931 resultados para QUASI-CRYSTALS


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In this present work high quality PMMA opals with different sphere sizes, silica opals from large size spheres, multilayer opals, and inverse opals were fabricated. Highly monodisperse PMMA spheres were synthesized by surfactant-free emulsion polymerization (polydispersity ~2%). Large-area and well-ordered PMMA crystalline films with a homogenous thickness were produced by the vertical deposition method using a drawing device. Optical experiments have confirmed the high quality of these PMMA photonic crystals, e.g., well resolved high-energy bands of the transmission and reflectance spectra of the opaline films were observed. For fabrication of high quality opaline photonic crystals from large silica spheres (diameter of 890 nm), self-assembled in patterned Si-substrates a novel technique has been developed, in which the crystallization was performed by using a drawing apparatus in combination with stirring. The achievements comprise a spatial selectivity of opal crystallization without special treatment of the wafer surface, the opal lattice was found to match the pattern precisely in width as well as depth, particularly an absence of cracks within the size of the trenches, and finally a good three-dimensional order of the opal lattice even in trenches with a complex confined geometry. Multilayer opals from opaline films with different sphere sizes or different materials were produced by sequential crystallization procedure. Studies of the transmission in triple-layer hetero-opal revealed that its optical properties cannot only be considered as the linear superposition of two independent photonic bandgaps. The remarkable interface effect is the narrowing of the transmission minima. Large-area, high-quality, and robust photonic opal replicas from silicate-based inorganic-organic hybrid polymers (ORMOCER® s) were prepared by using the template-directed method, in which a high quality PMMA opal template was infiltrated with a neat inorganic-organic ORMOCER® oligomer, which can be photopolymerized within the opaline voids leading to a fully-developed replica structure with a filling factor of nearly 100%. This opal replica is structurally homogeneous, thermally and mechanically stable and the large scale (cm2 size) replica films can be handled easily as free films with a pair of tweezers.


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Es werden zwei komplementäre "bottom-up" Methoden präsentiert, die den kontrollierten Einbau von "intelligenten" planaren Defekten in selbstorganisierte kolloidale photonische Kristalle (KPKs) ermöglichen. Die Defektschicht basiert auf einem funktionellen, nanometer-skalierten dünnen Film, der entweder durch schichtweise ("layer-by-layer") Selbstorganisation und Mikrokontakttransferübertragung oder durch Aufschleudern und einer KPK-Opferfüllung hergestellt wird. Die entwickelten Techniken gestatten die Integration von maßgeschneiderten dünnen Defektfilmen bestehend aus einer enorm großen Vielfalt an Materialien; sie sind kostengünstig und können im größeren Maßstab angewendet werden. Optische Untersuchungen zeigen einen engen, durch den Defekt hervorgerufenen Transmissionszustand in der photonischen Bandlücke. Die Defektwellenlänge hängt von der optischen Dicke der Defektschicht ab. Aktives Schalten der Defektwellenlänge wird erreicht, indem Defektschichten aus Makromolekülen hergestellt werden, die über externe Erreger wie Licht, Temperatur, Redoxzyklen und mechanischen Druck adressiert werden können. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen sind im Einklang mit separat durchgeführten Ellipsometrie-Messungen und theoretischen "scalar wave approximation"-Berechnungen. Darüber hinaus werden KPKs mit funktionellen biomolekularen Defekten vorgestellt. Über Verschiebungen der Defektmode können DNA-Konformationsänderungen, die enantioselektive Einlagerung eines chiralen Antitumormedikaments sowie Enzymaktivitäten optisch beobachtet werden. Die Einlagerung von fluoreszierenden Farbstoffen und Quantenpunkten in Defekt-KPKs führt zu einer eindeutigen, durch die photonische Bandlücke und den Defektzustand hervorgerufenen Modifizierung der Photolumineszenz (PL)-Spektren. Schaltbare PL-Modifizierungen werden detektiert, wenn adressierbare Defekt-KPKs verwendet werden.


