933 resultados para Audiovisual Translation of Humor


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ComN (YrzD) is a small, 98-amino-acid protein recently shown to be involved in the posttranscriptional control of the late competence comE operon in Bacillus subtilis. We show here that ComN localizes to the division site and cell poles in a DivIVA-dependent fashion. Yeast two-hybrid and glutathione S-transferase pulldown experiments showed that ComN interacts directly with DivIVA. ComN is not essential for the polar assembly of the core competence DNA uptake machinery. Nevertheless, polar localization of ComN should play some role in competence acquisition because delocalization of ComN leads to a small reduction in competence efficiency. We found that ComN promotes the accumulation of its target comE mRNA to septal and polar sites. Thus, we speculate that localized translation of ComE proteins may be required for efficient competence development. Our results underscore the versatility of DivIVA as a promoter of the differentiation of bacterial poles and demonstrate that the repertoire of polarly localized molecules in B. subtilis is broad, including a regulator of gene expression and its target mRNA. Moreover, our findings suggest that mRNA localization may play a role in the subcellular organization of bacteria.


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With the increase in research on the components of Body Image, validated instruments are needed to evaluate its dimensions. The Body Change Inventory (BCI) assesses strategies used to alter body size among adolescents. The scope of this study was to describe the translation and evaluation for semantic equivalence of the BCI in the Portuguese language. The process involved the steps of (1) translation of the questionnaire to the Portuguese language; (2) back-translation to English; (3) evaluation of semantic equivalence; and (4) assessment of comprehension by professional experts and the target population. The six subscales of the instrument were translated into the Portuguese language. Language adaptations were made to render the instrument suitable for the Brazilian reality. The questions were interpreted as easily understandable by both experts and young people. The Body Change Inventory has been translated and adapted into Portuguese. Evaluation of the operational, measurement and functional equivalence are still needed.


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In view of the growing prevalence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) worldwide, there is an urgent need for the development of better diagnostic tools and more effective therapeutic interventions. At the earliest stages of AD, no significant cognitive or functional impairment is detected by conventional clinical methods. However, new technologies based on structural and functional neuroimaging, and on the biochemical analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) may reveal correlates of intracerebral pathology in individuals with mild, predementia symptoms. These putative correlates are commonly referred to as AD-related biomarkers. The relevance of the early diagnosis of AD relies on the hypothesis that pharmacological interventions with disease-modifying compounds are likely to produce clinically relevant benefits if started early enough in the continuum towards dementia. Here we review the clinical characteristics of the prodromal and transitional states from normal cognitive ageing to dementia in AD. We further address recent developments in biomarker research to support the early diagnosis and prediction of dementia, and point out the challenges and perspectives for the translation of research data into clinical practice.


