789 resultados para Planning, Practice, Wind, Perceptions


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A presente dissertação de mestrado vincula-se ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação – PPGEDU da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG, estando situada na linha de pesquisa Culturas, linguagens e utopias. O estudo tem como objetivo contribuir para pensar a respeito do lugar que as práticas de escrita reflexiva ocupam no curso de Pedagogia da FURG, propondo-se a investigar quais as possíveis contribuições da escrita reflexiva na constituição de professoras em formação. Em sua realização, a pesquisa contou com a participação de seis egressas do já referido curso, as quais disponibilizaram seus registros reflexivos construídos ao longo da disciplina de Estágio dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental acerca das práticas educativas desenvolvidas junto da turma de estágio. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, a análise dos dados seguiu a orientação da Análise Textual Discursiva (ATD) de Moraes e Galiazzi, a qual consiste na impregnação do material coletado, unitarização, construção de categorias analíticas e por fim a construção de metatextos. As problematizações feitas ao longo da dissertação, encaminharam para pensar que a escrita reflexiva pensada a partir de Marques contribui na constituição das professoras em formação, oferecendo ferramentas para pensar e qualificar a própria prática. Tais ferramentas dizem respeito à possibilidade que as professoras em formação encontram de ampliar a compreensão do vivido como sugerido por Ostetto e de se apropriar de seu fazer por meio da reflexão escrita com a contribuição de Waschauer; ao caráter descritivo presente no registro reflexivo, o qual auxilia na qualificação, na avaliação e no planejamento da prática docente, por meio de elementos possibilitados pela descrição de atividades; por fim a escrita reflexiva contribui com a autoria da própria prática e com a construção de um repertório de experiências proposto por Contreras, ambos possibilitados pelo registro dos sentimentos e das percepções das estagiárias em relação ao estágio.


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Abstract : Providing high-quality clinical experiences to prepare students for the complexities of the current health-care system has become a challenge for nurse educators. Additionally, there are concerns that the current model of clinical practice is suboptimal. Consequently, nursing programs have explored the partial replacement of traditional in-hospital clinical experiences with a simulated clinical experience. Despite research demonstrating numerous benefits to students following participation in simulation activities, insufficient research conducted within Québec exists to convince the governing bodies (Ordre des infirmières et des infirmiers du Québec, OIIQ; Ministère de L’Éducation supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie) to fully embrace simulation as part of nurse training. The purpose of this study was to examine the use of a simulated clinical experience (SCE) as a viable, partial pedagogical substitute for traditional clinical experience by examining the effects of a SCE on CEGEP nursing students’ perceptions of self-efficacy (confidence), and their ability to achieve course objectives. The findings will contribute new information to the current body of research in simulation. The specific case of obstetrical practice was examined. Based on two sections of the Nursing III-Health and Illness (180-30K-AB) course, the sample was comprised of 65 students (thirty-one students from section 0001 and thirty-four students from section 0002) whose mean age was 24.8 years. With two sections of the course available, the opportunity for comparison was possible. A triangulation mixed method design was used. An adapted version of Ravert’s (2004) Nursing Skills for Evaluation tool was utilized to collect data regarding students’ perceptions of confidence related to the nursing skills required for care of mothers and their newborns. Students’ performance and achievement of course objectives was measured through an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) consisting of three marked stations designed to test the theoretical and clinical aspects of course content. The OSCE was administered at the end of the semester following completion of the traditional clinical experience. Students’ qualitative comments on the post -test survey, along with journal entries served to support the quantitative scale evaluation. Two of the twelve days (15 hours) allocated for obstetrical clinical experience were replaced by a SCE (17%) over the course of the semester. Students participated in various simulation activities developed to address a range of cognitive, psychomotor and critical thinking skills. Scenarios incorporating the use of human patient simulators, and designed using the Jeffries Framework (2005), exposed students to the care of families and infants during the perinatal period to both reflect and build upon class and course content in achievement of course objectives and program competencies. Active participation in all simulation activities exposed students to Bandura’s four main sources of experience (mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasion, and physiologic/emotional responses) to enhance the development of students’ self-efficacy. Results of the pre-test and post-test summative scores revealed a statistically significant increase in student confidence in performing skills related to maternal and newborn care (p < .0001) following participation in the SCE. Confidence pre-test and post-test scores were not affected by the students’ section. Skills related to the care of the post-partum mother following vaginal or Caesarean section delivery showed the greatest change in confidence ratings. OSCE results showed a mean total class score (both sections) of 57.4 (70.0 %) with normal distribution. Mean scores were 56.5 (68.9%) for section 0001 and 58.3 (71.1%) for section 0002. Total scores were similar between sections (p =0.342) based on pairwise comparison. Analysis of OSCE scores as compared to students’ final course grade revealed similar distributions. Finally, qualitative analysis identified how students’ perceived the SCE. Students cited gains in knowledge, development of psychomotor skills and improved clinical judgement following participation in simulation activities. These were attributed to the « hands on » practice obtained from working in small groups, a safe and authentic learning environment and one in which students could make mistakes and correct errors as having the greatest impact on learning through simulation.


