621 resultados para Specialised phraseology


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This article explores one aspect of the processing perspective in L2 learning in an EST context: the processing of new content words, in English, of the type ‘cognates’ and ‘false friends’, by Spanish speaking engineering students. The paper does not try to offer a comprehensive overview of language acquisition mechanisms, but rather it is intended to review more narrowly how our conceptual systems, governed by intricately linked networks of neural connections in the brain, make language development possible, creating, at the same time, some L2 processing problems. The case of ‘cognates and false friends’ in specialised contexts is brought here to illustrate some of the processing problems that the L2 learner has to confront, and how mappings in the visual, phonological and semantic (conceptual) brain structures function in second language processing of new vocabulary. Resumen Este artículo pretende reflexionar sobre un aspecto de la perspectiva del procesamiento de segundas lenguas (L2) en el contexto del ICT: el procesamiento de palabras nuevas, en inglés, conocidas como “cognados” y “falsos amigos”, por parte de estudiantes de ingeniería españoles. No se pretende ofrecer una visión completa de los mecanismos de adquisición del lenguaje, más bien se intenta mostrar cómo nuestro sistema conceptual, gobernado por una complicada red de conexiones neuronales en el cerebro, hace posible el desarrollo del lenguaje, aunque ello conlleve ciertas dificultades en el procesamiento de segundas lenguas. El caso de los “cognados” y los “falsos amigos”, en los lenguajes de especialidad, se trae para ilustrar algunos de los problemas de procesamiento que el estudiante de una lengua extranjera tiene que afrontar y el funcionamiento de las correspondencias entre las estructuras visuales, fonológicas y semánticas (conceptuales) del cerebro en el procesamiento de nuevo vocabulario.


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Este proyecto consiste en el análisis de accidentes e incidentes aéreos causados por problemas en el lenguaje. Se realiza un estudio acerca de la elección del inglés para las comunicaciones en la aviación comercial. Se analiza la reglamentación actual sobre las competencias lingüísticas aplicadas a pilotos y controladores aéreos en la aviación comercial. Además se estudian los problemas lingüísticos causantes de malentendidos en las comunicaciones entre pilotos y controladores aéreos. Finalmente, se analizan en detalle los accidentes e incidentes de mayor importancia causados por problemas lingüísticos, y en los que estos eran un factor relevante en el accidente. Se explican las soluciones aplicadas para minimizar los malentendidos en las comunicaciones, y además se encuesta a un total de trece pilotos españoles con la finalidad de averiguar cuáles son los acentos que más problemas causan, en qué países es donde se tiene más dificultad para entender las comunicaciones aéreas y con mayor frecuencia se emplea una fraseología incorrecta. ABSTRACT. This project consists in the analysis of aviation accidents and incidents caused by language problems. I study why English was chosen as the language of communications in commercial aviation. I analyze the current rules applied for regulating the communication between pilots and controllers. I also study the main linguistic problems that cause misunderstandings in the communications. A detailed study of the most important accidents and incidents caused by misunderstandings is also carried out. I explain the main solutions applied to eradicate or minimize the misunderstandings that could cause an accident, and I also survey a total of thirteen Spanish pilots to directly know what accents are the most difficult ones to understand, which countries tend to modify the standard phraseology, and in which countries Spanish pilots have more problems when communicating with the controllers.