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Introduction. Postnatal neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus, can be modulated by numerous determinants, such as hormones, transmitters and stress. Among the factors positively interfering with neurogenesis, the complexity of the environment appears to play a particularly striking role. Adult mice reared in an enriched environment produce more neurons and exhibit better performance in hippocampus-specific learning tasks. While the effects of complex environments on hippocampal neurogenesis are well documented, there is a lack of information on the effects of living under socio-sensory deprivation conditions. Due to the immaturity of rats and mice at birth, studies dealing with the effects of environmental enrichment on hippocampal neurogenesis were carried out in adult animals, i.e. during a period of relatively low rate of neurogenesis. The impact of environment is likely to be more dramatic during the first postnatal weeks, because at this time granule cell production is remarkably higher than at later phases of development. The aim of the present research was to clarify whether and to what extent isolated or enriched rearing conditions affect hippocampal neurogenesis during the early postnatal period, a time window characterized by a high rate of precursor proliferation and to elucidate the mechanisms underlying these effects. The experimental model chosen for this research was the guinea pig, a precocious rodent, which, at 4-5 days of age can be independent from maternal care. Experimental design. Animals were assigned to a standard (control), an isolated, or an enriched environment a few days after birth (P5-P6). On P14-P17 animals received one daily bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) injection, to label dividing cells, and were sacrificed either on P18, to evaluate cell proliferation or on P45, to evaluate cell survival and differentiation. Methods. Brain sections were processed for BrdU immunhistochemistry, to quantify the new born and surviving cells. The phenotype of the surviving cells was examined by means of confocal microscopy and immunofluorescent double-labeling for BrdU and either a marker of neurons (NeuN) or a marker of astrocytes (GFAP). Apoptotic cell death was examined with the TUNEL method. Serial sections were processed for immunohistochemistry for i) vimentin, a marker of radial glial cells, ii) BDNF (brain-derived neurotrofic factor), a neurotrophin involved in neuron proliferation/survival, iii) PSA-NCAM (the polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule), a molecule associated with neuronal migration. Total granule cell number in the dentate gyrus was evaluated by stereological methods, in Nissl-stained sections. Results. Effects of isolation. In P18 isolated animals we found a reduced cell proliferation (-35%) compared to controls and a lower expression of BDNF. Though in absolute terms P45 isolated animals had less surviving cells than controls, they showed no differences in survival rate and phenotype percent distribution compared to controls. Evaluation of the absolute number of surviving cells of each phenotype showed that isolated animals had a reduced number of cells with neuronal phenotype than controls. Looking at the location of the new neurons, we found that while in control animals 76% of them had migrated to the granule cell layer, in isolated animals only 55% of the new neurons had reached this layer. Examination of radial glia cells of P18 and P45 animals by vimentin immunohistochemistry showed that in isolated animals radial glia cells were reduced in density and had less and shorter processes. Granule cell count revealed that isolated animals had less granule cells than controls (-32% at P18 and -42% at P45). Effects of enrichment. In P18 enriched animals there was an increase in cell proliferation (+26%) compared to controls and a higher expression of BDNF. Though in both groups there was a decline in the number of BrdU-positive cells by P45, enriched animals had more surviving cells (+63) and a higher survival rate than controls. No differences were found between control and enriched animals in phenotype percent distribution. Evaluation of the absolute number of cells of each phenotype showed that enriched animals had a larger number of cells of each phenotype than controls. Looking at the location of cells of each phenotype we found that enriched animals had more new neurons in the granule cell layer and more astrocytes and cells with undetermined phenotype in the hilus. Enriched animals had a higher expression of PSA-NCAM in the granule cell layer and hilus Vimentin immunohistochemistry showed that in enriched animals radial glia cells were more numerous and had more processes.. Granule cell count revealed that enriched animals had more granule cells than controls (+37% at P18 and +31% at P45). Discussion. Results show that isolation rearing reduces hippocampal cell proliferation but does not affect cell survival, while enriched rearing increases both cell proliferation and cell survival. Changes in the expression of BDNF are likely to contribute to he effects of environment on precursor cell proliferation. The reduction and increase in final number of granule neurons in isolated and enriched animals, respectively, are attributable to the effects of environment on cell proliferation and survival and not to changes in the differentiation program. As radial glia cells play a pivotal role in neuron guidance to the granule cell layer, the reduced number of radial glia cells in isolated animals and the increased number in enriched animals suggests that the size of radial glia population may change dynamically, in order to match changes in neuron production. The high PSA-NCAM expression in enriched animals may concur to favor the survival of the new neurons by facilitating their migration to the granule cell layer. Conclusions. By using a precocious rodent we could demonstrate that isolated/enriched rearing conditions, at a time window during which intense granule cell proliferation takes place, lead to a notable decrease/increase of total granule cell number. The time-course and magnitude of postnatal granule cell production in guinea pigs are more similar to the human and non-human primate condition than in rats and mice. Translation of current data to humans would imply that exposure of children to environments poor/rich of stimuli may have a notably large impact on dentate neurogenesis and, very likely, on hippocampus dependent memory functions.