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Within the last few years, disabled people have become the target of government austerity measures through drastic cuts to welfare justified through the portrayal of benefit claimants as inactive, problem citizens who are wilfully unemployed. For all that is wrong with these cuts, they are one of many aspects of exclusion that disabled people face. Attitudes towards disability are deteriorating (Scope, 2011) and disabled people are devalued and negatively positioned in a myriad of ways, meaning that an understanding of the perceptions and positioning of disability and the power of disabling practices is critical. This thesis will examine how Bourdieu’s theoretical repertoire may be applied to the area of Disability Studies in order to discern how society produces oppressive and exclusionary systems of classification which structures the social position and perceptions of disability. The composite nature of disability and multiple forms of exclusion and inequality associated with it benefits from a multipronged approach which acknowledges personal, embodied and psychological aspects of disability alongside socio-political and cultural conceptualisations. Bourdieu’s approach is one in which the micro and macro aspects of social life are brought together through their meso interplay and provides a thorough analysis of the many aspects of disability.


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Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) of any country could be a source of providing professionals to the country in many fields. By doing so, HEIs could play a pivotal role in the economic growth of the country. In Pakistan, it seems that, in the wake of this realization, steps have been taken to reform Higher Education. Drawing on the Triple I model of educational change covering Initiation, Implementation and Institutionalization (Fullan, 2007) this study focuses on the planning and implementation of reforms in the Education system of Pakistan at higher education level that have been introduced by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) since its inception in 2002. Kennedy’s model of hierarchical subsystems affecting innovation and Chin and Benne’s (1985) description of strategies for implementing change also provided guidelines for analyzing the changes in education in the country to highlight the role that the authorities expect the language teacher to play in the process of implementing these changes. A qualitative method is followed in this study to gather data from English language teachers at three universities of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. A questionnaire was developed to look into the perceptions of English language teachers regarding the impact of these reforms. This was followed up by interviews. Responses from 28 teachers were received through questionnaire out of which 9 teachers were interviewed for detailed analysis of their perceptions. Thematic Content analysis was used to analyze and interpret the data. Some of the most significant changes that the respondents reported knowledge of included the introduction of Semester System, extending the Bachelors degree to four years from two years, promotion of research culture, and increased teachers’ autonomy in classroom practices. Implications of these reforms for English teachers’ professional development were also explored. The data indicate that the teachers generally have a positive attitude towards the changes. However, the data also show concerns that teachers have about the practical effectiveness of these changes in improving English language teaching and learning in Pakistani Universities. Some of the areas of concern are worries regarding resources, the assessment system, the number of qualified teachers, and instability in the educational policy. They are concerned about the training facilities and quality of the professional training available to them. Moreover, they report that training opportunities for their professional development are not available to all the teachers equally. Despite the HEC claims of providing regular training opportunities, the majority of the teachers did not receive any formal training in the last three years, while some teachers were able to access these opportunities multiple times. Through the recent reforms HEC has empowered the teachers in conducting the learning/teacher processes but this extra power has reduced their accountability and they can exercise these powers without any check on them. This empowerment is limited to the classroom and there appears to be no or minimal involvement in decision making at the top level of policy making. Such lack of involvement in the policy decisions seems to be generating a lack of sense of ownership among the teachers (Fullan 2003a:6). Although Quality Enhancement Cells have been developed in the universities to assure the desired quality of education, they might need a more active role to contribute in achieving the level of enhancement in education expected from them. Based on the perceptions of the respondents of this study and the review of the relevant literature, it is argued that it is unlikely for the reforms to be institutionalized if teachers are not given the right kind of awareness at the initiation stage and are not prepared at the implementation stage to cope with the challenge of a complex process. The teachers participating in this study, in general, have positive and enthusiastic attitudes towards most of the changes, in spite of some reservations. It could also be interesting to see if the power centers of the Pakistani Higher Education appreciate this enthusiasm and channel it for a strong Higher Education system in the country.


