853 resultados para Biblia. a.T. Job-teología
This study focuses on psychological empowerment of employees in banking sector because of the reasons stated below: Firstly, very little research has been conducted in understanding empowerment as a psychological construct. Majority of the studies have been conducted on the various empowerment practices in the organizations. Secondly, there is no empirical evidence that the empowerment practice will create a subjective feeling of empowerment within the individual. Employee empowerment will be effective only if the employees actually experience the empowerment. Even if the organizations have the empowerment practices like providing power and open communication it is not necessary that the employee is empowered. Empowerment describes only the condition of work environment. It does not describe employees’ response to these conditions. These responses form the basis for psychological empowerment
The component structure of a 34-item scale measuring different aspects of job satisfaction was investigated among extension officers in North West Province, South Africa. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 40 extension officers from which data were collected. A structured questionnaire consisting of 34 job satisfaction and 10 personal characteristic items was administered to the extension officers. Items on job satisfaction were measured at interval level and analyzedwith Principal ComponentAnalysis. Most of the respondents (82.5%) weremales, between 40 to 45 years, 85% were married and 87.5% had a diploma as their educational qualification. Furthermore, 54% of the households size between 4 to 6 persons, whereas 75% were Christians. The majority of the extension officers lived in their job area (82.5), while 80% covered at least 3 communities and 3 farmer groups. In terms of number of farmers covered, only 40% of the extension officers covered more than 500 farmers and 45% travelled more than 40 km to reach their farmers. From the job satisfaction items 9 components were extracted to show areas for job satisfaction among extension officers. These were in-service training, research policies, communicating recommended practices, financial support for self and family, quality of technical help, opportunity to advance education, management and control of operations, rewarding system and sanctions. The results have several implications for motivating extension officers for high job performance especially with large number of clients and small number of extension agents.
Personality traits have often been highlighted to relate to how people cope with stressful events. The present paper focuses on character strengths as positive personality traits and examines two basic assumptions that were derived from a core characteristic of character strengths (i.e., to determine how individuals deal with adversities): (1) character strengths correlate with coping and (2) buffer the effects of work-related stress on job satisfaction. Two different samples (i.e., a mixed sample representing various occupations [N = 214] and a nurses sample [N = 175]) filled in measures for character strengths, coping, work-related stress, and job satisfaction. As expected, intellectual, emotional, and interpersonal strengths were related to coping. Interpersonal strengths played a greater role for coping among nurses, as interactions with others are an essential part of their workday. Furthermore, intellectual strengths partially mediated the negative effect of work-related stress on job satisfaction. These findings open a new field for research on the role of personality in coping with work-related stress. Character strengths are trainable personal characteristics, and therefore valuable resources to improve coping with work-related stress and to decrease the negative effects of stress. Further research is needed to investigate this assumed causality.
We develop an extension to the tactical planning model (TPM) for a job shop by the third author. The TPM is a discrete-time model in which all transitions occur at the start of each time period. The time period must be defined appropriately in order for the model to be meaningful. Each period must be short enough so that a job is unlikely to travel through more than one station in one period. At the same time, the time period needs to be long enough to justify the assumptions of continuous workflow and Markovian job movements. We build an extension to the TPM that overcomes this restriction of period sizing by permitting production control over shorter time intervals. We achieve this by deriving a continuous-time linear control rule for a single station. We then determine the first two moments of the production level and queue length for the workstation.
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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Resumen tambi??n en ingl??s
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Resumen tambi??n en ingl??s
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Resumen tambi??n en ingl??s
El descubrimiento de América significó el ensanchamiento de las fronteras mentales que sobre el universo tenÃan los europeos renacentistas. La existencia de un Nuevo Mundo produjo la necesidad en filósofos y escritores de crear sociedades imaginarias que debÃan ser implantadas allende el océano como ideales de perfección o utopÃas. Esta corriente de creadores utópicos que prometÃan construir una América virtuosa y libre de los vicios de la desgastada Europa, conocido ahora como el Utopismo Renacentista, selló para siempre el destino histórico de la América Hispánica. El Nuevo Mundo serÃa desde su más temprana colonización el crisol de los anhelos humanos y el origen mismo de las utopÃas. Fenómenos tales como el caudillismo, el populismo, la TeologÃa de la Liberación, entre otros, profundamente enraizados en el espÃritu hispanoamericano, pueden ser también comprendidos a partir del carácter utópico del continente, y por tanto, el utopismo se convierte en rasgo fundamental de la identidad internacional de Hispanoamérica. El caso de la TeologÃa de la Liberación es analizado a la luz de la obra del filósofo italiano Tomaso de Campanella, La Ciudad del Sol, donde se encuentra que aspectos como el comunitarismo, la religión como fuente de lo polÃtico y el establecimiento de ideales de perfección social son parte fundamental de la esencia identitaria de la América Española.
El regreso del discurso socialista en Latinoamérica, se ha visto acompañado de la reaparición de los conceptos religiosos que estimularon los proyectos revolucionarios durante el perÃodo de la Guerra FrÃa. Este artÃculo busca explicar la relación que existe entre los discursos de Hugo Chávez en el contexto de la "Revolución Bolivariana" y el "Socialismo del Siglo XXI", con los conceptos de la TeologÃa de la Liberación que se habÃan desvanecido en la polÃtica y en la Iglesia.
News Report: Every Potential 2040 President Already Unelectable Due To Facebook:YouTube fake American news item (2min 39secs) in which all possible candidates are excluded because of something they show on Facebook. And Could your Facebook page ruin your job prospects? - A Guardian article that suggests that employers may be more tolerant than supposed.
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La pregunta que interroga sobre la posibilidad del conocimiento verdadero inaugura la filosofÃa en igual medida que el problema del conocimiento de Dios es la base de la ciencia teológica. Frente a ambas disciplinas y cuestiones, la obra de Baruch Spinoza constituye una contundente oferta de sentido y reduce ambas problemáticas a una sola al equiparar el conocimiento de la naturaleza con el de Dios y sus atributos. De modo que resulta adecuado decir que la filosofÃa de Spinoza es radicalmente positiva, y su teologÃa afirmativa, porque defienden la posibilidad del conocimiento de Dios y de las cosas por medios racionales y naturales. Como veremos, es precisamente la concepción racionalista que el filósofo tiene de Dios como el conjunto que todo lo comprende, lo que le permitirá defender la posibilidad del conocimiento verdadero de Dios, al mismo tiempo que el de las cosas particulares que colman la existencia.