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Triplex cell vaccine is a cancer immunopreventive cell vaccine that can prevent almost completely mammary tumor onset in HER-2/neu transgenic mice. A future translation of cancer immunoprevention from preclinical to clinical studies should take into account several aspects. The work reported in this thesis deals with the study of three of these aspects: vaccine schedule, activity in a therapeutic set-up and second-generation DNA vaccines. An important element in determining human acceptance and compliance of a treatment protocol is the number of vaccinations. In order to improve the vaccination schedule a minimal protocol was searched, i.e. a schedule consisting of a lower number of administrations than standard protocol but with a similar efficacy. A candidate optimal protocol was identified by the use of an in silico model, SimTriplex simulator. The in vivo test of this schedule in HER-2/neu transgenic mice only partially confirmed in silico predictions. This result shows that in silico models have the potential ability to aid in searching of optimal treatment protocols, provided that they will be further tuned on experimental data. As a further result this preclinical study highlighted that kinetic of antibody response plays a major role in determining cancer prevention, leading to the hypothesis of a threshold that must be reached rapidly and maintained lifetime. Early clinical trials would be performed in a therapeutic, rather than preventive, setting. Thus, the activity of Triplex vaccine was investigated against experimental lung metastases in HER-2/neu transgenic mice in order to evaluate if the immunopreventive Triplex vaccine could be effective also against a pre-existing tumor mass. This preclinical model of aggressive metastatic development showed that the vaccine was an efficient treatment also 4 for the cure of micrometastases. However the immune mechanisms activated against tumor mass were not antibody dependent, i.e. different from those preventing the onset of primary mammary carcinoma. DNA vaccines could be more easily used than cellular ones. A second generation of Triplex vaccine based on DNA plasmids was evaluated in an aggressive preclinical model (BALBp53neu female mice) and compared with the preventive ability of cellular Triplex vaccine. It was observed that Triplex DNA vaccine was as effective as Triplex cell vaccine, exploiting a more restricted immune stimulation.


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Das Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) ist ein umhülltes Virus aus der Familie der Flaviviridae. Es besitzt ein Plusstrang-RNA Genom von ca. 9600 Nukleotiden Länge, das nur ein kodierendes Leseraster besitzt. Das Genom wird am 5’ und 3’ Ende von nicht-translatierten Sequenzen (NTRs) flankiert, welche für die Translation und vermutlich auch Replikation von Bedeutung sind. Die 5’ NTR besitzt eine interne Ribosomeneintrittsstelle (IRES), die eine cap-unabhängige Translation des ca. 3000 Aminosäure langen viralen Polyproteins erlaubt. Dieses wird ko- und posttranslational von zellulären und viralen Proteasen in 10 funktionelle Komponenten gespalten. Inwieweit die 5’ NTR auch für die Replikation der HCV RNA benötigt wird, war zu Beginn der Arbeit nicht bekannt. Die 3’ NTR besitzt eine dreigeteilte Struktur, bestehend aus einer variablen Region, dem polyU/UC-Bereich und der sogenannten X-Sequenz, eine hochkonservierte 98 Nukleotide lange Region, die vermutlich für die RNA-Replikation und möglicherweise auch für die Translation benötigt wird. Die genuae Rolle der 3’ NTR für diese beiden Prozesse war zu Beginn der Arbeit jedoch nicht bekannt. Ziel der Dissertation war deshalb eine detaillierte genetische Untersuchung der NTRs hinsichtlich ihrer Bedeutung für die RNA-Translation und -Replikation. In die Analyse mit einbezogen wurden auch RNA-Strukturen innerhalb der kodierenden Region, die zwischen verschiedenen HCV-Genotypen hoch konserviert sind und die mit verschiedenen computer-basierten Modellen vorhergesagt wurden. Zur Kartierung der für RNA-Replikation benötigten Minimallänge der 5’ NTR wurde eine Reihe von Chimären hergestellt, in denen unterschiedlich lange Bereiche der HCV 5’ NTR 3’ terminal mit der IRES des Poliovirus fusioniert wurden. Mit diesem Ansatz konnten wir zeigen, dass die ersten 120 Nukleotide der HCV 5’ NTR als Minimaldomäne für Replikation ausreichen. Weiterhin ergab sich eine klare Korrelation zwischen der Länge der HCV 5’ NTR und der Replikationseffizienz. Mit steigender Länge der 5’ NTR nahm auch die Replikationseffizienz zu, die dann maximal war, wenn das vollständige 5’ Element mit der Poliovirus-IRES fusioniert wurde. Die hier gefundene Kopplung von Translation und Replikation in der HCV 5’ NTR könnte auf einen Mechanismus zur Regulation beider Funktionen hindeuten. Es konnte allerdings noch nicht geklärt werden, welche Bereiche innerhalb der Grenzen des IRES-Elements genau für die RNA-Replikation benötigt werden. Untersuchungen im Bereich der 3’ NTR ergaben, dass die variable Region für die Replikation entbehrlich, die X-Sequenz jedoch essentiell ist. Der polyU/UC-Bereich musste eine Länge von mindestens 11-30 Uridinen besitzen, wobei maximale Replikation ab einer Länge von 30-50 Uridinen beobachtet wurde. Die Addition von heterologen Sequenzen an das 3’ Ende der HCV-RNA führte zu einer starken Reduktion der Replikation. In den hier durchgeführten Untersuchungen zeigte keines der Elemente in der 3’ NTR einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Translation. Ein weiteres cis aktives RNA-Element wurde im 3’ kodierenden Bereich für das NS5B Protein beschrieben. Wir fanden, dass Veränderungen dieser Struktur durch stille Punktmutationen die Replikation hemmten, welche durch die Insertion einer intakten Version dieses RNA-Elements in die variable Region der 3’ NTR wieder hergestellt werden konnte. Dieser Versuchsansatz erlaubte die genaue Untersuchung der für die Replikation kritischen Strukturelemente. Dadurch konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Struktur und die Primärsequenz der Loopbereiche essentiell sind. Darüber hinaus wurde eine Sequenzkomplementarität zwischen dem Element in der NS5B-kodierenden Region und einem RNA-Bereich in der X-Sequenz der 3’ NTR gefunden, die eine sog. „kissing loop“ Interaktion eingehen kann. Mit Hilfe von gezielten Mutationen konnten wir zeigen, dass diese RNA:RNA Interaktion zumindest transient stattfindet und für die Replikation des HCV essentiell ist.