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Recent research evidences inconsistencies in teachers' practice regarding skills assessment of L2 students. Scientific evidence supports that less experienced teachers have lower orientation toward multiple task-tests for non-native students. Research questions: Whether school teachers as having different teaching training and unequal teaching experience with non-native students perceive differently a four-skills scale. Purpose of the study: This study intends to analyse the importance degree between the four skills/tasks: reading, writing, speaking and listening, in the perspective of school teachers. Method: 77 teachers, aged 32-62, with (and without) experience in teaching and adapting materials for immigrant students, divided into six groups according to their scientific domain. Assessment tools included a scale for judgement of four academic tasks adapted from the original “Inventory of Undergraduate and Graduate Level: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Tasks (Rosenfeld, Leung & Ottman, 2001). Main Findings: 1) different degrees of importance attributed by teachers on tasks that should be included in academic and language test for immigrant students; 2) perceptions of teachers are determined by predictors in this order: scientific domain, experience with multicultural classes and lower prediction from teaching service and age; 3) different results between american and portuguese samples answering the same questionnaire.


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With global markets and global competition, pressures are placed on manufacturing organizations to compress order fulfillment times, meet delivery commitments consistently and also maintain efficiency in operations to address cost issues. This chapter argues for a process perspective on planning, scheduling and control that integrates organizational planning structures, information systems as well as human decision makers. The chapter begins with a reconsideration of the gap between theory and practice, in particular for classical scheduling theory and hierarchical production planning and control. A number of the key studies of industrial practice are then described and their implications noted. A recent model of scheduling practice derived from a detailed study of real businesses is described. Socio-technical concepts are then introduced and their implications for the design and management of planning, scheduling and control systems are discussed. The implications of adopting a process perspective are noted along with insights from knowledge management. An overview is presented of a methodology for the (re-)design of planning, scheduling and control systems that integrates organizational, system and human perspectives. The most important messages from the chapter are then summarized.


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Aim Quality of service delivery for maternal and newborn health in Malawi is influenced by human resource shortages and knowledge and care practices of the existing service providers. We assessed Malawian healthcare providers’ knowledge of management of routine labour, emergency obstetric care and emergency newborn care; correlated knowledge with reported confidence and previous study or training; and measured perception of the care they provided. Methods his study formed part of a large-scale quality of care assessment in three districts (Kasungu, Lilongwe and Salima) of Malawi. Subjects were selected purposively by their role as providers of obstetric and newborn care during routine visits to health facilities by a research assistant. Research assistants introduced and supervised the self-completed questionnaire by the service providers. Respondents included 42 nurse midwives, 1 clinical officer, 4 medical assistants and 5 other staff. Of these, 37 were staff working in facilities providing Basic Emergency Obstetric Care (BEMoC) and 15 were from staff working in facilities providing Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care (CEMoC). Results Knowledge regarding management of routine labour was good (80% correct responses), but knowledge of correct monitoring during routine labour (35% correct) was not in keeping with internationally recognized good practice. Questions regarding emergency obstetric care were answered correctly by 70% of respondents with significant variation depending on clinicians’ place of work. Knowledge of emergency newborn care was poor across all groups surveyed with 58% correct responses and high rates of potentially life-threatening responses from BEmOC facilities. Reported confidence and training had little impact on levels of knowledge. Staff in general reported perception of poor quality of care. Conclusion Serious deficiencies in providers’ knowledge regarding monitoring during routine labour and management of emergency newborn care were documented. These may contribute to maternal and neonatal deaths in Malawi. The knowledge gap cannot be overcome by simply providing more training.


