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Since the enactment of LDBEN 9.9394/96, Physical Education began to be understood as a curricular component in school. Thus, we see the need for systematization of content. We observed that the physical education classes at the public schools in Natal/RN from the game content, teachers did not use the existing proposals for systematization. And it was on this reality that the study occurred, aiming to present and discuss a proposal to systematization the game content in physical education classes in elementary and secondary education. Accordingly, we departed of following question: What possibilities of systematization of the game content in school physical education classes?. The methodology used was the action research, which allowed us to structure the intervention plan for the game content, directed to a reflective didactic process. The dialogue with action research provided an opportunity to understand of the proposal of systematization, the knowledge of game content, the planning and process of teaching and learning in physical education lessons developed. We use the proposed systematization the book Educação Física Escolar e Organização Curricular , to direct and organize the lesson plans. As research technique, we use the participant observation, filming, photographic records and field diary, guiding us in the debates and discussions about the field of research. The applications of the lesson plans were carried out in three schools, all located in Natal / RN: Escola Municipal Professora Ivonete Maciel, Escola Municipal Professor Ulisses de Góis e Professor Escola Estadual Josino Macedo. The members of this study were students PIBID-EF-UFRN, teachers, supervisors and school. They made the bridge between research and action, theoretical foundation and pedagogical practice, university and school. The results were advanced for beyond the propositions submitted by the above-mentioned book. For the Elementary School 1, the proposed systematization broadened experiences and learning of knowledge of the game and of playful and body manifestations. Provided an opportunity to know and learn about game of make account, rules, popular games, cooperative games, among others. For Elementary Schools 2 and Middle education, systematized lessons allowed the practical, the incorporation of knowledge of the game and its features: such as rules, origin, meaning of the name, different denominations, among others. The students experienced and learned, popular games, pre-sport games, cooperative games, with recycled material, among others. The treatment from three dimensions of contents: procedural, conceptual and attitudinal, occurred parallel to approach the game content, and in conjunction with our interventions, not being done separately during practice, but an ongoing process during class. This new perspective of work the game, in a systematized way, with applying, description and discussion the activities, allowed elaborate a summary framework of thematizations for game content, by year of teaching
This is a historically focused study with a qualitative approach whose main purpose is to investigate the trajectory of Nursing at the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL) and how it associates with the teaching of Nursing at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Motivation for carrying out this study is due, firstly, to a liking for history and, secondly, to the nonexistence of records on Nursing in one of the institutions with the most teaching tradition in the area of health and nursing in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The objectives of the study were to analyze the historical development of Nursing at the HUOL and its association with the teaching of Nursing at the UFRN; describe the historical development of the Hospital referred to; and to establish a relationship between the development of nursing at the HUOL and the teaching of Nursing at the UFRN. Empirical investigation was carried out based on the study of historical documents such as reports, minutes, letters, by-laws, decrees and administrative directives, as well as photographs and interviews with people who lived through this history or who kept vivid memories of it. From this research it can be gathered that Nursing at the HUOL was at first closely identified with the empirical stage of the profession. Its development is a result of the institutionalization of teaching whose starting point is an authorization for running the Nursing Aid School of Natal in 1955. Since then, gradually, teaching has enabled those who practiced nursing at that institution to become professionals through a partnership between the Nursing Aid School and the Nursing Department at the Hospital whose administration had been in charge of a professor for many years. Upon the creation of the undergraduate program in Nursing in 1973, nursing at the HUOL underwent a new transformation process with new nurses being hired. Likewise, the creation of post-graduate specialization and master s degree programs in 1982 and 1996, respectively, opened the way to the growth of the academic qualifications of nurses at that institution. Therefore, it must be asserted that Nursing at the HUOL has, over the years, gone through a continuous process of qualification of its members and in such trajectory the teaching of Nursing that is carried out at different levels at the UFRN stands as a hallmark
Este estudo teve por escopo comparar a influência do nó de sutura em três diferentes localizações na recuperação morfofuncional do tendão flexor digital profundo (TFDP) do cão. Foram utilizados 20 cães divididos em três grupos de oito, sete e cinco animais. Os TFDP do segundo e quinto dedos do membro torácico esquerdo foram seccionados e suturados pela técnica de Kessler modificada, alterando-se a localização do nó e o tipo de sutura no epitendíneo. No grupo um, o nó da sutura ficou localizado na região ventral do tendão e no grupo dois na face dorsal. em ambos os grupos, o epitendão foi suturado com pontos simples separados. No grupo três, o nó da sutura ficou interno ao endotendíneo e o epitendíneo foi suturado com ponto simples contínuo. Após a cirurgia, foi realizada diariamente a movimentação passiva controlada do membro do primeiro ao 15º dia. No 7º e no 15º dia os animais foram sacrificados por anestesia profunda e os tendões foram colhidos para avaliação macroscópica do processo de reparo tendíneo. O critério de comparação utilizou como parâmetros para avaliar a recuperação morfofuncional a ruptura do tendão, o afastamento dos cotos e a coaptação completa dos cotos tendíneos. O grupo que apresentou melhor resultado com relação aos parâmetros avaliados foi o terceiro, com ausência de ruptura e índice de afastamento de apenas 2,5% dos cotos tendíneos. Os resultados encontrados permitem concluir que a localização do nó de sutura na tenorrafia do TFDP interfere na resposta reparadora e biomecânica.
