748 resultados para Managerial ownership


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Before and after its accession to the WTO in 2001, China has undergone a far-reaching investment liberalisation. As part of this, existing restrictions on foreign ownership structure and mandatory export and technology transfer requirements imposed on foreign firms have been lifted in a number of industries. Against this background we identify the causal effects of foreign acquisitions on export market entry and technology take-off and evaluate whether the level of foreign ownership plays a role in stimulating these changes. Using doubly robust propensity score reweighted bivariate probit regressions to control for the selection bias associated with firm level foreign acquisition incidences, we uncover strong but heterogeneous positive effects on export activity for all types of foreign ownership structure. We also find that minority foreign owned acquisition targets experience higher likelihood of R&D, providing evidence that joint ventures can contribute positively to China's "science and technology take-off".


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There is growing interest in exploring the potential links between human biology and management and organization studies, which is bringing greater attention to bear on the place of mental processes in explaining human behaviour and effectiveness. The authors define this new field as organizational cognitive neuroscience (OCN), which is in the exploratory phase of its emergence and diffusion. It is clear that there are methodological debates and issues associated with OCN research, and the aim of this paper is to illuminate these concerns, and provide a roadmap for rigorous and relevant future work in the area. To this end, the current reach of OCN is investigated by the systematic review methodology, revealing three clusters of activity, covering the fields of economics, marketing and organizational behaviour. Among these clusters, organizational behaviour seems to be an outlier, owing to its far greater variety of empirical work, which the authors argue is largely a result of the plurality of research methods that have taken root within this field. Nevertheless, all three clusters contribute to a greater understanding of the biological mechanisms that mediate choice and decision-making. The paper concludes that OCN research has already provided important insights regarding the boundaries surrounding human freedom to act in various domains and, in turn, self-determination to influence the workplace. However, there is much to be done, and emerging research of significant interest is highlighted.


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Based on a review of the extant literature, a conceptual framework for analyzing the associations between managerial strategies (internal communications, empowerment, supportive leadership and professional development), employee job attitudes (organizational commitment and job satisfaction) and prosocial service behaviours (PSBs) is developed. The authors explore the relevance of the proposed conceptual model and testable propositions regarding the associations between managerial strategies, employee attitudes and PSBs by conducting in-depth interviews of FLEs in a travel service organization. Based on the findings of the in-depth interviews, the relationships between managerial strategies, job attitudes and PSBs in the conceptual framework are largely supported.


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The major contribution of the study is the identification of a positive link between perceived effective managerial coaching (PEMC) and team task performance and also, the examination of PEMC adopting a multilevel research design and incorporating dual-source data. Specifically, drawing on social psychology, the thesis aims at developing and testing a comprehensive conceptual framework of the antecedents and consequences of PEMC for knowledge workers. The model takes into consideration intrapersonal, interpersonal and team-level characteristics, which relate to PEMC and, subsequently associate with important work outcomes. In this regard, the thesis identifies PEMC as a practice of dual nature in that it may be experienced not only as a one-on-one workplace developmental interaction, but also as a managerial practice that is experienced by each member of a team for co-ordination purposes. Adopting a cross-sectional survey research design, the hypotheses are tested in three organisations in Greece and the UK. In particular, hierarchical linear modelling of 191 employees nested in 60 teams yields that employees’ learning goal orientation (LGO) and high-quality exchanges between an employee and a manager (LMX) are positively related to effective MC, while a manager’s LGO moderates the relationship between employees’ LGO and PEMC. In turn, PEMC, as a one-on-one practice, is related to cognitive outcomes, such as information sharing, while as a shared team practice is related also to behavioural outcomes, including individual and team performance. Overall, the study contributes to a growing body of coaching and management literature that acknowledges PEMC as a core managerial practice.


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Corporate governance disclosure is important for countries aiming to attract international investors and reduce companies’ cost of capital. The relationship between corporate governance disclosure (CGD) and its determinants is the main objective of the current research. Accordingly, the research aimed to: (i) assess CGD level in the Gulf countries; (ii) investigate the impact of ownership structure (proportion of institutional, governmental, managerial and family ownership) on CGD; (iii) explore the effect of board characteristics (proportion of independent board members, proportion of family members on board, CEO/chairman duality and board size) on CGD; (iv) examine the relationship between diversity (proportion of foreign and female members on a board and in the senior management team) and CGD; and (v) test the association between firm characteristics (company size, age, liquidity, profitability, leverage, industry and auditor types) and CGD. Gulf countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) were selected for the study since they share similar characteristics and represent a relatively homogeneous category in the Middle East and North African region. A CGD index of 232 items was developed and divided into six categories: ownership structure and investor rights; financial transparency and information disclosure; information on auditors; board and senior management structure and process; board committees; and finally corporate behaviour and responsibility. Annual reports available for listed non-financial companies of the Gulf countries were 270 for the year 2009. The maximum CGD level was 63%, whereas the minimum was 5%, with an average disclosure level of 32%. Several regression models were conducted to enhance the robustness of the results and conclusions of the study. The results indicated that five variables had a significant positive relationship with CGD: proportion of independent members on a board, proportion of foreign members on a board, proportion of foreign members in the senior management team, auditor type and profitability. The research contributes to the literature on corporate governance voluntary disclosure in developing countries. Practical contributions consist of several recommendations to policy makers, regulators, and professional institutions in the Gulf countries.