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Safe operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) over populated areas requires reducing the risk posed by a UAV if it crashed during its operation. We considered several types of UAV risk-based path planning problems and developed techniques for estimating the risk to third parties on the ground. The path planning problem requires making trade-offs between risk and flight time. Four optimization approaches for solving the problem were tested; a network-based approach that used a greedy algorithm to improve the original solution generated the best solutions with the least computational effort. Additionally, an approach for solving a combined design and path planning problems was developed and tested. This approach was extended to solve robust risk-based path planning problem in which uncertainty about wind conditions would affect the risk posed by a UAV.


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ABSTRACT Title of Document: PRINCIPAL EFFECTIVENESS: MIDDLE SCHOOL LEADERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF PRINCIPAL PRACTICES TO IMPROVE MIDDLE SCHOOL READING ACHIEVEMENT Kathleen R. Brady, Doctor of Education, 2016 Directed By: Dr. John Norris, Department of Education The purpose of this exploratory and descriptive study was to examine school leaders’ perceptions of leadership practices that contribute to principal effectiveness in improving reading achievement in middle schools in a large public school district. The data was gathered through the use of a Web-based survey that was emailed to 97 school based leaders including 20 principals, 40 assistant principals, 17 reading department chairpersons, and 20 professional development lead teachers in middle schools with grade 6-8 and 7-8 configurations. Data were collected and analyzed in order to make inferences about principal practices at middle school. The findings of this study indicated few differences between middle school principals’, assistant principals’, reading department chairpersons’, and professional development lead teachers’ perceptions of principal leadership practices that are most important to and have the greatest impact on student reading achievement success. Furthermore, the findings indicated that participants’ three top ranked resources needed to increase the effectiveness of principals in order to improve reading achievement at middle schools include implementing a collaborative planning protocol to support literacy instruction, adding a reading coach to the middle school staff, and providing professional development activities focused on literacy instruction across the content areas. The results were used to make recommendations that may contribute to middle school principal effectiveness.


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The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10671-014-9171-y


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The objective of this study was to determine the importance of different dimensions as the possible causes for the abandonment of the practice of swimming by former Costa Rican swimmers.  Subjects: 51 former swimmers participated, including 17 men (22 ±3.4 years of age) and 34 women (22.5 ±3.4 years of age) from different Costa Rican swimming teams.  The Questionnaire of Reasons for Attrition in the Practice of Sports (Gould et al, 1982; cited by Salguero, Tuero, and Márquez, 2003) was used.  Results:  A positive relationship was noted between perceptions of low skill and low performance (r: 0.372), while negative relationships were noted between years of practice and low skill (r:-0.337), years of practice and influence from others (r:-0.286), and years of practice and starting age for swimming (r:-0.622).  A significant interaction was found in the dimensions gender of participants (F: 2.952; p<0.05) and starting age for swimming (F: 3.147; p<0.01).  An interaction was also found between dimensions and the desire to swim again (F: 2.485; p>0.05).  There were also significant differences in the years of practice; that is, subjects who started before the age of 10 had a higher average of years of practice than those who started later (F: 21.465; p<0.05).  Additionally, a significant interaction was found in weekly hours of swimming practice (F: 2.072; p<0.05).  There were no significant differences (F: 2.535; p>0.05) according to weekly hours of training when subjects were actively swimming. Conclusions: Possible reasons for dropping out were lack of enjoyment and poor physical condition for men and perception of lack of team spirit for women.  The group that started after the age of ten gives similar importance to all the dimensions as possible reasons for dropping out, while the group that began swimming before the age of ten sees lack of team spirit, lack of enjoyment, and poor physical condition as the key reasons for dropping out.  The most important dimensions that represented the reasons for abandonment in subjects who wanted to swim again were lack of team spirit, poor physical condition and low skill, while lack of enjoyment was the most important reason for subjects who do not want to swim again.  In the group of subjects who would swim less than six hours, lack of team spirit is the most important cause, while the dimension lack of enjoyment was the most important reason for subjects who would swim 6 to 12 hours.  Additionally, the highest dropout percentages were observed in the transition from secondary school to college.


