997 resultados para Electric-field


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A lightning return stroke model for a downward flash is proposed. The model includes underlying physical phenomena governing return stroke evolution, namely, electric field due to charge distributed along the leader and cloud, transient enhancement of series channel conductance at the bridging regime, and the nonlinear variation of channel conductance, which supports the return stroke current evolution. Thermal effects of free burning arc at the stroke wave front and its impact on channel conductance are studied. A first-order arc model for determining the dynamic channel conductance along with a field-dependent conductivity for corona sheath is used in the model. The model predicts consistent current propagation along the channel with regard to current amplitude and return stroke velocity. The model is also capable of predicting the remote electromagnetic fields that are consistent with the experimental observations.


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0.85PbMg(1/3)Nb(2/3)O(3)-0.15PbTiO(3) ferroelectric-relaxor thin films have been deposited on La(0.5)nSr(0.5)CoO(3)/(1 1 1) Pt/TiO(2)/SiO(2)/Si by pulsed laser ablation at various oxygen partial pressures in the range 0.05 to 0.4 Torr. All the films have a rhombohedral perovskite structure. The grain morphology and orientation are drastically affected by the oxygen pressure, studied by x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The domain structure investigations by dynamic contact electrostatic force microscopy have revealed that the distribution of polar nanoregions and their dynamics is influenced by the grain morphology, orientation and more importantly, oxygen vacancies. The correlation length extracted from autocorrelation function images has shown that the polarization disorder decreases with oxygen pressure up to 0.3 Torr. The presence of polarized domains and their electric field induced switching is discussed in terms of internal bias field and domain wall pinning. Film deposited at 0.4 Torr presents a curious case with unique triangular grain morphology and large polarization disorder.


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The effect of variation in the switching instant of the output switch of the pulser circuit used in energizing an NEMP simulator on the voltage fed to the simulator and hence the electric field within the working volume of the simulator has been studied. Depending upon the instant at which the output switch closes, the amplitude and the wave shape of the voltage that is fed to the illuminator varies. This wave shape of the output voltage from the pulser circuit determines the shape and characteristics of the electric field within the working volume of the simulator. To study the effect of variation in the switching instant on the vertical electric field within the working volume, the vertical electric field has been computed in time and frequency domains. For certain switching instants, the electric field shows a sharp reduction in its amplitude after the peak which is called the notch. The presence of notch results in the test object not getting illuminated with all the frequencies of interest. The notch has been successfully reduced by suitably modifying the pulser circuit.


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In the recent years, there has been a trend to run metallic pipelines carrying petroleum products and high voltage AC power lines parallel to each other in a relatively narrow strip of land. Due to this sharing of the right-of-way, verhead AC power line electric field may induce voltages on the metallic pipelines running in close vicinity leading to serious adverse effects. In this paper, the induced voltages on metallic pipelines running in close vicinity of high voltage power transmission lines have been computed. Before computing the induced voltages, an optimum configuration of the phase conductors based on the lowest conductor surface gradient and field under transmission line has been arrived at. This paper reports the conductor surface field gradients calculated for the various configurations. Also the electric fields under transmission line, for single circuit and double circuit (various phase arrangements) have been analyzed. Based on the above results, an optimum configuration giving the lowest field under the power line as well as the lowest conductor surface gradient has been arrived at and for this configuration, induced voltage on the pipeline has been computed using the Charge Simulation Method (CSM). For comparison, induced voltages on the pipeline has been computed for the various other phase configurations also.


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In this paper, the radiated electric and magnetic fields above a perfectly conducting ground at different heights from 10 m to 10 km and for lateral distances varying from 20 m to 10 km from a lightning return stroke channel are computed and the field waveforms are presented. It has been observed that the vertical electric field reverses its polarity with height and this height depends on the radial distance from the lightning channel. The magnitude of the horizontal electric field, on the other hand,increases with height up to a certain height and then reduces. The effect of variation in the rate of rise of lightning current (di/dt) and the velocity of return stroke current on the radiated electric and magnetic fields for the above heights and distances have also been studied. It is seen that the variation in maximum current derivative does not have a significant influence on the electric field when ground is assumed as a perfect conductor but it influences significantly the horizontal electric field when ground has finite conductivity. The velocity of propagation of return stroke current on the other hand has significant influence for both perfectly as well as finitely conducting ground conditions.


