994 resultados para dimensão fractal


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We numerically investigate the effects of inhomogeneities in the energy spectrum of aperiodic semiconductor superlattices, focusing our attention on Thue-Morse and Fibonacci sequences. In the absence of disorder, the corresponding electronic spectra are self-similar. The presence of a certain degree of randomness, due to imperfections occurring during the growth processes, gives rise to a progressive loss of quantum coherence, smearing out the finer details of the energy spectra predicted for perfect aperiodic superlattices and spurring the onset of electron localization. However, depending on the degree of disorder introduced, a critical size for the system exists, below which peculiar transport properties, related to the pre-fractal nature of the energy spectrum, may be measured.


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In this paper we give an example of a nonlattice self-similar fractal string such that the set of real parts of their complex dimensions has an isolated point. This proves that, in general, the set of dimensions of fractality of a fractal string is not a perfect set.


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Este trabajo surge de una reflexión de las tantas que se plantea el profesor cada curso académico. Estas reflexiones nos han llevado a analizar los distintos puntos de vista del estudiante y del profesor frente a la realidad que se desarrolla en el aula, tratando aspectos como la motivación y el trabajo del estudiante, la masificación de las aulas y el diseño de las actividades formativas. Resultado de este estudio, se propone un modelo docente basado en los principios de la geometría fractal, en el sentido de que se plantean diferentes niveles de abstracción para las diversas actividades formativas y éstas son auto similares, es decir, se descomponen una y otra vez. En cada nivel una actividad se descompone en tareas de un nivel inferior junto con su evaluación correspondiente. Con este modelo se fomenta la retroalimentación y la motivación del estudiante. El modelo presentado se contextualiza en una asignatura de introducción a la programación pero es totalmente generalizable a otra materia.


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In this paper we give a new characterization of the closure of the set of the real parts of the zeros of a particular class of Dirichlet polynomials that is associated with the set of dimensions of fractality of certain fractal strings. We show, for some representative cases of nonlattice Dirichlet polynomials, that the real parts of their zeros are dense in their associated critical intervals, confirming the conjecture and the numerical experiments made by M. Lapidus and M. van Frankenhuysen in several papers.


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The aim of this work is to improve students’ learning by designing a teaching model that seeks to increase student motivation to acquire new knowledge. To design the model, the methodology is based on the study of the students’ opinion on several aspects we think importantly affect the quality of teaching (such as the overcrowded classrooms, time intended for the subject or type of classroom where classes are taught), and on our experience when performing several experimental activities in the classroom (for instance, peer reviews and oral presentations). Besides the feedback from the students, it is essential to rely on the experience and reflections of lecturers who have been teaching the subject several years. This way we could detect several key aspects that, in our opinion, must be considered when designing a teaching proposal: motivation, assessment, progressiveness and autonomy. As a result we have obtained a teaching model based on instructional design as well as on the principles of fractal geometry, in the sense that different levels of abstraction for the various training activities are presented and the activities are self-similar, that is, they are decomposed again and again. At each level, an activity decomposes into a lower level tasks and their corresponding evaluation. With this model the immediate feedback and the student motivation are encouraged. We are convinced that a greater motivation will suppose an increase in the student’s working time and in their performance. Although the study has been done on a subject, the results are fully generalizable to other subjects.


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El presente estudio parte de la hipótesis de que hay una relación numérica entre la forma de la superficie geomórfica y los factores de modelado del relieve. La metodología utilizada es el análisis multifractal de las curvas de nivel de Modelos Digitales del Terreno de toda España. Para ello hemos utilizado software libre en todos los pasos. Los resultados obtenidos hacen pensar que esta correlación existe, en el factor climático (gradiente de precipitación máxima anual) y estructural (peligrosidad sísmica). El factor litológico no ha dado ajuste algo, probablemente debido a la falta de datos precisos.


