473 resultados para GN


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Peer reviewed


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Acknowledgements Many parties contributed to making this paper a reality. This research was supported by the European Social and Research Council, grant ESRC ES/K006428/1. The author is particularly grateful to the grant’s holder, Professor David Anderson from the Department of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen, for his various support throughout this research. The Barents Center of the Humanities at Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Apatity provided important institutional support. Officials from several fisheries management institutions of Arkhangelsk oblast, including Shiriaev Igor Alekseevich from Dvinsko-Pechorskoe Territorial Management Board, Skovorod’ko Artem Aleksandrovich from the Northern Basin Directorate of Fisheries and Water Biological Resources Conservation (Sevrybvod) and Korotenkov Aleksei Anatol’evich from the Fishing Industry Agency of Arkhangelsk oblast were very supportive and shared their knowledge wherever possible. Scholars Studenov Igor Ivanovich and Stasenkov Vladimir Aleksandrovich at Northern branch of the Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (SevPINRO) in Arkhangelsk provided their invaluable expertise on marine fisheries. Chairmen of several fishing collective farms – Tuchin Sergei Viktorovich, Samoilov Sergei Nikolaevich and Seliverstova Marina Nikolaevna – offered a great administrative support. Local residents of several villages in Mezen region were extremely generous and hospitable, providing places to stay, warm clothes, food, endless cups of tea, and most valuably, sparing their time. Finally, Natalie Wahnsiedler was a regular companion during fieldwork and a great source of inspiration for this research.


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Ceann de phrionsabail bhunaidh An Ghúim téacsleabhair agus leabhair ghinearálta a sholáthar do dhaltaí scoile is do lucht léitheoireachta na Gaeilge. Ábhair a bhaineann le curaclam na scoile, cuir i gcás, eolaíocht is tíos, oideachas, saoránaíocht, spórt, na teangacha Clasaiceacha, tíreolaíocht, taisteal agus an nádúr, creideamh is stair, a roghnaítear don taighde seo. Tugtar Aguisín (921 lch) le bheith ina threoir do phríomh-bhunachar sonraí na dochtúireachta seo (an chiall ghinearálta mar bhailiúchán eolais atá i gceist le “bunachar” sa tráchtas seo in ionad brí theicniúil ar leith). Trí phríomhchuid atá sa staidéar: “buneolas”, “anailís” is “toradh”. Sa “Bhuneolas”, tugtar cuntas beathaisnéiseach ar na bunúdair, soláthraítear achoimre ar na foilseacháin faoi staidéar, mar aon le faisnéis bhibleagrafaíochta i dtaobh na n- aistritheoirí, agus eolas faoi na comhlachtaí foilsitheoireachta a bhí páirteach sna tograí. Pléann “Anailís” brainsí de chuid an státchórais mar an Roinn Oideachais agus an Roinn Airgeadais i gcúrsaí maoinithe, nó gníomhairí lasmuigh de, cosúil le lucht deartha is clóchuradóireachta; moladh is coimisiúnú na saothar; sonraí cóipchirt na bhfoilseachán; roghnú, monatóireacht is díolaíocht na n-aistritheoirí, mar aon le breithniú inmheánach is seachtrach. Sa chuid dheireanach, féachtar le “Toradh” na hiarrachta a mheas, ag tagairt den líon cóipeanna de na leabhair a díoladh. Faightear eolas ar fhiosrú léitheoirí; praghas na leabhar; a ndíolachán is a n- athchló. Tugtar léirmheasanna a scríobhadh ar na haistriúcháin Ghaeilge agus na cúiseanna nár tháinig tograí ar leith chun críche. Is é aidhm na hoibre thar aon ní eile gné lárnach chasta d’eisint An Ghúim atá ligthe i ndíchuimhne a thabhairt ar ais chugainn go beo beathaíoch faoi mar a bhí lena ré saoil féin.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 193 recovered core from the active PACMANUS hydrothermal field (eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea) that provided an excellent opportunity to study mineralization related to a seafloor hydrothermal system hosted by felsic volcanic rocks. The purpose of this work is to provide a data set of mineral chemistry of the sulfide-oxide mineralization and associated gold occurrence in samples drilled at Sites 1188 and 1189. PACMANUS consists of five active vent sites, namely Rogers Ruins, Roman Ruins, Satanic Mills, Tsukushi, and Snowcap. In this work two sites were studied: Snowcap and Roman Ruins. Snowcap is situated in a water depth of 1670 meters below sea level [mbsl], covers a knoll of dacite-rhyodacite lava, and is characterized by low-temperature diffuse venting. Roman Ruin lies in a water depth of 1693-1710 mbsl, is 150 m across, and contains numerous large, active and inactive, columnar chimneys. Sulfide mineralogy at the Roman Ruins site is dominated by pyrite with lesser amounts of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, and galena. Sulfide minerals are relatively rare at Snow Cap. These are dominated by pyrite with minor chalcopyrite and sphalerite and traces of pyrrhotite. Native gold has been found in a single sample from Hole 1189B (Roman Ruins). Oxide minerals are represented by Ti magnetite, magnetite, ilmenite, hercynite (Fe spinel), and less abundant Al-Mg rich chromite (average = 10.6 wt% Al2O3 and 5.8 wt% MgO), Fe-Ti oxides, and a single occurrence of pyrophanite (Mn Ti O3). Oxide mineralization is more developed at Snowcap, whereas sulfide minerals are more extensive and show better development at Roman Ruins. The mineralogy was obtained mainly by a detailed optical microscopy study. Oxide mineral identifications were confirmed by X-ray diffraction, and mineral chemistry was determined by electron probe microanalyses.