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We provide a theory for the tunneling conductance G(V) of Dirac electrons on the surface of a topological insulator as measured by a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope tip for low-bias voltages V. We show that if the in-plane rotational symmetry on the surface of the topological insulator is broken by an external field that does not couple to spin directly (such as an in-plane electric field), G(V) exhibits an unconventional dependence on the direction of the magnetization of the tip, i.e., it acquires a dependence on the azimuthal angle of the magnetization of the tip. We also show that G(V) can be used to measure the magnitude of the local out-of-plane spin orientation of the Dirac electrons on the surface. We explain the role of the Dirac electrons in this unconventional behavior and suggest experiments to test our theory.


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Large single crystal of triglycine sulphate (dimension 100 mm along monoclinic b-axis and 15 mm in diameter) was grown using the unidirectional solution growth technique. The X-ray diffraction studies confirmed the growth/long axis to be b-axis (polar axis). The dielectric studies were carried out at various temperatures to establish the phase transition temperature. The frequency response of the dielectric constant, dielectric loss and impedance of the crystal along the growth axis, was monitored. These are typically characterized by strong resonance peaks in the kHz region. The piezoelectric coefficients like stiffness constant (C), elastic coefficient (S), electromechanical coupling coefficient (k) and d (31) were calculated using the resonance-antiresonance method. Polarization (P)-Electric field (E) hysteresis loops were recorded at various temperatures to find the temperature-dependent spontaneous polarization of the grown crystal. The pyroelectric coefficients were determined from the pyroelectric current measurement by the Byer and Roundy method. The ferroelectric domain patterns were recorded on (010) plane using scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy.


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The effect of an applied electric field on the magnetic properties of L1(0)-ordered CoPd thin films is investigated by first-principle calculations. Both the magnetic moment and the magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the surface atoms are changed by the electric field, but the net effect depends on the surface termination. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy switches from in-plane to perpendicular in the presence of external electric field. Typical magnetic-moment changes are 0.1 mu(B) per eV/angstrom The main mechanism is the shift of the Fermi level, but the anisotropy change also reflects a crystal-field change due to incomplete screening.


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In this article, we report the structure of a 1:1 charge transfer complex between pyridine (PYR) and chloranil (CHL) in solution (CHCl(3)) from the measurement of hyperpolarizability (beta(HRS)) and linear and circular depolarization ratios, D and D', respectively, by the hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique and state-of-the-art quantum chemical calculations. Using linearly (electric field vector along X) and circularly polarized incident light, respectively, we have measured two macroscopic depolarization ratios D = I(X,X)(2 omega)/I(X,Z)(2 omega) and D' = I(X,C)(2 omega)/I(Z,C)(2 omega) in the laboratory fixed XYZ frame by detecting the second harmonic (SH) scattered light in a polarization resolved fashion. The stabilization energy and the optical gap calculated through the MP2/cc-pVDZ method using Gaussian09 were not significantly different to distinguish between the cofacial and T-shape structures. Only when the experimentally obtained beta(HRS) and the depolarization ratios, D and D', were matched with the theoretically computed values from single and double configuration interaction (SDCI) calculations performed using the ZINDO-SCRF technique, we concluded that the room temperature equilibrium structure of the complex is cofacial. This is in sharp contrast to an earlier theoretical prediction of the T-shape structure of the complex.


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Bi-layered Aurivillius compounds prove to be efficient candidates of nonvolatile memories. SrBi2Nb2O9 thin films were deposited by excimer laser ablation at low substrate temperature (400 °C) followed by an ex situ annealing at 750 °C. The polarization hysteresis behavior was confirmed by variation of polarization with the external applied electric field and also verified with capacitance versus voltage characteristics. The measured values of spontaneous and remnant polarizations were, respectively, 9 and 6 μC/cm2 with a coercive field of 90 kV/cm. The measured dielectric constant and dissipation factors at 100 kHz were 220 and 0.02, respectively. The frequency analysis of dielectric and ac conduction properties showed a distribution of relaxation times due to the presence of multiple grain boundaries in the films. The values of activation energies from the dissipation factor and grain interior resistance were found to be 0.9 and 1.3 eV, respectively. The deviation in these values was attributed to the energetic conditions of the grain boundaries and bulk grains. The macroscopic relaxation phenomenon is controlled by the higher resistive component in a film, such as grain boundaries at lower temperatures, which was highlighted in the present article in close relation to interior grain relaxation and conduction properties.