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The analysis of apatite fission tracks is applied to the study of the syn- and post-collisional thermochronological evolution of a vast area that includes the Eastern Pontides, their continuation in the Lesser Caucasus of Georgia (Adjara-Trialeti zone) and northern Armenia, and the eastern Anatolian Plateau. The resulting database is then integrated with the data presented by Okay et al. (2010) for the Bitlis Pütürge Massif, i.e. the western portion of the Bitlis-Zagros collision zone between Arabia and Eurasia. The mid-Miocene exhumation episode along the Black Sea coast and Lesser Caucasus of Armenia documented in this dissertation mirrors the age of collision between the Eurasian and Arabian plates along the Bitlis suture zone. We argue that tectonic stresses generated along the Bitlis collision zone were transmitted northward across eastern Anatolia and focused (i) at the rheological boundary between the Anatolian continental lithosphere and the (quasi)oceanic lithosphere of the Black Sea, and (ii) along major pre-existing discontinuities like the Sevan-Akera suture zone.The integration of both present-day crustal dynamics (GPS-derived kinematics and distribution of seismicity) and thermochronological data presented in this paper provides a comparison between short- and long-term deformation patterns for the entire eastern Anatolia-Transcaucasian region. Two successive stages of Neogene deformation of the northern foreland of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone can be inferred. (i) Early and Middle Miocene: continental deformation was concentrated along the Arabia-Eurasia (Bitlis) collision zone but tectonic stress was also transferred northward across eastern Anatolia, focusing along the eastern Black Sea continent-ocean rheological transition and along major pre-existing structural discontinuities. (ii) Since Late-Middle Miocene time the westward translation of Anatolia and the activation of the North and Eastern Anatolian Fault systems have reduced efficient northward stress transfer.


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This thesis is devoted to the study of Picard-Fuchs operators associated to one-parameter families of $n$-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds whose solutions are integrals of $(n,0)$-forms over locally constant $n$-cycles. Assuming additional conditions on these families, we describe algebraic properties of these operators which leads to the purely algebraic notion of operators of CY-type. rnMoreover, we present an explicit way to construct CY-type operators which have a linearly rigid monodromy tuple. Therefore, we first usernthe translation of the existence algorithm by N. Katz for rigid local systems to the level of tuples of matrices which was established by M. Dettweiler and S. Reiter. An appropriate translation to the level of differential operators yields families which contain operators of CY-type. rnConsidering additional operations, we are also able to construct special CY-type operators of degree four which have a non-linearly rigid monodromy tuple. This provides both previously known and new examples.