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Buildings and other infrastructures located in the coastal regions of the US have a higher level of wind vulnerability. Reducing the increasing property losses and causalities associated with severe windstorms has been the central research focus of the wind engineering community. The present wind engineering toolbox consists of building codes and standards, laboratory experiments, and field measurements. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7 standard provides wind loads only for buildings with common shapes. For complex cases it refers to physical modeling. Although this option can be economically viable for large projects, it is not cost-effective for low-rise residential houses. To circumvent these limitations, a numerical approach based on the techniques of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been developed. The recent advance in computing technology and significant developments in turbulence modeling is making numerical evaluation of wind effects a more affordable approach. The present study targeted those cases that are not addressed by the standards. These include wind loads on complex roofs for low-rise buildings, aerodynamics of tall buildings, and effects of complex surrounding buildings. Among all the turbulence models investigated, the large eddy simulation (LES) model performed the best in predicting wind loads. The application of a spatially evolving time-dependent wind velocity field with the relevant turbulence structures at the inlet boundaries was found to be essential. All the results were compared and validated with experimental data. The study also revealed CFD’s unique flow visualization and aerodynamic data generation capabilities along with a better understanding of the complex three-dimensional aerodynamics of wind-structure interactions. With the proper modeling that realistically represents the actual turbulent atmospheric boundary layer flow, CFD can offer an economical alternative to the existing wind engineering tools. CFD’s easy accessibility is expected to transform the practice of structural design for wind, resulting in more wind-resilient and sustainable systems by encouraging optimal aerodynamic and sustainable structural/building design. Thus, this method will help ensure public safety and reduce economic losses due to wind perils.


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Character education has been viewed by many educators as having significant historical, academic, and social value. Many stakeholders in education argue for character development as a curricular experience. While understanding the degree to which character education is of worth to stakeholders of institutions is important, understanding students, teachers, and administrators perspectives from their lived experiences is likewise significant. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to gain a deeper understanding of character education within a Biblical framework environment by examining the lived experiences of students, administrators, and teachers of a Seventh-day Adventist School. Phenomenology describes individuals’ daily experiences of phenomena, the manner in which these experiences are structured, and focuses analysis on the perspectives of the persons having the experience (Moustakas, 1994). ). This inquiry was undertaken to answer the question: What are the perceptions of students, teachers, and an administrator toward character education in a Seventh-day Adventist school setting? Ten participants (seven students and three adults) formed the homogeneous purposive sample, and the major data collection tool was semi-structured interviews (Patton, 1990; Seidman, 2006). Three 90-minute open-ended interviews were conducted with each of the participants. Data analysis included a three-phase process of description, reduction and interpretation. The findings from this study revealed that participants perceived that their involvement in the school’s character education program decreased the tendency to violence, improved their conduct and ethical sensibility, enhanced their ability to engage in decision-making concerning social relationships and their impact on others, brought to their attention the emerging global awareness of moral deficiency, and fostered incremental progress from practice and recognition of vices to their acquisition of virtues. The findings, therefore, provide a model for teaching character education from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective. The model is also relevant for non-Seventh day Adventists who aspire to teach character education as a means to improving social and moral conditions in schools.


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Introduction: The focus of the community pharmacist’s (CP’s) activities continues to move away from traditional dispensing activities towards the provision of health services. Current functions of CPs cover a combination of roles including prescription matters, counselling and service provision. These expanding roles, along with raised prescription volume, have increased CP workload. Therefore, it has become commonplace to delegate certain activities to other pharmacy staff (PS). This research aimed to examine public perceptions of CPs and other PS functions. Methodology: A self-completion postal questionnaire was sent to a random sample of 9769 members of the general public in England. Participants were asked to indicate which functions they believed CPs and other PS perform. Data were imported into SPSS 22 for analysis. Results: A response rate of 15.7% (n = 1537) was achieved. The roles most commonly attributed to CPs were monitoring prescription appropriateness (90.4%, n = 1390) and counselling patients on prescribed medicines (90.4%, n = 1389). The role most commonly attributed to other PS was sales transactions (92.4%, n = 1420). Similar numbers of responders agreed that the delivery of health services was the role of both CPs and other PS (58.9%, n = 906; 57.0%, n = 876). Conclusion: Despite a move towards more service based practice, the public still primarily associate the CP’s role with activities centred on dispensing. The provision of health services was seen to be equally carried out by CPs and other PS. As the CP’s service-based activities continue to develop, promotional activities may be required to ensure developments in CP functions are recognised by the public


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Thesis (Master, Mechanical and Materials Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2016-09-29 17:45:16.051