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According to cognitive linguistics, language has an experiential origin based on perception, sensory motor activities and our knowledge of the world. Our thought operates by establishing similarities, links and associations that enable us to talk about one thing in terms of another as shown in the example of love as a journey (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980). Metaphor and metonymy are conceptual and linguistic tools that make possible most of these cognitive operations. Since metaphor is an essential element of human communication, the discourse of specialised disciplines includes metaphorical mappings and numerous examples of metaphorical expressions, for example in economics, where business is mapped in terms of war (White, 2004; Herrera & White, 2000), electrotechnics with electrical components understood as couples (Roldán- Riejos in preparation) or in civil engineering where a bridge is conceptualized as a person (Roldán-Riejos, 2013). In this paper, the metaphors: WORKING WITH METALS IS COOKING/ TRABAJAR CON METALES ES COCINAR and METALS ARE CULINARY OBJECTS/ LOS METALES SON OBJETOS CULINARIOS are explored. The main aim is to show that the cooking metaphor is widely spread in the metallurgical domain in English and Spanish, although with different nuances in each language due to socio-cultural factors. The method adopted consists of analysing examples taken from the: Bilingual Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Metaphors and Metonymies Spanish- English/English-Spanish, a forthcoming and rigorously documented bilingual dictionary that sums up research on conceptual, linguistic and visual metaphor and metonymy in different areas of engineering (Roldán-Riejos and Molina, 2013). The present paper studies in detail English and Spanish cross-linguistic correspondences related to types of metals and processes. It is suggested that they reflect synesthetic metaphoric mappings. The exploitation of cognitive conceptual metaphor in the ESP classroom is lastly recommended.


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Objectives: To assess the effect on clinical outcome of managing paediatric and adult patients with cystic fibrosis at specialised cystic fibrosis centres.


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We report the genetic organisation of six prophages present in the genome of Lactococcus lactis IL1403. The three larger prophages (36–42 kb), belong to the already described P335 group of temperate phages, whereas the three smaller ones (13–15 kb) are most probably satellites relying on helper phage(s) for multiplication. These data give a new insight into the genetic structure of lactococcal phage populations. P335 temperate phages have variable genomes, sharing homology over only 10–33% of their length. In contrast, virulent phages have highly similar genomes sharing homology over >90% of their length. Further analysis of genetic structure in all known groups of phages active on other bacterial hosts such as Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Mycobacterium and Streptococcus thermophilus confirmed the existence of two types of genetic structure related to the phage way of life. This might reflect different intensities of horizontal DNA exchange: low among purely virulent phages and high among temperate phages and their lytic homologues. We suggest that the constraints on genetic exchange among purely virulent phages reflect their optimal genetic organisation, adapted to a more specialised and extreme form of parasitism than temperate/lytic phages.


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Esta pesquisa se detém em verificar a inserção do tema da habitação denominada por Lina Bo Bardi de \"espontânea\", \"primitiva\', \"popular\", na sua obra, no período de 1939 a 1958. Inclui tempos de formação e de primeiras atividades profissionais em solo italiano e os anos iniciais de vida no Brasil, quando ela reside em São Paulo. O núcleo central do estudo desenvolve-se com duas abordagens distintas para o tema: uma teórica, que contempla os escritos de Lina Bo Bardi - ensaios, trabalhos editoriais e jornalísticos - publicados em revistas especializadas; e outra prática, que analisa dois projetos da arquiteta: a Casa de Vidro e a Casa Valéria Piacentini Cirell. Na primeira abordagem, realiza-se um levantamento inicial de conceitos que seriam, na visão de Lina Bo Bardi, inerentes ao trabalho popular, para, no segundo momento, verificar a possível presença desses conceitos na sua prática projetual. Nesse sentido, além de elencar os textos escritos por Lina Bo Bardi no período, procede-se a um levantamento minucioso dos documentos referentes aos projetos das duas casas, incluindo os desenhos e a fortuna crítica de cada uma delas. Cumpre-se a tarefa inicial de organizar em uma seqüência lógica os croquis e os desenhos de projeto, que se encontravam sem data ou anotação de seriação, a qual possibilita a compreensão do procedimento projetual adotado por Lina Bo Bardi. Pretende-se, ao construir essa trajetória de pesquisa, trazer a tona elementos de análise, influências e mananciais de inspiração, que possam contribuir para desvendar os princípios que guiam Lina Bo Bardi ao realizar projetos com resultados tão contrastantes entre si como as duas casas em estudo. Essa Arquiteta que, pela extrema personalidade de sua linguagem, é considerada por alguns historiadores e críticos como \"mestra de si mesma\", e que é alvo de qualificações que situam sua obra como impossível de se moldar a correntes estéticas estabelecidas, concebe uma arquitetura que não privilegia a questão formal e sim princípios previamente definidos.