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We consider whether the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance is moderated by the company affiliation with business groups. Within business groups, we explore the trade-off between inter-firm insurance that enables risk-taking, and inefficient resource allocation. Risk-taking in group affiliated firms leads to higher performance, compared to independent firms, but the impact of proactivity is attenuated. Utilizing Indian data, we show that risk-taking may undermine rather than improve business performance, but this effect is not present in business groups. Proactivity enhances performance, but less so in business groups. Firms can also enhance performance by technological knowledge acquisition, but these effects are not significantly different for various ownership categories.


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A mögöttünk hagyott két évtizedben – tetszik, vagy sem – a magyar gazdaság 1992. évi mélypontról történő kilábalásában, majd új növekedési pályára állásában meghatározó szerepe volt a hazai forrásokat kiegészítő külföldi befektetéseknek. Ennek természetesen ára volt: a tevékenységi struktúra (termékszerkezet) módosulása, a tulajdonosi összetétel radikális átalakulása, a külgazdasági kapcsolatok irányultságának változása, a lakosság önfoglalkoztatási célú vállalkozásainak szaporodása, a gazdaságfejlesztés irányának és ütemének cikk-cakkos mozgása, az állami szerepkör fokozatos leépülése. Írásunk célja annak áttekintése, hogy a nemzetközi tőkeáramlás tendenciáinak módosulását követően – a Magyarországra érkező külföldi tőkebefektetések jelentős csökkenéséből fakadóan – a kizárólagos és többségi hazai tulajdonú szereplők (kiemelten a hazai közép- és kisvállalkozások) milyen mértékben lehetnek alkalmasak a kieső teljesítmények pótlására, illetve a gazdasági válság lecsengését követően milyen ütemű növekedést képesek biztosítani a magyar gazdaság számára. A válaszok nagy valószínűséggel az Új Széchenyi Terv szempontjából sem közömbösek. Az írást a szerkesztőség vitairatnak szánja és szívesen ad teret a témával kapcsolatos vélemények kifejtésének. / === / The economic performance during the transition period was characterized by the alternations of fulfilled hopes and unrealized expectations. The economic restructuring and changes in market relations took place during the first decade, while new – mostly foreign – investment groups entered the new market. As a result the economy was stabilized and was put on a new growth path. But after the millennium the foreign investment based economy development strategy was no more adequate. The new engine for the growth should have been the domestic small and medium enterprise sector (SME), but despite the subsidies this sector was not strengthened enough to take this role.


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Az elmúlt évtizedek felgyorsult technológiai fejlődése komoly kihívásokat jelent mind a cégeknek, mind az egyéneknek. Intézményesített „jövőkezelésre” és ennek menedzselésére van szükség. A szerzők tanulmányukban át kívánják tekinteni a jövőkutatás, a technológiamenedzsment, az innovációmenedzsment és egyéb megközelítések releváns alapjait, viszonyait és lehetséges integrációjukat. Be kívánják mutatni a meghatározó területeket és trendeket. Keresik azokat a menedzsment-alapkérdéseket, tanulságokat és dilemmákat, amelyek minden olyan vállalatnak érdekesek és hasznosak lehetnek, amelyek a fejlődő technológia lehetőségeit szeretnék kiaknázni, vagy csak egyszerűen szeretnének a követhetetlenül gyors fejlődésben talpon maradni. _____________ The fast pace technology development creates a serious challenge both for individuals and for companies. There is a concept which attempts to handle this challenge by “institutional future management”. In their paper the authors survey the relevant concepts of future studies, technology management and other areas, and explore their connections and integration possibilities. They also would like to introduce some key technology trends, and at the same time some basic managerial questions, dilemmas, conclusions which might have importance to those corporations which have to survive in an environment determined by accelerated technology based innovation.