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The alignement and anchoring of liquid crystals on solid surfaces is a key problem for modern device technology that until now has been treated empirically, but that can now be tackled by atomistic computer simulations. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used in this thesis work to study two films of 7 and 8 n-alkyl-4’cyanobiphenyl (7CB and 8CB) liquid crystals , with a thickness of 15 nm, confined between two (001) surfaces of MoS2 (molybdenite). The isotropic and nematic phases of both liquid crystals were simulated, and the resulting structures characterized structurally. A new force field was designed to model the interactions between the liquid crystal (LC) molecules and the surface of molybdenite, while an accurate force field developed previously was used to model the 7CB and 8CB molecules. The results show that the (001) molybdenite surface induces a planar orientation in both the liquid crystals. For the nematic phase of 8CB, one of the two solid/LC interfaces is composed of a first layer of molecules aligned parallel to the surface, followed by a second layer of molecules aligned perpendicular to the surface (also called, homeotropic). The effect of the surface appears to be local in nature as it is confined to the first 15 Angström of the LC film. Conversely, for the nematic phase of 7CB, a planar ordering is established into the LC film. The LC molecules at the interface with the molybdenite appear to align preferentially their alkyl chains toward the solid substrate. The resulting tilt angle of molecules was found to be in good agreement with experimental measurements available in literature. Despite the fact that the MD simulations spanned a time range of more than 100 ns, the nematic phases of both 7CB and 8CB were found not to be completely formed. In order to confirm the findings presented in this thesis, we propose to extend the current study.


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This PhD thesis is embedded into the Arctic Study of Tropospheric Aerosol, Clouds and Radiation (ASTAR) and investigates the radiative transfer through Arctic boundary-layer mixed-phase (ABM) clouds. For this purpose airborne spectral solar radiation measurements and simulations of the solar and thermal infrared radiative transfer have been performed. This work reports on measurements with the Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation measurement sysTem (SMART-Albedometer) conducted in the framework of ASTAR in April 2007 close to Svalbard. For ASTAR the SMART-Albedometer was extended to measure spectral radiance. The development and calibration of the radiance measurements are described in this work. In combination with in situ measurements of cloud particle properties provided by the Laboratoire de M¶et¶eorologie Physique (LaMP) and simultaneous airborne lidar measurements by the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) ABM clouds were sampled. The SMART-Albedometer measurements were used to retrieve the cloud thermodynamic phase by three different approaches. A comparison of these results with the in situ and lidar measurements is presented in two case studies. Beside the dominating mixed-phase clouds pure ice clouds were found in cloud gaps and at the edge of a large cloud field. Furthermore the vertical distribution of ice crystals within ABM clouds was investigated. It was found that ice crystals at cloud top are necessary to describe the observed SMART-Albedometer measurements. The impact of ice crystals on the radiative forcing of ABM clouds is in vestigated by extensive radiative transfer simulations. The solar and net radiative forcing was found to depend on the ice crystal size, shape and the mixing ratio of ice crystals and liquid water droplets.