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Se é um facto que a sala de aula é um espaço socialmente instituído e é um espaço historicamente conquistado e construído, também é um facto que é um espaço social em que o acesso a ele não se encontra plenamente garantido. O objetivo deste trabalho sustenta-se na questão como pensam os futuros professores a organização do espaço nas salas de aula do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico? e pretende perceber em que medida a organização do espaço pode contribuir para a construção de competências, e para a implementação de uma aprendizagem criativa e transformadora, sendo que o entendemos como uma mensagem curricular que espelha e retrata o modelo educativo presente na sala de aula. Os resultados apresentados dimanam da análise efetuada aos dados recolhidos através de inquérito por questionário com questões abertas e fechadas a um grupo de alunos da formação inicial de professores.


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Tese de doutoramento, Direito (Ciências Jurídico-Políticas, vertente de Direito Administrativo), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, 2016


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"Mode 3" allows and emphasizes the co-existence and co-evolution of different knowledge and innovation paradigms: the competitiveness and superiority of a knowledge system is highly determined by its adaptive capacity to combine and integrate different knowledge and innovation modes via co-evolution, co-specialization and coopetition [sic] of knowledge stock and flow dynamics. What results is an emerging fractal knowledge and innovation ecosystem, well-configured for the knowledge economy and society. The intrinsic litmus test of the capacity of such an ecosystem to survive and prosper in the context of continually glocalizing [sic] and intensifying competition represents the ultimate competitiveness benchmark with regards to the robustness and quality of the ecosystem's knowledge and innovation architecture and topology.


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O artigo analisa questões envolvendo a dimensão social da sustentabilidade. A pesquisa compara os indicadores de desenvolvimento territoriais do Brasil, como o nível de desenvolvimento econômico, por meio do Produto Interno Bruto e o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano. O objetivo é verificar o real nível de desenvolvimento socioeconômico das regiões brasileiras. A metodologia consiste de uma pesquisa descritiva de natureza quantitativa, com coleta de dados secundários. A análise dos dados indica que os indicadores sociais devem ser muito bem pesquisados e analisados para poder concluir sobre a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos e que os IDH´s específicos não explicam de forma consistente o IDH geral dos Estados, sendo objeto de análise mais aprofundado das variáveis componentes destes elementos e seus cruzamentos regionais.


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Previously it has been shown that the branching pattern of pyramidal cells varies markedly between different cortical areas in simian primates. These differences are thought to influence the functional complexity of the cells. In particular, there is a progressive increase in the fractal dimension of pyramidal cells with anterior progression through cortical areas in the occipitotemporal (OT) visual stream, including the primary visual area (V1), the second visual area (V2), the dorsolateral area (DL, corresponding to the fourth visual area) and inferotemporal cortex (IT). However, there are as yet no data on the fractal dimension of these neurons in prosimian primates. Here we focused on the nocturnal prosimian galago (Otolemur garnetti). The fractal dimension (D), and aspect ratio (a measure of branching symmetry), was determined for I I I layer III pyramidal cells in V1, V2, DL and IT. We found, as in simian primates, that the fractal dimension of neurons increased with anterior progression from V1 through V2, DL, and IT. Two important conclusions can be drawn from these results: (1) the trend for increasing branching complexity with anterior progression through OT areas was likely to be present in a common primate ancestor, and (2) specialization in neuron structure more likely facilitates object recognition than spectral processing.


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The specific surface area (SSA) of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) has been measured by different groups. Fujiwara et al. measured the SSA of SWNT bundles by using nitrogen and oxygen as adsorbates, and found that the SSA from O2-adsorption was 6.6% larger than that from N2-adsorption for the same SWNT sample [1]. Also Wei et al. [2] measured the SSA of HiPco SWNTs by using O2, N2 and Ar, and found that, for the same samples, Vm(Ar) > Vm(O2) > Vm(N2), here Vm is the monolayer adsorption capacity at the standard conditions of temperature and pressure (STP). Those research results indicate that, for the same SWNT sample, its measured surface area depends on the employed adsorbate.


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In general, conventional electromagnetic bandgap (PBGs) with uniform distribution show spurious ripples in pass-band and poor stop-band responses. This paper presents a detailed investigation in terms of pass-band and stop-band characteristics of uniplanar transmission line loaded with fractal shape PBGs. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.