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A tanulmány a vezetői döntéshozatal három lényeges aspektusát tárja fel. A Versenyben a világgal c. kutatási program eredményei alapján arra lehet következtetni, hogy a menedzserek döntéshozatali képességei és megközelítései, a vállalati teljesítménymérés és menedzsment döntéseket támogató szerepe, valamint a vállalatok érintettekhez fűződő viszonya meghatározó lehet a hatékony vezetői döntéshozatal során. A vállalati döntéshozatal jellemzőinek bemutatása után megvizsgáljuk azt is, hogy a különböző teljesítményű cégek döntéseit mennyire támogatja a menedzserek felkészültsége, a teljesítménymérési gyakorlat és az érintettek elvárásai. A szerzők úgy találták, hogy a fenti tényezők mindegyike hozzájárul a hazai cégek versenyképességéhez, általánosságban ugyanis elmondható, hogy a döntéseket támogató vállalati környezet jobb üzleti teljesítményhez és gyorsabb reagálóképességhez vezethet. Az eredmények összegzése mellett ajánlásokkal is éltek a vállalatok számára, amelyek alkalmazásával hatékonyabb döntéseket hozhatnak. _______ This study presents three main aspects of the managerial decision making. Based on the results of the research program In competition with the World it points to the fact that decision making abilities and approaches of the managers, the corporate performance appraisal and the management decision support role, and the corporate relations to the stakeholders will be determinant in the process of the efficient managerial decision making. After presentation of characteristics of the corporate decision making the authors examine that how the decisions of enterprises with different performances are supported by the preparedness of the managers, the performance appraisal practice and the stakeholders expectations. The authors have thought that every factor contributes to the competitiveness of the domestic enterprises, and generally the decision supporting corporate environment can lead to better business performance and faster responsive abilities. Besides the results summary the authors give useful recommendations to the corporations with which they can make more efficient decisions.


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The relationship of managerial bonuses and profit maximization is interesting both from an economic and a managerial viewpoint. Our contribution to this literature is showing that progressive managerial bonuses can increase profits in a spatial Bertrand competition, and furthermore they can help collusion.


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The current U.S. health care system faces numerous environmental challenges. To compete and survive, health care organizations are developing strategies to lower costs and increase efficiency and quality. All of these strategies require rapid and precise decision making by top level managers. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the environment, made up of unfavorable market conditions and limited resources, and the work roles of top level managers, specifically in the settings of academic medical centers. Managerial work roles are based on the ten work roles developed by Henry Mintzberg, in his book, The Nature of Managerial Work (1973). ^ This research utilized an integrated conceptual framework made up of systems theory in conjunction with role, attribution and contingency theories to illustrate that four most frequently performed Mintzberg's work roles are affected by the two environment dimensions. The study sample consisted of 108 chief executive officers in academic medical centers throughout the United States. The methods included qualitative methods in the form of key informants and case studies and quantitative in the form of a survey questionnaire. Research analysis involved descriptive statistics, reliability tests, correlation, principal component and multivariate analyses. ^ Results indicated that under the market condition of increased revenue based on capitation, the work roles increased. In addition, under the environment dimension of limited resources, the work roles increased when uncompensated care increased while Medicare and non-government funding decreased. ^ Based on these results, a typology of health care managers in academic medical centers was created. Managers could be typed as a strategy-formulator, relationship-builder or task delegator. Therefore, managers who ascertained their types would be able to use this knowledge to build their strengths and develop their weaknesses. Furthermore, organizations could use the typology to identify appropriate roles and responsibilities of managers for their specific needs. Consequently, this research is a valuable tool for understanding health care managerial behaviors that lead to improved decision making. At the same time, this could enhance satisfaction and performance and enable organizations to gain the competitive edge . ^


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Restaurant management and the leadership styles of men and women who serve as hosts to the dining public are the subject of this study. The author asks: What kind of managers are they? What are the operational results of their efforts? Is there a relationship between managerial style and operational outcomes? How are managerial styles themselves related to each other?


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The professional success of future hospitality graduates will require that they have gone beyond the acquisition of contemporary industry knowledge and training in current best practices. Increasingly relevant hospitality education will emphasize skill development. Managerial thinking and renewal skills will be especially useful in an industry which is constantly changing.


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Companies want recruits who “think like an owner”; that is, managers who demonstrate entrepreneurial aptitude and skills, think on their feet, and possess good problem-solving abilities. This exploratory study sought to identify the characteristics important for ownership-like thought in the hospitality industry. A questionnaire based on a review of entrepreneurship literature drew responses from 182 hotel and restaurant industry operators, executives, and owners. Results suggested six factors or characteristics that lead to ownership-like thought or behavior.