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Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary science that is having a boom today, providing new products with attractive physicochemical properties for many applications. In agri/feed/food sector, nanotechnology offers great opportunities for obtaining products and innovative applications for agriculture and livestock, water treatment and the production, processing, storage and packaging of food. To this end, a wide variety of nanomaterials, ranging from metals and inorganic metal oxides to organic nanomaterials carrying bioactive ingredients are applied. This review shows an overview of current and future applications of nanotechnology in the food industry. Food additives and materials in contact with food are now the main applications, while it is expected that in the future are in the field of nano-encapsulated and nanocomposites in applications as novel foods, additives, biocides, pesticides and materials food contact.


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Angst- en stemmingsklachten worden geassocieerd met verminderde self-disclosure. Met self-disclosure wordt zelfonthulling van ervaren emoties bedoeld. Dit speelt een rol bij zelfacceptatie en zelfinzicht, en is belangrijk bij gesprekstherapie. Deze studie onderzocht of emotie-inhibitie de negatieve relatie tussen angst- en stemmingsklachten en self-diclosure verklaart, en of de relatie gunstig te beïnvloeden is door mindfulness. Het effect van mindfulness op deze relatie was nog niet eerder onderzocht. Deelnemers waren 99 vrouwen van 24 t/m 74 jaar (M = 44.60, SD = 10.55) en 26 mannen van 26 t/m 77 jaar (M = 48.27, SD = 12.68), afkomstig uit de normale Nederlands populatie. Het onderzoeksontwerp betrof een cross-sectioneel online vragenlijstonderzoek, waarbij gebruik gemaakt werd van de Symptom Checklist (Arrindel & Ettema, 1986), Emotional Self-Disclosure Scale (Snell, Miller, & Belk, 1988), Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Gross & John, 2003) en Five Factor Mindfulness Questionnaire – Short Form (Bohlmeijer, Ten Klooster, Fledderus, Veehof, & Baer, 2011). Resultaten tonen, conform bestaande literatuur, dat angst- en stemmingsklachten negatief samenhangen met self-disclosure. Emotie-inhibitie heeft echter géén mediatie-effect en mindfulness heeft géén moderatie-effect op de negatieve relatie tussen angst- en stemmingsklachten en self-disclosure. Mindfulness heeft wel mediatie-effect op deze relatie. Mindfulness hangt hierbij positief samen met self-disclosure. De relevantie van de bevindingen is vooral praktisch: om mensen met angst- en stemmingsklachten te stimuleren over hun emoties te praten zou mindfulness aangewend kunnen worden.


