990 resultados para Alfonso, Sancha
Con datos procedentes de poblaciones de campo (37.920 partos porducidos en granjas de selección y 95.240 partos producidos en granjas de producción) se ha analizado la influencia de la edad al primer parto, de la duración de la lactación, de la duración del intervalo destete-cubrición fértil y del tipo de cubrición fértil sobre el número de lechones nacidos vivos por parto (NV). Además, utilizando datos simulados se ha evaluado el interés de considerar estos factores de manejo en el modelo de evaluación genética para NV. Los factores de manejo analizados influyen de forma significativa (P < 0,05) sobre NV, en magnitud y sentido similar en las poblaciones de selección y de producción. Mediante simulación se comprueba que omitir la influencia de los factores de manejo anteriores en el modelo de evaluación genética no interfiere en la respuesta a la selección, aunque puede conducir a la obtención de predictores sesgados del valor genético.
El dogma de la Inmaculada Concepción originó la creación de la "Confraria del Senyor Rei", también denominada "Cofradía de la Copncepción de María Immaculada" en la Corona de Aragón. La confraternidad fue fundada en Zaragoza por Pedro IV el 8 de mayo de 1333. Con nuestro estudio queremos mostrar un manuscrito inédito, custodiado en la Biblioteca del Monasterio de Poblet. Se trata de un códice de lujo que contiene los estatutos de la confraternidad. El manuscrito fue iluminado mediante dos ilustraciones. La primera realizada durante el reinado de Martín el Humano, la segunda datada en torno a 1440. durante el reinado de Alfonso el Magnánimo.
Disseny o programació d'un codiinformàtic (firmware) que controli el mòdul USB d'un microcontrolador PIC per poder serutilitzat com a base o punt de partida pel disseny d'aplicacions senzilles, on la necessitatprincipal sigui l'intercanvi de dades entre un ordinador personal i un hardware microcontrolat.Es parteix d'un coneixement bàsic del protocol USB, sense ésser necessari conèixer enprofunditat el funcionament d'aquesta interfície de comunicació, qüestió que per altra bandano és necessària perquè les especificacions són molt àmplies i recullen molts supòsits defuncionament específics que no seran d'aplicació per la majoria de dissenys.Per assolir l'objectiu fixat, s'ha orientat el projecte a desenvolupar una aplicacióconcreta per tal d’ acotar els paràmetres defuncionament de la interfície USB, ja que les especificacions són molt àmplies i cal focalitzarel nostre interés per saber quines parts d'aquestes especificacions ens seran d'aplicació, també per les possibilitats que dona de control, detecció i correcció d'errors, en saber quina finalitates persegueix i com es suposa que ha de funcionar la nostra aplicació. I com a última raó, haver desenvolupat una aplicació, és també una garantia de funcionamentdel codi resultant i permet demostrar que s'ha assolit l'objectiu inicial.L'aplicació escollida a dissenyar en aquest projecte és un lector electrònic de targetes ambxip integrat (com les bancàries o identificatives) amb un microcontrolador PIC amb mòdulUSB, de manera que, des d’un ordinador i via el port USB, es puguin enviar comandes aaquest tipus de targetes i rebre les corresponents respostes
Implantación de un virtual learning environment (VLE), en concreto Moodle, para la Escuela Internacional de Medios Audiovisuales (EIMA).