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This paper aims to show, analyze and solve the problems related to the translation of the book with meaning-bond alphabetically ordered chapter titles La vita non è in ordine alfabetico, by the Italian writer Andrea Bajani. The procedure is inevitable for a possible translation of the book, and it is necessary to have a preliminary pattern to follow. After translating the whole book, not only is a revision fundamental, but a restructure and reorganization of the collection may be required, hence, what this thesis offers is a scheme to start from, together with an analysis of the possible problems that may arise, and a useful method to find a solution.


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La presente ricerca ha un duplice obiettivo. Primo, individuare i modi in cui lingue e identità culturali diverse sono state rappresentate al cinema. Secondo, identificare le diverse strade imboccate dai professionisti del doppiaggio italiano quando si trovano a confrontarsi con un film in cui si parlano più lingue. La ricerca propone un approccio multidisciplinare che combina i contributi teorici sviluppati nel campo degli studi di traduzione audiovisiva con le modalità di analisi più comunemente utilizzate dalla semiotica del cinema. L'analisi si basa su un campione di 224 film multilingue prodotti dall'inizio degli anni Trenta alla fine degli anni Duemila. Particolare attenzione viene indirizzata al quadro teorico all'interno del quale viene interpretato il ruolo che il multilinguismo assume al cinema. Vengono identificate tre funzioni principali: conflitto, confusione e resa realistica. Un altro elemento chiave nell'analisi è costituito dal genere cinematografico prevalente a cui è possibile ricondurre ciascuno dei film selezionati. Sono individuati tre generi principali: il film drammatico, la commedia e il thriller. Nel film drammatico il multilinguismo agisce come un veicolo che produce e accentua il conflitto, mentre nella commedia esso di solito diventa un dispositivo comico che crea confusione e umorismo. Nel cinema thriller, invece, il multilinguismo funziona essenzialmente come un veicolo di suspense. Per quanto riguarda le soluzioni traduttive adottate nel doppiaggio italiano del cinema multilingue, sono rilevate tre macro-strategie: la conservazione, la neutralizzazione e la riduzione dell'originale dimensione multilingue. Ciascuna di queste tre strategie è passata a vaglio critico. Se nel primo caso si tratta di un tentativo di riprodurre fedelmente le originali situazioni multilingue rappresentate nel film, negli altri due casi si tratta di soluzioni che risentono fortemente delle specificità del doppiaggio come modalità di traduzione degli audiovisivi (fattori ideologici ed economici, nonché il problema tecnico dell'armonizzazione delle voci per i personaggi bilingue).


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The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the adaptation of food realia and food-related terms from English into Italian in the world of screen translation. Food has always been at the heart of every human being’s life and is an essential lens of analysis when trying to understand culture. With the awareness of what has been done in the past in American TV series dubbed into Italian and looking at how translations have been changing in the last decade, my thesis demonstrates how strategies are more inclined to an overt approach, which leaves the audiovisual text deeply tied to its source language and culture. The work will also include a practical subtitling exercise of three episodes of the currently most famous YouTube cooking show: Nerdy Nummies by Rosanna Pansino. The fact that the show is published weekly on a YouTube channel gives me the opportunity to comment on the evolution of media in the third millennium and how this implies an improvement as far as the knowledge, the skills and the possibilities for audiovisual translators are concerned.