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Es wurde ein für bodengebundene Feldmessungen geeignetes System zur digital-holographischen Abbildung luftgetragener Objekte entwickelt und konstruiert. Es ist, abhängig von der Tiefenposition, geeignet zur direkten Bestimmung der Größe luftgetragener Objekte oberhalb von ca. 20 µm, sowie ihrer Form bei Größen oberhalb von ca. 100µm bis in den Millimeterbereich. Die Entwicklung umfaßte zusätzlich einen Algorithmus zur automatisierten Verbesserung der Hologrammqualität und zur semiautomatischen Entfernungsbestimmung großer Objekte entwickelt. Eine Möglichkeit zur intrinsischen Effizienzsteigerung der Bestimmung der Tiefenposition durch die Berechnung winkelgemittelter Profile wurde vorgestellt. Es wurde weiterhin ein Verfahren entwickelt, das mithilfe eines iterativen Ansatzes für isolierte Objekte die Rückgewinnung der Phaseninformation und damit die Beseitigung des Zwillingsbildes erlaubt. Weiterhin wurden mithilfe von Simulationen die Auswirkungen verschiedener Beschränkungen der digitalen Holographie wie der endlichen Pixelgröße untersucht und diskutiert. Die geeignete Darstellung der dreidimensionalen Ortsinformation stellt in der digitalen Holographie ein besonderes Problem dar, da das dreidimensionale Lichtfeld nicht physikalisch rekonstruiert wird. Es wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt und implementiert, das durch Konstruktion einer stereoskopischen Repräsentation des numerisch rekonstruierten Meßvolumens eine quasi-dreidimensionale, vergrößerte Betrachtung erlaubt. Es wurden ausgewählte, während Feldversuchen auf dem Jungfraujoch aufgenommene digitale Hologramme rekonstruiert. Dabei ergab sich teilweise ein sehr hoher Anteil an irregulären Kristallformen, insbesondere infolge massiver Bereifung. Es wurden auch in Zeiträumen mit formal eisuntersättigten Bedingungen Objekte bis hinunter in den Bereich ≤20µm beobachtet. Weiterhin konnte in Anwendung der hier entwickelten Theorie des ”Phasenrandeffektes“ ein Objekt von nur ca. 40µm Größe als Eisplättchen identifiziert werden. Größter Nachteil digitaler Holographie gegenüber herkömmlichen photographisch abbildenden Verfahren ist die Notwendigkeit der aufwendigen numerischen Rekonstruktion. Es ergibt sich ein hoher rechnerischer Aufwand zum Erreichen eines einer Photographie vergleichbaren Ergebnisses. Andererseits weist die digitale Holographie Alleinstellungsmerkmale auf. Der Zugang zur dreidimensionalen Ortsinformation kann der lokalen Untersuchung der relativen Objektabstände dienen. Allerdings zeigte sich, dass die Gegebenheiten der digitalen Holographie die Beobachtung hinreichend großer Mengen von Objekten auf der Grundlage einzelner Hologramm gegenwärtig erschweren. Es wurde demonstriert, dass vollständige Objektgrenzen auch dann rekonstruiert werden konnten, wenn ein Objekt sich teilweise oder ganz außerhalb des geometrischen Meßvolumens befand. Weiterhin wurde die zunächst in Simulationen demonstrierte Sub-Bildelementrekonstruktion auf reale Hologramme angewandt. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass z.T. quasi-punktförmige Objekte mit Sub-Pixelgenauigkeit lokalisiert, aber auch bei ausgedehnten Objekten zusätzliche Informationen gewonnen werden konnten. Schließlich wurden auf rekonstruierten Eiskristallen Interferenzmuster beobachtet und teilweise zeitlich verfolgt. Gegenwärtig erscheinen sowohl kristallinterne Reflexion als auch die Existenz einer (quasi-)flüssigen Schicht als Erklärung möglich, wobei teilweise in Richtung der letztgenannten Möglichkeit argumentiert werden konnte. Als Ergebnis der Arbeit steht jetzt ein System zur Verfügung, das ein neues Meßinstrument und umfangreiche Algorithmen umfaßt. S. M. F. Raupach, H.-J. Vössing, J. Curtius und S. Borrmann: Digital crossed-beam holography for in-situ imaging of atmospheric particles, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 8, 796-806 (2006) S. M. F. Raupach: A cascaded adaptive mask algorithm for twin image removal and its application to digital holograms of ice crystals, Appl. Opt. 48, 287-301 (2009) S. M. F. Raupach: Stereoscopic 3D visualization of particle fields reconstructed from digital inline holograms, (zur Veröffentlichung angenommen, Optik - Int. J. Light El. Optics, 2009)


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In questo documento è stata proposta una soluzione per l'estrazione di carica da un trasduttore piezoelettrico mediante un circuito di conversione quasi-sincrono. Il trasduttore piezoelettrico può essere considerato un ottimo dispositivo per convertire l’energia derivante dalle vibrazioni; la soluzione proposta di estrazione di carica in maniera quasi-sincrona permette un processo di energy harvesting con prestazioni nettamente migliori rispetto al caso di conversione sincrona per casi di trasduttori fortemente accoppiati.