Objective: To evaluate the agreement between multislice CT (MSCT) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) to assess the in-stent lumen diameters and lumen areas of left main coronary artery (LMCA) stents. Design: Prospective, observational single centre study. Setting: A single tertiary referral centre. Patients: Consecutive patients with LMCA stenting excluding patients with atrial fibrillation and chronic renal failure. Interventions: MSCT and IVUS imaging at 9-12 months follow-up were performed for all patients. Main outcome measures: Agreement between MSCT and IVUS minimum luminal area (MLA) and minimum luminal diameter (MLD). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was plotted to find the MSCT cut-off point to diagnose binary restenosis equivalent to 6 mm2 by IVUS. Results: 52 patients were analysed. Passing-Bablok regression analysis obtained a β coefficient of 0.786 (0.586 to 1.071) for MLA and 1.250 (0.936 to 1.667) for MLD, ruling out proportional bias. The α coefficient was −3.588 (−8.686 to −0.178) for MLA and −1.713 (−3.583 to −0.257) for MLD, indicating an underestimation trend of MSCT. The ROC curve identified an MLA ≤4.7 mm2 as the best threshold to assess in-stent restenosis by MSCT. Conclusions: Agreement between MSCT and IVUS to assess in-stent MLA and MLD for LMCA stenting is good. An MLA of 4.7 mm2 by MSCT is the best threshold to assess binary restenosis. MSCT imaging can be considered in selected patients to assess LMCA in-stent restenosis
Manufacturing of glass from tin mining tailings in Bolivia Tailings from mining activities in Bolivia represent an environmental problem. In the vicinity of the tin mines of Llallagua,Potosí department, there are large dumps and tailings. We present a study of the use of these wastes as raw materials for the manufacture of glass. This procedure aims to contribute to environmental remediation of mining areas through the vitrification, a process which offers an alternative for stabilization of hazardous waste. In addition, the marketing of the obtained product would provide an additional income to the mining areas. For this study three samples of mining waste, with grain size between sand and silt, were used. The chemical composition of these raw materials, determined by X-ray fluorescence, is granitic, with high contents of heavy metals. On the basis of its composition, glass were made from silica glass by adding CaCO3 and Na2CO3. The thermal cycle has been determined from TDA. Tg values of glass range from 626º to 709 °C. Leaching tests of the obtained glasses confirm their capacity to retain heavy metals.
Physical damage can strongly affect plant growth, reducing the biomass of developing organs situated at a distance from wounds. These effects, previously studied in leaves, require the activation of jasmonate (JA) signalling. Using a novel assay involving repetitive cotyledon wounding in Arabidopsis seedlings, we uncovered a function of JA in suppressing cell division and elongation in roots. Regulatory JA signalling components were then manipulated to delineate their relative impacts on root growth. The new transcription factor mutant myc2-322B was isolated. In vitro transcription assays and whole-plant approaches revealed that myc2-322B is a dosage-dependent gain-of-function mutant that can amplify JA growth responses. Moreover, myc2-322B displayed extreme hypersensitivity to JA that totally suppressed root elongation. The mutation weakly reduced root growth in undamaged plants but, when the upstream negative regulator NINJA was genetically removed, myc2-322B powerfully repressed root growth through its effects on cell division and cell elongation. Furthermore, in a JA-deficient mutant background, ninja1 myc2-322B still repressed root elongation, indicating that it is possible to generate JA-responses in the absence of JA. We show that NINJA forms a broadly expressed regulatory layer that is required to inhibit JA signalling in the apex of roots grown under basal conditions. By contrast, MYC2, MYC3 and MYC4 displayed cell layer-specific localisations and MYC3 and MYC4 were expressed in mutually exclusive regions. In nature, growing roots are likely subjected to constant mechanical stress during soil penetration that could lead to JA production and subsequent detrimental effects on growth. Our data reveal how distinct negative regulatory layers, including both NINJA-dependent and -independent mechanisms, restrain JA responses to allow normal root growth. Mechanistic insights from this work underline the importance of mapping JA signalling components to specific cell types in order to understand and potentially engineer the growth reduction that follows physical damage.
This article explains the social transformation process initiated at the end of the 1970s within the neighborhood of La Verneda-Sant Martı´ in Barcelona. This process started with the foundation of an adult education center that was organized as a Learning Community (the first one in the world). From the beginning, it was administered for and by the community. It became a space of debate where the demands and dreams of the neighbors converged about transforming their neighborhood along with the recommendations of the international scientific community. Twenty years later, the dreams came true: There have been substantial improvements throughout the urban space, infrastructures, housing, urban thoroughfares, and public highways. The INCLUD-ED European project, using the communicative methodology of research, has thoroughly studied the transformation carried out in the La Verneda-Sant Martı´ Adult School and its neighborhood. INCLUD-ED has identified successful practices within diverse social areas that are transferable to other contexts and contribute to overcoming inequalities and improving the most underprivileged neighborhoods.
Este trabajo pretende profundizar, desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar, en las posibilidades de estrategias e intervenciones que ofrece la Educación Física en el contexto educativo, concretamente en la educación primaria, y que contribuyen al establecimiento de hábitos saludables en el alumnado y que pueden extenderse más allá del propio alumnado. La identificación de tales intervenciones se ha realizado a partir de una revisión profunda de las bases de datos que recogen las publicaciones de más impacto internacional a través de la Web of Knowledge. Asimismo, se presenta la potencial aplicabilidad de estas prácticas, por compartir algunas de las características que las definen o por ser propuestas ya compartidas, en centros educativos que se han transformado en Comunidades de Aprendizaje
We present tunneling experiments on Fe~001!/MgO~20 Å!/FeCo~001! single-crystal epitaxial junctions of high quality grown by sputtering and laser ablation. Tunnel magnetoresistance measurements give 60% at 30 K, to be compared with 13% obtained recently on ~001!-oriented Fe/amorphous-Al2O3 /FeCo tunnel junctions. This difference demonstrates that the spin polarization of tunneling electrons is not directly related to the density of states of the free metal surface Fe~001! in this case but depends on the actual electronic structure of the entire electrode/barrier system.