The research aimed to analyze the feasibility of forming a network of municipal services to prevent and treat child victims of violence from the Basic Health Units in the Family Mossoró / RN. The research is a qualitative approach and was developed in the form of action research. The population was composed of representatives of institutions of the child and primary care professionals. Data were collected through questionnaires, workshops and semi-structured interview. The results were analyzed from data collected through the questionnaire designed to assess the material, lectures, dialogues and assessments with the team and presented in accordance with the findings of the research. The study was approved by the Ethics in Research UFRN with protocol No. 158/2010, CAAE: 0176.0.051.000-10. Situational diagnosis in the participants answered a questionnaire to characterize and then launched the guiding question of the focus group FHS While professional what your perception towards violence against children? It was felt the fear and ignorance on the part of the unit staff on how to prevent and to refer cases of violence against children and adolescents in the area of coverage of the unit and also realized that the professionals felt victims of occupational violence before the violence has reached proportions that the area of the unit. Mind the need to change strategies to work to combat violence, we plan to conduct focus group workshop to complete the questionnaire, training for protection against occupational violence, and meeting with other bodies responsible visor protecting children and adolescents to draw the flowchart of the victims in safety net. The next moment training to fill the notification form professionals were interested in learning and use this tool to combat violence. At the third meeting in Unity, meeting with representatives of the Child Protection Council, the professional unit showed interest in interacting with the agency to expose and combat violence against children and adolescents. Due to difficulties in the physical structure of the unit was not possible to continue the research and planned every moment, and then completed the data collection with interviews with the participating professionals, to assess the meetings. Therefore, it is considered that action research has also achieved its goals because the team was involved in the collective construction of a proposed change in the practices of referral and prevention of violence against children and adolescents. This involvement was favored using the principles Freirian during the course of the study. However, it is assumed that the network was not fully implemented because it is known that it is in a continual process of improvement and must continue evolving with the unit team.
Em Goiás, o pequi (Caryocar brasiliense) se destaca, dentre as frutíferas nativas do Cerrado, como promissora para a produção comercial. Um dos obstáculos para a sua produção em grande escala, no entanto, é o fato de que a germinação de sementes seja baixa e irregular. Com o objetivo de avaliar a emergência de sementes de pequizeiro e o desenvolvimento inicial de mudas oriundas de 16 plantas, aos dez meses após a colheita, na presença e ausência de ácido giberélico (GA3), foram conduzidos dois experimentos. O primeiro foi implantado em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas, tendo as matrizes nas parcelas e, nas subparcelas, um tratamento de imersão por 48 horas, em água pura e em solução de 500 mg L-1 de GA3. Foram realizadas avaliações a cada sete dias, para determinação da percentagem final, tempo médio e índice de velocidade de emergência. Para o segundo experimento, foi utilizado delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com número variado de repetições, de acordo com o número de mudas obtidas no primeiro experimento. Para percentagem, índice de velocidade e tempo médio de emergência, o efeito dos tratamentos foi significativo, sendo que, para os dois primeiros, houve interação significativa entre genótipo e tratamento, para superação da dormência. Observou-se que a utilização de 500 mg L-1 de ácido giberélico pode minimizar a dormência em sementes de Caryocar brasiliense e que o crescimento das matrizes em campo foi linear e contínuo, ao longo do tempo.