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One of the most diffused electronic device is the field effect transistor (FET), contained in number of billions in each electronic device. Organic optoelectronics is an emerging field that exploits the unique properties of conjugated organic materials to develop new applications that require a combination of performance, low cost and processability. Organic single crystals are the material with best performances and purity among the variety of different form of organic semiconductors. This thesis is focused on electrical and optical characterization of Rubrene single crystal bulk and thin films. Rubrene bulk is well known but for the first time we studied thin films. The first Current-voltage characterization has been performed for the first time on three Rubrene thin films with three different thickness to extract the charge carriers mobility and to assess its crystalline structure. As results we see that mobility increase with thickness. Field effect transistor based on Rubrene thin films on $SiO_2$ have been characterize by current-voltage (I-V) analyses (at several temperatures) and reveals a hopping conduction. Hopping behavior probably is due to the lattice mismatch with the substrate or intrinsic defectivity of the thin films. To understand effects of contact resistance we tested thin films with the Transmission Line Method (TLM) method. The TLM method revealeds that contact resistance is negligible but evidenced a Schottky behavior in a limited but well determined range of T. To avoid this effect we carried out annealing treatment after the electrode evaporation iswe performed a compete I-V characterization as a function of in temperature to extract the electronic density of states (DOS) distribution through the Space Charge Limited Current (SCLC) method. The results show a DOS with an exponential trenddistribution, as expected. The measured mobility of thin films is about 0.1cm^2/Vs and it increases with the film thickness. Further studies are necessary to investigate the reason and improve performances. From photocurrent spectrum we calculated an Eg of about 2.2eV and both thin films and bulk have a good crystal order. Further measurement are necessary to solve some open problems


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Small-scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium have been treated as the benchmark of much of the monetary policy literature, given their ability to explain the impact of monetary policy on output, inflation and financial markets. One cause of the empirical failure of New Keynesian models is partially due to the Rational Expectations (RE) paradigm, which entails a tight structure on the dynamics of the system. Under this hypothesis, the agents are assumed to know the data genereting process. In this paper, we propose the econometric analysis of New Keynesian DSGE models under an alternative expectations generating paradigm, which can be regarded as an intermediate position between rational expectations and learning, nameley an adapted version of the "Quasi-Rational" Expectatations (QRE) hypothesis. Given the agents' statistical model, we build a pseudo-structural form from the baseline system of Euler equations, imposing that the length of the reduced form is the same as in the `best' statistical model.


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La tecnologia odierna, orientata sempre di più verso il “low-power”, ha permesso di poter sviluppare sistemi elettronici in grado di autoalimentarsi senza alcun bisogno di sorgenti di energia tradizionali. Questo è possibile, ad esempio, utilizzando trasduttori piezoelettrici, in grado di trasformare l’energia meccanica, provocata ad esempio da una vibrazione, in un’altra forma di energia che, in tal caso, risulta essere una grandezza elettrica. Il settore principale in cui viene impiegato questo componente è quello dell’Energy Harvesting, ovvero un campo dell’elettronica in cui si cerca di estrarre dall'ambiente circostante bassissime quantità di energia mediante tecniche opportune, cercando di ridurre i consumi dei circuiti di controllo annessi e renderli, in maggior parte, il più possibile autosufficienti. L’obiettivo è quello di implementare alcune tecniche di recupero dell’energia mediante circuiti gestiti a microcontrollore e valutare se tali metodiche portino a risultati accettabili in grado di soddisfare quelli che sono i requisiti che il mondo dell’Energy Harvesting richiede.


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The present thesis is focused on the study of Organic Semiconducting Single Crystals (OSSCs) and crystalline thin films. In particular solution-grown OSSC, e.g. 4-hdroxycyanobenzene (4HCB) have been characterized in view of their applications as novel sensors of X-rays, gamma-rays, alpha particles radiations and chemical sensors. In the field of ionizing radiation detection, organic semiconductors have been proposed so far mainly as indirect detectors, i.e. as scintillators or as photodiodes. I first study the performance of 4HCB single crystals as direct X-ray detector i.e. the direct photon conversion into an electrical signal, assessing that they can operate at room temperature and in atmosphere, showing a stable and linear response with increasing dose rate. A dedicated study of the collecting electrodes geometry, crystal thickness and interaction volume allowed us to maximize the charge collection efficiency and sensitivity, thus assessing how OSSCs perform at low operating voltages and offer a great potential in the development of novel ionizing radiation sensors. To better understand the processes generating the observed X-ray signal, a comparative study is presented on OSSCs based on several small-molecules: 1,5-dinitronaphthalene (DNN), 1,8-naphthaleneimide (NTI), Rubrene and TIPS-pentacene. In addition, the proof of principle of gamma-rays and alpha particles has been assessed for 4HCB single crystals. I have also carried out an investigation of the electrical response of OSSCs exposed to vapour of volatile molecules, polar and non-polar. The last chapter deals with rubrene, the highest performing molecular crystals for electronic applications. We present an investigation on high quality, millimeter-sized, crystalline thin films (10 – 100 nm thick) realized by exploiting organic molecular beam epitaxy on water-soluble substrates. Space-Charge-Limited Current (SCLC) and photocurrent spectroscopy measurements have been carried out. A thin film transistor was fabricated onto a Cytop® dielectric layer. The FET mobility exceeding 2 cm2/Vs, definitely assess the quality of RUB films.