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Sea is a huge source to meet our daily needs, lifff(rrsccaaaeyohdpnnmmmimlruCeeeaorcxnefkuuouiaosaae nedparihtnatvesmtrpdmerrdnosi cwrlurlstdo -ofaieasopautiktlaeotnc intcyie,rcensruact irnshtoreitotee nnioipiaeetsnmma oeins oSsdiipdoonu soienadh hnoaae nno ein hctlshlacscnalersadiy i, udif ,y t sec aag bae wo sosc fr eoc a ntsralnoi alfador,oeahtefxneeofl nuc otu h nu imnatofe ratata ncisted rn teoieesdvdxrnnhescceexptsp gmn )ieis oadhitratmtnit dapo imoo i soheiwurc a s- toaaorhpstiie aieaidsr,nrneaedttiod ldenahi s. nctyiitdsl nictsseueavev sSera em d,h,e cdu sbsaeer depsraowe nde ,,cpscn m eaa n hrnfx uiesia tvoitsb memdoytprveatoati ft aisrvfrohceertfr dettogcenitt eo oi euafarsn sgepua srre nwctsamucrmaneoeeuurnworaieostnael aelaut anrtcstptai.iavmula,di sdenetzt et,a rcpn aeHbioetr ren s cttapniwrsibiyredl(nhhar,ciutnele eott Pd yssi naae.aos tgntbfspac uo,h shaalloi tt te eitlisr Tm,nu(eietaa teo s v x-o atvhutotrhdrreb, hqedtdhepy hdloa,fcsevetoesl gguynio uioehueeerlrea rv bpaaepsarti er b acprcepiaiei,chtmanoet rt ttoiilaerovt ahiscyd,tri tft os inktannao oi1nm iitieoccsiirttmdftre,etogcv t0etn.u aino ie pnye seohtmi e aom0oraosad hes lsspa cebnr.nm0end awsae a iiasem)hi vxyn0,ot.iliwPo p o neeingeireb s fTet-chhncaf ttbri el sh,ei tnh chy hbyyonbsaaepivmae .eoa eeeeitlbll,lfdmabern ooos eotltmlayaaiealsccoo,e r ncbtc uw iranuo)dim.aoisgnhlwahp iesn eciysf ot,aeitprOete hes amsecsdh( hfeerdemrh.m.sRiy lfad a i ees dgaosi caeycclag vh T ii illhtasfcTthcuflorccsyloeh aoiol horsot tae shn,csa r.rai erhdrtoa menea,lyxnlesdeh ayrs sao r dcctadi gN e epigep,m etrtapat nn a uy,a reraie oywcrd rahb vireai enepmseacwoanuspnvyyeirepso ntcocrerttassepc c iieeaedohefoaeab me-tnc rie l ndsuhnmaemng i wioi,scgaos tclcaeltnteoeesomaiga eeluaic eieytn, yci ivucnnspi) a.atet.dtfsf,ops g a,is iodgawltbf d hsou,oIenosrwoee a grgino sensoc entoauddrgmeforf h lieureaw o as minaeo nntatb itd t lnuohrhecndieaaratttotoaicssdhndphooyeeaecsssssrffl


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Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, 2015.


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Tekst powstał jako część wprowadzająca do książki o Lidze Narodów obejmującej lata 1926-1933. Oczekiwania wydawcy na książkę skromniejszą objętościowo wymusiło istotne zmiany koncepcyjne oraz redakcyjne fragmentów już napisanych. Ta część napisanej już pracy do zmienionej ze względów "organizacyjnych" koncepcji nie przystaje. Walka zaś i opór w istniejących na rynku wydawniczym warunkach, byłyby jałowym biegiem. Zaprezentowany materiał jest zatem wstępną wersją, której cyzelowanie, uzupełnianie i poprawianie nie wyzwalało emocji.


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This thesis charts the stakeholder communities, physical environment and daily life of two little studied Qādiriyya Sufi shrines associated with Shaikh ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī (1077 – 1165 AD), a 12th century Ḥanbalī Muslim theologian and the posthumous founder of one of the oldest Sufi orders in Islam. The first shrine is based in Baghdad and houses his burial chamber; and the second shrine, on the outskirts of the city of ‘Aqra in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, is that of his son Shaikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (died 1206 AD). The latter was also known for lecturing in Ḥanbalī theology in the region, and venerated for this as well as his association with Shaikh ʿAbd al-Qādir. Driven by the research question “What shapes the identity orientations of these two Qādiriyya Sufi shrines in modern times?” the findings presented here are the result of field research carried out between November 2009 and February 2014. This field research revealed a complex context in which the two shrines existed and interacted, influenced by both Sufi and non-Sufi stakeholders who identified with and accessed these shrines to satisfy a variety of spiritual and practical needs, which in turn influenced the way each considered and viewed the two shrines from a number of orientations. These overlapping orientations include the Qādirī Sufi entity and the resting place of its patron saint; the orthodox Sunnī mosque with its muftī-imams, who are employed by the Iraqi government; the local Shīʿa community’s neighbourhood saint’s shrine and its destination for spiritual and practical aid; and the local provider of welfare to the poor of the city (soup kitchen, funeral parlour and electricity-generation amongst other services). The research findings also revealed a continuously changing and adapting Qādirī Sufi scene not immune from the national and regional socio-religio-political environments in which the two shrines exist: a non-Sufi national political class vying to influence and manipulate these shrines for their own purposes; and powerful national sectarian factions jostling to do the same. The mixture of stakeholders using and associating with the two shrines were found to be influential shapers of these entities, both physically and spiritually. Through encountering and interacting with each other, most stakeholders contributed to maintaining and rejuvenating the two shrines, but some also sought to adapt and change them driven by their particular orientation’s perspective.