematical toolboxes like MATLAB, Octave or Python. This requires the transfer of the data from one system to another and thus increases the possibility of errors. The application of dedicated tools for visualisation of flow or geographic data is also often beneficial and a wide range of tools are freely available, though again problems arise from the necessity of transferring the data. Furthermore, almost exclusively PCs are supported directly by the ADP manufacturers, whereas small computing solutions like tablet computers, often running Android or Linux operating systems, seem better suited for online monitoring or data acquisition in field conditions. While many manufacturers offer support for developers, any solution is limited to a single device of a single manufacturer. A common data format for all ADP data would allow development of applications and quicker distribution of new post processing methodologies across the industry.


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This project involved producing an app for smart devices to enable modernised learning for A-level maths students. Research in a stakeholder school showed that 94% of pupils surveyed within the upper-secondary level owned a smartphone and most owned a tablet also, emphasising the opportunity for using apps to support learning. The app was developed using iBuildApp, an online app-creation programme which requires no programming. Past exam questions and solutions, notes and video tutorials were included and the topic was vectors, identified by teachers as problematic. Pupils generally found the app easy to use and wanted further development. The videos were popular despite this not ranking highly as a preferred method of revision previously. Teachers were happy for pupils to use the app to supplement their learning, both in the classroom and outside.


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Those living with an acquired brain injury often have issues with fatigue due to factors resulting from the injury. Cognitive impairments such as lack of memory, concentration and planning have a great impact on an individual’s ability to carry out general everyday tasks, which subsequently has the effect of inducing cognitive fatigue. Moreover, there is difficulty in assessing cognitive fatigue, as there are no real biological markers that can be measured. Rather, it is a very subjective effect that can only be diagnosed by the individual. Consequently, the traditional way of assessing cognitive fatigue is to use a self-assessment questionnaire that is able to determine contributing factors. State of the art methods to evaluate cognitive! fa tigue employ cognitive tests in order to analyse performance on predefined tasks. However, one primary issue with such tests is that they are typically carried out in a clinical environment, therefore do not have the ability to be utilized in situ within everyday life. This paper presents a smartphone application for the evaluation of fatigue, which can be used daily to track cognitive performance in order to assess the influence of fatigue.


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In order to protect user privacy on mobile devices, an event-driven implicit authentication scheme is proposed in this paper. Several methods of utilizing the scheme for recognizing legitimate user behavior are investigated. The investigated methods compute an aggregate score and a threshold in real-time to determine the trust level of the current user using real data derived from user interaction with the device. The proposed scheme is designed to: operate completely in the background, require minimal training period, enable high user recognition rate for implicit authentication, and prompt detection of abnormal activity that can be used to trigger explicitly authenticated access control. In this paper, we investigate threshold computation through standard deviation and EWMA (exponentially weighted moving average) based algorithms. The result of extensive experiments on user data collected over a period of several weeks from an Android phone indicates that our proposed approach is feasible and effective for lightweight real-time implicit authentication on mobile smartphones.