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The work presented in this thesis tackles some important points concerning the collective properties of two typical categories of molecular crystals, i.e., anthracene derivatives and charge transfer crystals. Anthracene derivatives have constituted the class of materials from which systematical investigations of crystal-to-crystal photodimerization reactions started, developed and have been the subject of a new awakening in the recent years. In this work some of these compounds, namely, 9-cyanoanthacene, 9-anthacenecarboxylic acid and 9-methylanthracene, have been selected as model systems for a phenomenological approach to some key properties of the solid state, investigated by spectroscopic methods. The present results show that, on the basis of the solid state organization and the chemical nature of each compound, photo-reaction dynamics and kinetics display distinctive behaviors, which allows for a classification of the various processes in topochemical, non topochemical, reversible or topophysical. The second part of the thesis was focused on charge transfer crystals, binary systems formed by stoichiometric combinations of the charge donating perylene (D) and the charge accepting tetracyano-quinodimethane (A), this latter also in its fluorinated derivatives. The work was focused on the growth of single crystals, some of which not yet reported in the literature, by PVT technique. Structural and spectroscopic characterizations have been performed, with the aim of determining the degree of charge transfer between donor and acceptor in the co-crystals. An interesting outcome of the systematic search performed in this work is the definition of the experimental conditions which drive the crystal growth of the binary systems either towards the low (1:1) or the high ratio (3:1 or 3:2) stoichiometries.


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Computer-Simulationen von Kolloidalen Fluiden in Beschränkten Geometrien Kolloidale Suspensionen, die einen Phasenübergang aufweisen, zeigen eine Vielfalt an interessanten Effekten, sobald sie auf eine bestimmte Geometrie beschränkt werden, wie zum Beispiel auf zylindrische Poren, sphärische Hohlräume oder auf einen Spalt mit ebenen Wänden. Der Einfluss dieser verschiedenen Geometrietypen sowohl auf das Phasenverhalten als auch auf die Dynamik von Kolloid-Polymer-Mischungen wird mit Hilfe von Computer-Simulationen unter Verwendung des Asakura-Oosawa- Modells, für welches auf Grund der “Depletion”-Kräfte ein Phasenübergang existiert, untersucht. Im Fall von zylindrischen Poren sieht man ein interessantes Phasenverhalten, welches vom eindimensionalen Charakter des Systems hervorgerufen wird. In einer kurzen Pore findet man im Bereich des Phasendiagramms, in dem das System typischerweise entmischt, entweder eine polymerreiche oder eine kolloidreiche Phase vor. Sobald aber die Länge der zylindrischen Pore die typische Korrelationslänge entlang der Zylinderachse überschreitet, bilden sich mehrere quasi-eindimensionale Bereiche der polymerreichen und der kolloidreichen Phase, welche von nun an koexistieren. Diese Untersuchungen helfen das Verhalten von Adsorptionshysteresekurven in entsprechenden Experimenten zu erklären. Wenn das Kolloid-Polymer-Modellsystem auf einen sphärischen Hohlraum eingeschränkt wird, verschiebt sich der Punkt des Phasenübergangs von der polymerreichen zur kolloidreichen Phase. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese Verschiebung direkt von den Benetzungseigenschaften des Systems abhängt, was die Beobachtung von zwei verschiedenen Morphologien bei Phasenkoexistenz ermöglicht – Schalenstrukturen und Strukturen des Janustyps. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung von heterogener Keimbildung von Kristallen innerhalb einer Flüssigkeit wird eine neue Simulationsmethode zur Berechnung von Freien Energien der Grenzfläche zwischen Kristall- bzw. Flüssigkeitsphase undWand präsentiert. Die Resultate für ein System von harten Kugeln und ein System einer Kolloid- Polymer-Mischung werden anschließend zur Bestimmung von Kontaktwinkeln von Kristallkeimen an Wänden verwendet. Die Dynamik der Phasenseparation eines quasi-zweidimensionalen Systems, welche sich nach einem Quench des Systems aus dem homogenen Zustand in den entmischten Zustand ausbildet, wird mit Hilfe von einer mesoskaligen Simulationsmethode (“Multi Particle Collision Dynamics”) untersucht, die sich für eine detaillierte Untersuchung des Einflusses der hydrodynamischen Wechselwirkung eignet. Die Exponenten universeller Potenzgesetze, die das Wachstum der mittleren Domänengröße beschreiben, welche für rein zwei- bzw. dreidimensionale Systeme bekannt sind, können für bestimmte Parameterbereiche nachgewiesen werden. Die unterschiedliche Dynamik senkrecht bzw. parallel zu den Wänden sowie der Einfluss der Randbedingungen für das Lösungsmittel werden untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass die daraus resultierende Abschirmung der hydrodynamischen Wechselwirkungsreichweite starke Auswirkungen auf das Wachstum der mittleren Domänengröße hat.