O cuidado à criança envolve a identificação e o atendimento às necessidades de modo a oferecer-lhe atenção como pessoa em contínuo processo de crescimento e desenvolvimento. Contudo, o cuidado oferecido à criança que convive em instituição escolar está permeado por conflitos que fragilizam a relação família-escola, não sendo estimulada a articulação desses atores no que refere ao cuidar da criança. Diante dessa problemática, objetivou-se analisar a construção de um pacto do cuidar entre mães e educadoras de crianças que frequentam um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, tendo como método a pesquisa-ação. Envolveu doze mães e oito educadoras de uma instituição de educação infantil de Cidade Nova, no município de Natal, no período de abril a novembro de 2013. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista grupo focal, observação participante, seminários e diário de campo. Os resultados foram analisados seguindo o direcionamento da análise temática freireana. Na etapa do diagnóstico situacional, que investigou a realidade vivenciada pelas participantes do estudo, percebeu-se que as educadoras não se sentem preparadas para lidar com aspectos de saúde-doença da criança e recusam as ações de cuidado como desempenho de suas funções, interpretada como uma atitude que ultrapassa sua competência profissional. Os pais, por sua vez, apresentaram dificuldade de entendimento e clareza da sua função e relação com a instituição e executam as ações de saúde sem associá-lo à promoção e prevenção, além de realizarem com conhecimento empírico. Vista a necessidade de mudança das ações de saúde prestadas à criança, decidiu-se conjuntamente, através de uma roda de conversa, realizar capacitações sobre higiene e limpeza, medidas caseiras no cuidado à criança e primeiros socorros. Na etapa de implementação da ação coletiva as participantes consideraram as atividades úteis no cuidado prestado à criança e perceberam a importância do cuidado compartilhado para o desenvolvimento infantil. Com o desenvolvimento das capacitações, as participantes sentiram a necessidade de sistematizar as atividades prestadas à criança nos problemas de saúde e, para tanto, foram construídos, conjuntamente, protocolos e procedimentos operacionais padrão para a formalizar as ações. Na etapa de avaliação dos encontros, constatou-se que há expectativas positivas para a continuidade do cuidado em comunhão entre pais e educadores, pois foram construídas novas percepções em relação ao cuidado da criança. Percebeu-se mudança considerável nas mães assíduas ao estudo quanto ao cuidado e interesse, no entanto tornaram-se evidentes as fragilidades no processo de trabalho do CMEI, pois emergiram a dificuldade existente nos membros que compõe a instituição de educação infantil de articular o cuidado à educação. Como principal dificuldade, elenca-se o alto índice de mães faltosas e a dificuldade de articular com outros profissionais de saúde para as atividades. Considera-se que o pacto de cuidar não foi implantado integralmente, pois partilhar cuidados sugere o encontro de pais e educadores que podem ter aspectos divergentes sobre necessidades infantis e desenvolvimento, o que requer constante negociação entre as partes. Nesse sentido, constitui-se em um processo contínuo de aperfeiçoamento entre família e instituição de educação infantil
The purpose of the study was to understand the nurse s experience with human care in the Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The objective was to describe the nurse s experience in caring for patients in the ICU and to analyze the nurse s perception of the care provided. The study is a descriptive inquiry of qualitative nature with a phenomenological approach. We interviewed eight nurses, 26 and 43 years of age, that provide care in the ICU of a private hospital in Natal/RN, during the manths of July and August of 2006. We analyzed the data acording to the method of Colaizzi. Four categories emerged from the data: The search for the maintenance of life, The technicalbureaucratic activities, The recognition of the patient s individuality, and the expression of the nurse s feelings.The analysis allowed us to describe the lived experience of the nurse s care the ICU and to comprehend the structural elements of this experience. The results showed that the nurse s experience presents itself as a process of the several actions and feelings that occur while the social relations between the patient and the nurse develop. Finally, we understand that although the study shows an experience based on a biological model of health, these nurses possess an initial idea on how to reach humanized care in its essence, needing, however, of an institutional policy that favors this practice, an educational formation that prepares her to recognize her field of work as a place of continuous learning and an understanding of the health model as an ally in the search of humanized care
The objective of this work consists of considering a script so that operating companies in the telecommunications sector, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, can reach excellency in its operations and get, thus, conditions to compete with companies consolidated in its niche of market. The proposal intends to lead the enterprises to a level of qualification of processes that to become them apt to adopt the Six Sigma method as part of its culture. From the analysis of the essential processes of the sector, methods and tools will be suggested for guarantee the continuous improvement of these processes, without forgetting the internal peculiarities of each company