Várias espécies da família Annonaceae produzem frutos comestíveis cultivados em pomares comerciais ou coletados de forma extrativista, em diversas partes do mundo. O gênero Annona possui elevado número de espécies nativas, no entanto poucas produzem frutos comestíveis. Algumas são cultivadas comercialmente, outras são obtidas de forma extrativista. As principais anonáceas cultivadas no mundo são: Annona muricata, Annona squamosa e Annona cherimola, com destaque também para a atemoia (híbrido entre A. squamosa x A. cherimola). Economicamente, são importantes para muitos países da África, Ásia e também da América Central, do Norte e do Sul. Os principais países produtores são: Austrália, Chile, Espanha, Estados Unidos, Nova Zelândia e Israel para cherimólia; México, Brasil, Venezuela e Costa Rica para graviola; e Índia, Brasil, Tailândia, Filipinas e Cuba para pinha. A produtividade de frutos das anonáceas nos diversos países produtores é relativamente baixa, em função do uso inadequado de técnicas de manejo (irrigação, fertilização, podas, polinização, controle de insetos e enfermidades, etc.). No Brasil, os cultivos comerciais mais relevantes com anonáceas são: pinha (A. squamosa L.), graviola (A. muricata L.) e atemoia. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a situação atual e as perspectivas para as anonáceas no Brasil e no mundo. O cultivo é caracteristicamente de pequenos agricultores, usando especialmente a mão de obra familiar. De um modo geral, esses cultivos apresentam relevância socioeconômica nos países que possuem produção comercial pela geração de emprego e renda, e vêm, recentemente, ganhando importância no mercado mundial, dada sua condição de fruta exótica e pela sua qualidade, dentre as quais o valor nutracêutico (vitaminas, antioxidantes e outras propriedades funcionais). A expansão do consumo e sua maior relevância no mercado mundial dependem de ações relativas à divulgação do produto por meio de um programa de marketing, demonstrando suas qualidades nutricionais e funcionais para a saúde dos consumidores.
La Comunidad de Aprendizaje Escuela de personas adultas La Verneda-Sant Martí, lleva más de 10 años trabajando las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación desde una perspectiva transversal y global. A través del trabajo que venimos realizando día a día, hemos visto como las TIC han pasado de ser una necesidad formativa a convertirse en un contexto de aprendizaje cotidiano entre las personas que participan de nuestro proyecto. Desde que en 1999 decidimos transformar nuestras actividades para integrarnos plenamente en la sociedad de la información hemos cambiado metodologías, prioridades y formas de trabajar. Mostrar cuáles han sido esas transformaciones y qué resultados son los que se han alcanzado es el principal reto del artículo.
This article reassesses the economic impact of Spanish railroads in 1850-1913, which has been usually considered to be substantially higher than in the most developed countries on the basis of the social saving methodology. The application of growth accounting techniques shows, by contrast, that the direct contribution of railroads to economic growth was lower in Spain than in the UK, mainly due to the low importance that railroad transport had within Spanish GDP before 1913.
This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the contributions that have been presented to the 30 Spanish Regional Studies Meetings which have been hold since 1973. Firstly, the paper displays rankings of the authors and institutions that have participated more actively in the Meetings. Secondly, the paper analyses the main changes in the objectives, topics and research techniques of the contributions, as well as in the scientific specialisation of their authors. This analysis allows drawing some conclusions on the evolution of Regional Science in Spain throughout the last 30 years.
This paper presents the first estimates of Spanish infrastructure stock and investment for the period 1845-1935. Several sources and techniques have been used in the estimation, and the new series are reasonably reliable to the standards of historical statistics. Two distinct periods may be distinguished in the series: the years before 1895 (characterized by the prominence of railroads) and the period 1895-1935 (when most investment was addressed to other assets). The new series allow a preliminary comparison of the Spanish infrastructure endowment with that of the most advanced countries, showing a gradual process of convergence before 1936.