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In this thesis we are presenting a broadly based computer simulation study of two-dimensional colloidal crystals under different external conditions. In order to fully understand the phenomena which occur when the system is being compressed or when the walls are being sheared, it proved necessary to study also the basic motion of the particles and the diffusion processes which occur in the case without these external forces. In the first part of this thesis we investigate the structural transition in the number of rows which occurs when the crystal is being compressed by placing the structured walls closer together. Previous attempts to locate this transition were impeded by huge hysteresis effects. We were able to determine the transition point with higher precision by applying both the Schmid-Schilling thermodynamic integration method and the phase switch Monte Carlo method in order to determine the free energies. These simulations showed not only that the phase switch method can successfully be applied to systems with a few thousand particles and a soft crystalline structure with a superimposed pattern of defects, but also that this method is way more efficient than a thermodynamic integration when free energy differences are to be calculated. Additionally, the phase switch method enabled us to distinguish between several energetically very similar structures and to determine which one of them was actually stable. Another aspect considered in the first result chapter of this thesis is the ensemble inequivalence which can be observed when the structural transition is studied in the NpT and in the NVT ensemble. The second part of this work deals with the basic motion occurring in colloidal crystals confined by structured walls. Several cases are compared where the walls are placed in different positions, thereby introducing an incommensurability into the crystalline structure. Also the movement of the solitons, which are created in the course of the structural transition, is investigated. Furthermore, we will present results showing that not only the well-known mechanism of vacancies and interstitial particles leads to diffusion in our model system, but that also cooperative ring rotation phenomena occur. In this part and the following we applied Langevin dynamics simulations. In the last chapter of this work we will present results on the effect of shear on the colloidal crystal. The shear was implemented by moving the walls with constant velocity. We have observed shear banding and, depending on the shear velocity, that the inner part of the crystal breaks into several domains with different orientations. At very high shear velocities holes are created in the structure, which originate close to the walls, but also diffuse into the inner part of the crystal.


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In this thesis, we have dealt with several problems concerning liquid crystals (LC) phases, either in the bulk or at their interfaces, by the use of atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We first focused our attention on simulating and characterizing the bulk smectic phase of 4-n-octyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl (8CB), allowing us to investigate the antiparallel molecular arrangement typical of SmAd smectic phases. A second topic of study was the characterization of the 8CB interface with vacuum by simulating freely suspended thin films, which allowed us to determine the influence of the interface on the orientational and positional order. Then we investigated the LC-water and LC-electrolyte water solution interface. This interface has recently found application in the development of sensors for several compounds, including biological molecules, and here we tried to understand the re-orientation mechanism of LC molecules at the interface which is behind the functioning of these sensors. The characterization of this peculiar interface has incidentally led us to develop a polarizable force field for the pentyl-cyanobiphenyl mesogen, whose process of parametrization and validation is reported here in detail. We have shown that this force field is a significant improvement over its previous, static charge non polarizable version in terms of density, orientational order parameter and translational diffusion.