This work focuses on the relationship between organizational culture and quality culture in the hotel sector of NATAL/RN with respect to employee performance. The themes organizational culture and quality have been the research focus of administration theorists and a constant concern of professional managers, since the Japanese demonstrated effective forms or western management. In this study, the Competing Values Model (C.V.M.) (Quinn e Cameron, 1996; Quinn, 1998; Santos, 1998, 2000; Teixeira, 2001), which was tested on north-American organizations and considered a high value academic and professional instrument, was applied. The model maps the organizational culture on a profile with four elements: clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchy. The C.V.M., associated with the taximetrics created by Cameron (which classifies quality culture in for levels: status quo, error detection, error prevention and perpetual creative quality) has been related with organizational performance. In this study, these two models are used jointly and tested in the hotel sector. The results indicate that the strongest element of the profile is clan, which is characterized by internal focus, participation and people involvement, followed by the adhocracy element, which has an external focus, emphasizes flexibility and is characterized by dynamic enterprising and creativity. Regarding the level of the culture s quality in the hotel, the highest level, that of perpetual improvement and creativity, which attempts to enchant and to surprise the clients, was most frequently cited, followed by the error detection level, which has as its goal to discover and correct mistakes, trying, consequently, to reduce waste. The results suggest that employee performance as measured on some indicators is related to elements of the organizational culture profile and quality level
The Six Sigma methodology consists of a program guided to the continuous improvement of enterprise processes, which aims at customer satisfaction, as well as increasing financial and operational profits. Considering that more than 99% of the Brazilian companies have up to five hundred employees, this study investigates how Six Sigma can be applied in small or medium size companies. This study was conducted based on literature review and application of the ideas in a medium size newspaper company, which manufactures newspapers that circulate daily in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The results of the research point to the viability of use of the methodology in this market segment, as well as suggest a method that can be used in similar companies
Increased competition in the market of urban transport, characteristic of the Brazilian cities from years 90, has required actions of the managing agencies to ensure the universality of service, enhancing efficiency and consumer welfare. It grows in the Brazilian municipalities, the need to adopt a systematic performance evaluation in terms of management system of indicators and targets appropriate to the regulatory context, which has the purpose of evaluating the accomplishment and compliance by dealers, of the services granted during the contract period, marked by increasingly long periods. The introduction of an index operational performance in permission contracts/concession in urban buses is intended to establish a regulatory performance, giving the contract a pro-competitive feature and to allow the managing agency the systematic and continuous monitoring of the performance of the delegated service to avoid major deviations from desired performance. A performance assessment model of public transportation companies by bus, and applicable to the case of Natal is proposed. Sought to add the particularities found in the transport system in order to assess the performance of enterprises, contribute to improving the service quality to the population and enable decision-makers a detailed knowledge of the behavior of the licensees
The strengthening of the domestic industry in Brazil required the modernization, mechanization and expansion of salt production. Thereafter the production of sea salt started to be made in a process of continuous flow, where the product is constantly stored in yards, with daily movements in and out of salt. Thus far, the major bottleneck found in this production process is the control of production, because due to the large amount produced and variety of losses existing in the various stages of production there are not a regulated and safe way to control inventories with accuracy and speed demanded. In a typical case with a salt marsh company of Rio Grande do Norte state, salt produced is stored in two open courtyards and inventory control of salt made by carrying input / output relationship of salt in each storage yard. This work developed a conceptual model of inventory control, based on topography, adopting surveys into one of the courtyards of the company. There were 25 biweekly survey measurements over a year book to generate digital models representing the stock. For each measurement, results were compared with the values of inventory accounting provided by the salt marsh in order to identify existing losses and mark out the sales department on the actual stock available at each measurement date. Inventories calculated by the model indicated losses of 6,349 tonnes for the period of one year book and 3,279 tonnes for the period between harvests, when compared to the accounting control
The use of Natural Gas Vehicle has had a fast increase lately. However, in order to have a continuous success this Program needs to develop converting devices of Otto-cycle engines, gasoline or alcohol, to the use of NGV (Natural Gas Vehicle) that presents low cost, maintaining the same original development of the vehicle and low level of emissions, considering the PROCONVE rules. Due to the need to diversify the matrix in order to avoid energetic dependence and due to strict pollution control, it has increased in the Brazilian market the number of vehicles converted to the use of NGV. The recent regulation of the PROCONVE, determining that the converted engines with kits should be submitted to emission testing, comes to reinforce the necessity of the proposed development. Therefore, if we can obtain kits with the characteristics already described, we can reach a major trust in the market and obtain an increase acceptance of the vehicle conversion for NGV. The use of natural gas as vehicle fuel presents several advantages in relation to liquid fuels. It is a vehicle fuel with fewer indexes of emissions when compared to diesel; their combustion gases are less harmful, with a major level of safety than liquid fuels and the market price is quite competitive. The preoccupation that emerges, and the motivation of this project, is to know which are the main justifications for such technology, well accepted in other countries, with a low index or emission, with a high level of safety, where its maintenance becomes low, reminding that for this it is necessary that this technology has to be used properly, and once available in the market will not motivate interest in the urban transportation companies in Brazil, in research centers in general. Therefore this project exists to show the society in a general way the current vision of the main governmental factors, of the national research centers and of the private companies concerning the use of natural gas vehicles in urban transport vehicles, in order to give a major reliability to the population as well as to motivate national market competitiveness with a low cost and reliable product and to enrich the national technology