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The pulsed-laser ablation technique has been employed to deposit polycrystalline thin films of layered-structure ferroelectric BaBi2Nb2O9 (BBN). Low-substrate-temperature growth (Ts = 400 °C) followed by ex situ annealing at 800 °C for 30 min was performed to obtain a preferred orientation. Ferroelectricity in the films was verified by examining the polarization with the applied electric field and was also confirmed from the capacitance–voltage characteristics. The films exhibited well-defined hysteresis loops, and the values of saturation (Ps) and remanent (Pr) polarization were 4.0 and 1.2 μC/cm2, respectively. The room-temperature dielectric constant and dissipation factor were 214 and 0.04, respectively, at a frequency of 100 kHz. A phase transition from a ferroelectric to paraelectric state of the BBN thin film was observed at 220 °C. The dissipation factor of the film was observed to increase after the phase transition due to a probable influence of dc conduction at high temperatures. The real and imaginary part of the dielectric constant also exhibited strong frequency dispersion at high temperatures.


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Grey tracks produced in KTiOPO4 (KTP) by applying a dc electric field have been studied through optical absorption, Raman scattering, and synchrotron x‐ray topography. A study of the optical absorption and Raman scattering from the grey‐tracked region suggests that their formation is accompanied by changes in the electronic levels of Ti4+. There is no evidence for a major structural change or disorder in the grey‐tracked region. However, the x‐ray topographs do indicate the presence of a remnant strain in the lattice, which might contribute to the observed changes in the Raman intensities.


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A large reduction in the leakage current behavior in (Ba, Sr)TiO3 (BST) thin films was observed by graded-layer donor doping. The graded doping was achieved by introducing La-doped BST layers in the grown BST films. The films showed a large decrease (about six orders of magnitude) in the leakage current in comparison to undoped films at an electric field of 100 kV/cm. The large decrease in leakage current was attributed to the formation of highly resistive layers, originating from compensating defect chemistry involved for La-doped films grown in oxidizing environment. Temperature-dependent leakage-current behavior was studied to investigate the conduction mechanism and explanations of the results were sought from Poole–Frenkel conduction mechanism.


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Aurivillus intergrowth Bi4Ti3O12–5BiFeO3 was demonstrated to be ferroelectric that evoked the possibility of achieving high temperature magnetoelectric property in this family of compounds. X-ray diffraction studies confirmed its structure to be orthorhombic [Fmm2; a = 5.5061(11) Å, b = 5.4857(7) Å, c = 65.742(12) Å]. However, transmission electron microscopy established the random incidence of intergrowth at nanoscale corresponding to n = 6 and n = 7 members of the Aurivillius family. Diffuse ferroelectric orthorhombic to paraelectric tetragonal phase transition around 857 K was confirmed by dielectric and high temperature x-ray diffraction studies. Polarization versus electric field hysteresis loops associated with 2Pr of 5.2 μC/cm2 and coercive field of 42 kV/cm were obtained at 300 K.


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Highly (110) preferred orientated antiferroelectric PbZrO3 (PZ) and La-modified PZ thin films have been fabricated on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates using sol-gel process. Dielectric properties, electric field induced ferroelectric polarization, and the temperature dependence of the dielectric response have been explored as a function of composition. The Tc has been observed to decrease by ∼ 17 °C per 1 mol % of La doping. Double hysteresis loops were seen with zero remnant polarization and with coercive fields in between 176 and 193 kV/cm at 80 °C for antiferroelectric to ferroelectric phase transformation. These slim loops have been explained by the high orientation of the films along the polar direction of the antiparallel dipoles of a tetragonal primitive cell and by the strong electrostatic interaction between La ions and oxygen ions in an ABO3 perovskite unit cell. High quality films exhibited very low loss factor less than 0.015 at room temperature and pure PZ; 1 and 2 mol % La doped PZs have shown the room temperature dielectric constant of 135, 219, and 142 at the frequency of 10 kHz. The passive layer effects in these films have been explained by Curie constants and Curie temperatures. The ac conductivity and the corresponding Arrhenius plots have been shown and explained in terms of doping effect and electrode resistance.