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Estudi de l’evolució semàntica de enze, enza i de les unitats fraseològiques en què participa, des de les primeres atestacions escrites fins als usos contemporanis en català. S’hi té en compte l’evolució dels altres derivats romànics del llatí INDEX, -ICIS. S’hi aplica una anàlisi d’orientació cognitiva i es fonamenta l’estudi en l’aprofitament de corpora textuals (antics i contemporanis), dins dels quals hi ha l’obra literària i gramatical d’Enric Valor.


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En este artículo presentamos un panorama general de la problemática de la traducción de los fraseologismos. La tradicional complejidad asociada a este ámbito traductológico deriva de la propia naturaleza de la significación fraseológica. Por ello, cualquier acercamiento interlingüístico a la fraseología ha de partir de una reflexión previa en torno a cómo las unidades fraseológicas (UF) realizan su función significativa. Como mostramos en este trabajo, los enfoques adoptados en este ámbito hasta ahora no indagan en toda la gama de aspectos que despliega la UF en su comportamiento comunicativo, por lo que la traductología fraseológica muestra la necesidad de una profunda reformulación de sus métodos. Dicha reformulación ha de adoptar, a nuestro juicio, el marco de la pragmática con el fin de dar cuenta del comportamiento fraseológico, tanto en el nivel del significado convencionalizado como el discursivo.


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Saproxylic insect communities inhabiting tree hollow microhabitats correspond with large food webs which simultaneously are constituted by multiple types of plant-animal and animal-animal interactions, according to the use of trophic resources (wood- and insect-dependent sub-networks), or to trophic habits or interaction types (xylophagous, saprophagous, xylomycetophagous, predators and commensals). We quantitatively assessed which properties of specialised networks were present in a complex networks involving different interacting types such as saproxylic community, and how they can be organised in trophic food webs. The architecture, interacting patterns and food web composition were evaluated along sub-networks, analysing their implications to network robustness from random and directed extinction simulations. A structure of large and cohesive modules with weakly connected nodes was observed throughout saproxylic sub-networks, composing the main food webs constituting this community. Insect-dependent sub-networks were more modular than wood-dependent sub-networks. Wood-dependent sub-networks presented higher species degree, connectance, links, linkage density, interaction strength, and were less specialised and more aggregated than insect-dependent sub-networks. These attributes defined high network robustness in wood-dependent sub-networks. Finally, our results emphasise the relevance of modularity, differences among interacting types and interrelations among them in modelling the structure of saproxylic communities and in determining their stability.


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Este trabajo centra su atención en la representación lexicográfica de la fraseología humorística. El humor, aun siendo un fenómeno eminentemente pragmático, forma parte del significado de algunas unidades fraseológicas (UF). Sin embargo, son confusos los criterios para considerar un fraseologismo como humorístico, lo cual provoca la disparidad de descripciones lexicográficas recogidas en distintos diccionarios. Por eso, tras un análisis de la significación fraseológica y de los puntos básicos del humor lingüístico, intentamos aunar ambos enfoques con el fin de elaborar pautas claras de determinación del carácter humorístico de algunas UF y, por ende, de la inclusión de la marca correspondiente en sus descripciones lexicográficas.


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This paper describes a stage in the COMENEGO project, which is creating comparable corpora of Business texts in order to distribute them among translation practitioners so that they can use this resource when translating economic, business or financial texts. This stage consists of discursive analysis of a pilot specialised corpus initially compiled in French and Spanish. Its textual resources are classified in different categories which need to be confirmed so that they can be useful when including them into the virtual platform which will allow users exploit the corpus and filter their searches according to their specific needs. The aim of this paper is to propose a discursive analysis approach based on the concept of ‘metadiscourse’ (Hyland, 2005).