The automatic speech recognition by machine has been the target of researchers in the past five decades. In this period have been numerous advances, such as in the field of recognition of isolated words (commands), which has very high rates of recognition, currently. However, we are still far from developing a system that could have a performance similar to the human being (automatic continuous speech recognition). One of the great challenges of searches for continuous speech recognition is the large amount of pattern. The modern languages such as English, French, Spanish and Portuguese have approximately 500,000 words or patterns to be identified. The purpose of this study is to use smaller units than the word such as phonemes, syllables and difones units as the basis for the speech recognition, aiming to recognize any words without necessarily using them. The main goal is to reduce the restriction imposed by the excessive amount of patterns. In order to validate this proposal, the system was tested in the isolated word recognition in dependent-case. The phonemes characteristics of the Brazil s Portuguese language were used to developed the hierarchy decision system. These decisions are made through the use of neural networks SVM (Support Vector Machines). The main speech features used were obtained from the Wavelet Packet Transform. The descriptors MFCC (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient) are also used in this work. It was concluded that the method proposed in this work, showed good results in the steps of recognition of vowels, consonants (syllables) and words when compared with other existing methods in literature
Simulations based on cognitively rich agents can become a very intensive computing task, especially when the simulated environment represents a complex system. This situation becomes worse when time constraints are present. This kind of simulations would benefit from a mechanism that improves the way agents perceive and react to changes in these types of environments. In other worlds, an approach to improve the efficiency (performance and accuracy) in the decision process of autonomous agents in a simulation would be useful. In complex environments, and full of variables, it is possible that not every information available to the agent is necessary for its decision-making process, depending indeed, on the task being performed. Then, the agent would need to filter the coming perceptions in the same as we do with our attentions focus. By using a focus of attention, only the information that really matters to the agent running context are perceived (cognitively processed), which can improve the decision making process. The architecture proposed herein presents a structure for cognitive agents divided into two parts: 1) the main part contains the reasoning / planning process, knowledge and affective state of the agent, and 2) a set of behaviors that are triggered by planning in order to achieve the agent s goals. Each of these behaviors has a runtime dynamically adjustable focus of attention, adjusted according to the variation of the agent s affective state. The focus of each behavior is divided into a qualitative focus, which is responsible for the quality of the perceived data, and a quantitative focus, which is responsible for the quantity of the perceived data. Thus, the behavior will be able to filter the information sent by the agent sensors, and build a list of perceived elements containing only the information necessary to the agent, according to the context of the behavior that is currently running. Based on the human attention focus, the agent is also dotted of a affective state. The agent s affective state is based on theories of human emotion, mood and personality. This model serves as a basis for the mechanism of continuous adjustment of the agent s attention focus, both the qualitative and the quantative focus. With this mechanism, the agent can adjust its focus of attention during the execution of the behavior, in order to become more efficient in the face of environmental changes. The proposed architecture can be used in a very flexibly way. The focus of attention can work in a fixed way (neither the qualitative focus nor the quantitaive focus one changes), as well as using different combinations for the qualitative and quantitative foci variation. The architecture was built on a platform for BDI agents, but its design allows it to be used in any other type of agents, since the implementation is made only in the perception level layer of the agent. In order to evaluate the contribution proposed in this work, an extensive series of experiments were conducted on an agent-based simulation over a fire-growing scenario. In the simulations, the agents using the architecture proposed in this work are compared with similar agents (with the same reasoning model), but able to process all the information sent by the environment. Intuitively, it is expected that the omniscient agent would be more efficient, since they can handle all the possible option before taking a decision. However, the experiments showed that attention-focus based agents can be as efficient as the omniscient ones, with the advantage of being able to solve the same problems in a significantly reduced time. Thus, the experiments indicate the efficiency of the proposed architecture