977 resultados para Ramón Sijé


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Se ha efectuado un estudio de la alianza Jasionion foliosae (Asplenietea rupestria) en varios sectores corológicos de la Península Ibérica, describiéndose seis asociaciones de las que tres se proponen como nuevas: Antirrhino pulverulenti-Rhamnetum pumili, Sileno boryii-Saxifragetum cuneatae y Antirrhino granitici-Rhamnetum pumili.


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Se relacionan algunos táxones cuya localización en el área levantina peninsular se considera importante desde los puntos de vista corológico, ecológico y fitosociológico.


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Después de estudiar el material original de O. Burchard, se considera que Lactuca herbanica Burch. es un nombre superfluo y debe considerarse como sinónimo pp. de Crepis canariensis (Sch. Bip) Babc. y de Sonchus bourgeaui Sch. Bip.


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In this study, Evernia prunastri, a lichen growing in its natural habitat in Morocco was analysed for the concentration of five heavy metals (Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu and Cr) from eleven sites between Kenitra and Mohammedia cities. The control site was Dar Essalam, an isolated area with low traffic density and dense vegetation. In the investigated areas, the concentration of heavy metals was correlated with vehicular traffic, industrial activity and urbanization. The total metal concentration was highest in Sidi Yahya, followed by Mohammedia and Bouznika. The coefficient of variation was higher for Pb and lower for Cu, Zn and Fe. The concentrations of most heavy metals in the thalli differed significantly between sites (p<0.01). Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed a significant correlation between heavy metal accumulation and atmospheric purity index. This study demonstrated also that the factors most strongly affecting the lichen flora were traffic density, the petroleum industry and paper factories in these areas. Overall, these results suggest that the index of atmospheric purity and assessment of heavy metals in lichen thalli are good indicators of the air quality at the studied sites.


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Una de las cuencas hidrográficas más importante de la Península es la del río Tajo, por su extensión y por su caudal. Se trata de una fosa tectónica calificable de modélica. Dos moles montañosas, el Sistema central y los Montes de Toledo en sentido amplio, la flanquean al Norte y al Sur. La dovela hundida, formada por idénticos materiales que las Sierras, granitos y gneis, alcanza una gran profundidad. Al Este el Sistema Ibérico castellano, principalmente calizo y mesozoico, cierra Castilla y la cuenca, viniendo a dar vida con el agua de sus nieves a un Tajo niño’. El inicio de su Historia Geológica podemos situarlo en el Paleozoico, tiempo geológico durante el cual los territorios donde hoy se sitúa la Meseta estaban formando grandes cordilleras producto de la Orogenia Herciniana. La última etapa de la formación de los relieves actuales de la cuenca la encontramos en la reactivación de los antiguos macizos arrasados. Se inicia con los materiales de la raña y sus equivalentes en el centro de la Cuenca o Fosa del Tajo, y se caracteriza por una progresiva individualización de los procesos, pasándose de las grandes superficies generalizadas en macizos y cuencas, Sierras y Fosa del Tajo, a las pequeñas llanuras en franja u orla, que quedan localizadas en cada cuenca fluvial a medida que éstas se van consolidando por jerarquización, y partir de un río generatriz o emisario principal, el Tajo. La tectónica, procesos posteriores de captura, reajustes climáticos..., no permiten aún determinar cuál fue el orden de jerarquía en los ríos que hoy conocemos; no obstante, puede aventurarse que Jarama-Henares, Perales-Alberche y Guadarrama serían los primeros y Manzanares, Guadalix, Tajuña, los siguientes, y así sucesivamente. La síntesis de la realidad geológica, litológica y climática va a coadyuvar, frenando o favoreciendo, el desarrollo y la diferenciación entre los paisajes vegetales de las zonas montañosas y los de las depresiones terciarias y penillanuras paleozoicas, en un territorio marcado por el predominio del clima mediterráneo continentalizado, con matices de montaña y áreas de influencia atlántica.


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Social networks have increasingly become a showcase where the media can be promoted. Like many other media, radio stations have made use of social networks to promote themselves in a better way and, sometimes, to keep more feedback with their listeners. But not all programs make the same use and not all of them have managed to reach in the same way his followers. This article discusses the consolidation in the social networks of the major radio sports programs in Spain. Through a comparative analysis between 2010 and 2015, throughout the text, the authors have tried to observe the evolution of the programs and, at the same time, to establish comparisons between the followers that these programs have on social networks and the number of listeners as EGM.


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Through an ethnographic account, this text analyses how social dance may become a discourse involving the cultural affirmation of a subordinate group. It describes how a group of girls faced with a complex of outlooks that construed them as Moroccan, Muslim or unattractive —or as objects of education and intervention— responded by affirming their own culture with an unanticipated corporal discourse. The way in which looking construes bodies is explored through metaphors: a hand that touches, a chisel that sculpts, a whip that lashes and a cobweb that controls and traps bodies. Owing to this political dimension of dance, workshops can also be an oppressive and silencing tool; to prevent this, the article concludes with a series of recommendations to implement dance in social intervention processes.