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El presente artículo estudia la traducción de las colocaciones formadas a partir del término crise, aparecidas en un corpus especializado. Tras reseñar algunos trabajos previos sobre lenguaje económico y metáfora en tiempos de crisis, se clasifican las colocaciones originales identificadas en el corpus según diversos conceptos metafóricos. Por último, se analizan las estrategias de traducción y se valoran con el apoyo de un corpus comparable ad hoc. El análisis revela, por una parte, que las metáforas identificadas pueden asociarse a conceptos como, entre otros, alimentos, catástrofes, enfermedades, objetos o pozos, y, por otra parte, que existe una clara tendencia a la traducción literal, especialmente en el caso de las expresiones asociadas a las enfermedades, si bien también se dan en menor medida otras estrategias de traducción. Los resultados del estudio son de utilidad para la enseñanza de la traducción y el lenguaje económico o en la elaboración de repertorios fraseológicos.


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En este artículo ofrecemos una perspectiva diferente del aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la fraseología en clase de lengua extranjera (LE). Partiendo de la premisa sobre el carácter eminentemente holístico del lenguaje, concebimos las unidades fraseológicas (UF) como elementos habituales e inherentes en la comunicación verbal, por lo que no pueden excluirse del proceso de adquisición de la competencia comunicativa en una LE. Nuestra propuesta consiste en partir de la fraseología para optimizar el desarrollo de diversas subcompetencias de la competencia comunicativa. Para ello, resulta imprescindible indagar en la configuración y el funcionamiento del significado fraseológico, que, según defendemos en este trabajo, conforma un conjunto de informaciones de diversa índole que se articulan en dos niveles, el semántico y el pragmático. Tal indagación permite desarrollar una serie de consideraciones con interesantes implicaciones didácticas.


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In this article it is offered a different view of the role of phraseology in the foreign language class. Considering the holistic nature of language, phraseological units are conceived as inherent elements in the verbal communication, which confirms its importance in the formation process of the communicative competence in a foreign language. With attention to the modular conceptions of the communicative competence (Canale 1983) and of the phraseological meaning (Timofeeva 2012), it is proposed conceiving the phraseology as a starting point for developing the different parts of communicative competence. As it is explained, phraseological meaning is conformed by several informational chunks articulated in two levels, the semantic and the pragmatic. The connexions between these chunks and the parts of communicative competence allow to use more effectively the phraseological contents for the foreign language learning and teaching.


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The continuous improvement of management and assessment processes for curricular external internships has led a group of university teachers specialised in this area to develop a mixed model of measurement that combines the verification of skill acquisition by those students choosing external internships with the satisfaction of the parties involved in that process. They included academics, educational tutors of companies and organisations and administration and services personnel in the latter category. The experience, developed within University of Alicante, has been carried out in the degrees of Business Administration and Management, Business Studies, Economics, Advertising and Public Relations, Sociology and Social Work, all part of the Faculty of Economics and Business. By designing and managing closed standardised interviews and other research tools, validated outside the centre, a system of continuous improvement and quality assurance has been created, clearly contributing to the gradual increase in the number of students with internships in this Faculty, as well as to the improvement in satisfaction, efficiency and efficacy indicators at a global level. As this experience of educational innovation has shown, the acquisition of curricular knowledge, skills, abilities and competences by the students is directly correlated with the satisfaction of those parties involved in a process that takes the student beyond the physical borders of a university campus. Ensuring the latter is a task made easier by the implementation of a mixed assessment method, combining continuous and final assessment, and characterised by its rigorousness and simple management. This report presents that model, subject in turn to a persistent and continuous control, a model all parties involved in the external internships are taking part of. Its short-term results imply an increase, estimated at 15% for the last course, in the number of students choosing curricular internships and, for the medium and long-term, a major interweaving between the academic world and its social and productive environment, both in the business and institutional areas. The potentiality of this assessment model does not lie only in the quality of its measurement tools, but also in the effects from its use in the various groups and in the actions that are carried out as a result of its implementation and which, without any doubt and as it is shown below, are the real guarantee of a continuous improvement.