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The main purpose of this thesis is to promote the Slovak culture in Italy through the adaptation of Pásli ovce valasi (The shepherd grazed the sheep), a TV series for children by director Ladislav Čapek. The series, which was released in Czechoslovakia in 1973, is divided into thirteen episodes and tells the story of Matko and Kubko, two shepherds who live in the mountains in central Slovakia. Pásli ovce valasi represented an interesting choice from the adaptation point of view, due to its deep cultural value and the peculiarities of the language used by the characters. The constraints of audiovisual translation were combined to the difficulty of rendering Slovak cultural-specific elements into Italian, together with the limits imposed by having children as a primary recipient. The importance of their role as a target has constrained not only our translation choices, but also the adaptation mode. For this reason, it was decided to realise subtitles in order to make the audiovisual product immediately available, together with an adaptation for dubbing, more suitable for a young audience. The opportunity to present two different forms of adaptation is closely linked to the specific characteristics of the cartoon language. The present study consists of four chapters. The first one provides a brief introduction to the series, its language and setting. The second chapter outlines the main characteristics of audiovisual translation, focusing on dubbing and subtitling in particular. It also presents an analysis of the role of children as a target and the consequent decision to realise an adaptation for dubbing. The two adaptation modes, together with the transcription of the original dialogues, are provided in the third chapter. The fourth and last chapter consists of a description and analysis of the translation process, focusing on morphosyntactic, lexical, rethorical, historical and cultural aspects. The last part of the chapter analyses the differences between the subtitles and the adaptation for dubbing.


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Cabaret is deeply rooted in Austrian culture, particularly in Vienna, where nowadays this genre can once again live its glory days thanks to the effort of many cabaret comedians like Michael Niavarani, Roland Düringer, Alfred Dorfer and Andreas Vitásek. The starting point for this work is the show “Sekundenschlaf”, of the Viennese cabaret artist Andreas Vitásek. The core of the show is time, a dimension that is not fixed, but time can both fly as well as lengthen almost endlessly. Moreover, Vitásek also speaks about many current issues, like politics and the economic crisis, but the focus of the show is always the author’s personal experience. By means of this work I wanted to identify the difficulties of a potential translation of the show in order to find out whether such a translation might be possible and effective. I chose the examples that were more significant from a thematic and linguistic point of view, transcribed them directly from the DVD and analyzed them in detail. The translation of cabaret proves to be particularly difficult, as it is essential to convey the humorous elements to the target audience. Although humor belongs to all human beings, it is extremely specific for each culture and language. Therefore it is the job of a translator to manage to build a bridge between the source and the target culture. This work is divided into two major parts, one dedicated to cabaret as artistic genre, and the other one specifically dedicated to the show “Sekundenschlaf”. Through the analysis of the transcribed examples I have identified first the linguistic and then the thematic difficulties, pointing out which cultural elements are specific for Austrian culture and which elements can be understood (almost) everywhere.


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This dissertation focuses on the phenomenon of amateur subtitling, known as fansubbing. Although this phenomenon began in the late ‘80s, in recent years amateur subtitling has spread worldwide, thanks to both Internet and fan communities, also known as fandoms. At first, amateur subtitling was mainly centred on the translation of Japanese cartoons, but nowadays fandoms also tend to subtitle other kinds of audiovisual products, such as American TV series. Thanks to fansubbing, which is created by fans for other fans, fandoms claim that they would prefer to have subtitled rather than dubbed versions of audiovisual products, which is the norm in Italy and Spain. The dissertation provides a linguistic analysis of the fansubbing in Spanish of the Italian TV series Romanzo Criminale. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse fansubbing from the linguistic point of view, as well as from the point of view of the translation. Furthermore, it aims to evaluate to what extent this translation can be compared to professional subtitling. The first chapter offers an introduction to the TV series and provides an overview of the main events and characters. The second chapter deals with an analysis of the strategies that fansubbers use to translate cultural elements from Italian into Spanish. The third chapter focuses on linguistic mistakes due to calques and linguistic interference between Italian and Spanish. The fourth chapter provides an analysis of some translation errors which occurred during the decoding of the original text. The aim is to understand if this kind of mistake might jeopardize the comprehension of the original message.


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This thesis focuses on the technical approach to the translation of the Italian horror role-playing game Sine Requie into English. It aims to prove that both the role-playing and horror aspects of the genre are important to convey an enjoyable experience to the players, and that it is possible to create and international reference glossary to better translate the horror genre itself. Following a brief introduction of the history of role-playing games (RPGs), we will look at the RPG technical vocabulary in Sine Requie, and analyze which of these elements can be translated following the great models of the history of role-playing games. A brief introduction will follow regsrding the horror genre and its core characteristics based on the work of worldwide famous horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. Lastly, a description on how the international reference glossary for the horror genre was created will be presented along with a few examples of its practical use.