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At the end of 1773 an Indian elephant, brought for the royal ménagerie at Aranjuez, was shown in the streets of Madrid. The resulting public fascination provoked by the intrusion of this exotic animal can be traced through poems (Tomás de Iriarte), short plays (Ramón de la Cruz), articles in the periodical press, popular and scientific prints representing the animal, and even in the costumbrista pastels of Lorenzo Tiepolo. The mythic and premodern knowledge of animal nature collides in a debate with the new scientific observation. In the final decades of the 18th century, the image of the captive elephant acquired in Europe a new symbolic meaning linked with the political fight against slavery. All these very different elements converge in Goya's Disparate de bestia.


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The main purpose of this paper is to analyze Hannah Arendt’s citizenship proposal. The central thesis is that this proposal is possible in contemporary democracies, and it is adequate for developing and strengthening of political action. The work is divided in five sections. In the first, we develop a brief introduction on the studied issue. In the second and third section, we analyze, respec-tively, political and moral conditions that enable democratic citizenship, and the conditions that hinder the exercise of the same, according to Arendt. Then, we reflect critically on Arendt’s citizenship proposal. Finally, we conclude and we propose a set of civic challenges relate to current democracies in light of the above proposal.


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this paper is about EU “soft policies” on immigrant integration. It analyzes the “Common Basic Principles” (CBPs) and the “European Integration Fund” (EIF), two devices that have been recently established within this framework. It adopts the theoretical perspective of the “anthropology of policy” and “governmentality studies”. It shows the context of birth of the aforementioned devices, as well as their functioning and the assessment done by the actors implied in the elaboration/implementation/evaluation of the related policies. It is based both on documentary research as well as direct observation and interviews done to the actors implied. It concludes that the PBC and the EIF should be considered as a “technology of government”, that strives to align the conduct of the actors with the governmental aims, as well as it produces specific practices and knowledge. It also underlines an intrinsic feature of many policies: their “congenital failure”, since they are (often) disputed and resignified by situated actors, who are embedded in asymmetrical power relations.


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Cooperatives, as a kind of firms, are considered by many scholars as an remarkable alternative for overcoming the economic crisis started in 2008. Besides, there are other scholars which pointed out the important role that these firms play in the regional economic development. Nevertheless, when one examines the economic literature on cooperatives, it is detected that this kind of firms is mainly studied starting from the point of view of their own characteristics and particularities of participation and solidarity. In this sense, following a different analysis framework, this article proposes a theoretical model in order to explain the behavior of cooperatives based on the entrepreneurship theory with the aim of increasing the knowledge about this kind of firms and, more specifically, their contribution to regional economic development.


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This article examines the socio-economic evolution of the social economy sector in the Basque Country during the 2008-2014 period of economic crisis. Data have been obtained within a framework of collaboration between university, Basque Government and private sector of the social economy. The results suggest that such entities have evolved better, both in terms of number of enterprises and employment, than the general economy of the Basque Country, while the context of public policies aimed at social economy has worsened over the years. However, in economic terms (measured through the Gross Value Added generated), they have not been able to cope with the crisis in equal conditions to the general economy. The main contribution of this research lies in that, unlike similar studies, it discusses the evolution of the whole sector of the social economy, taking as reference a broad period of the current economic crisis.


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Telematic tools are very important for our lives in the present era and moreover this idea is made more evident if we analyse young people behaviours. However, it seems that the possibilities that these tools allow subjects from a professional point of view, beyond the purely playful aspects, are still not fully exploited both by subjects, neither by educational institutions where they learn. Our work studies the uses of social media in the context of university students. In order to this we have designed a research based on quantitative methodology with a survey. We have applied a questionnaire to students in the University of Murcia. The questionnaire was answered by 487 students in the first half of 2014. The survey results confirm our hypothesis that social networks are part of the basic and habitual tools of communication between the youth of our university and eminently used for leisure purposes, and that the tools used for more academic activities are those allowing greater control of privacy.


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El litoral de Alicante ha sufrido grandes transformaciones territoriales desde las décadas de 1960 y 1970 a raíz de la actividad turística. Uno de los servicios que necesita esta actividad, entre otros, es el abastecimiento de agua potable. En este sentido, por su papel estratégico, el suministro de agua en alta es decisivo para abastecer a los municipios turístico-residenciales. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer y analizar los diferentes sistemas de abastecimiento de agua en alta en la costa de Alicante, sus características, infraestructuras, recursos hídricos disponibles y medidas de gestión llevados a cabo. Algunas de las conclusiones extraídas son el papel estratégico que ejercen en el territorio, especialmente con el agua, un recurso escaso y de vital importancia para la orla costera alicantina, sobre todo en los meses estivales.


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Este artículo resulta de investigaciones en torno al “enverdecimiento” de las ciudades y las oportunidades de la agricultura urbana para la alimentación de una población en constante aumento que no trabaja la tierra. También es fruto de actividades de mejora de ambientes urbanos realizadas con la Escuela de Ingenieros Agrónomos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. A través de casos de agricultura urbana, entendiendo por ella el conjunto de prácticas para la producción de alimentos y plantas ornamentales dentro de las ciudades y en sus entornos, se analizan alternativas para la recuperación de espacios construidos e incremento de la calidad de vida de la población. Todo ello se traduce, además, en creación de riqueza y mejora del paisaje urbano, siempre desde criterios de sostenibilidad que favorecen el desarrollo local desde la Cumbre de la Tierra de Río de 1992 y la Conferencia sobre Desarrollo Sostenible Río+20 de 2013.